How many months children begin to walk: permissible terms. Why the child began to walk later: factors affecting the process

How many months children begin to walk: permissible terms. Why the child began to walk later: factors affecting the process

In this topic, we will talk about the temporary framework when children begin to walk.

Without exception, parents know what a long -awaited event it is - the first steps of the baby. And sometimes we ourselves will rush this time in anticipation. After all, I really want to be happy and boast of friends and relatives that finally the long-awaited moment has come!

But not everyone knows that this phenomenon is a consequence of the individual development of the body. And that the first steps taken by one child at 15 months are no worse than those made by another baby at 9 months. Therefore, in today's topic, we want to come to a common denominator, how many months children should start to walk.

What time do children begin to walk?

  • It is worth noting right away that the first steps of the crumbs are just saying that the child has formed motor-motor skills that allow to hold the body in an upright position.
  • And there was a complete settlement of body systems that are responsible for this complex process. And at what age this or another child will happen - it does not matter. Within a reasonable time period, of course.
  • In some children, this happens earlier, and in others it is later, because It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and its genetic predisposition.
  • It is important that the development of the baby occurs without deviations and under the control of the pediatrician. And also important is the fact that the child should begin to walk naturally, without forcing this process by the parents.
Parents drive themselves into a time frame
Parents drive themselves into a time frame

This must be preceded by the following stages:

  • the child lifts and holds his head;
  • the child raises the body with support on his hands;
  • from the position on the back, the child independently turns on the stomach and on the side;
  • from the position on the back, the child independently rises with his feet and arms;
  • the child begins to crawl, actively helping himself with his arms and legs;
  • the kid tries to take an upright position with the help of support;
  • the child begins to walk with support;
  • the baby takes the first steps without support.

Important: in medicine, there are no clear norms that determine the timing of walking skills. Although it is generally accepted that on average, the child should take the first unopened step at 12 months. But this is a purely relative indicator that covers The interval between 9 and 18 months.

Do not rush the baby yourself
Do not rush the baby yourself

Which is better - when children begin to walk sooner or later?

  • Let's look at what walking is. This is not just moving the body in space in an upright position. This is, first of all, a complex process of coordinated brain movements, central nervous system, receptors, joints and muscles, which are called flexors and extensors.
  • Walk, first of all, the brain learns! Therefore, from the moment the child took the first step to the moment when he had a debug coordination of the most difficult movements - running, turning, jumps - passing a lot of time. All these skills are formed gradually, smoothly flowing one of the other.
  • Parents make a big mistake Which at the creeping stage sit in the walkers, thereby forcefully developing skills in walking. In this case, the natural process of the formation of motor-motor skills is disturbed, the connection between the work of the brain, receptors and muscles is torn.
    • In such children, various disturbances in motility occur much more often, they often lose their balance, fall, and at an older age they cannot master various physical exercises.
    • Often they cannot naturally group when falling and become more vulnerable, subject to head injuries and musculoskeletal systems. Sometimes this acquires such a form that the child has states that have to adjust neuropathologists.
  • In addition, forced teaching a child can walk skills adversely affect the formation of his spine, Which, at an early age, is not yet able to hold the child’s body in an upright position and experiences excessive load.
    • The same entails the curvature of the foot and lower leg of the crumbs. Do not forget that all the bones have cartilaginous fabric, so very soft and supple even under their own weight.
  • If the baby goes later than his peers, then you need to panic only in the caseif there were birth injuries, the baby has weakened immunity, there is a danger in the brain or vertebra. But more often this only speaks of the unwillingness of the child!
Among the significant factors are gender and personal characteristics of the baby
Among the significant factors are gender and personal characteristics of the baby

Factors affecting the deadlines for gaining skills when children begin to walk

  • The first point belongs genetics.That is, the child usually inherits the physiological characteristics of parents, grandfathers and grandmothers.
  • But individual characteristics, that is physiology,they may form in him depending on the physical condition and weight of the body.
  • Of great importance is temperament, Which is partially hereditary, partially determined by individual developmental features.
    • Tolstenic children with a large weight in the early stages of development can be more difficult to hold their weight, but they are more inclined to sit, watch something than actively moving.
  • Matters and Psychological factor, When the child had already gone on his own, but fell, hit and is afraid to take a step again. In this case, it will not be superfluous to support him, to help overcome the fear of a new fall.
  • Such a point as individual characteristicsit implies many all kinds of aspects - from a simple lag in development due to the prematureism of the child to various physiological pathologies. Everything is individual here and requires the doctor’s intervention. The same applies to various diseases, including neurological disorders.

After a healthy child took his first steps, parents should carefully observe him and celebrate any unnatural movements. If at least something seems suspicious, you should immediately consult a orthopedic doctor.

Keep in mind that the first steps will be a little awkward
Keep in mind that the first steps will be a little awkward

But keep in mind that from the first day, children do not begin to walk on a step, like an adult. And this is completely normal! That is:

  • children often put their legs parallel to each other;
  • sometimes the kids are clubfoot. This requires the attention of a doctor, but purely for consultation. As a rule, a similar phenomenon passes over time;
  • they do not know how to "roll" from heel to sock. If you take a closer look, then they seem to “reprint” the trace;
  • kids sometimes put the leg on their side. Especially if the baby learned to run in the walkers. Over time, this is leaving. But do not lose sight of such a phenomenon, so as not to miss dangerous bells;
  • at the beginning of their studies, children can walk "on tiptoe." And this is also normal!

In conclusion, one more instruction should be given - the child knows better when he needs to start walking! Therefore, rejoice at every moment and do not rush events. If you so want to play with your child the game “Raise all surrounding objects”, then it is better to do more gymnastics and massage procedures with him!

Video: At what age should the children should sit, walk, etc.?

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