Inner trembling in the body, in the hands: reasons, what to do?

Inner trembling in the body, in the hands: reasons, what to do?

Sometimes with us, or nearby people, an unpleasant situation can happen when trembling in the body or its individual parts arises. Most often, such a phenomenon is manifested in the hands, legs, jaws, and an arbitrary trembling of the head and tongue often occurs.

In this case, due to lack of information, a panic may occur, and a person can harm himself even more. Let's deal with the causes and treatment of trembling in the body.

Inner trembling in the body: causes, accompanying symptoms

There are a large number of reasons that can lead to trembling in the body.

The most common are:

  • nervous excitement;
  • hypothermia;
  • exhaustion;
  • fatigue;
  • fright;
  • excess of caffeine;
  • hunger;
  • disturbance of the brain;
  • failure during the work of the heart;
  • clogging of blood vessels;
  • infectious diseases;
  • complication during pregnancy;
  • climax period;
  • diabetes.
Explanation of frequent reasons
Explanation of frequent reasons

Even one of the listed symptoms may indicate the appearance of this ailment.

The most common related symptoms of inner tremor in the body:

  • unconscious closure and discovery of the eyelids;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • arbitrary contraction of the muscles of the face, neck and head;
  • simultaneous arbitrary contraction of many parts of the body;
  • chest pain;
  • rubber in the stomach;
  • stitching sensations in the limbs;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • the tension in the back of the head and spine.

The main task of the human autonomic system is control over the work of the whole human organism. It is divided into two parts. One of them is responsible for nervous excitement, the second for the suspension of nervous processes.

The correct operation of the autonomic system allows us to keep the muscles in good shape and, accordingly, keep the body in an even state. In the event that at least a slight failure occurs in it, a trembling in the whole body may be an adverse reaction. The exact cause of trembling in the body can only be determined by a qualified specialist.

Inner trembling in the body: which doctor to contact

For help with repeating, constant and strong inner trembling in the body, you can contact several doctors:

  • endocrinologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychotherapist.
Seek for help
Seek for help

Treatment of internal trembling in the body

  • After passing the tests and diagnosis, the doctor may recommend the patient to take a vacation and go out of town.
  • If the cause of the inner trembling is nervous excitement or depletion of cells, the specialist will write natural sedatives, herbs and vitamins.
  • If the patient has complications, he will be sent to pass several the psychotherapist's sessions.

How to calm an inner trembling in the body: tips for relief symptoms

To facilitate the manifestations of internal trembling in the body before going to the doctor, as well as to avoid repeating arbitrary contractions, it is necessary to adjust the lifestyle.

  1. Breathe deeper. As a rule, with stress and nervous excitement, we begin to breathe much more often. This leads to an increase in the heartbeat and release of adrenaline. An excess of adrenaline in the blood can sooner or later lead to trembling in the arms and legs. Of course, it is impossible to avoid completely stressful situations with today's pace of life. But in order to help nerve cells easier to cope with tension, it is necessary to learn how to breathe more slowly and deeply. In the beginning, difficulties may arise with this, but after several days the body will get used to this type of breathing.
  2. Go in for sports, yoga or meditation. Daily physical exercises will help to distract from hard work and household chores. During sports, despite the fact that the body receives a load, the nervous system is gaining strength and resting. It is best to avoid shaking in the body for training to choose easy exercises.
  3. Massage. Light morning and evening massage will allow the muscles to relieve fatigue and tension. Scientists have proved that a daily five -minute massageless bodies improves brain function, relieves people from stress and turns an unpleasant trembling of the body.
  4. Domest. Most often, this recommendation can be found not only from doctors, but also by coaches. And the reason for this common council is justified by the fact that the body needs time to restore. Despite your loaded schedule, in no case should you reduce sleep time. An adult needs to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  5. Control your diet. There are situations when a person, even taking a snack with him for lunch, forgets or, giving preference to business, does not eat. Both increased and reduced blood sugar negatively affects the human body. In case of decrease in sugar, convulsions, chilliness and an unpleasant trembling in the body may occur, which will cause a lot of trouble. To always stay in good shape, you must observe the diet, and even with a difficult schedule, find time for snacks. People with diabetes should be especially intently of their regime of day. If trembling in the body could not be prevented as soon as possible eat or drink something sweet and containing carbohydrates. It can be a candy, a chocolate bar, fruit juice or compote with a lot of glucose.
  6. Limit the amount of caffeine. A cup of coffee or tea during the day can create miracles and betray the body of vigor and strength. However, when the amount of caffeine drunk per day begins to exceed the permissible daily norm, it negatively affects health. It is also not recommended to use caffeine to children and adolescents, as it increases the heartbeat and washed out calcium from the body.
  7. Refuse drug consumption, alcohol and nicotine. No wonder cigarettes, alcohol and drugs are called evil. They adversely affect the entire body, including a vegetative system. As a result, when using these substances, arbitrary convulsions may occur in the body. In the event of attacks from any of these substances, you must urgently seek help from a doctor. It is also worth noting that one of the reactions of the body in case of refusal to use drugs, nicotine and alcohol may be trembling in the body. Therefore, it is worth serious about this issue and to consult a doctor before throwing before throwing.
  8. Do not self -medicate. Any drugs have side effects. Among them is the occurrence of trembling in the body. Only experienced specialists, having the results of the tests taken on their hands, will be able to choose the most optimal treatment options for any disease.

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