Viferon - Instructions for use

Viferon - Instructions for use

In this article, we will discuss indications for the use of the drug "Viferon", get acquainted with acceptable dosages and talk about the possible analogues of the drug.

Instructions on application

« Viferon»this is a drug human alpha2 interferon. He represents yourself protein, which the in norm it is produced body and serves for immune protection organism from infections and viruses.

Mechanism actions drug « Viferon»

  • it medicinal means designed scientists pharmaceutical company « Feron». Basic therapeutic effect provides alpha2 interferon, but and auxiliary components serving for amplification treatment
  • AT his compound enter so the same vitamin E and vitamin FROM. Medicinal means acts complex, he suppresses development viral infections, oppresses chlamyal infection, it prevents reproduction tumors cells and provides stimulating effect on the immune system
  • Auxiliary substances (vitamins), incoming in compound drug provide expressed antocial action. it significant way promotes speedy offensive therapeutic effect, because how at anyonedisease in body is happening accumulation malicious products exchange substances
  • Vitamins, in my turn, promotes normalization process oxidizingrecovery reactions and serving protection for impact on the healthy cells medicinal substances

The form release

The form release drug it has important meaning. A drug available in form:
Rectal suppository

And certainly, appointment drug in that or other form release carries in yourself indications to application.

Indications to application

« Viferon»- gel showed at:

Frequent diseases ORZ u children for prevention and treatment
Treatment and prevention at chronic information virus herpes u women at any localization
Stenizing laryngotracheite u children with frequent relapses for his prevention and treatment

« Viferon»- ointment apply at:

Treatment warts, papillomas, condyl sharp (papillomovirus man)
Defeat skin pokov and mucous membranes herpetic infection

« Viferon»- rectal suppository assign at:

At chronic hepatitis viral etiology (FROM, AT, D.) how u children, so and u adults. Application maybe in combination with procedures hemorutation and plasmoferesa. Showed for treatment hepatitis, complicated cirrhosis liver and having high degree activity
At treatment bacterial infections, flu, SARS u adults and children
At treatment urogenital infections u pregnant, different flow herpetic infections any localization
Diverse inflammatory and infectious pathology u children, and u newborns, a so the same u premature kids. Treatment sepsis and intrauterine infections

Viferon children

AT therapeutic and preventive goals children « Viferon» assign in the following doses:
AT thoracic age before 6 months assign dose from 300 thousands before 500 thousands Me in day
AT age from 6 month before 1 of the year dose it is 500 thousands Me in day
AT age 1 year7 years in dose 3 million Me in day
AT age older 7 years dose it is 5 millions Me in day

Not apply a drug on one's own, so how therapeutic dose for everyone child calculated individually.

Necessary daily dosage divide on the 2 reception through each 12 hours. Well treatment it is 10 days on previously specified recommendations, a then assign 3 times in a week from 6 months before 1 of the year.

Children with chronic pathology liver assign primary application daily in the course 2 weeks in combination with plasmoferesis on 1 rectal suppository 2 times through each 12 hours. AT age before 7 years this is dose 150 thousands Me, older500 thousands Me.

Viferon dosage

Gel assign in preventive goals at ORZ and laryngotracheite 3 times in day (5 once in day for treatment on the length weeks, then 3 times in day) on the length 3 weeks, applying tough a swab on the affected tonsils. After floor of the year well repeat. For prevention diseases recommended application gel 2 times in year in autumnspring period diseases. For treatment chronic infections u women application gel assign before 7 once in day

Ointment apply on the incepted sites skin and mucous membranes shells 45 once in day on the length 1 weeks. Treatment necessary start off with the first days manifestations diseases

Rectal suppositories adults assign in dose 3 mil Me 2 times in day through each 12 hours on the length 10 days daily, then scheme it changes. Apply candles 3 times in a week on the length from 6 months before of the year. Duration application medicinal funds depends from results laboratory tests. At infections pregnant assign dose 500 thousands Me 2 times in day each 12 hours on the length 10 days. For treatment virus herpes assign dose 1 million Me 2 times in day, duration 1012 days. Pregnant with infection urine and sexual ways in dose 500 thousands Me150 thousands Me in dependencies from trimester pregnancy
Remember, what dosage and scheme treatment to you maybe appoint only doctor.

Viferon contraindications

  • Contraindications how those the a drug not it has, how and noticeable side effects. However can exist contraindications for application rectal suppositories how forms release
  • Suppositories difficult use at vast hemorrhoids back passage.
  • Increased sensitivity to additional components drug maybe so the same serve contraindication to application
  • AT the first trimester pregnancy, more precisely in the first 2 weeks not costs apply a drug

Viferon or anoferon?

Answering on the this question, need mark what « Viferon not it has contraindications. At this possesses wide spectrum application and excellent effectiveness.

"Anaferon", in my turn, it has row contraindications and, if can so to tell, it has more soft action. AT comparison with « Viferon» this a drug not much cheaper on price politics, but is remedy homeopathic and not contains immunoglobulinov, necessary for treatment serious viral pathologies.

Analogs Viferon

Component analogues given medicinal funds on the the moment not exists. There is only medicinal funds, having similar effects in treatment:


Negative reviews in address given medicinal funds we not found.
Advantages drug « Viferon», which most often celebrated in reviews.
Applied u children with moment birth
It has in your own composition antioxidants
A drug passed all research and recognized most safe for application
Not it has side effects
Not it has cumulative effect
Not it has relations to group immunostimulants
Allowed in period pregnancy and feeding breasts

Video: Viferon- antiviral drug

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