I scratch me for no apparent reason: what can it be, how to get rid of skin itching?

I scratch me for no apparent reason: what can it be, how to get rid of skin itching?

The whole body itches for no apparent reason: all kinds of reasons.


Complaint - I scratch for no apparent reason, is usually accompanied by irritation, inability to sleep fully, as well as a fear of contagious diseases that will go to others. In this article, we will talk about obvious and hidden reasons why a person comes to the doctor with a complaint, everyone is itching for no apparent reason - what can it be, how to get rid of skin itching?

I scratch for no apparent reason on the nervous ground

According to statistics, if the whole body itches for no apparent reason - most often this is due to the nervous system, as well as experiences regarding life situations. Against the background of nervous overstrain before exams, when changing work, before the wedding or the birth of a child, as well as serious quarrels and diseases of loved ones, neurosis can begin, and it will pass only after solving the problem, in combination with the reception of sedatives.

I scratch for no apparent reason: allergies

An allergy is a terrible ailment that has struck more than 70% of the population of the planet. If the whole body itches for no apparent reason - one of the main reasons is precisely allergies. It is strictly not recommended to relieve itching with drugs without consulting a doctor, because medicines mask the cause without removing the root cause.

I scratch for no apparent reason - what to do?
I scratch for no apparent reason - what to do?

I scratch for no apparent reason: does the liver and gall bladder hurt?

The next reason why it scratches for no apparent reason the whole body or some parts - diseases of the liver and gall bladder and its ducts. So, in the case of inflammation of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas, dryness and skin irritation increases significantly. The body can scratch both the most dry areas and throughout the surface. It is also worth noting that with cirrhosis of the liver, the body itches in every fifth patient.

If you have chronic diseases of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder and there is a desire to itch throughout the body - this is a good reason to see a doctor immediately.

I get it for no apparent reason: diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands

Patients on uremia most often complain that the whole body itches for no apparent reason. Moreover, the worse the condition of the patient, the stronger the itching of the skin. In addition, with other diseases of the kidneys, complaints about itching throughout the body, or on some areas of the body, are also possible.

I scratch for no apparent reason: thyroid gland

With various diseases of the thyroid gland, and especially the presence of a goiter, people have itching throughout the body, as well as dry skin and cracks. It is also worth noting that for no apparent reason it scratches the whole body with people with iodine deficiency, even if they still do not have thyroid diseases.

I scratch for no apparent reason: type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus

With diabetes of type 1 and 2, the entire body itches for no apparent reason due to improper metabolism, which often causes dry skin. In addition, it is worth noting that with this diagnosis, thrush often occurs due to increased glucose in the blood, which is very difficult to cure.

I get it for no apparent reason: hematological diseases

Separate attention is deserved by the problem of why the whole body is scratching for no apparent reason - hematological diseases. People with a diagnosis of true polycythemia are especially affected by itching. It is worth noting that when itching occurs for no reason, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When the body itches, you need to look and eliminate the cause
When the body itches, you need to look and eliminate the cause

I scratch for no apparent reason: a terrible diagnosis of HIV

In patients with HIV, even in the initial stages, a bright symptom is indicated - the whole body itches for no apparent reason. If you have, in addition to itching, there is weakening of immunity, general weakness, etc. We recommend that you take a planned analysis for HIV. Remember that today the identified disease will help to choose a course of treatment in time and increase the time and quality of life.

I get it for no apparent reason: autoimmune diseases

Another difficult reason why it scratches for no apparent reason - autoimmune diseases associated with the nervous system. For example, multiple sclerosis can cause unexpected bouts of itching throughout the body, which also quickly and stop. In this type of disease, the attending physician prescribes an additional examination and treatment course aimed at removing this symptom.

I scratch for no apparent reason: the first signs of psoriasis

If the whole body itches for no apparent reason, there is a risk that you develop psoriasis. It is worth noting that itching is not the only symptom of this disease, and peeling zones appear on the body that blush and inflamed. The faster you consult a doctor, the more effective the treatment will be.

I scratch for no apparent reason: eczema

Another skin disease in which the whole body itches for no apparent reason. If you are prone to allergies, and also from childhood you have redness on your hands and face - there are all the risks of eczema. To confirm the diagnosis, a doctor’s consultation is required.


I scratch for no apparent reason: helminthiasis

With some types of worms, an anal hole is scratching, as well as the thighs and genitals. But some types of worms cause allergic reactions, due to which the whole body itches for no apparent reason. If the body itches in a child for no apparent reason - first of all, he is sent to check helminthiasis.

I scratch for no apparent reason: scabies

Yes, in the twenty-first century, there is still a disease of the “dirty body”-scabies, from which at the very beginning it scratches the whole body for no apparent reason. Later, pustules and dropsy appear on the body, in which parasites grow. But in the beginning, even before the appearance of the rash, there is a sharp itching in the whole body.

I scratch for no apparent reason: demodecosis

With demodicosis, hair follicles affect the ticks, which is why the whole body itches for no apparent reason. Please note that itching takes place only after a full course of treatment.


I scratch for no apparent reason: pediculosis

Sometimes, when pediculosis appears, not only the head itches, but also complaints that the whole body is scratching for no apparent reason. This indicates a person’s allergic reaction to lice, and antiallergic drugs are required, which are taken until complete recovery.

I scratch for no apparent reason: Pulicosis

Pulicosis is a disease caused by human flea. Does the whole body itch for no apparent reason when moving to a new place? Or recently someone from relatives returned from a business trip, sanatorium, camps, study? Check if fleas have settled at home, and if yes - immediately get rid of them.

I scratch for no apparent reason: bugs

Just like in pulcosis, complaints may arise from bug bites that the whole body is scratching for no apparent reason. You can completely get rid of the symptoms only by taking bugs out of the house. But until then you can take anti -allergic drugs to eliminate itching. Important: you can take such drugs for several days, not months.

Bug bites
Bug bites

I scratch for no apparent reason: streptoderma

Streptoderma is a disease caused by bacteria penetrating under the skin. Symptoms - not only itching for no apparent reason, the whole body, but also abundant rashes are observed, which are easily combed and decayed.

I scratch for no apparent reason: folliculitis

Folliculite is a disease that occurs when infection enters follicles that most often occurs with non-compliance with hygiene, or rest in places with raging strepto-staphylococcal infection. In this case, for no apparent reason, the whole body, or areas where infection occurred.

I scratch for no apparent reason: herpes

We are all used to herpes - these are blisters on the lips. But the varieties of the disease can affect any part of the body, and it can also cover the skin abundantly and then the patients note that the whole body is scratching for no apparent reason, and only after a few hours or days stains affected by herpes appear.


I get it for no apparent reason: a deficiency of vitamins and minerals

One of the rare, but still reasons why the whole body itches for no apparent reason is the lack of minerals and vitamin in it. Remember that before replenishing the vitamin-mineral complex-it is necessary to take tests for a shortage of an element and consult a doctor.

I scratch for no apparent reason: dry skin

For no apparent reason, the whole body is itching - a complaint of excessively clean -up girls and ladies, who are washed with detergents, mercilessly scrub the skin making it dry, with microcracks. If you constantly use a scrub, soap, shower gel, etc. - Do not forget about the body cream.

I scratch for no apparent reason: cosmetic procedures

Today, if the whole body itches for no apparent reason, you also need to think about whether you have cosmetic procedures, the essence of which to remove the upper layer of the skin for updating. Indeed, in this case, until the skin is restored, itching will be observed.

I scratch for no apparent reason: Pregnancy

For no apparent reason, the whole body itches, both at the beginning of pregnancy and at various stages. You can remove unpleasant itching with milk and body cream, because it is caused by a rapidly expanding skin.

I scratch for no apparent reason: menopause

When the feminine triggers fades, the condition of the skin changes, and from this complaints often arise that the whole body itches for no apparent reason. To solve this and other problems, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor and drink hormone replacement therapy.

Dry skin during menopause
Dry skin during menopause

I scratch for no apparent reason: when should I go to the hospital?

And in conclusion - when is it worth consulting a doctor if the whole body itches for no apparent reason? There is a small checklist that will help to facilitate the task:

  • You have a suspicion of one of the above points - contact the doctor immediately, or eliminate the reason if it is lice, fleas, ticks, bugs;
  • Itching is more than 14 days;
  • It is impossible to sleep or engage in everyday business;
  • There are additional symptoms causative: a sharp decrease in weight, irritation and aggression, apathy, rapid fatigue, more often or less often the urge to the toilet.

I get it for no apparent reason: tips and recommendations

Milan: I moved to a new apartment and began to itch for no apparent reason, went around all the doctors until I reached the allergist. After a conversation with him, I learned from the owner of the apartment that insects had been poisoned before my entrance. The allergist issued recommendations for cleaning the apartment from the remnants of the life of insects, and the chemicals themselves and the itching itself ceased.

Maksim: Itching went away, and during the day the whole body was scratching. I did not know where to put myself. I went to the hospital, and as it turned out, I have a violation of the work of the thyroid gland, which pulled the skin. I drink the course, I hope for the nearest recovery.

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Video: symptoms, causes and treatment of severe itching of the skin in adults

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