Hungarian shepherd Komondor - smart and unusual dog: views, description, standard, photo

Hungarian shepherd Komondor - smart and unusual dog: views, description, standard, photo

The dog Komondor is a beautiful and unusual dog that was brought from Hungary. Read more about the breed in this article.

The breed commander is the most famous shepherd. The appearance of the dog is unusual. The animal needs it for disguise. Read more about this breed below.

Commander Dog, Comondor: description of the breed, standard, photo

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

Commander is a large dog, with a muscular and strong torso. This is a rather rare breed. Such dogs need strong -willed owners, since they obey only the owners to leaders. The animal requires professional training and a lot of space for maintenance.

  • Initially, the dog was bred for guard purposes and livestock protection, which she successfully coped at all times.
  • Outwardly, animals have a white color and are completely covered with thick long hair, which needs good care and haircut.
  • This breed of dogs is a kind of Hungarian shepherd.
  • Commanders belong to large dogs. The body is muscular, the physique is strong, the coat is long and thick.
  • The color of the animal should only be white.
  • Thanks to the appearance, it is perfectly disguised among sheep in Otar.

Here is a photo of the dog of this breed:

Commander Dog
Commander Dog
Commander Dog
Commander Dog
Commander Dog
Commander Dog
  • Comondors can behave very aggressively in relation to other dogs, since they constantly strive to expand their territory.
  • The dog is usually smart, careful and can even attack wild animals, and it does it lightning speed and unexpectedly.
  • To teach obedience such a dog is necessary from an early age. The dog perfectly assimilates new skills.

Description and breed standards:

  • The length of the body is about 104 % Heights at the withers.
  • The length of the chest approximately 45 %.
  • Breast width - about 28 %.
  • The volume of the chest covers 116 %.
  • Head length - p risos 40 % Heights at the withers.

This is a very beautiful dog, with its own special character and behavior. Read more more.

Breed commander or Hungarian shepherd: features, character

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

The disposition of the Hungarian shepherd is calm. The name of the "Commander" breed fully reflects the manner of dogs to behave. They are not picky, but require attention to themselves. The character of this dog is independent, very harsh and fearless, it has an innate instinct to protect the property or site entrusted to it. It copes with the work of the shepherd, especially since the structure of its wool allows you to merge with the flock of sheep.

Features of appearance, behavior and character:

  • Thick white wool is distinguished from other breeds of dogs, which forms peculiar braids.
  • The commander is an “eternal puppy”. He loves to play, but at the same time has good hunting and fighting skills.
  • Dogs of the commander breed are divided into two psychological types - dependent on human attention and freedom -loving. The breeders when searching for the owner for the puppy are guided by his psychological type.
  • Due to the hunting abilities of the commanders, they can often be found in country houses.
  • In case of danger, the animal will attack quickly.
  • He is wary of strangers. When the owner behaves peacefully nearby, but if you leave the dog alone with strangers can show aggression.
  • If there is nothing dangerous in the territory, the dog behaves calmly and friendly.

The commanders are very devoted to the owner. They have a high level of intelligence, quite quick -witted. Due to the presence in the nature of hunting instincts, the dog is able to independently make decisions.

Hungarian guard dog Commander: Care Rules, Contents, Nutrition

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

This breed of dogs is very similar to a plush toy, and all this because of an unusual appearance. But getting such a result is not easy. The owners of the breed will need individual special items to care for the dog, and also a lot of time and patience.

Here are the rules for the care and maintenance of the dog:

  • For courtship for representatives of the breed of the Hungarian patrol dog, the commander needs 3 haircut procedures per year.
  • Many dogs need monthly procedures, especially if the cords are constantly weaving.
  • In autumn and spring, the breed is melting. Therefore, wool must not only be cut, but also combed with a special comb.
  • Be sure to inspect the hair of dogs on the presence of bugs.
  • Also be patient to wash the dog. It is necessary to soak the hair of the dog at least an hour.
  • Drying a pet will take about 24 hours.
  • Also do not forget to cut the dog. For haircuts, you will need special scissors.
  • Every day you need to check the ears and eyes of the commander.


  • Although this is a large dog, you need a little food for it.
  • Food is enough with volume about 1.2 kg per day.
  • Water should be in an accessible place for a dog.

This type of dog is unpretentious to food, but the owners should initially decide which diet they will give the dog - dry feed or natural products.

It is worth knowing: Experts advise using the option with dry feed, since such a diet contains many vitamins and minerals.

Hungarian shepherd Commander: Views

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

Komondor (commander) - Hungarian shepherd, pride of dog handlers of Hungary. A large dog weighing up to 60 kg, this is a shepherd and a watchdog breed. As mentioned above, its peculiarity is the cord structure of the wool, so it is also called the "cord" dog.

Interesting to know: The breed was almost completely lost, but after the Second World War it managed to restore it.

This breed is divided into types:

  • White chestnut - reference breed. Any color, except white, including spotted, is considered a vice.
  • Comondor is black - It is not considered a pure breed, refers to mestizos.
  • Bullets - Another type of breed, a small dog, weighing up to 16 kg. Bred for grazing and stinging, can be a good companion. Bullets can be black, gray and white in color.
  • Famous for the breed to the chestnut - Polish lowland shepherd. She was also on the verge of disappearance, but was restored. The dog is suspicious of strangers, but courageous and determined. He knows how to make independent decisions.

If you reason strictly, then there is only one type of commander - white. The remaining species are either mestizos or related breeds that have a common ancestor with the commander, from which they inherited such a memorable and unusual appearance.

Commander Dog: Health, illness and treatment

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

White, large, fluffy and unusual dog is a handsome commander. Oddly enough, but this is a shepherd. Official name: "Hungarian patrol shepherd of the commander breed." If you have already decided to purchase such a dog, congratulations. Below we will consider such issues as the health of the dog, possible diseases and their treatment. So, in order.


  • The commander - the dogs are strong. Historically, they were brought out as workers of the dogs and tried to do everything so that they were as little as possible as possible genetic diseases.
  • The living conditions of dogs, for example, a thousand years ago, were very harsh, so nature itself developed immunity to diseases in them.
  • These dogs often die from an accident, for example, falling under a car or an attack by a predator.
  • The average life expectancy of this breed 8-10 years. This does not mean that dogs do not get sick at all, but that they are less susceptible to various diseases is a reliable fact.


  • Dyplasia of the hip joints.
  • Entropy (defect in the century).

This breed is a dog, due to its rather large size, is susceptible to dysplasia of the hip joint. Therefore, you should be attentive to the diet of the dog and its physical exertion, since overeating will necessarily lead to obesity and rapid development of the disease. Therefore, walk more often with your favorites so that they have an active lifestyle.

Entropy or inversion of the eyelids - unfortunately, this is a common problem in dogs of the commander breed. Here are 2 reasons for the development of this disease:

  • The dog is overall
  • The dog is fluffy

As a result, if you do not follow the eyes of the pet, vision of vision, the formation of ulcers and inflammation of the cornea is possible. Therefore, be attentive to the eyes of your pet, and at the first problems, seek help from the veterinarian.


  • In the first case, with dysplasia, much depends on you. With proper care, the symptoms of the disease will begin to manifest itself to a deep old age of the dog, and all treatment is reduced to the purchase of medicines.
  • If you have already missed the health of the pet, then you can’t do without the help of a doctor and, as a result of surgical intervention.
  • In the case of the development of entropy, one must also be attentive to the eyes of the dog, and try to identify the symptoms as early as possible.
  • Unfortunately, surgical intervention cannot be dispensed with, the question is only in the degree of intervention.

It is worth knowing: A light surgery can be shown to the dog, or, conversely, serious with the course of treatment. Therefore, follow all the recommendations of specialists and if there are indications for the operation, then do not refuse it, because There is a risk of dog vision.

Love your handsome people, monitor food, take walks more often and follow the symptoms of diseases, and then your fluffy friend will always be strong and healthy.

Hungarian shepherd Komondor: reproduction and life expectancy

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

The Hungarian shepherd is a breed with a thousand -year history, which is a descendant of a wild wolf. Now it is bred in different countries, but mainly in England, Sweden, America. Read more about the propagation and life expectancy of such an unusual dog below.


  • It is possible to breed this breed by studying the description and features (read above in the text), which will give an unmistakable choice. Experienced dog handlers will also help in this matter, namely, tips in choosing aviaries and service personnel.
  • AT 4 years The bitch is ready for a birth life. It will take 2 months to bear puppies. In order not to die newborn dogs, it is necessary to track the health and well -being of the future mother before the appearance of babies.
  • After the appearance of the puppies, the veterinarian is needed, and only after 1.5 years You can excommunicate them from the mother.

Advice: The shepherd should be bought in special nurseries, which have official documents and whose dogs are contained in proper conditions. Healthy coomondoras behave actively, and they themselves should differ in the purity of the appearance of the smooth color of the mane.

Life expectancy:

  • In order for the Hungarian shepherd to live for a long time, it is necessary to vaccinate it in a timely manner. This is done in 1.5 and 2.5 months, and after a change of teeth, it should be instilled against rabies annually.
  • Throughout life, chestsnces can get sick with dysplasia and a spinning of the eyelids (read above in the text). The deformation of the joints is noticeable immediately, so do not miss the moment, and turn to specialists in a timely manner.
  • Do not forget about the failure of the digestive tract, which can lead to anemia and other serious diseases.

The most important care procedure throughout the life of this dog, so that it is always healthy and feels good is cleaning the muzzle and wool, where bacteria and microbes can rapidly multiply. On average, the shepherd lives 12 years.

Dog Commander: Choosing a puppy, price

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

The royal breed of Hungarian shepherds is a commander. This type of dog is quite rare, so buying a puppy is often necessary directly from the breeder. How passes 45 days after birth, puppies begins to inspect the dog handler in order to determine their compliance with the standards of this breed. And only after examining the puppies can be put up for sale. It is worth noting that the dogs of this breed are expensive - the price of one puppy can be 1000-1500 dollars.

In most cases, many future owners delay the purchase, as they want the puppies to grow slightly and get stronger to better transfer the long road. But in this case, on the contrary, it is worth choosing and buying a dog as early as possible. Then the puppy adapts faster in the new family, and the education process will be easier.

Advice: It is worth paying additional attention to vaccinations: they end at 2.5-3 months. If you buy a puppy slightly older than this age, it is no longer necessary to vaccinate, if younger, it is better to completely instill a puppy along with a veterinarian in accordance with the vaccination calendar.

Watchtower Commander: Owners reviews, training

Commander Dog
Commander Dog

The watchdog is a commander or a Hungarian shepherd is a good training. The high intelligence of such a dog allows you to quickly respond to surrounding factors and absorb information. But you need to remember that the same type of training is not for the commander. The dog will immediately start to miss and will refuse to execute the commands. It is better to build the stages of training in a playful way.

Remember: Do not allow aggression in the education of a puppy or its training, otherwise the pet will grow embittered.

Read the reviews of the owners of the commanders who were engaged in training personally or with the help of dog handlers:

Arina, 35 years old

My commander-girl has been living for me for 5 years. A friendly and cheerful dog. It lends itself well to training. Although the dog handler, who helped me in raising a puppy, said that the bitches are more malleable and obedient than male. The boys are more stubborn and lazy.

Sergey, 26 years old

The commander was presented to me for my birthday (my friends knew that I wanted a puppy of this breed). To educate such a dog is simple, likes to play a lot on the street, so you have to go to special sites. Friendly dog, with his character, but very kind and loving to everyone who lives with him in the house.

Svetlana, 30 years old

When I saw a friend of the breeder commander-priest, I immediately wanted to pick him up. For 3 years now we are inseparable. The dog refers to children well, easily lends itself to training, betrayed to the owner. She is calm, good -natured, strong and hardy. In addition, this is an excellent guard, it will always inform if someone else approaches the door of the house.

Video: My pet: Komondor

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