On what day is the bird nest does not drive, what kind of holiday is this?

On what day is the bird nest does not drive, what kind of holiday is this?

In what Christian holiday is not even a nest of a nest? The customs and traditions of this holiday.

What kind of feast is the nest of the nest? Maybe this is Easter, ”you ask. But no, this proverb about Annunciation. This holiday is celebrated by Christians every year on the same day - April 7. The Catholics have the Annunciation on March 25 (this was his date and in our old style).

The bird does not go to the Annunciation of the bird, the girl does not weave a braid.

Full text of the proverb.

What does the Annunciation mean for Christians?

If you count the days, it turns out that between the Annunciation and Merry Christmas - exactly nine months.

The Bible says that at this time Gabriel descended from heaven at this time. He appeared to her and brought the bright news that she would become the mother of the Son of God. Virgin Mary gladly accepted her noble mission.

It is believed that on this holiday the bird does not drive the nest, the girl does not weave a braid to emphasize how much the Annunciation means for Christians. The proverb emphasizes that even animals and birds are able to feel the holiness of this day. Annunciation is the beginning of salvation. The day when the flour described in the Old Testament retreat, and the Lord sends His Son to the people. The Annunciation belongs to the most important church holidays. The twelve are the 12 most important holidays for Christians in the year.

Non -passing twelve holidays
Non -passing twelve holidays

God in each of us. And the feelings that the Annunciation gives is the emotions of parents who have just learned that they will have a child. Especially if it is long -awaited, and its appearance is a miracle. As in the case of the Virgin, who told Gabriel: "How will it be when I do not know my husband?" On such a holiday, a nest bird does not drive because quiet and very small, but infinitely great happiness came, and it changed this world forever.

Annunciation in the Bible

The Bible says that by the first Angel Gabriel came to Elizabeth. More precisely, he appeared to her husband to the priest when he was in purgatory. Zakharia and Elizabeth have been married for many years, they were old, but they did not have children. Gabriel told Zachariah that he and his wife have a child. And this child will be entrusted with a great mission - to become a prophet and prepare the world for the arrival of the Savior. Elisaveta really gave birth to a child soon - and it was a prophet John the Baptistor John the Baptist.

Zakharia himself doubted the words of the angel and was punished for it. All the nine months that Elisaveta wore a child, he was dumb. And only when the baby was born and his father wrote that John would be his name, he could speak again. Six months after coming to Zachariah, Gabriel came to Mary. This is the day of the Annunciation, about which they say that on this day the bird does not drive the nest and the girl does not weave a braid, and the whole world freezes.

Annunciation in the Bible
Annunciation in the Bible

Why doesn’t the nest bird go into the Annunciation?

It is impossible to say why in the Annunciation the bird does not drive a nest. This is just a beautiful figurative metaphor. She emphasizes that grace went down to Earth, and the whole living world froze from this miracle. If you want, then you can fantasize that on this day the bear does not dig a den, the Ussuri tiger does not go hunting, and the heron does not fly from one pond to another better. The proverb has also the second part: "The bird does not drive the nest, the girl does not weave a braid". And she confuses many girls. Well, how can you not comb yourself all day, who will you look like?

But, in our memory there are still those grandmothers who walked in handkerchiefs all the time. They usually braided hair into a braid, then made a gully out of this braid and fixed it with hairpins. And sometimes a semicircular scallop kept his hairstyle. Such a braid was hiding under a scarf, often right with it and slept. And they remade the hairstyle only once every two to three days, especially if the hair was long. Do you remember such a manner of hair care? Write in the comments.

Is it possible to weave a braid for Annunciation?

  • Weaving threads is just what is connected with pre -Christian rites, and is in no way connected with Christianity. Remember the thread of Ariadne from ancient Greek mythology. The thread is what can be removed from the maze and you should not confuse it.
  • In witches in Russia, one of the most powerful magical attributes was considered to be a spindle. The spinning witch's spindle dancing, and according to the beliefs, the human fate could weave. At the same time, the witch read conspiracies to get what she wanted.
  • Traditional embroidery was considered a talisman. Elements of traditional embroidery carried a semantic load, they embroidered on wealth, health, and happiness.
  • The ancient Greeks of the goddess of fate were also associated with threads. Myths say that one of these goddesses weaved a gold thread of fate, the second was torn by her, and the third cut it.
  • They say that in the Annunciation the bird does not drive the nest, the girl does not weave a braid. And still there is a belief that the woman in labor should not have any nodes on clothes, and her hair also needs to be dissolved, otherwise it will be difficult for her to give birth. Old people associate with the most sinful work on Easter exactly sewing.
  • In our folk mentality, everything is very confused, and Christianity is often mixed with old -Slavonic rites. On some icons it is even painted that when Gabriel appeared to Mary, she wove the yarn. But there is nothing about this in the Bible. So is it possible to weave a braid for Annunciation?
Often they draw that Mary spun when an angel appeared to her
Often they draw that Mary spun when an angel appeared to her

Sometimes the Virgin is portrayed not with a spindle, but with a book. And the Archangel Gabriel on some icons holds in his hands a laurel branch, a lily flower or even a daffodil. Between Maria and Gabriel sometimes draw a dove or a halo, which symbolizes the appearance of Jesus. All this is only an artistic vision and figurative perception of artists. And yes, images in the minds of different people are often similar and have the same meaning.

The Bible has no ban on weaving braids for Annunciation. But it is believed that this day must be devoted to prayer, spiritual life and communication with loved ones. And the weaving of hair is a painstaking work that takes attention. If you have a little girl who constantly blooms the tails, then to braid her braid on the Annunciation is not a sin, it will be more convenient. But weaving complex hairstyles for beauty is not worth it. Annunciation is a day that should be devoted to spiritual life.

In Christianity, there are no uniform requirements for a female hairstyle. Pay attention to the next photo there, in the church, there are a lot of women with their heads uncovered. This is Greece, and they are so customary to go to church. The Greeks for a long time were captured by Muslims. And their covered head in women is associated with invaders. And in their churches they wanted to feel free. The only thing the Church asks is a woman should look modest, not defiant, and wear women's, rather than men's clothes.

Hairstyle for going to church
Hairstyle for going to church

What bird was moving the nest to the Annunciation?

There is a belief about what bird the nest to the Annunciation was. And this bird was punished for this. This poultry is a cuckoo. Cuckoo I did not listen to the prohibitions and collected, weaved twigs in the nest to the Annunciation. The Higher Forces were predicted for her for this, and punished the cuckoo. Since then, she does not know how to weave nests at all. And he throws his eggs into other people's nests. There is nothing about the cuckoo in the Gospel, and of course the ban on weaving for bird nests, of course, too. This is more a fairy tale for children so that they remember the holiday Annunciation and habits of cuckoo.

Cuckoo - a bird that was guilty and a pitchfork of a nest for Annunciation
Cuckoo - a bird that was guilty and a pitchfork of a nest for Annunciation

What should be done in the church for Annunciation?

According to Russian custom, under the morning ringing of bells, everyone went to church. In churches on this day there were especially many children. It was believed that this day and this church service are especially favorable for them. Children were necessarily communed. Annunciation is a Mother of God maternity holiday, and it was believed that kids could receive her support and custody on this day. And the most diligent could come not only to the morning, but also for the evening service before the Annunciation.

On this day, couples who wanted to have a child also went to the temple. It was believed that prayer in the Annunciation is especially favorable for the birth of the baby.

The bird does not go to the Annunciation of the bird, the girl does not weave a braid, but you can go for a walk or a picnic with a family. Even the post on this day becomes not so strict - it is allowed to eat fish dishes.

Traditionally, priests on this day dress in a blue robe, which is dedicated to the Virgin. Although this is not a strict rule, and the priest can be in other clothes.

Why are birds to be released for the Annunciation?

To let go of the Annunciation of birds is a beautiful tradition that is in some temples. For example, in the Blagoveshchensk Cathedral in Moscow every year after service they are released by the will of pigeons. But these pigeons are not wild, but postal. They are provided to the church for temporary use. These birds released for the Annunciation are met in a native nursery in an hour.

To release birds to the Annunciation is not a church ritual, mandatory for execution, but simply a beautiful tradition. Birds are not released in all temples.

In some temples, birds are released for the Annunciation
In some temples, birds are released for the Annunciation

Some historians believe that in this rite, as is often the case, Christianity intertwined with old beliefs. The custom of catching and releasing birds was still in Assyria. According to the beliefs of these people, the spirits of the dead could transform into birds. And letting go of the bird means letting go of the soul. From the bird they asked her to ask the higher powers for the person who let her go. This rite is considered as the opposite of sacrifice and the beginning of the departure from bloody traditions. But still, birds are caught for him and suffer from this.

Where did the tradition come from in Russia to release birds for Annunciation? It is known that it was popular even before the revolution in Tsarist Russia. There was then another tradition - to catch wild birds. In ordinary huts and noble houses, the birds performed the function of the TV. In captivity, Canaries, Solovyov, Oatmeal and other birds were kept for their beautiful singing. There were also birds that were caught because of their beauty.

They performed birds and another vital role - they were an indicator of the presence of carbon monoxide in the air. And in those days, stove heating was in all houses - both in one -story and in urban apartment buildings. There was a sign that if a bird sings in the house, then everything will be fine. From poisoning with carbon monoxide from furnace heating and now many people are dying every year.

Perhaps the proverb that a nest is not a nest on this holiday, the girl does not weave a braid, appeared because of the custom to let the birds go to the Annunciation. Who wants to immediately twist the nest if you were only released from the cage. And other birds, as if they should feel this spirit of freedom.

Birds are produced on the Annunciation because it is a holiday of spring. People were able to survive the winter, and the birds helped them in this. And now a new life has come, a new hope has appeared, and therefore the birds in Russia were given freedom.

Now the tradition of producing birds has turned into something not very healthy. In order to release birds to the Annunciation of birds, they are specially caught, and then sold. Many birds die from such an appeal. And we urge you not to buy birds from merchants, because demand gives birth to an offer.

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Video: Orthodox father about Annunciation

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