How to behave in the church, the Orthodox Church, at the entrance to the church, the temple: rules, memo. How to behave in the church and the temple in service, confession, funeral service, council, liturgy, memorial service, communion, wedding?

How to behave in the church, the Orthodox Church, at the entrance to the church, the temple: rules, memo. How to behave in the church and the temple in service, confession, funeral service, council, liturgy, memorial service, communion, wedding?

The article will tell you what rules exist in the church and how to behave in the temple correctly.

How to go to church for the first time, how to behave at the entrance?

The church is a special world, where there are rules and orders. That is why people attending the church and the temple should adhere to strict norms of behavior. This scares those who have not visited the church before or rarely attended. Nevertheless, you need to go to it and therefore you should familiarize yourself with the main nuances of the Orthodox Church, whether it be pre -holiday or ordinary days.

Important: if you visit the temple of God during the festive time, you should know that on this occasion you should come to the church much earlier than the service begins. The service time, as a rule, is written on the door of the church so that everyone knows.

A man and a woman should visit in clean and tidy clothes. She should not be expensive and refined, but her accuracy is a sign of respect to the Lord and his house (church, temple).
A man should be worn shirt and trousers that could close his arms and legs (preferably).
That's why refuse short sleeve t -shirts, T -shirts and shorts.
Also, the church should not wear clothes too bright or with causing bright drawings, inscriptions, holes, cuts.

  • A man should not cover his head, on the contrary, you need to remove any panama, cap, hat or hat.

Women to church You should put on modest clothes that would close the figure and did not tighten it. Be sure to hide the chest and shoulders, close the leg with a long skirt (the shortest skirt should not be higher than the knees).

  • The most important thing that women need to be put on is a handkerchief on their heads.

The fact is that the covered female head in the temple is a sign of respect to the Lord, because he is the master of his house and therefore, entering the church, he must obey his rules.

Important: women should not attend the church during menstruation and at a time when blood is still released after childbirth. Such a violation will show your disrespect to the Lord and defile the church.

Before you approach the temple, you should:

  • To become in front of its main entrance, look at the cross (it should be located on the doors or gates) and cross himself three times, bowing each time.

This is a kind of greeting with the Lord and a sign that you are an Orthodox person.

  • After you overcome the front doors, you do not immediately get to the church, and in the bait - a special place in the form of a small corridor. Here you should cross again three times and only then go into the church hall itself.
About the rules of conduct
About the rules of conduct

Where is it better to stand in the church?

The meaning of the Orthodox person is to glorify the Lord. That is why he goes to church and in prayer communication tells God about his problems, successes, doubts and fears to find the only important solution and help.
If you came to the temple in advance (15 minutes before the start of the service) you should put candles or write special notes for worship.

You can take absolutely any convenient place that you like in the hall in the church. There is only one main rule for observing (it is not always observed and not everywhere) - during the service, women should become on the left, and men on the right.
If you find a sufficient amount of free space in the hall, it is important not to become where the main passage is.

Important: Remember, your place you occupied should be only yours until the end of the service. Walking around the church, changing your place is impossible. It is also impossible to loudly welcome acquaintances and relatives, talk to them, distract others present from prayers.

You can also take a sessile place in the temple. There are always special benches in the church, but they are needed only for those who cannot stand for a long time due to their health or poor health (sick people, people with absent or damaged lower limbs, young children and age -related people). Sitting on the lavas should be modestly, without spreading or throwing your legs.

Anyway try to behave in the church with restraint, without putting his hands in his pockets, on laying them behind their backs and not folding on the chest.

It is necessary to stand in the temple because in this way you appear before God, revealing your heart and soul. It can also be assumed that the vertical position of the body elevates the human purpose.

Where to stand in the church?
Where to stand in the church?

How to behave in the church and the temple in the service, what to do, how to be baptized?

As already mentioned, if ministry is held in the church, it comes to the temple in advance. Any Orthodox holiday or an important day (as, for example, Sunday) requires an Orthodox person of neatness and accuracy. You should choose modest, but beautiful clothes: clean, ironed, bright. You should also comb your hair and wash. Women should not apply a thick layer of cosmetics, give up it at all or use it in very minimal quantities.

Modest clothes require modest behavior. Be also friendly, joyful and happy from visiting the Church.

Baptize before entering the church, in the narthex and before the images.

  • If you are in the service, listen to prayers and look at the clergy. Baptize every time one of them begins to be baptizedeven if you cannot clearly make out the words.

Important: an Orthodox person is always baptized, folding all the fingers of the right hand in a handful. Touch your forehead with your fingers, then the abdomen and only then the right and left shoulder. Thus, you “draw” the cross of the Lord on yourself, blessing and cleansing yourself.

How to be baptized?
How to be baptized?

How to behave in the church and the temple in confession?

Confession is a special church sacrament, during which an Orthodox person tries to “open his heart and soul” in front of the clergyman and ask for forgiveness from the Lord for his sins. People who have never confessed to God always worry from ignorance of how to behave, what to say and what questions to ask.

Many ministers of the Church call this sacrament "second baptism", because during repentance, the soul of a person is cleansed.

“Clean the soul” should be when you feel a desire for this. Human nature is considered weak and because of weakness, people commit sins even after repentance, which moves them away from God.

Repentance and confession are a necessity to save the human soul. It is important to learn for yourself that only sincere recognition of sins will allow you to get rid of them by throwing a “stone” from the soul. Talking about your life to the priest, remember everything from an early age.

It is known that only those people who admit all their sins can go to heaven.

  • While repenting, do not be afraid to seem funny, lost and in no case be ashamed of your words.
  • If you offended someone, be sure to ask these people forgiveness before or after confession. Sorry and your offenders.

It’s better to confess in the evening, so that in the morning ministry not to feel the burden of your sins.
If you go to repentance for the first time, warn the clergyman about it so that he directs you and will not let you be upset at an important moment.

How to confess?
How to confess?

How to behave in the church and the temple on the funeral service?

The funeral service is a mandatory procedure for an Orthodox person, which is carried out only by the clergyman. This is done at home or in the church (at the request and capabilities of the family). The meaning of the funeral service is that the priest reads prayers (which are as melodic as songs), lights a special lamp that radiates smoke. All this is only necessary to cleanse the soul before she leaves the body and fly away to heaven to God.

Those who are faced with funeral service for the first time often feel embarrassed. You should not be afraid of this process, after all, the funeral service is a good procession that facilitates the suffering of the soul.

  • While the clergyman reads prayer words, try to listen and understand them carefully. It is customary for the relatives to stand around the coffin with the deceased and hold in their hands a lighted membrane candle.

Important: if you do not attribute yourself to the Orthodox, you have a different faith or are simply convinced that it does not exist, just stand on the procession, without attracting attention to yourself, neither behavior, nor words, nor face. Your calm behavior is a tribute to all those present who has lost a loved one.

How to behave in the church and the temple on the Council?

Council is a special sacrament that is important for believers. The purpose of this procession is to heal from any ailments and mental injuries. In some ways, this sacrament can be compared with the confession of the priest, because it also lets his sins man. But unlike repentance, several priests are carried out.

Council can take place in the temple or at home (in the event that parishioners are not able to get to the church due to illness).

Council is not a funeral service and not the last pleas of a dying person.
Yes, very often it is carried out as the last hope to recover. Nonetheless, council is designed to give the believer strength and hope in the future.

The ritual conducted in the temple has three main parts:

  • Prayer singing
  • Consecration
  • Anointing

Important: first, the whole church should pray and be baptized. After that, each believer communes, puts seven candles and the father is preparing for consecration. Only then there is an anointing of the co -fraud.


How to behave in the church and the temple at the liturgy?

The liturgy is a procession during which the believer is communicating with the Holy Spirit. During the liturgy, many chants and reading prayers occurs. This ritual is distinguished by its importance for the church and the duration, during which you should stand for a long time, pray a lot and baptize.

In addition, coming to the liturgy, you should definitely wear modest and clean clothes, like a tribute to the Lord. During the procession, you should read a lot of prayers aloud, for example, the “symbol of faith”, if you do not know them by heart - take a prayer book with you.

How to behave in a church and a temple in a memorial service?

Panichid (reading prayers for the deceased) is carried out after the liturgy. Giving notes with names for prayer remembrance should be given before the start of the liturgy.

  • In no case can one make noise in a panachid and talk loudly with someone, and even more so laugh and attract attention. The seriousness and tragedy of this procession should be fully aware, so as not to be able to somehow overshadow and insult those present.

If you are very emotional, try not to quarrel with anyone in the panchid, do not push anyone or wave your hands. Everything that is accompanied by a requiem (discussing the dead or their commemoration) should be postponed at the moment when you leave the church.

  • During and after the memorial service, you can light candles in front of the faces of the saints and read prayers to them.
How to behave in church?
How to behave in church?

How to behave in the church and the temple on participles?

Communion is a significant procession for an Orthodox person, during which he joins the body of Christ, tasting the sacred bread (his flesh) and dripping sacred wine (his blood). Communion is always a voluntary and conscious decision of each believer.

Communion requires certain points:

  • Compliance with the spiritual and physical post
  • Compliance with the prayer mode: morning and evening
  • Regular reading of spiritually literature
  • Visiting the Church
  • Confession

Important: if you are present for the sacrament, you should fully realize the importance of this sacrament and in no case attract attention. Take your place in the church, sincerely pray and be baptized every time the priest does it.

How to behave in a church and a temple on a wedding?

Wedding is the recognition by God of the marriage union of a man and woman. It is customary to come to the wedding with a pure soul and heart, both the newlyweds themselves and the guests present. For this reason, it is important to put on clean, bright and tidy clothes, women cover their heads.

  • The whole procession occurs under the guidance of the priest And therefore, at the wedding, it is customary to carefully listen to his words and follow his actions, repeating prayers and crossing at the right time.

Try not to attract attention and not to break the silence in the temple, you can’t laugh and talk if you have tears, just wipe them silently, but do not fall into hysteria.


Parental Saturday: how to behave in the temple?

Parental Saturday is necessary so that every believer of an Orthodox person can remember the deceased relatives and order a requiem about them.

  • Before the start of the action a note should be conveyed with the names of deceased friends and relatives And only after that put the candles for them on a memorial table.

Listen to all the chants of the priest and read prayers with him. In memory of those people who passed away, you can also give alms to those who ask near the church. Church donations and products that can be brought with you before the procession to the temple are also good (they are left on a special table near the panachid table).

How to leave the church correctly?

To leave the church should be given the share of honor and respect to the Lord just as you did at the entrance to it.

  • Leaving the church hall, bow to him and cross yourself three times. Do the same when you go beyond the front doors.

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