“In this regard”: when to use it correctly, is it spent or not?

“In this regard”: when to use it correctly, is it spent or not?

In this article we will talk about the isolation of the combination “in this connection”.

The comma often in the letter is in the wrong place. After all, some expressions are asked to isolate their punctuation marks. But this is precisely in this that the insidiousness of the Russian language is hidden. And in today's topic, we propose to disassemble a fairly common, but embarrassing expression “in this connection”.

“In this regard”: when to use and how to put commas?

The first thing that you should know and immediately stipulate is a related expression “in connection with this” does not replace the expression “in this connection”. They are similar, but carry a different semantic load!

By the way, you can read about the signs of punctuation of a similar phrase in our article “In addition, in connection with this: punctuation.”

Now we will analyze the correct use of "in this connection"

  • Repeatedly this expression we hear on television, and to a greater extent from politicians. We will now discard all the skepticism about their illiteracy - this is by no means alarm! But right it Use in a journalistic style, that is, this expression is characteristic of journalism.
  • And this says that it is rational to use the expression “in this connection” when it comes to urgent and large -scale problems of society. And to a greater extent just in political and ideological terms.
  • The second difference and characteristic aspect - Proper use in the sentence.The fact is that “in connection with this or those” is causal, which specifically indicates a connection with the previously said thought . “In this regard,” simply connects two thoughts among themselves. But he does not talk about the reasons for what was said. This is just a binding expression.
    • I met an old girlfriend at the platform. In this regard, I recalled a funny story from virginity.
    • I met my friend at the platform. In this regard, we arranged a dinner of memories.
    • New Year's holidays were nearing. In this regard, a high spirits appeared.
    • New Year's holidays were nearing. In this regard, schoolchildren prepared various crafts on this topic.

"In this regard" and a comma

But they are united by punctuation. “In this regard,” this is the name! And never is an introductory word. And for this reason, the phrase does not require the release of a comma, being at the beginning of the sentence.

  • In this regard, grades were made.
  • In this regard, I recalled past forecasts.
  • In this regard, warnings came down.

But if “in this regard” is in the middle of the sentence, then a comma is needed. After all, there is a combination of two microdes. Sometimes long sentences that are overloaded with other parts and revolutions require punctuation in the form of a point with a comma.

  • There was thunderstorm rain at the graduation ball, in this regard, the life of graduates was divided into before and after.
  • The golden thread was beautifully shimmering in openwork knitting, in this regard it is worth paying attention to the painstaking of the process.
  • The work was handed over on time, in this regard, one cannot help but remember how the employees worked for several days.

Video: Adverbs in Russian

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