What to meet the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

What to meet the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

Features of the wardrobe for New Year's Eve 2023.

Many people are looking forward to New Year's holidays, because they are associated with a novelty, initial period, the opportunity to improve their lives. This period is considered one of the most anticipated, because it is preceded by festive preparation, which allows you to improve mood, prepare a lot of delicious dishes, spend time with friends or relatives. 2023 According to the Eastern calendar, it corresponds to a not very aggressive animal without hunting morals - a blue or water black rabbit (cat). That is why it is necessary to understand that the next one, 2023, will rule several elements: wood and water. The features of the coming year are associated with this.

How to meet the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

The tree is associated with stability and reliability. Therefore, all purposeful people this year will certainly be lucky, if they work hard, work and make appropriate efforts. Water is a substance that fills the tree, contributing to its growth. This year, people who love to express themselves and fight. These are bloggers, creative personalities, musicians, artists. Our military, who protect our homeland, will receive fame, recognition and money.

How to meet the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat):

  • Despite the fact that the main elements of 2023 are water and wood, it can hardly be called calm, since the rabbit (cat) is a beast that is distinguished by a quick -tempered character. Based on the name of the year, we can assume in which colors it is recommended to celebrate.
  • Since this is a year of blue and black rabbit (cat), it is worth giving preference to these tones. It should be understood that the coming year is significantly different from the previous one in that the tiger is a predator that loves to conquer all animals, and the rabbit (cat) is prolific animals that will bring profit and victory in all spheres of life.
  • You can not wear the clothes of bright, colorful shades, with a lot of decor. In no case should you use clothes that look too bright, in a reserved. The main task is to look as expensive, beautiful, but restrained.
In such a dress you can meet 2023
In such a dress you can meet 2023
New Year's dress in beige colors
New Year's dress in beige colors
Silver New Year's dress
Silver New Year's dress

What to meet the year 2023 of the rabbit (cat)?

Do not put a dress in sequins or golden embroidery in a distant box. Such outfits may come in handy. It is also worth giving preference to a classic black dress made of velvet or satin fabric. The main task is to choose outfits of a complex cut, but with a minimum number of decorative elements.

What to meet the 2023 year of rabbit (cat):

  • It is worth abandoning the use of a large number of accessories and accessories, decorative elements. This applies to shoes, jewelry, bags.
  • Therefore, the main task is to make the image concise, but complex, due to an unusual cut of clothing. This season, simplicity is not welcome, which is complemented by a large number of gold jewelry.
  • The image should look stylish, but not in the style of “dear-Bogato”. That is, without a large number of sparkles, gold, colorful details. 
A fashionable satin dress
A fashionable satin dress
Festive New Year's dress
Festive New Year's dress

Dress for a loved one
Dress for a loved one

In what colors to meet the year of rabbit (cat) 2023?

The first in the rating is blue, white, gray, silver. As for black color, it is suitable as a decor and an independent color in a festive style.

Regarding another color scheme, it is worth bypassing red, lemon shades. The best option is wood tones, for example, brown, golden, beige or terracotta. Green, blue is also suitable. The priority of pastel shades of different colors.

Golden dress
Golden dress
Festive New Year's dress
Festive New Year's dress
Red New Year's dress
Red New Year's dress

In what colors to meet the year of rabbit (cat) 2023:

  • Rabbit (cat) - unlike the tiger, this is not a king, but this is the Lord of the year and he feels very confident among other animals, therefore his preferences are royal. It is necessary that all the clothes are expensive, stylish, from well -known brands or very refined. Therefore, for the meeting of the New Year, it is also worth choosing blue, terracotta, purple and gray shades. But you cannot combine contrasting elements.
  • Also, in no case can you use neon tones and details from which the eyes get tired. In 2023, bright orange, pink or salad shades are inappropriately. In no case should they be acidic.

Festive New Year's dress
Festive New Year's dress

What to meet the year of the blue (black) rabbit (cat): Choosing fabric

It should be borne in mind that the animal loves naturalness and environmental friendliness very much, therefore it is best to give preference to elegance, sophistication. You can make a wardrobe using clothes in the colors of the sky and wood. This is blue, gold, silver, dark green. Rabbit (cat) loves naturalness, it is best to give preference to clothing from natural fabrics.

Green New Year's dress
Green New Year's dress

What to meet the year of the black rabbit (cat), the choice of fabric:

  • If you want to acquire stability, go up the career ladder, it is worth giving preference to golden and silver outfits. However, it is best if they are made without the use of sequins, a large number of stones and decorative elements. Best of all, if it is a fabric with a Lureka thread.
  • The rabbit (cat) refers to the classics well, so it is recommended to wear overalls, trouser suits. You can diversify the image and supplement it with sparkling elements in makeup. It can be brilliant eyelids and highlighter. It is necessary that the skin shines with health and beauty.  
Festive New Year's overalls
Festive New Year's overalls

In what clothes to meet the year of the rabbit (cat) of the zodiac signs?

The wardrobe on New Year's Eve depends on the zodiac sign. It is to the advice of astrologers that it is worth listening to successfully meet and spend, a year of rabbit (cat). 

Red evening dress for the New Year
Red evening dress for the New Year
Pink dress
Pink dress

In what clothes to meet the year of the rabbit (cat) according to the signs of the zodiac:

  1. For Aries Saturated colors are suitable. Red shades should be avoided. The ideal option is terracotta, brick or cherry. If you choose orange colors, it is necessary that they are muffled, and not bright. 
  2. For Taurus Pastel colors, such as milk, coffee and dirty white, are ideal. A good option is green colors. Taurus are people who belong to the elements of the Earth, so it is best to use herbal shades or wood. 
  3. Gemini Yellow color is ideal, however, as in other versions, it should be muffled. It is yellow color that will help improve brain function, as well as to encourage the twins on active actions. Pink and white shades are also suitable. 
  4. For crayfish in 2023 A wardrobe in dairy and blue colors will be ideal. Gray, silver tones are also suitable. It is these shades that will stimulate the improvement of the financial situation.
  5. For lions Golden color is suitable, which will help to become kinder. If you decide to give preference to a dark dress, in brown or black colors, you can use metallic -colored accessories. In no case should you overdo it so that the image does not become gypsy. 
  6. For Virgin The best color shades are muffled yellow, green or brown. It is these colors that will bring financial stability. The ideal option for a practical virgin is also a white color that emphasizes a love of purity. For girls, outfits from expensive brands, in a restrained style are suitable. In no case should you wear red or orange outfits that do not correspond to the temperament of the Virgin. 
  7. For Libra The ideal option is muffled blue or pink, the clothes of white colors are suitable, which is considered a symbol of purity and openness. 
  8. For scorpions Orange colors, as well as terracotta, are suitable. It is they who will help to become successful, to gain financial stability. Black, deep brown shades are also suitable. Scorpions can use impudent accessories, such as wide chockers. 
  9. Sagittarius - These are impudent signs, so the clothes of blue, white or gray colors will be the best option for them. You can use purple shades. 
  10. Ideal for Capricorn - Coffee, milk and blue shades. This is due to the fact that the sign of the earthen, so all the colors that are found in the forest are suitable. This is green, brown, beige, milk. You can also give preference to burgundy and green tones. It is best to give preference to natural fabrics that will make New Year's Eve comfortable. 
  11. Aquarius - A sign who loves freedom. He must give preference to blue and white colors. Outfits in such shades will look noble and worthy.
  12. Fish - Signs that should choose clothes in light green colors. It is they who will help to reveal the talents of a changeable sign. You can also prefer outfits in light pink shades. The ideal option is a dusty rose. 
Blue dress
Blue dress

Celebrity dress
Celebrity dress
Celebrity dress
Celebrity dress
Dress for the New Year's corporate party
Dress for the New Year's corporate party
Dress for the New Year's corporate party
Dress for the New Year's corporate party
New Year's dress for full girls
New Year's dress for full girls
New Year's dress for full girls
New Year's dress for full girls

Year of the Blue Water Rabbit (Cat): What to meet men?

The rabbit (cat) greatly appreciates his own time, so men must supplement their image for hours. In addition, the rabbit (cat) refers to elegance well, so you can supplement the image with cufflinks, a tie fixer.

Year of the Blue Water Rabbit (Cat): What to meet men:

  • As for clothes, the color scheme is the same as women. The ideal option is a classic costume of brown, beige shades. It is worth abandoning shirts with ornaments, or some kind of intersperse.
  • It is best if the clothes are plain, from soft fabrics. The ideal option is natural canvases, for example, flax, silk. 
  • Rabbit (cat) is very fond of severity, elegance, so classic shoes made of natural suede or leather are suitable. It is worth abandoning the use of shoes made of crocodile of the skin, or python skin. It is best if the shoes are restrained. 

Accessories and clothing for the New Year 2023 Rabbits (cat)

Women can complement the image of small -sized clutches made of genuine leather or fabric. In no case should you give preference to clutches in rhinestones or sparkles. It is best if it is classic accessories, from a well -known brand with a minimum finish.

Accessories and clothing for the New Year 2023 Rabbit (cat):

  • After all, a rabbit (cat) loves elegance, restraint and a good sense of style, taste. This also applies to the choice of shoes. Therefore, give preference to classic boats, in high heels.
  • It is best if there are no large number of chains, jewelry, bright buckles on the shoes. Therefore, the best option is black or beige boats that lengthen the legs, and fit almost any outfit. 
  • Astrologers say, correctly choosing the color for the New Year's outfit, you can attract something specific to your life. If you want stability, calm relationships, give preference to brown, beige and pastel shades.
New Year's decoration
New Year's decoration

Sometimes New Year's Eve has to be celebrated in boots
Sometimes New Year's Eve has to be celebrated in boots

A beautiful festive image
A beautiful festive image

We also recommend reading the following articles:

If the purpose of the next year is to improve the financial and financial situation, get rich, it is worth putting on silver or golden outfits. It is best if they are made of natural silk. Therefore, linen dresses made of silk in golden or shiny shades are ideal. Such outfits are well combined with almost any jewelry and accessories. 

Video: What to meet the year of rabbit (cat) 2023?

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