Aquarium snails - large, small: care, maintenance, reproduction, reviews. How to feed Achatine snails at home?

Aquarium snails - large, small: care, maintenance, reproduction, reviews. How to feed Achatine snails at home?

Features of care and feeding of homemade snails.

Recently, unusual options for pets are quite popular. Among them, you can meet the dimensions, snakes, raccoons, and even exotic insects. If your interests are unusual, but at the same time you want to have a pet, we offer to take a closer look at Achatins, or snails. Someone will say that these are not quite pets, they do not know how to wag their tail, and practically do not show any active actions. But many people like these mollusks, and we will tell you why.

Types of home snails

There are certain types of snails that are very friendly, to watch them is very interesting. Now in the pet stores you can find several types of snails that can be kept at home. 

Types of home snails:

  • Achatina Fulika
  • Achatina reticulak
  • Achatina Immacules
  • Achatina albopict
  • Brown Achatina
  • Albino. It is distinguished by an unusual appearance, a white body, and a dark sink. They are very much appreciated among breeders, their price is much higher than standard individuals
  • African snails

They can reach the size of a length of more than 30 cm. Their weight may be at a mark of about 0.5 kg. These are really giant individuals. With proper care, such snails can live 9 years. The average life expectancy is 6 years. The main plus of such a pet is that they do not shit in the house, do not spoil the furniture, and practically do not cause any inconvenience. But this does not mean that you do not need to take care of them. 


Snails of Achatins - how to feed and how to care?

Snails, like any pets, need a certain temperature, humidity, as well as corresponding feeding. Below, consider the conditions of the content of the snails. Regardless of the type of snail, the conditions of its content are almost the same. A large aquarium or container with transparent walls, about 25 cm high, 25 cm wide, and 40 cm long is needed. Such snails grow poorly in very close containers. An ordinary jar can not be enough. 

Snails Achatina - than to feed and how to care for:

  • It is necessary to adhere to temperature norms, moisture parameters. The best option is a temperature of 24-28 degrees. In this case, it is necessary that the moisture content of the Uchodka house is at the level of 85-90%.
  • Such high norms can be achieved by constant moisturizing the substrate, which is inside the container. An ideal option is a large aquarium with a lid, with ventilation holes.
  • At the bottom of the container, it is necessary to lay out the corresponding substrate along which the snail crawls in natural conditions. It can be sand, soil, compost, peat. Perhaps the presence of artificial material, which is sprinkled with natural. Unacceptable options for the substrate are sawdust, shells. A similar flooring is clogged in the snail mucus, it can damage its body. Therefore, it is necessary that there are no sharp peers in the ground, and particles with sharp cutting edges. 
  • In addition, in the ground that is in the aquarium, you can grow a green salad. This is not only greens, but also a kind of goody for a pet.

How many times to feed Ahatin snails?

Regarding feeding, it is recommended to feed snails once a day, and early in the morning. It is best to use fruits and vegetables, as well as protein products for these purposes. In most cases, green salad, cucumbers, and cabbage are suitable for snails.

How many times to feed Ahatin snails:

  • It is recommended to spray the soil, that is, its moisture. Please note that in such conditions, mold and pathogenic microorganisms multiply very quickly. Therefore, daily remove the remains of food that the snail has not eaten.
  • In no case do not leave them inside the aquarium, since mold usually forms on the top on food, eating such food, a snail can get sick and feel malaise. In addition, once a week it is necessary to completely change the soil, which is located on top in the aquarium. As for the cleanliness of the walls, and the upper part of the aquarium, they must be wiped with a damp cloth daily.
  • In no case for washing, you can not use aggressive chemicals. For these purposes, it is necessary to use ordinary food soda or just vinegar with soap. The remnants of chemicals, the snail can absorb, which will cause health problems.
Homemade snail
Homemade snail

The snail fell into hibernation - what to do?

It is also necessary to pay a lot of attention to the health of the snail. With an increase or sharp decrease in temperature, humidity, the snail can fall into winter hibernation. In general, all pets with their proper content, do not fall into winter hibernation. That is, they delight their owners constantly.

The snail hibernated, what to do:

  • Therefore, if your pet is very sluggish, it moves little, often hides in its sink, it may be prepared to fall into winter hibernation. This means that the conditions, content have not changed for the better.
  • Perhaps these are errors in nutrition or content. Therefore, we recommend that control the temperature, humidity, as well as the features of the snail. At this time, it is best to introduce products that contain a lot of calcium.
  • It recommends adding an egg shell to satisfy the need for calcium. Be sure to install a pool inside the aquarium. Do not forget to weight it, especially if the pet is large. Such a pool increases the humidity level in the aquarium, if necessary, the snail can cleanse its body. 

Diseases of Snails Achatine

Mollusks, like any pets, can hurt. Among the most common diseases, it is necessary to distinguish the following.

Achatine snail diseases:

  • Damage to the sink. This happens in the event of a snail fall, which is why it is recommended to use foam mats as a litter. However, many snails can hurt, poorly perceive artificial flooring. Next, it is also necessary to try to correct the damage to the shell.
  • This can be done with epoxy glue. A large number of calcium products are introduced into the diet. This will help to quickly restore the sink and improve the health of the pet. 
  • Infection with mold. The snail becomes sluggish, can fall into winter hibernation. In this case, a large amount of mucus is released, or vice versa, the snail dries. 
  • Please note that for more than 2 months the snail should not stay in winter hibernation. After 2 months, it must be woken up. For these purposes, you can perform several simple manipulations: 
  • Hold the pet for several seconds under warm water. Transplant her to the aquarium, which is prepared in advance. That is, with wet soil, food and pool. Drink food, rich in protein and calcium. This will help the pet to restore all strength faster. 
Home pet
Home pet

Homemade snails: propagation

Snails, regardless of their appearance, can multiply even without a second partner.

Homemade snails, reproduction:

  • Some of them are vibrant, some lay eggs. If you do not want your pet to get into the cubs, in which case it is necessary to reduce the thickness of the soil to 2 cm.
  • Snails that lay eggs do this only in a rather dense and thick layer of soil. 
  • Behind the eggs of the snails, separate care and special nutrition is needed. Eggs, after the snail postponed them, must be transferred to another aquarium, hold separately.
  • They are buried in the ground 1 cm thick. It should be soft and loose. After about 1-3 weeks, small snails will hatch. 

How to feed aquarium snails?

Aquarium snails differ fromachatine with its structure, features of care, and feeding methods. But if you have an aquarium with a lot of green algae, then you do not have to feed snails. After all, their main food- this is Algae, green spaces. 

How to feed aquarium snails:

  • Besides, They eat food behind the fish, often clean the rotting remains of dead fish, consuming waste. Of course, they will never bypass the fish, as they are less nimble, but what settles at the bottom begins to rot, snails select, eat.
  • This affects the state of the aquarium well, as it is cleaned. Aquarium snails with a lack of algae can be fed with cabbage, green salad, spinach, and carrots. These snails are omnivorous, so they consume protein food.
  • You can add a small amount of boiled meat, caviar. Please note that it is not worth overfeeding snails, since improper nutrition provokes the release of a large number of excrement, which will quickly make water in the muddy aquarium.
Garden snails
Garden snails

How to feed large snails?

Foodachatine It differs significantly from the diet of aquarium snails. 

Than to feed large snails:

  • Squirrels and carbohydrates should be present in the diet. The perfect option will be the consumption of a small amount of boiled meat, and a variety of fruits, vegetables. In no case, snails should not be given sharp and bitter vegetables, fruits.
  • Also prohibited Beans, onions, garlic, boiled and fresh potatoes, as well as pasta, flour products. Almost everything else can be snails. In no case should you give harmful food, such as chocolate, sausage and sausages. In other cases, the snail is mainly fed with vegetables and fruits. Indeed, in nature, Achatins enjoy the sweet fruits with pleasure, and eat leaves. 

How to feed Ahatin's home snail in winter?

Unlike nature, in the food that is fed at home, there is little calcium and protein, so it must be introduced additionally.

How to feed Ahatin's home snail in winter:

  • This can be done by grinding the shell of eggs, bone flour, as well as crushed chalk.
  • In no case do not use school chalk, since it contains a lot of preservatives and additives that can damage the health of Achatine.
  • You need to feed once a day, preferably in the morning. Never leave the rest of the food the next day.
  • Early in the morning of the next day, remove all the remnants that the snail has not eaten. 

How to feed newborn snails?

For adults and small snails during feeding, you can not lay out food on the ground, litter. For these purposes, select a plastic plate, or some kind of container. In no case should the food be covered with particles of the soil and overwhelm it inside it. Otherwise, snails can eat rotting food, which often leads to esophagus disorders at mollusks.

How to feed newborn snails:

  • Regarding newborn snails, then it is necessary to introduce products rich in calcium into food. However, in no case can you add calcium gluconate, or Calcium D3 Nicomed. They contain a large number of preservatives, gelatin and other impurities that can cause a pet’s death.
  • Accordingly, only natural sources of calcium are allowed, that is, such as chalk sold in a pet store, or eggshell, crushed in a coffee grinder. Be sure to introduce Sepia into food.
  • This is the skeleton of the karakatitsa, which is crushed with a coffee grinder to the state of the powder. Newborn snails need a large amount of calcium. This is due to the fact that the shell is growing, and a lot of trace elements are needed for its construction. Accordingly, all the food that is given to small snails is sprinkled with calcium additive.
  • It can be a crushed egg shell, chalk. At the very first pores, it is necessary to give newborn snails grated cucumber and crushed carrots, as well as pumpkin and cabbage. At the age of 1-2 weeks, small snails are accustomed to fresh fruits. That is, you can introduce apples, pears and other fruits. All this must be chopped on a grater or using a blender.
  • It is necessary that vegetables, fruits are small pieces. You must purchase Daphnia in the animal market, since it contains a lot of protein necessary for the development of the body of the snail. Do not be surprised if newborn snails burrow deep underground. There they eat the remnants of their eggs. They have a lot of useful substances, as well as protein. They help snails develop and grow.  

How to feed the hatching snails?

Access to food for kids should be constantly. However, this does not mean that it is necessary for the old products that you added yesterday to introduce new ones. In no case can not be done.

How to feed hatched snails:

  • In the first week of newborn snails, it is recommended to feed exclusively with parsley and carrots.
  • From the second week it is allowed to give salad leaves. Gradually, the number of products and the assortment expands. Please note that, unlike adults, newborn snails, it is necessary to feed the clock.
  • Every 6 hours you need to remove old products and add new ones. Standing products are weathered, pathogenic microorganisms can develop on their surface. Mandatory vegetables, as well as greens forachatine It is necessary to wash, even pour boiling water.
  • This will prevent infection with pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, nitrates often accumulate on the leaves, or traces of mineral fertilizers, which can adversely affect the health of the pet. 

Homemade snails: care and maintenance, reviews

Of course, snails are one of the varieties of exotic pets, but there are breeders who love to engage in snails. Oddly enough, the United States provides for criminal punishment and even imprisonment in case of breeding snails. The fact is that snails in America are considered a natural disaster, since in some regions they eat crop, and even eat plaster on houses.

Home snails, care and maintenance, reviews:

Valeria, 25 years old. She started Ahatin at the request of her 5-year-old son. We walked home after the rain, and saw a large garden snail. The child asked to take her home with him. I found a lot of information on the Internet. We had an old aquarium after the fish that died, so we decided to arrange a snail in it. What she eats and did not know how to care, so she laid out the usual soil that she downs on the street. As food gave salads, carrots, cucumbers and cabbage. I did not acquire anything special, sprinkled food with a chalk crushed by the shell of chicken eggs. I really like the pet, we have been living with us for 3 years. Once he fell into winter hibernation. This is due to the fact that it put an aquarium near the heating radiator. Perhaps in the aquarium it became too dry, so the snail fell into winter hibernation. 

Elizabeth, 30 years old. Bought a African snail in a pet store. Its price was small, my daughter begged. Together with the snail, I had to purchase an aquarium. In general, the acquisition of a pet resulted in a decent amount, since together with all this they sold still food, and the addition of calcium. Unfortunately, the snail did not live with us for a long time, fell into winter hibernation six months later, unfortunately, could not wake it up. All the contents of the sink have dried. I associate this with non -compliance with the temperature and humidity. After all, I am very often at work, so there is no way to constantly spray the soil, keep it clean. 

Anatoly, 48 years old. He started such a pet, asked the grandson. It often happens with us, so I wanted to please the baby. The most interesting thing is that I am very accustomed to our Lisa, we even came up with a nickname for a pet. She is very interesting, unusual, friendly. They purchased a small size, like a five -cocketing coin, now the pet has grown about once every 5 times. The snail is really very large. 


In our country, everything is different, there are not so many snails, so they often acquire such pets, due to the fact that they are inexpensive, and do not require special care. 

Video: Care for snails at home


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