Stress in words-a list for the exam, olympiads 2022-2023: table. Words with stresses that you need to remember: List

Stress in words-a list for the exam, olympiads 2022-2023: table. Words with stresses that you need to remember: List

A.P. Chekhov once perfectly said: “In fact, for an intelligent person, it should be badly considered indecent as not to be able to read and write.” And one cannot disagree with this. A person learns to speak from the first days of his life: first he isolate his name from the general cacophony of surrounding sounds, then the words that are pronounced most often. Later, the child begins to reproduce words, repeating them exactly as he hears from loved ones.

But, unfortunately, not all that we learn from others corresponds to the norms of our native language! Help to understand the Rules of pronunciation is called science orthoepy (Greek orthós - "Correct" and épos - “Word”), one of the sections of which is the study of the arrangement of stresses in Russian speech.

Words with stresses that need to be remembered

Look into the orthoepic dictionary, and you will be surprised to find how many mistakes we all make in our everyday speech! Here and there we hear the ugly daily: “P Onyala "," Ila "," SN Ila ".

Cakes or cakes
Cake BUTx or t Omouths

And, after all, one should just remember one simple rule: In the verbs of the feminine in the form of past tense, the ending becomes a shock -a. Remember and enjoy the correct pronunciation of such words as: I understand BUT, stripped off BUT, took it BUT, lies BUT, lied BUT, waited BUT, drove BUTI took it BUTHe called BUT.

There are not so many exceptions that must be remembered: BUTla, sl BUTla, kr BUTla, class BUTla and all the words having a prefix you- (in Sdrink - in Ssaw, in Ssubt - in Szero).

Another trap was the use of nouns in the plural. Here, the error lies in wait for us at the stage of multiple formation. For some reason, many turn the word "dogs Or "in" Agreement BUT", And" Professor "and" Doctor "turn into monstrous" Professor BUT"And" Doctor BUT". In fact, all " easier than steamed turnip»:

  1. Most masculine nouns in the plural acquire an ending.
  2. The ending is always unstressed!

Remembered? Now you should not have problems with such words as: Aerop OrT - Aerop Omouths, prof Equarrels - prof Equarrels, d Oktor - D Oknings, bow - b BUTnTS, scarf - w BUTrFA, Dogs Op - Dogs Ory, elevator - l AndfTS, cake - t Omouths, accounting BUTlalter - accounting BUTlitera

We are all proud that the Russian language is rightfully considered one of the richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world. But the penetration into the speech of foreign words is an inevitable and quite logical phenomenon. Few people know that in true Russian there are no words that begin on the letter " BUT«.

Most of the words starting with the first letter alphabet Andshe is of Greek origin, and some came to us from the Turkic (for example: watermelon, arshin, Argamak). The fashion for the use of the French language among representatives of the highest classes, which began during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and ended during the Napoleonic Wars, enriched our speech with a huge number of gallicisms.

The current generation observes as the Russian language is actively enriched with words that have an English -speaking origin. Words-cones that settled in our dictionaries, for the most part, retain stresses in the usual place.

This is how French borrowings are characterized by an emphasis falling on the last syllable, for Latin - on the penultimate one. The correctness of stresses in the words of foreign origin is best checked by dictionaries, but those words that are tightly included in our everyday life must be remembered: alphabet Andt, apostra Of, def Andc, Lyuluz And , rolled Og, necrol Og, quart BUTl, desk Ep, ESP ErT, Fet Andw, f Orzats, fax Andmile.

It should also be remembered by stress setting standards in the following adjectives: to Uhonik, sl Andvovi, gr Usheep, deco AndnSC, mose Andchny, wholesale Ocome on, Dav AndsHNI.

The most popular words with stresses at the Olympiads

Studying the correctness of stress setting can be an exciting occupation. Often, one knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is not enough. Many stresses only need to be remembered by referring to special orthoepic dictionaries.

When preparing high school students for passing the USE, it is usually offered to study up to 500 of the most common word forms that can cause difficulties with the correct stress, but their number is not limited to this. Studying stress standards is a laborious process, but the result can surpass all expectations: our speech will not be full of illiterate " Ila "," pr Ocents "," Agreement BUT", Which means that we will not be ashamed before the classics of Russian literature.


If you are preparing for the school Olympiads or for passing the exam, be sure to learn stress in words from the table presented below.

Stress in words - List for the exam: table

Video. Removing stresses

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