Stress in the word cakes: what syllable does it fall, how to stress correctly, pronounce a word? Declining the word cakes on cases with stress

Stress in the word cakes: what syllable does it fall, how to stress correctly, pronounce a word? Declining the word cakes on cases with stress

The correct stress in the word "cake" in a single and multiple number in all cases.

We very often have to face words, the correct pronunciation or stress in which, regularly doubts. Such a controversial and dubious type of words also belongs to the word "cake".

Stress in the word cakes: what syllable does it fall, how to stress correctly, pronounce a word?

Correct stress in the word cakes
Correct stress in the word "cakes"

The word "cakes" is a noun in which the stress is placed on the first syllable - the vowel "o". In all its interpretations and declination, the word "cake" retains this stress. For example:

  1. From the birthday of Katya, Misha brought home a huge piece of cake.
  2. Alexander hid the ring in the cake.
  3. Despite her satiety, Angelica could not enjoy the cake.
  4. It would seem that all the ingredients were balanced, but the cake lacked a sour.

A lot of cakes, cake Zahar, a piece of cake, fresh cakes: where to stress?

Stress in the phrases "Cake Zaher", "many cakes", "fresh cakes", "a piece of cake"
  • As for the phrase “many cakes”, the rule of motionless stress is preserved in this case, so it will be correct to arrange the stress as follows - “many cakes”.
  • Zacher cake is a confectionery product from Austria, which got the love and location of our citizens for a very long time. No matter how our comedians are distorted and mocking his name, but they could not break its popularity. In order to correctly pronounce the name of the dish, it is necessary to arrange stress as follows - “Zacher Cake”. If there are no questions with the word “cake” in this case, then the surname of the Austrian confectioner Franz Zahera, who created an incomparable treat, is pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable and vowel “a”.
  • The phrase “piece of cake” is also no exception to the rules and is pronounced as “a piece of cake”.
  • The same applies to the phrase "fresh cakes."

Cake: mobile or motionless stress?

Mobile or motionless stress in the word cake?
Mobile or motionless stress in the word "cake"?

The stress in the word "cake" is motionless. No matter how this word changes - the stress always remains on the first syllable and vowel “o”. The same applies to the plural of the word "cake". It is pronounced not as many prefer to say “cakes”, but sounds like “cakes”.

Declining the word cake in the plural according to cases with stress

Declining the word cakes according to cases
Declining the word "cakes" according to cases

It is necessary to incline the word "cakes" in case of cases:

  • Nominative case - cakes
  • Genitive case - cakes
  • Calls - cakes
  • Accusative case - cakes
  • Case - cakes
  • Prepositional case - cakes

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Stress in the word "cakes": video

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