The bark cracked on the cherries: what to do, what to treat? Diseases of the cherries and their prevention and treatment: description, photo

The bark cracked on the cherries: what to do, what to treat? Diseases of the cherries and their prevention and treatment: description, photo

This article will talk about diseases of the cherry bark, the causes of their occurrence, about treatment methods.

Why burst, the bark is peeling off on the cherries: reasons

Cherry is a whimsical tree, requires constant care and attention. In the previous one article We talked about how to plant cherries correctly. But even such factors as choosing a good location, buying a solid seedling, landing in compliance with all recommendations, do not guarantee the durability and availability of good yields.

Experienced gardeners must take care of their cherries and other trees. Monitors the condition of leaves, shoots and bark. The bark, like the leaves, is often subjected to various damage.

There can be many causes of damage to the bark on the cherries. Consider them.

  1. Rodents. Hares and mice love to eat the bark of trees, especially young seedlings. Rodents can damage roots and bark. If the bark is badly damaged, the tree may die.
  2. Excess moisture. Excessive watering for cherries is contraindicated. Excess moisture leads to active buildup of the layers of the bark, which further leads to cracks. Cherns will crack, which are planted in places with a close occurrence of groundwater. The close arrangement of groundwater is also dangerous by decaying the root system.
  3. Sun burns. This happens in March, when there is still no deciduous crown that provides a shadow on the trunk, and the sun is already actively. The bark expands under the influence of the sun, and a crack is formed.
  4. Diseases. Cracks that are formed as a result of climatic conditions or improper watering are a favorable environment for the habitat of various insects and parasites. Insects attack a tree, depriving it of vitality, thereby provoke the development of fungal diseases of the tree.
A crack on the cherries

Diseases of the cherries and their prevention and treatment: description, photo

Important: cherries trunk can be caused by untimely treatment of cracks, as well as fungal infection from other trees. The fungal trunk lesions are very dangerous for wood. If you put the disease on its own, the tree will die.

Consider what the most common fungal cherries are.

False tinder

Solid growths from light brown to dark brown grow from the cracks of the tree. As a result of damage to the tin, wood becomes soft, the tree can be easily broken. Destruction occurs from the inside of the tree. If there are trees completely affected by a tinder, they need to be uprooted and burned away from garden trees so that disputes can not get into the trees again. The tinder funeral should be treated like this: in July, cut the growths, clean the bark, disinfect the wounds with a 3% solution of copper sulfate and cover with garden var.

Cortex diseases: False Tower


A very common disease that is easily transferred from wood to wood. The main feature is the holeiness of the leaves. This type of fungus affects not only leaves, but shoots, bark. With cavering, a strong gum is observed. The disease depletes a tree, yield is noticeably reduced, the branches can dry out. Fight this disease should be in several approaches:

  • Cut sick branches.
  • Process the seats with a mixture of 1% copper and 3% iron sulfate with a mixture.
  • To cover the seats of the sections with a garden var.
  • Falled leaves, kidneys, flowers collect and burn.
  • Parse the trunk circle.
  • Spray a tree with a burgundy liquid.
Gum on a tree


The spores of the fungus multiply in the affected areas of the tree. If you do not take care of the tree, do not cut out the frozen and broken branches, do not clean the dry and cracked areas, the disputes of moniliosis will feel great and will soon make themselves felt.

This disease is characterized by the appearance of "burn" areas. The branches look as if the sun is sleeping. But if you look closely, you can see small gray spots. Moniliosis can gradually dry and destroy the whole tree.

How to treat the disease:

  • Cut off the affected branches, capturing 10 cm of a healthy area.
  • Cut branches immediately burn.
  • Capture cuts with garden var.
  • The bark must also be cleaned to green and treated with garden varnish.
  • The tree must be sprayed with one of the drugs: Bordeaux fluid, copper sulfate 3%, iron sulfate 3%, nitrofen.
Cherry Disease: Moniliosis


Brown points appear on the leaves of the cherries, the leaves begin to turn yellow. If you do not take any measures, then the disease will spread to the branches and the barrel, the tree will begin to fade.

You can prevent cocketing by spraying:

  • The first spraying is carried out before the flowering of the cherries with the drug Iron Domes 3%.
  • Then, immediately after flowering, spray the chorus (2g/10 l of water).
  • The third spraying of Horus in 20 days.
  • Fourth - after harvesting.
Cocketing garden

Barkouts and ticks

There are many types of parasite insects that eat bark under the bark. Thus, they harm the tree. You can fight insects by spraying a tree with chemical drugs.

Video: Treatment of trees diseases

How to heal the crack on the trunk of the cherries: a complex of measures

Important: Gardeners are divided into two camps: those who treat the wounds on the trees with putty, and those who leave the wounds open.

Some argue that an open wound heals slower, but the likelihood that new fungi will start under the putty is less. It is enough to clean the wound, disinfect it and make sure that insects do not multiply there, removing them mechanically.

Others carefully cut off the damaged bark, disinfect the tool and wound, and then treat the wound with a special mixture. Thus, the crack is delayed much faster, in a couple of years the tree will be like new.

If the crack is not treated, over time it will turn into hollow and lead to the death of a tree.

To heal the crack on the bark, you have to work hard:

  1. With a suitable object (knife, hacksaw, chisel), first you need to remove the damaged bark to the green bark.
  2. Clean the wound with sandpaper.
  3. Not a single dead area of \u200b\u200bthe bark should not be passed. The dead plot can be determined by color and dull sound.
  4. If you do not clean the wound well enough, all the work will go down the drain. In the affected area, fungi will accumulate again, and under the damaged bark - insects and larvae.
  5. The cleaned wound needs to be disinfected. To do this, you can use 5% copper sulfate.
  6. Seal the wound with a garden var or chatterbox.
  7. If the crack is very deep, you need to light it with cement.
  8. Wrap the barrel with a wound of burlap, fix the wire.
Treatment of wood cracks

Garden Var is a mixture based on fat. Garden Var can be bought ready or do it yourself. For this you will need:

  • Rosin
  • Beeswax
  • Barani fat

Cooking method:

  1. Melt in separate containers all components.
  2. Mix rosin, lamb fat and bee wax in one container.
  3. Wait until the mixture cools down a little and pour it into a bucket of cold water.
  4. The mixture should curl up, after which it can be reached and formed with your hands.

Store garden var should be stored in paper impregnated with oil. In cold weather, the garden varnish hardens, it can be applied to a tree only in warm weather.

Garden wart on a tree

Instead of garden Vara, some use chatterboxes.

  • Recipe 1: Take in a ratio of 2: 1 clay and dry cow manure. Add water, mix until smooth.
  • Recipe 2: Dilute in 3 liters of water 2.5 l ash, 150 g of copper sulfate, 5 l of clay, 2.5 l of garden lime. Mix thoroughly.

How and how to process the bark of the cherries in the spring, so that it does not burst, does not exfoliate: prevention

It is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it later. It is important to observe a number of preventive measures that will help preserve a healthy tree trunk and prevent the development of fungal diseases.

How to protect the trunk of the cherries from damage:

  1. For the winter, you need to protect young trees from rodents. Some resort to chemical poisons, scattering them on the site. For others, such a method is unacceptable, since there is a risk of harm to an innocent animal. In this case, a metal mesh is strengthened around the barrel, which does not allow pests to get to the bark.
  2. It is necessary to protect the barrel from sunlight. To do this, in the fall, they resort to whitewashing trees with garden lime. You can beat the trees in early spring, when the sun is not too active. In May, whitewashing in May no longer makes it sense, the leaves by this time are already protecting the barrel.
  3. The trunk circle must be dug up before wintering.
  4. It is necessary to increase frost resistance, apply potassium and phosphate fertilizers.
  5. With the onset of heat, the tree needs to be cleaned of damaged shoots, get rid of frostobine, scrape off the old growths of the bark.
  6. In the spring, spraying trees with fungicides and insecticides is carried out in order to destroy fungi and insects.
  7. Inspect the trees for diseases and take measures in time.

Some have a question: when can a crack in a tree be treated? It is advisable to treat the wound in spring and summer, when warm and wounds on a tree are quickly healing. Determine how successful medical care was wood in 1-2 years. Only after such a time you can see if the wound is delayed.

Pests and diseases adversely affect garden trees, including cherries. Even if the tree continues to live, the quality of the berries worsens. In our power to prevent the disease in the development stage. The main thing is to closely monitor the trees and carry out a complex of preventive measures.

Video: How to cure a wound on a fruit tree?

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