TOP-5 plants for vertical landscaping on the site, design ideas

TOP-5 plants for vertical landscaping on the site, design ideas

The eternal magic of the plant world always captivates, forcing to forget about pressing problems, immersing in the world of eternal and pure beauty. In the turmoil of days and phenomena, a person is suspended from the contemplation of nature, but subconsciously strives for her, as a child to his mother, to find comfort and rest.

However, it is not at all necessary to go somewhere to enjoy the charms of nature. Such a piece of beauty can be created at home in the presence of a place and desire. If you have a house with a plot of land, on it you can easily create a personal paradise that will delight you and cause admiration for others. It will be about vertical landscaping of the site.

Vertical landscaping of the site: Advantages

The vertical landscaping of the site for humanity has long known - from the hanging gardens of the sevenramide of ancient Babylon, medieval castles, stained with ivy, to this day. The direction did not lose relevance, modern designers have added many new ideas to ancient methods.

The advantages of vertical landscaping of the site are in its capabilities:

  • close unsightly places on old buildings or facades;
  • revive deaf walls of houses;
  • picture design boring fences;
  • protect your recreation area from the curious eyes of neighbors;
  • zone site with the lowest costs;
  • improve microclimate and humidity;
  • create A special psychological mood for a good rest.

Plants for vertical landscaping: how to choose?

When choosing plants for vertical landscaping, it is necessary, first of all, to proceed from the climatic zone you live. After all, delicate tropical exotes simply cannot withstand the harsh winter strip, and whimsical European tibia may simply not take root in latitudes with a harsh climate.

  • Calculate how much space you take for growth for vertical landscaping, And what is his growth potential. So, spreading campsis It will be crowded in small space, and he will try to win the territory, entering into a serious struggle with you and nearby plants. If the plant behaves aggressively, it must have maximum space for development.
  • Before buying plants for vertical landscapingyou must know for sure - it is photophilous or shade -tolerant. Plants that prefer a shadow will be burned with bright rays of the sun, if they are placed in the sun, and vice versa, photophilous plants in a deep shadow will refuse to grow, or even completely become obscured.
  • The same with watering, do not pour dry -resistant And water the plenty molom -loving Plants to get the expected effect from them.
  • Choose a pleasant to your eye color scheme of plants, Avoiding the cutting eyes of dissonances, combine them by the shape of the colors and the texture of the leaves, in size and height.

Now special conditions for those who have small children or have pets. If the plant is poisonous, take it in mind! A child or a dog can accidentally enjoy the leaves, branches or seeds of a poisonous plant. The same applies to plants with thorns, sharp edges of leaves or with caustic juice. Be careful!

It is important to choose the right plant
It is important to choose the right plant

TOP-5 plants for vertical landscaping on the site

When buying plants for vertical landscaping, you need to take into account the side of the world on which they will live - it can be the western, southern or northern side. For each case, special varieties are selected, which will be especially comfortable to grow in these conditions. But there are absolute leaders who grow almost everywhere, so they gained immense popularity.


Girl's grapes

  • Girl's grapes are a liana that came to us from antiquity and has not lost its relevance today. This is a strong liana that is capable of quick time in full pour the wall, arbor or other architectural structure.
  • In the summer it creates complete shading, very decorative in the fall, the leaves shimmer in orange-burry tones, the leaves are openwork and seem thymeal.
  • Very unpretentious. It grows everywhere, is not afraid of the sun, shadows, smoke. It has the ability to fix on absolutely even surfaces, without requiring supports or tying.
  • Can be applied for decorative landscaping hills and slopes As a groundcover, without losing its decorativeness.
  • But there are also disadvantages - very aggressive, will try to capture new spaces. But if you correctly organize the space for him and cut it in time, the problem will disappear by itself. It is curious that, if the already fully formed vines stop watering, she will cease to behave aggressively, without losing her decorativeness.
Stunning beauty
Stunning beauty


  • Tecoma or Campsis - Liana, Coming to our latitudes from South America and remaining here forever. The plant from the category of perennials does not require special care. It is capable of growing up to 15 m, does not require supports, can be attached to an absolutely flat surface of fences and walls, which is widely used in vertical landscaping.
  • Throughout the vegetation period, to the very frosts blooms with bright orange inflorescences of large bell -shaped colors, Attracting the views of admiring viewers. Previously, the plant was cultivated in Crimea, now it can often be found in more severe areas.
  • It is believed that the Campsis is a thermophilic plant and needs the winter in shelter, but observations confirm that an adult plant calmly withstands frosts up to -30 degrees without special frostbite. When planting this plant, it is necessary to take into account the aggressiveness of growth, the plant needs a lot of space and regular pruning, To show their power and beauty.

Caprifol Telman

  • The third most popular is the Caprifol Telman. Strong Liana, which is a variety of honeysuckle.
  • The plant has been known for more than 100 years, is widely used in the design of vertical landscaping, if you need to close the unsightly area.
  • Has a powerful growth of up to 5 m, but she needs supports for good growth and development. Can braid arbors and pergoles. Blooms orange-golden fragrant flowers. But there is a minus - a plant heat -lovingso needs in a place protected from freezing And requires shelter for the winter.


  • These herbaceous vines, thanks to a variety of colors and varieties They are widely used in vertical landscaping. The plant needs care, it needs water, cut, cover for the winter.
  • For clematis you need support, often in the form of a grid so that they can be fixed on it with antennae, then clematis is able to cover large areas. If the plant is planted without support, it will weave a growing tree or bush on a nearby.
  • So often incomparable compositions from clematis and other plants are created. There are clematis with different flowering terms, so, combining different varieties, you can achieve continuous flowering on the site to frost.
  • Large -flowered and fine -flowered, grassy and half -brushes, tall vines- the choice is very wide.
  • White, purple, lilac, pink and burgundy Tones will create a fabulous atmosphere on your site. You only have to look through the catalogs and choose the attracted varieties. But when choosing, it is worth considering the flowering time - there are clematis blooming on the shoots of last year, and there are those that bloom on the shoots of the year of the current one. This is an important information that is needed for the correct pruning of the vines.


The most popular and sung by poets a plant, known since the time of ancient times. There are simply no people who do not like roses! Tenderness and aroma will not leave anyone indifferent, so roses often play a leading role in the design of the garden area.

For vertical landscaping are most often used:

  • weaved;
  • park;
  • english roses;
  • roses on the stamps.
To decorate the site
To decorate the site
  • Roses most often place on supports or arches, Then, during the flowering period, they create the effect of flowering hedges - flowers are located a continuous carpet, completely covering the supporting structures. For this type of landscaping, they are most suitable Weaved roses, whose lashes reach 5 m or more. The lashes are rigidly fixed on the grid while they are thin and bend well. Over time, Rosa takes the necessary forms and branches grow with a given angle of curvature.
  • Roses require painful care. They are sensitive to the scorching rays of the sun, love watering and top dressing. In the winter, roses must be covered in order to avoid freezing. After winter, the plants are subjected to forming pruning, the old and frozen branches are removed over the winter, the rest are slightly adjusted in shape and length.
  • Weaved roses are disposable flowering and re -flowering. One -time flowering roses are more decorative, in the peak of the buds of buds, they form the effect of a flowering carpet, and these 3-4 weeks can give you an unforgettable sensation! Then the petals fly around, and on the supports they begin to ripen fruits, which will be flashed brightly and delight the eye before frost.
Weaved roses
Weaved roses
  • Repeated flowering roses do not give the effect of carpet flowering, their flowers are larger and slightly smaller, but they bloom in waves to the very frosts, and you will always have than to admire! Now there are many varieties with aromatic roses, so besides flowers, you will enjoy the gentle smell of the Queen of the Garden!
  • Park roses are similar to climbing, only they are more compact, most often repeated. Basically, they are located near fences and hedges, often create compositions from park roses and clematis, where park roses serve a support for clematis, and clematis is complemented by rose color.
  • Often in design, English roses are used. They are more frost -resistant, flowers have a beautiful shape of an old rose, most varieties have a pronounced aroma. There is tall, medium and stunted varieties of English roses.
  • In vertical landscaping High -speed are used more often, on the supports they create an amazing effect of return to the past. If the English rose is located on the site as a tapeworm, it will attract all attention to itself with its drooping branches, strewn with huge colors.
  • Special attention deserves sement roses - When the rose -rose -rose -rose -rose -rose, the effect of the tree flowering with multi -colored colors of the tree flowering. They are used as soliders in garden design, despite a somewhat complex care, are popular due to the unusual form of forms.
Sement roses
Sement roses

Vertical landscaping of the site: design ideas

Vertical landscaping of the site allows you to embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba paradise in a single site. The method came from long ago and enriched with the new ideas of our time.

For vertical landscaping, these designs and methods are used:

  • Arks. They are most often formed by vines or roses, several designs are placed in the creation of a gallery effect.
  • Pergoles. They are used as a shadow canopy, decorated with deciduous vines and suspended ampelous plants, and is a cozy place to relax and conversations.
Permol landscaping
Permol landscaping
  • Obelisks. Cylindrical or pyramidal supports, stained with vines or roses. Create the effect of a magnificent bush.
Decoration of the site
Decoration of the site
  • Hedges. A great solution for zoning the site. It is performed using decorative shrubs. Ideas with evergreen hedges are interesting, giving decorativeness to the site all year round.
  • Vertical flower beds. The idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make a flower bed in a limited area of \u200b\u200bspace. It is performed with the help of a vertical arrangement of pots with flowers on reliable supports.
If the space is limited
If the space is limited
  • Suspended models. These are well -known suspended containers with ampelous plants. The most commonly used varieties of petunias and begonias.
Suspended plant
Suspended plant

Now you know what needs to be done in order to create a garden of your dreams. Look at your site, evaluate its size, shape, boundaries, and start planning! Any dream will sooner or later become a reality, you just have to try. Take the first step!

Useful articles for those who want to decorate the interior:

Video: Vertical landscaping with your own hands

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