How to choose the right interior in an apartment, house? How to choose the color of the kitchen, bedrooms, upholstered furniture in the living room?

How to choose the right interior in an apartment, house? How to choose the color of the kitchen, bedrooms, upholstered furniture in the living room?
Features of a combination of colors in the interior of the house. Tips for choosing furniture.
  • People are attached into things and objects surrounding them. And, of course, they have a special weakness for housing and comfort in it
  • Our aesthetic ideas require satisfaction from contemplating the beauty of our home. So we relax and feel comfortable, without tension, comfortable and peaceful
  • Designer developments in the form of tips and photos will come to the rescue. We’ll talk about this in more detail. During the repair time I want to carefully think over and bring all ideas into life once, so that later I have been enjoying the convenience and beauty of my home for several years
  • What to opt for - classics or modern trends, minimalism in furniture or the most built -in comfort, a combination of colors and surfaces? The head is spinning, but you need to decide

The right interior in the house

Interior option of a small apartment
interior option of a small apartment
Being visiting, you subconsciously feel comfort or the absence of it for yourself. After your eyes, a person perceives much more information than through sound.
As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. They are able to create only you, not venerable interior designers. The latter are able to put you on thoughts, inspire you.
How to realize the interior of your home, preserving coziness and individuality? Use several tips:
  • collect your favorite photos in the folder on the computer, cut them out of magazines. The moment of the start of the repair will come and you will need to revise all the blanks, decide on the nuances and accents
  • if possible, be visiting. Of course, you are unlikely to want to copy someone’s decision, but to transfer the idea that the moment in the interior is completely remembered
  • fantasize and mix styles and directions without reference to cost. The most incredible tables, sofas, kitchens, chairs can be realized under any budget
  • close your eyes and think about what comfort is associated with you personally. Remember childhood, youth and student years, stories from your past, travel and walking under the moon. Feel the mood that you would like to fill your home. Perhaps objects that inspire joy and tranquility will come up in memory. For example, a guitar with a grandfather’s signature for memory, a picture with the image of the streets of Paris, where you dreamed of visiting in childhood
  • focus on your hobby. This will become a highlight and the most visited place in your home. For example, a wall with sports awards, a collection of mini paintings on plates from different countries, a sofa with their own pillows will give your home a special charm
  • analyze the space of the house, walk in it, come up with the story of a person living here
  • pay attention to your wardrobe. If you are a bright creative person, then why do you need an interior in beige colors. After all, through the space of the house, you demonstrate yourself, your essence
  • think about furniture, its number in the house, functionality

How to choose furniture for wallpaper in the house?

Bright sofa against the background of calm tones of the walls in the house
bright sofa against the background of calm tones of the walls in the house
If you have decided or settled in a house with a good finished repair with the wallpaper, then it's time to think over the furniture for space. Focus on your feelings and consider some nuances when choosing it:
  • decide on the mood that you want to create in a particular room. Consider its size, illumination, purpose in the house/apartment. For example, warm pastel colors visually narrow the space, act on a person relaxing, add light in the room. Cold bright shades, on the contrary, increase, invigorate, muffle lighting
  • the emphasis should be shifted either to furniture or wallpaper. For example, on a light background, furniture made of light wood or one, which is a couple of tones darker than wallpaper, looks advantageous
  • pay attention to the upholstery and edging of furniture. They should be in the same color scheme as wallpaper. The game of shades is acceptable due to accessories, fabrics in the interior
  • the ceiling and the floor should be in contrast, then the feeling of comfort is preserved
  • make walls with light plain wallpaper with furniture, and with color, colorful or photo wallpaper always leave free
  • take with you the remaining wallpaper to evaluate their combination in the furniture salon
  • ready -made sets of famous brands are presented in catalogs as a photo of real interior solutions, look at them before buying furniture
  • create your own design solutions and be prepared for increased expenses for their implementation. But your interior and the whole atmosphere of the house will leave a mark in the shower of all your guests

How to choose the right kitchen color?

Variant of the kitchen in a purple tone
variant of the kitchen in a purple tone
The kitchen is an important part of the house where all family members and friends are found. Here we satisfy physical hunger and communication before and/or after a hard day.
Depending on the temperament of the hostess, the general atmosphere of the house, goals, the kitchen can invigorate, reassure, set up for pleasant communication, be exquisite or strict, classic, lively with several accents on the table, windows or walls.
Designers advise when choosing a kitchen to adhere to such recommendations:
  • dominize no more than two colors
  • furniture has priority before the color of the walls, that is, a bright environment involves calm monochrome solutions for wallpaper, tiles, paints on the walls
  • the upper cabinets should be lighter than the lower ones if the color scheme of the kitchen is represented by two or more shades
  • check out the effect of color on the human psyche, for example, red can cause headache, and bright yellow is anxiety
  • small kitchen will seem more spacious with light monochrome furniture, and spacious - more comfortable with bright accents
  • for supporters of the classics, mustard, olive, beige, wheat colors are suitable. Adherents of modern trends in the interior to taste pink, purple, light green, blue, blue, orange

How to choose the color of the bedroom?

Color solution in the interior for the bedroom
color solution in the interior for the bedroom
The bedroom is a room for restoring strength, rest and rest. Since we use a third of our life to sleep, I want the beauty of space and pleasant to and after color to be surrounded before and after.
Pay attention to some recommendations when choosing a color for the bedroom:
  • determine the dominant color and several others combined with it as focusing
  • if the floor is dark, then the furniture and walls of the bedroom should be light
  • stop your choice in warm colors if the windows are located on the north side in the bedroom, cold - from the southern
  • avoid sharp lines, large photos on the walls of the bedroom. Give preference to smooth drawings in the interior, for example, wood, animals, flowers
  • before painting the bedroom in a specific color, apply it to a small section of the wall. Observe how it will change in the morning and evening depending on the lighting in the room
If you clearly have decided on the style of the bedroom, remember:
  • classic implies pastel shades, for example, beige, light green, blue, milk
  • modern based on a combination of classics with bright interior elements, for example, a purple or dark brown frame of the picture
  • the eastern style is the only one where bright sophistication is relevant both mainly and focusing colors
  • heytek fills the space with the brilliance of mirror surface and colors with a similar effect. The accents of red and black in the general interior of the room are appropriate
  • country implies the use of colors of nature, stripes and spots, for example, resembling animal colors, reptiles. Colors and materials for finishing should be natural

The best bedrooms. A photo

Bedroom interior option 1
bedroom interior option 1
Bedroom interior option 2
bedroom interior option 2
Bedroom interior option 3
bedroom interior option 3
Bedroom interior option 4
bedroom interior option 4
Bedroom interior option 5
bedroom interior option 5
Bedroom interior option 6
bedroom interior option 6
Bedroom interior option 7
bedroom interior option 7
Bedroom interior version 8
bedroom interior version 8
Bedroom interior option 10
bedroom interior option 9
Bedroom interior option 10
bedroom interior option 10
Bedroom interior option 11
bedroom interior option 11
Bedroom interior option 12
bedroom interior option 12
Bedroom interior option 13
bedroom interior option 13

What color to choose furniture in the living room?

Option of the interior of the living room
option of the interior of the living room
  • Perhaps there is no such room in the house that would be insignificant for us. The living room implies the reception of relatives and friends, a general collection of a family over a cup of fragrant tea or by the fireplace, a meeting with colleagues
  • Therefore, her color scheme will influence the general atmosphere and mood of the conversation of people in it. It also applies to furniture. If you just communicate in the living room, then you will not need a large dining table. And if the dimensions of the living room and its purpose mean general dinners, then you cannot do without it
  • Light tones of furniture in the living room are appropriate if the room is small. You can revive it with accessories - bright visas, pillows, frames
  • Dark furniture is relevant for a spacious well -lit living room
  • Orange, yellow and red - these are the dominant colors of furniture in the living room, where they often accept friends and relatives
  • Blue, green, beige - suitable for living rooms with an accent to rest, relaxation

How to choose upholstered furniture

Beautiful soft sofa in the living room
beautiful soft sofa in the living room
Before the choice of upholstered furniture, take measurements of the rooms and draw a scheme for its location in space. You can sketch a sketch on paper or perform it on a computer in special programs.
In the store, pay attention and find out all the moments about the furniture from the sales consultant:
  • exact dimensions - width, height, length. For more confidence, you can take a roulette with you and check them yourself
  • what material is made of the frame. The most durable of metal and solid wood, the least - from pine
  • the material of the upholstery and the quality of its fastening. For example, a convex, cloth pattern is good during prolonged use, the phlock is perfectly cleaned of pollution, the skin cools the seated one, and removable covers allow you to maintain cleanliness and change the color of the furniture more often. Even lines without large holes from needles indicate the quality of furniture
  • color spectrum. In order not to get lost in the abundance of colors, take with you the segments of the wallpaper of the rooms under which you choose furniture
  • fillers and stiffness. Tempered steel springs will provide hardness and lack of subsidence in furniture, and polyester fiber - softness and increased comfort of its elements
  • the built -in mechanism should work without unnecessary sounds, clearly and harmoniously. Check it several times before making a purchase decision

Modern living room furniture photo

Option 1 of modern furniture for the living room
option 1 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 2 of modern furniture for the living room
option 2 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 3 of modern furniture for the living room
option 3 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 4 of modern furniture for the living room
option 4 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 5 of modern furniture for the living room
option 5 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 6 of modern furniture for the living room
option 6 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 7 of modern furniture for the living room
option 7 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 8 of modern furniture for the living room
option 8 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 9 of modern furniture for the living room
option 9 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 10 of modern furniture for the living room
option 10 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 11 of modern furniture for the living room
option 11 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 12 of modern furniture for the living room
option 12 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 13 of modern furniture for the living room
option 13 of modern furniture for the living room
Option 14 of modern furniture for the living room
option 14 of modern furniture for the living room
The selection of wallpaper and furniture is a painstaking and responsible matter, does not tolerate haste and explosive emotions. On the other hand, in it you can easily realize all your fantasies and ideas based on the budget.
Turn down to positive and remember that the interior of the house is a manifestation of your essence, a reflection of your character, the image of thoughts and lifestyle. Be happy and satisfied in your home!

Video: How to choose furniture in the bedroom?


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Comments K. article

  1. In such an interior, I immediately want something in the style of Provence: something bright (I don’t like the dark interior at all), not very strict.

  2. Yes, this is a warm, cozy interior style. Familiar dacha in this style, I always wondered where we have such furniture, but it turns out there are online stores) Thanks for the aiming!

  3. Very beautiful style. I was about the same style in the same style.

  4. The choice of color, this is already presented as a science that everyone around is trying to adhere to! Sometimes you just wonder how our ancestors survived without this science))

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