Uterine hypertonicity: symptoms of 1, 2 and 3 trimester. How to relieve increased uterine tone during pregnancy?

Uterine hypertonicity: symptoms of 1, 2 and 3 trimester. How to relieve increased uterine tone during pregnancy?

The tone should take place imperceptibly for a woman. If the pregnant woman feels pulling pains, heaviness and discharge with an admixture of blood, she should urgently consult a doctor. Hypertonus has unpleasant consequences in each trimester.

What does the tone of the uterus mean during pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy does not always occur softly and unreasonably. It is not rare to make women a decision on the existence of tone in all trimester - this is a muscle tone. The uterus is also a muscle and it tends to contract under the influence of various factors. Ideally, during pregnancy to be calm. But if it is contracted before conception and it is periodically reduced, it is not always bad and problematic
  • This phenomenon can be calmly regarded as a normal physiological process if it is not persecuted by any other symptoms and diseases. Muscle contraction should not cause bewilderment, because it is observed even when a woman simply sneezes. Unchanged factors affecting reductions remain stress, unrest and nervous state
  • When making such a diagnosis, you need to ask a doctor in detail about how dangerous he is for you. The consequences of non -normal tone can be very deplorable. In the early stages, the tone is able to provoke a breakdown of pregnancy, and on the rest - premature birth

Most often, the tone of the uterus is diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy (in the first trimester) according to the results of an ultrasound examination.

Pregnancy on an early date
pregnancy on an early date

It is because of uterine reduction that many women cannot become pregnant. The fetal egg is simply not able to attach to the wall of the uterus.

The tone until the twenty -eighth week is considered a real threat of miscarriage, and only when it passes more than 28 weeks to talk about it as the risk of the beginning of premature birth.

Unfortunately, the uterine tone is diagnosed in 60% of pregnant women, but doctors try to do everything possible to exclude all the possible causes of its manifestation:

  • fill the marine of the progesterone hormone
  • appoint sedative sedatives
  • prescribe "preservation" and recommend a calm, not active lifestyle
  • eliminate or alleviate toxicosis
  • eliminate increased flatulence in the intestines
  • cure inflammatory, as well as infectious diseases

How to determine the tone of the uterus during pregnancy yourself?

It is not difficult to determine the presence of tone. Very eloquent symptoms that accompany the problem at all stages of pregnancy will say this. When a woman’s stomach does not stick forward yet, she may feel:

  • strong weight in the groin and bottom of the abdomen
  • pain and rub, similar to those accompanying a woman during the period of menstruation
  • lumbar pain
  • pain similar to intestinal cramps
  • smearing discharge with blood impurities

You can add to these symptoms on the second and third trimester:

  • feeling and heavy abdomen
  • visual petition
  • stomach solid to the touch

A pregnant woman, feeling such symptoms, should immediately consult a doctor so that this phenomenon does not provoke a miscarriage or unplanned premature birth. The doctor prescribes a number of medicines that have an antispasmodic and soft calming effect.

The fetus presses on the walls, causing cramps
the fetus presses on the walls, causing cramps

How to reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

  • Involuntary uterine contractions may be present at all pregnancy periods. Most often, tone appears due to a hormonal failure in the body and a shortage of progesterone - a female "pregnant" hormone
  • Starting from the sixteenth week, it may appear as a result of the growth of the placenta and the increase. In this case, it does not require intervention, in others - it is simply necessary to reduce the tone in order to avoid the consequences
  • In most cases, in order to reduce uterine tone, doctors prescribe antispasmodics - drugs relaxing muscle organs
  • The most common medicine is, proven for the years of No-Shpa. It has a sufficiently soft and safe effect. In more severe cases, you can use the "papaverine" or "viburkol" fresh
Uterine tone can be reduced using medications
uterine tone can be reduced using medications

The tone, which is caused by the growth of the placenta, can be facilitated by wearing a special bandage for pregnant women. The principle of his work is that he is able to distribute a woman’s weight and facilitate her movement, as well as remove the load from the back.

Yes, and the very physical activity, movement and carrying weights must be excluded from your life.

Pregnant, suffering tone  necessary more  sleep, walk in the parks and breathe air.  Costs fully review own food, to eliminate Fixing products:

  • sweet products: sweets, chocolate and others
  • bakery products
  • rice cereal

It is very useful for women to increase the amount of vitamin E consumed from food, eat bee royal milk and wheat germ.

Uterine tone in the first trimester of pregnancy

The three -layer muscles enveloping the uterus are intertwined very tightly. Such interweaving allows the muscle to hold the uterus tightly in case of overvoltage.

The tone indicates the presence of problems in the body, since the fetus is very small and is unlikely to stretch the walls of the uterus somehow.

Pulling pain in the abdomen
pulling pain in the abdomen

In the early stages of pregnancy, namely in the first trimester, the tone of the uterus can appear from the smallest experiences and unrest. Stress is far from the only reason.

Physical activity, even the most minimal, provokes tone. It is not rare, simple abstinence and the inability to go to the toilet also provoke muscle contractions.

If you still relax, went to the toilet, did not burden yourself with loads, and the tone and pulling feelings do not go away, it is possible that your symptoms are associated with something else:

  • hormonal disorders in the body
  • toxicosis
  • the disadvantage of progesterone
  • uterus underdevelopment
  • the presence of oncological diseases in the uterus
  • diseases of the genitals
  • infectious disease
  • various Rhesus factor of blood of mom and baby

If the tone is provoked by external factors, it is very quickly eliminated. If internal - you need to look for the cause with the help of specialists.

Uterine tone in the second trimester of pregnancy

We can say that the second trimester of pregnancy for a woman is the most favorable. In the second trimester, toxicosis goes away and the pregnant woman feels much better. Everything that a woman can bother in the fourth, fifth and sixth months is the tone of the uterus.

The tone in this period is provoked by different factors, both external and internal. From external factors, one can note:

  • physical muscle load
  • heavy lifting
  • stress, unrest, constant nervous
  • adverse lifestyle, the presence of bad habits

Internal factors:

  • hormonal disorders
  • mima uterus
  • the threat of a breakdown (underdevelopment of a child, different Rh factors of blood in mom and baby, congenital anomalies)
  • rapid growth of the fetus
At the reception, ultrasound
at the reception, ultrasound

Unfortunately, the tone is able to lead to worsened blood flow in the body of a woman. This phenomenon can have very unpleasant consequences and inhibit the development of the child in intrauterine.

The worst thing that can happen to a woman who is experiencing a tone is the detachment of the placenta of the fetus from the wall of the uterus, since it, unlike the muscles, is not reduced.

Uterine tone in the third trimester of pregnancy

Insignificant abbreviations fibers musclesnormal for pregnant women. Not rarely hypertonusconsequence multiple (several children in womb) or too much large fetus.

Late term, third trimester
late term, third trimester

The fetus in the uterus is already quite large, it stretches the uterus and gives unpleasant sensations. If the tone is increased, this will be able to cause premature birth.

Also, the causes of tone in the third trimester can be:

  • nervous irritations, regular stress
  • wearing
  • intestinal gases

Why is the uterine hypertonicity dangerous during pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus can have different consequences at different periods of pregnancy. In any case, the tone is dangerous to terminate pregnancy. In the early stages, muscle contractions cause the impossibility of fixing the fetal egg on the wall of the uterus.

Fleet consolidation in the uterus
fleet consolidation in the uterus

Hypertonicity is the cause of narrowing of blood vessels, which are the main binding of the mother and the child. It is for this reason that the fruit can lack development in the womb. It is through blood vessels that the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen comes to the child.

In all three trimesters, hypertonicity causes involuntary abortion. It is not rare, the tone itself can be confused with the beginning of the fights.

How to treat uterine tone during pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus, depending on the causes of occurrence, requires proper treatment. It can be simple manipulations, or there may be a complete drug treatment.

No-shpa with uterine tone
no-shpa with uterine tone

Try to start treatment with simple exercises and only if folk methods cannot cope with sensations, consult a doctor for help:

  • take a horizontal position
  • determine the respiratory relaxing gymnastics in order to successfully use it at the necessary moment
  • raise your legs above your head, put them on the pillow
  • drink soothing tea with chamomile and lemon balm
  • stick the stomach with delicate circular movements
  • try not to load yourself with heavy bags and physical exercises during the day and not be nervous

The tone of the uterus requires regular treatment of medications. In the arsenal of each pregnant woman should be sedative sedatives, antispasmodics and vitamins prescribed by the attending physician.

Exercise to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy

A number of simple exercises are aimed at eliminating tone and relaxing the muscle system of the body of a pregnant woman:

  • Exercise "Cat".This is a simple exercise by the forces of every woman and it is especially useful for those who are already in the third trimester of pregnancy. It requires a woman on all limbs. Standing on all fours, the back and abdominal muscles relax. It is necessary to stand in a calm state for five minutes, after which you should perform bending and raising the back. You need to fix each position up to five seconds. Blood circulation increases, the condition is better
  • Exercise "Free position".To do this, it is not necessary to perform some special movements. It is enough to take the situation in which the uterus will remain as relaxed as possible. Take a chair, lean on it with your forearms, go to the floor with your knees and sit in this state for some time
Uterine tone requires elimination
uterine tone requires elimination

What to do with uterine tone during pregnancy: tips and reviews

The tone of the uterus haunts almost every woman at different periods of pregnancy. In any case, severe sensations of pain, sipping, bloody discharge - this is always not normal. The tone requires elimination in any case, since it should always be asymptomatic and imperceptibly.

With the slightest health disorders, try to consult your doctor, limit your loads and be in a horizontal mood. Stress is the easiest way to lead the muscles to the contraction, so try not to be nervous, relax and avoid any stress.

Video: “The tone of the uterus. What to do?"

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