Nutrition types - designations abroad in hotels: decryption in Russian, table

Nutrition types - designations abroad in hotels: decryption in Russian, table

From this article you will find out what types of food are in hotels and how they are deciphered.

Hotels offer their guests different types of food. To choose the right one, it is important to know the decoding, because they all have abbreviations. Despite all the variety of species, they usually do not differ too much, but the price itself varies greatly. Therefore, we decided to figure out what these or other types of nutrition are, as well as how they are deciphered.

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Nutrition types - designations abroad in hotels: decryption in Russian, table

So, the types of nutrition in hotels differ from each other with the name and cost. The menu differs in variety, but some of them are very similar.

The generally accepted classification is distributed as follows:

Generally accepted abbreviations of food types
Generally accepted abbreviations of food types

AT US hotels use slightly different designations:

US Nutrition Types
US Nutrition Types

As you can see, there are a lot of types. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Food type AO, RO, SC in hotels: Decryption

This program is very popular among a certain circle of tourists. As a rule, these types of nutrition in hotels are indicated separately. Somewhere indicated AO, and somewhere RO or SC. Regardless of the designation, they involve the lack of nutrition.

Many might think that such a choice is impractical, but he also has its advantages:

  • Tourists have the opportunity to cook on their own or choose dishes that they prefer. For example, some have a special diet and they cannot eat everything that is proposed by the hotel. This is also relevant for families with babies, because mothers often prefer to cook porridge themselves.
  • This type of power is very reduced to the price of the tour. At the same time, this type is not even among the poorest tourists, because such a system involves placement in an expensive number. And if a person does not want to cook himself, then cafes and restaurants are available to him.

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Type of food at AL Hotel: Decryption

Type of power all inclusive
Type of power "All inclusive"

Types of nutrition in hotels under the designation AL are deciphered as “all inclusive”. As a rule, they are offered in hotels from 4 stars. Accordingly, choosing this type, you can not only have breakfast, but in general there is at any time and how much you want if such an opportunity is available at the hotel. At least, even if good nutrition is not available, you can always have a bite, and drinks are free.

Two types of service are usually offered-the Swedish table and restaurants a la cards. The first model is the most profitable and it is actively used in hotels with beaches. Food is always available to tourists and they can take everything they want.

The A-la Card system suggests that tourists are sitting in a restaurant and ordering dishes on the menu. Usually a couple of types of soups, a pair of snacks and salads, as well as hot ones are offered. The drinks are unlimited, so you can choose any to your taste. Different kitchens can be offered depending on the hotel, and therefore everyone will find dishes to their taste.

There is also such a designation as UAL. This is the ultra system. It includes absolutely any alcohol, for example, French cognac. The second breakfast and afternoon snack are also provided, that is, this is a more expanded power system.

Type of power in hotels: Deciphering FB

The type of power is HB
The type of power is HB

When tourists come to relax on the beach, they mainly choose such types of food as a complete boarding house. It is designated as FB. In the standard version, drinks are provided only during breakfast, but if you choose FB+, then the tourist is free alcohol, but only local production.

By the way, food is organized by the type of Swedish table, or a menu for each guest is created. Mostly in small hotels, the second option is found. The fact is that it is much cheaper. The menu is approved in advance and discussed with tourists. Although, in some places the menu cannot be changed. If you do not like any dishes, then you should come up with an alternative.

As we have already said, drinks are usually included in the price of services, but it happens that hotels are asked to pay even for simple water. This is a rather unpleasant moment and it is advisable to clarify it in advance.

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Power type in BB hotels: Decryption

The type of BB power is referred to as a deciphering "Bed & Breackfast". He suggests that a tourist is given breakfast and overnight. Breakfast can be served differently. Usually it is light and consists of an omelet, sausages, sausages, tea or coffee, and so on. Sometimes national dishes appear on the table.

Other abbreviations are also found:

  • Continental breakfast (CB/CBF). It consists of 3-4 dishes and a client is offered several options for a choice. Usually such food is chosen by those who do not like to eat a lot in the morning, but prefers just a bite.
  • English or American breakfast (AB/ABF). This is a more hearty option. It includes scrambled eggs or omelet, bacon and tomatoes. Toasts with butter, juice or coffee are also offered.

Food type Hypocation HB in hotels: Decryption

The type of power is half a panic
The type of power is half a panic

The boarding houses are surprised by what types of food are proposed in hotels. Typically, a lot of abbreviations are used. If it speaks precisely about the half -board, then he has HB designation. If you want drinks, then choose the HB+option.

Typically, half -panes offer two meals a day - this is breakfast and dinner. Alcohol does not include in them, like the rest of the drinks. Of course, I want to not just choose good food, but also find out what is proposed. Usually the menu differs, but the approximate composition is still possible:

  • Breakfast. For breakfast, the menu is very diverse. There may be omelets, cereals, yogurts and much more. Of course, non -alcoholic drinks are also included in it. By the way, time is limited from 8 to 11. So if you come later, you can be left without food.
  • Dinner. Basically offers meat dishes, soups, desserts and baking. The organization is mainly carried out as the Swedish table. So you can choose everything that you like in any quantity. Time is also limited from 18:00 to 20:00.

Alcohol, like many other drinks are not included in the menu. You will have to pay all for this, as for snacks.

Types of food in Turkish hotels: Decryption

Food in Turkish hotels
Food in Turkish hotels

The most popular country among Russians for many reasons has been and remains Turkey. It offers all the same types of nutrition in hotels, as well as generally accepted ones. In most cases, the all -inclusive power system is used. But other types of nutrition are also present. There are even options that offer only one accommodation without nutrition in general.

Such power types are also used here:

  • HCAI - food and drinks are included in accommodation, but for shops, telephones, services of a doctor, and so on will have to pay separately.
  • The A-La Cart system is often proposed. It involves the choice of food on the menu.
  • For excursions, packed dinners are often offered in hotels. They are called Picnic or Pocket Lunch.

In urban and business hotels, it is mainly proposed by placement according to the RO, BB, HB or FB system. But in resorts, as a rule, the “all inclusive” system is used. By the way, it happens that in hotels they even make special menus for children, vegetarians or dietary. If you need one of them, then specify its presence when booking a tour.

Video: Memo to a tourist. Deciphering the designations of power types in hotels

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