Eyebrow tattoo: pros and cons, photos, tips and reviews, can you make pregnant women, which is important to know in the first days after eyebrow tattoo, what does the eyebrow tattoo look like in a year? How to fix an unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo?

Eyebrow tattoo: pros and cons, photos, tips and reviews, can you make pregnant women, which is important to know in the first days after eyebrow tattoo, what does the eyebrow tattoo look like in a year? How to fix an unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo?

Let's look at the eyebrow tattoo procedure. This procedure is already familiar to many of you, and who resorted to it, he immediately noticed the difference.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing is not a new procedure and most of you have already been faced with it. But for those who decide what technique to give preference, tattooing or microbiding, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons.

The obvious advantage of the tattoo of eyebrows is certainly a beautiful and well -groomed eyebrows of a woman, wherever she is - in a sauna, at sea or on an evening round. Having done the procedure for a tattoo of eyebrows, you no longer have to spend the precious time in the morning, which she still gave correction and coloring of the eyebrows. And in fairness, it should be noted that not every woman can cope with this task correctly.

  • Now life was breathing in a new one, and a woman can gnaw every day and at any time for a day as if she had just been at the master's appointment.
  • But, the tattoo has its drawbacks, and you should know them.
  • One of the main disadvantages that are precisely related to tattooing is an irreversible process. Moreover, the procedure itself is painful and is not carried out without sedatives. There is a high risk of an allergic reaction of the skin to paint, and the rehabilitation process itself is accompanied by a non -aesthetic appearance.
  • Therefore, first of all, go through the test to a possible reaction. Do not rush to draw premature conclusions until you make sure that your skin reacts normally to the pigment in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Important: Having decided on the tattoo of eyebrows, choose only a professional master. It should be a real virtuoso of its business, especially if your eyebrows are asymmetrically located, have the wrong shape and rare light hairs.

  • Next, do not forget that the procedure is quite painful and during the rehabilitation period will be noticeable for some time traces of exfoliation of the skin. Therefore, stock up in advance with appropriate drugs that level not a very pleasant picture and accelerate the healing process.
  • The tattoo master himself will tell you in detail, which, in accordance with the type of skin, will select the correct healing products for you.

The first days after eyebrow tattoo: what you need to know?

  • The tattoo reaction is different in each skin type. The most acceptable skin for the face is normal. If you have a dry type of skin, then you need to restore a normal humidity level, and vice versa, with very oily skin, dry it a little.
  • Sensitive skin, in turn, can in its own respond to the procedure - itching, an allergic reaction, etc. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the tattoo procedure only with the normal balance of dryness/fat content.
  • After the procedure, the skin must be protected from sea water and wind, the effects of which can lead to skin irritation and slow down the healing procedure.

The most important rule for the care of tattooing is the lack of excess exposure!

Video: eyebrow tattoo

After the procedure, it is recommended to use special ointments for skin healing, which include exclusively natural components. The duration of the care depends on the level of redness of the skin.

During the healing period, it is strictly forbidden to use ointment with alcohol. For this purpose, ointments from burns, for example, “rescuer” or “Bepanten” are well suited.

  1. You can’t tear off the crusts yourself
  2. It is forbidden to rub the skin, visit baths and saunas
  3. It is forbidden to conduct steam baths
  4. You can not use tweezers to correct the eyebrow line
  5. Use makeup in the processed zone
  6. Avoid direct solar exposure
  7. Visit the solarium.

What does the eyebrow tattoo look like in a year, photo

A properly executed eyebrow tattoo retains its beautiful view for 7 years and, if necessary, lends itself to correction. But again, it all depends on the type of skin. Owners of oily and dry skin do not need to count on such a long period. In any case, for several years you will forget daily eyebrow correction procedures.

See the photo how tattooing looks in 1 year. In the photo you can see girls with both dry and oily skin, and the effect of the procedure has not yet suffered from this.


How to fix an unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo?

  • The tattoo of eyebrows, as mentioned above, is one of the varieties of permanent makeup. The procedure allows not only to adjust the shape of the eyebrows, but also to give them a beautiful color that will correspond to the color of the hair. But, not in all cases, tattooing gives the results that a woman awaits. Is it possible to fix an unsuccessful tattoo.
  • First of all, having decided on the procedure, absolutely every woman should only contact a specialist who has appropriate certificates. Moreover, they should have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical.
  • But if this happened to you, do not panic, because everything can be corrected thanks to new technologies. Many errors of a cosmetologist can be corrected using a shallow pigment. For example. Master to select a corrector that coincides with the color of your makeup, and adjust small errors.
  • In the event that, as a result of the incorrectly carried out procedure, the paint swam, or you do not like the shade, then such an error is corrected by a laser that can destroy pigments to a depth of 4-5 ml, while without violating the integrity of the skin.

Video: Correction of eyebrow tattoo laser

Can pregnant women do eyebrow tattooing?

There is a unequivocal answer on this subject, both doctors and cosmetologists: “Pregnancy is not the best period for eyebrow tattooing.”

A young mother must decide whether to do a tattoo or not and choose the only correct way out.

Firstly, during pregnancy in the body of a young mother, the hormonal background occurs. This means that you will not guarantee the desired result from the tattoo procedure. So is it worth it to resort to that from which you can not get the result?

Gynecologists unanimously argue that any effect on the body during pregnancy adversely affects the development of the fetus. Moreover, a woman during pregnancy is characterized by increased sensitivity, and the tattoo procedure without this is quite painful. In this regard, experts identified contraindications with which we want to familiarize you:

  1. you can carry out tattooing in the first trimester only after the resolution of the gynecologist
  2. do not use anesthesia during pregnancy

Now it is for you to decide for sure. But first of all, you need to realize - is it worth doing? After all, you are responsible for the life of the man who grows and develops within you.

Brovy tattoo: tips and reviews

We introduced you to the article by the method of tattoo on eyebrow correction. You now know all the pros and cons of this procedure. The choice depends only on you. These are your eyebrows, and only you must correctly evaluate all recommendations and warnings.

Let's summarize everything that was described above:

  • Before you decide on the eyebrow correction procedure, be sure to consult a doctor and find out if you have contraindications.
  • Any procedure for eyebrow correction needs to be done only with a specialist who has undergone appropriate training.
  • During the procedure, use an anesthetic gel.
  • Correctly take care of the eyebrows after the procedure and follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist.
  • Do not use alcohol -containing eyebrow care creams
  • If there is a pain effect, consult a doctor immediately.

And in addition, several reviews from those women who have already experienced the above procedures.

AlyonaI made the eyebrow tattoo back in November 2014. Since then, I have been swimming freely in the pool and do not think that after swimming I need to urgently run and tint my eyebrows. They are naturally light from me, and I like my hair dark. If anyone also experiences such inconvenience, do not even think - run to the salon and conduct an eyebrow tattoo. I am personally very pleased with what I wish you.

Sveta:  The tattoo procedure remained displeased. Before the procedure, I had a soft and feminine look. After the tattoo, I somehow began to strictly watch and always hear the same questions: "Are you offended something?" "Are you all right?" The features of my face changed dramatically. I am negative about this procedure!

Video: eyebrow care after tattooing by day

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful tips. I also plan to do it soon, thanks to your article, now I know what the care should be, what problems are and what solutions exist. The only thing I am afraid of is pain, I can’t stand it. The cosmetologist reassures me, says that he uses only the professional analgesic cream Acriol, which is used in cosmetology. The acquaintance says that thanks to him, her tattooing was safe and she did not feel pain.

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