What modern Uzbek male names are the most popular, beautiful, rare, unusual, short: rating, list, values

What modern Uzbek male names are the most popular, beautiful, rare, unusual, short: rating, list, values

Find out in the article what Uzbek male names the most beautiful, unusual, rare, short. Here you will find lists of names and their meanings.

What are the most beautiful, popular, rare, unusual, short, modern Uzbek names for men: rating, list, meaning

Uzbek male names have been formed for centuries. Most of them have Arab or Turkic origin. Therefore, Uzbek names are very diverse in sound, multifaceted and represented in large quantities.
Uzbek male names do not need long explanations, since they were invented by ordinary people. As a rule, the meaning and translation of the name are short. Male Uzbek names consist of one word, the meaning of which can be different.

Important: The Uzbek name reflects the characteristics and qualities that parents wanted to endow their son. These are a kind of wishes that are designed to reward the boy with success, wealth, courage and other qualities.

Parents when choosing a name for a child are guided by various requirements:

  1. Some want the name to be traditional, corresponded to the customs of the people.
  2. Others want to call the baby a modern, popular name.
  3. The third - they choose the most unusual and beautiful name for their son from the list of names.

You can call the child an Uzbek name, being a representative of any people. Indeed, in recent decades, many parents call children unusual, rare names. Traditional names, such as Ivan, Sergey, Alexander and others. Parents call boys, but this happens less often than 20-30 years ago. Currently, you can more often meet a child with a rare unusual hearing name, including Uzbek. Thus, parents want to emphasize the individuality of the child. Or just choose a name that most of all liked.

Among male Uzbek names Most often, you can find the following:

  • Aziz - Dear, strong, powerful;
  • Alisher - lion of God;
  • Anvar - Bright, bright
  • Arslan - a lion;
  • Bakhtier - happy;
  • Beczod - ruler;
  • Bobur - tiger;
  • Botir - hero;
  • Dilshod - joyful
  • Zhasur - Brave, brave
  • Iskander - Defender
  • Karim - Genity, brave
  • Majid - noble, glorious
  • Nariman - strong-willed
  • Otabek - Senior Beck
  • Rustam - Giant
  • Sardor - Leader
  • Ulugbek - The ruler, gentleman
  • Farhad - Invincible
  • Yusuf - God will multiply

Among these names there are beautiful, unusual, popular and most common. Consider each category separately.

Which Uzbek male name to choose

The most popular Uzbek male names: list, values

The people of Uzbekistan have always approached the choice of a name for a son with special attentiveness. People say that the name will accompany a person throughout the whole life path, protect and direct in the right direction. Therefore, the names were chosen with good meaning.

For boys almost always chose names that meant the strength of the body and spirit, courage, and leadership. These names are currently popular.

Here are the meanings of men's Uzbek names:

  1. Strength, dexterity, courage (for example, Farhad, Rustam, Rais and etc.);
  2. Allegorical interpretation of strength and militaryness (for example, Temurwhich means "iron");
  3. Names formed from the name of animals (for example, ArslanWhat means "lion").

The most popular Uzbek male names:

  • Azamat - Great
  • Aziz - Mighty
  • Alisher - Lev Ali (associate of Muhammad)
  • Anvar - bright
  • Bakhtier - happy
  • Rel - Legend
  • Karim - generous
  • Nodir - rare
  • Oybek - The ruler
  • Oidin - light coloured
  • Orza - dream
  • Rustam - Giant
  • Sardor - supervisor
  • Tahir - Immaculate
  • Temir - iron
  • Timmerlan - Iron
  • Ulugbek - Sir
  • Shavkat - kind
  • Sherzod - brave heart
  • Yusuf - God will reward

Important: Some names gained their popularity thanks to people who bore these names. For example, the name of the great Uzbek mathematician and astronomer Mirza Ulugbek, the name of Alisher Navoi - a great statesman, poet, thinker.

Popular Uzbek names also descended from the heroes of fairy tales, legends:

  • Penacher
  • Zuhra
  • Zafar

Among the Uzbek names there are also those that mean plants, for example:

  • Urman - forest
  • SARARMOKOSKOV - garlic
  • Olma - Apple

Important: Prefixes are often used in Uzbekistan "Zon", "Beck". Thus, one name can sound differently. For example, SardorSardorjonSardorbek. Common name Aziz It can also be modified in the name Azizbek, Abdulaziz.

What Uzbek male names are popular

The most beautiful Uzbek male names: list, values

Uzbek names seem unusual to us, but among them there are many names with special harmoniousness. These include the name Rustam. At the same time, this name is one of the list of the most popular in Uzbekistan. This name is often given to boys not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Russia and other countries.

Name Mashhur It is not only a beautiful, but also a rare Uzbek name. It means "celebrity."

Among other Uzbek beautiful names you can highlight the following:

  • Altyngul - Golden flower
  • Zhakhongir - The conqueror of the world
  • Ketmon - Ketmen
  • Nurlan - Gifted
  • Omran - Strong
  • Rais - Warrally
  • Saifuddin - The sword of religion
  • Sanate - support, support
  • Tahir - clean
  • Tugan - Falcon
  • Turgun - tenacious
  • Tursun - let him live
  • Faruk - Leader
  • Farhad - Invincible
  • Fatin - A sharp mind
  • Ergash - accompanying

Many Uzbek names are associated with Islam. It can be components, for example, Muhammadadarim. Such names are associated with the heroes of the Qur'an, with religion. Among these names are names with prefixes: abd, dean. For example:

  • Abdullah
  • Abdurrachim
  • Nurdin
  • Saifuddin

Previously, these names were given to representatives of the nobility, then anyone could take this name. Currently, such names can be attributed to rare Uzbek names.

Beautiful Uzbek names male

Raise Uzbek male names: list, values

In Uzbekistan, it was used to be called newborn children in accordance with the circumstances in which the baby was born. For example:

  1. A child born on the way was given a name Yulchi - Path.
  2. If the boy was born in the open air, he could be called AIAZwhich means "clear sky."
  3. If the boy was born with a tooth, he was called Storms.

One of the ancient customs is to call a baby in honor of the object that he was cut off by the umbilical cord. These are the names:

  • Bolt - axe
  • Kilich - Saber
  • Tesha - Tyapka

Currently, these items are not used in childbirth, but the names have been preserved. It is believed that parents give these names to the boy if they want to endow him with good health.

In connection with the mortality rate of newborn children in Uzbekistan, a tradition went to call children-mock names:

  • Tursun, Turgun - Let him stay
  • Tokhta - Stop
  • Ulmas - He will not die

Thus, parents wanted to influence the fate of their son and save his life.

Rain Uzbek male names

The most unusual Uzbek male names: list, values

Some unusual Uzbek names came from individual characteristics of a person. For example, a boy born with a mole was given a name with a word "Hol":

  • Holbeck
  • Holmurod

According to the beliefs, the baby’s mole is a good sign, and the word “hill” should promise a happy life to the boy.
According to the same principle, children with birthmarks, which are called "Toggi". For example, Tojibek.

Important: The birth of a baby with blond hair is a rarity in Uzbeks. Such a boy could give a name AkbayWhat is white.

A child who was born of a weak or sick was endowed with a rare name Ochil. This name means translated "free", that is, get rid of the disease.

If suddenly the child had extra fingers on his legs or arms, the prefix was part of the name "Ortik". For example, Ortigul.

It is noteworthy that male Uzbek names were sometimes given to girls. If the parents were waiting for the heir, and the daughter was born, she could be called a male name UgilWhat means "son." Male name Ulzhan They also gave girls if they wanted a son. This literally means "boy after the girl."

Important: The longest unusual Uzbek male name - Shermuhammadjum.

The most unusual Uzbek names male

Short Uzbek male names: list, values

Among the Uzbek names there are also those that consist of only two letters. For example:

  • OK - white
  • Ouch - moon

Other short Uzbek names:

  • Storms - wolf
  • Fang - Saber
  • Orza - dream
  • Tosh - stone
  • Umid - Nadezhda
  • Urus - Russian
  • Eler - The son of his people

Together with the name can be used short additionswhich also have a certain meaning:

  • Zon - soul
  • Dust - friend
  • Er - cute

Uzbek names are diverse in sound, endowed with deep meaning and are unusual for many, as they come from the culture of the neighboring people. However, among them there are many beautiful, worthy, unusual names. Among such a variety of names you can choose a good suitable name for the boy.

Video: beautiful Muslim male names

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