A mosquito bite in a child. How to anoint red spots on the face, arms and legs from mosquito bites? Mosquito protection products for children

A mosquito bite in a child. How to anoint red spots on the face, arms and legs from mosquito bites? Mosquito protection products for children

Read the information about how to help the baby if he was bitten by a mosquito or midge, an allergenic reaction, itching, edema occurred. What means are effective in the fight against these insects.

Every resident of the planet knows such insects as mosquitoes. As a rule, after a mosquito bite, red spots appear on the body, which at first itch much, pass over time.

For a child, this itching is sometimes not tolerant, and he begins to scratch the place of the bite, thereby aggravate the situation. And some kids may manifest on bites. Let's study effective methods that will help children avoid problems after an insect bite.

What to do if a child bit a mosquito or midges and an allergy appeared: first aid

When the warm time of the year comes from bites of all kinds of insects, it is very difficult to protect yourself. After all, they fly everywhere - not only in the forest strip, but also just on the street.

When going to a long walk with the child, be prepared to provide first aid from the bites of midges and mosquitoes. Not only is these insects can cause allergenic reactions in babies, they also transfer various infections.

If the child has a normal reaction to insect bites, then the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin first turns red and swell slightly, and then begins to itch. With proper care of the affected skin tissues, it will not be visible in two days of the bite.

But when the skin color in the bite area becomes bright pink or saturated red color and painful swelling occurs, this is an allergy. If you notice such stains from bites, then your baby needs to help:

  • first disinfect redness zelenka
  • to reduce itching, apply gauze moistened in cold water
  • when the allergenic reaction is manifested, give antihistamine
  • helps well for bites and irritation Fenistil (anti -allergenic ointment)
  • when a rash, shortness of breath, vomiting, etc. appear, urgently call an ambulance

After a mosquito bite - swelling

Sometimes from the bites of insects in children is manifested swelling on the skin tissues. They stop it, as mentioned above, by different methods:

  • cold lotions
  • point pressure on inflamed places with a blunt object for 9-12 seconds
  • make lotions moistened in a solution of water, alcohol (1 to 1)
  • apply ointments ( hydrocortisone, sinaflan, starting from 2 years of age)
  • use anti -allergic ointments ( fenistil gel)

IMPORTANT: With general swelling (anaphylactic shock), which fortunately is very rare from mosquito bites. It is required to put the child on his back, provide air access. Call an ambulance. If you are far from the line of the city, then you need to inject adrenaline, then give an antihistamine and wait for the arrival of doctors.

How to grease the red places of mosquito bite or midges on the face and body of the child?

Of course, it is good if you go on vacation to the forest or to a summer cottage with children, you stocked up in advance from insect bites. Moreover, it is important: when choosing them, they must consult with a specialist or independently read information in the instructions.

After all, many of them are contraindicated for children. But we will talk about this further. Now we will study what to do if the baby was bitten by mosquitoes, and he cannot endure itching and combs wounds on the skin. How to anoint them?

So, redness can be lubricated with the following drugs:

  • Zinc ointment
  • cindol suspension
  • ointment Bepanten Plus
  • an ordinary star
  • tincture of calendula
  • balm by a lifeguard
  • gel Fenistil and others
Gels, ointments from mosquito bites for children
Gels, ointments from mosquito bites for children

IMPORTANT: If the baby has a lot of mosquitoes, then give him antihistamines so that the child does not feel stress and can sleep at night. As such drugs, you can use: suprastin, drops of phenistil and others.

Means after bites of mosquitoes and midges for children

In addition to the above drugs, the following improvised means are successful in the fight against itching and removing inflammation after bitter insect bites:

  • toothpastewhich contains menthol, - reassures itching
  • alcohol (salicil, boron), valocordin, corvalol - It is enough to lubricate the places of bites and these zones stop itch literally within a few minutes
  • zelenka Not only does it take itchy temporarily, also protects delicate skin from suppuration after bites of midges, mosquitoes

Folk remedies for bites of mosquitoes and midges

There are many such tools from insect bites, let's look at the recipes of some of them. If insects have already bitten, then do the following:

  1. In a cup of cold boiling water, dissolve the half of the small spoon salt and full teaspoon soda. Wet gauze, apply to red spots
  2. Lubricate the bites yogurt, kefir
  3. Long leaves help from itching Mint, plantain, cheryomukhi, parsley, aloe
  4. Juice green onions, dandelion, lemon Also relieve inflammation
  5. Cubes ice, wrapped in a handkerchief, and attached to the place of bites, will save your children from irritation, itching on the skin
  6. Warm sea \u200b\u200bsalt - a very good remedy for itching and inflammation on the skin tissues

To scare off insects from your location, use the following folk methods:

  • plant ordinary buzin Near the house, mosquitoes do not tolerate its smell
  • lubricate fish oil skin to protect against mosquito bites
  • boil boiling water in a pan, throw ten leaflets there bay leafso you get rid of insects indoors
  • smell valerian It also has a negative effect on mosquitoes, but if there is a cat in the house, the aroma will act intoxicating

Fighters of mosquitoes and midges: bracelets for children, mosquito nets, fumitox, sprays, gels, creams

Many caring parents think how to protect their child from mosquito bites. This case must be approached thoroughly. After all, such drugs are divided into:

  • repellers (bracelets, sprays, creams, gels)
  • barrier protection methods (mosquito nets, tulle)
  • electrofumigators, ultrasonic Scarecases

Repellates are recommended to be used when going on nature. It is required to take into account the contraindications of sprays, gels, creams. Because often they have age restrictions, and not every baby can be suitable for a particular drug.

Repellents from mosquitoes for children
Repellents from mosquitoes for children

Barrier methods are effective in relation to newborns. Kids in beds, strollers are covered with mesh, and thus manage to avoid insect bites.

Electrofumigators, unfortunately, are not always effective, since the evaporating liquid or the aroma of the plate can cause an allergenic reaction in the baby.

Ultrasonic repugctors are safe for both kids and adults. Their alarming sound signals can irritate only insects, the human ear does not perceive such sounds.

IMPORTANT: Use complex means of protecting the child from insect bites. Choose those that will not harm your baby.

Video: How to eliminate itching from a mosquito bite at home?

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Comments K. article

  1. Azudol pharmacy products help from mosquitoes in children and adults. We use it to the whole family in the summer and are very pleased with how he treats bites.

  2. Azudol is a very good remedy, I agree with the previous speaker. Mosquitoes in the forest were very bitten by mosquitoes. And Azudol immediately reduced itching. Later, the itch completely disappeared, and the bites quickly passed.

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