Pork stewed with gravy: the best recipes. How to deliberately put out pork meat with sour cream, as in a kindergarten, with ketchup, garlic in the oven, in a pan, in a slow cooker in large pieces and small pieces: recipes

Pork stewed with gravy: the best recipes. How to deliberately put out pork meat with sour cream, as in a kindergarten, with ketchup, garlic in the oven, in a pan, in a slow cooker in large pieces and small pieces: recipes

Recipes for making pork stewed with gravy.

Pork is not dietary at all, but everyone's favorite meat. It is ideal for making barbecue, chop and fingers. But one of the simplest cooking options is gravy extinguishing. This helps to solve the problem with sauces and season the side dish with a delicious and fragrant Yushka.

How to put it out properly, cook pork meat in small pieces: the simplest recipe

Almost every housewife knows how this dish is being prepared. Its advantage is simplicity. There are a lot of topping options.


  • 0.5 kg of pork pulp
  • 1 Lukovka
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • The carrots are small
  • Oil
  • Greens


  • The secret lies in the right choice of meat. Do not purchase too expensive parts for extinguishing
  • Such pieces as cue ball and entrax are more suitable for frying. The bottom line is that when it enters the pan, a lot of juice remains inside
  • To prepare gravy, select the back or brisket
  • Cut the meat with pieces of 4 by 4 cm
  • Pour a small amount of oil into a thick -walled pan and heat it
  • Fry the pieces with constant stirring with the onion. When it is browned on both sides, you can start extinguishing
  • Pour a little water and pour grated carrots. Cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes
  • Enter salt, spices and greens
Stew pork meat in small pieces
Stew pork meat in small pieces

How to deliberately put out pork meat with sour cream: recipe in the oven

This is one of the meat options in French. Prepares quickly and approaches the festive table.


  • 500 g of meat
  • 2 bulbs
  • 300 g of mushrooms
  • 150 ml of sour cream
  • 100 g of cheese
  • Salt
  • Spices


  • For this recipe, it is better to take curtains or back. It is cut with layers with a thickness of 1 cm
  • After that, the meat is beaten off with a trap and rubs with salt with spices
  • Next, it is necessary to put on a baking sheet a layer of onions chopped by rings, and meat on top of it
  • Next, lay out the meat, and mushrooms on top of it
  • Grind the cheese and mix with sour cream and pour the sauce into champignons
  • Pour 100 ml of water and cook in the oven for 40 minutes
Pork meat with sour cream
Pork meat with sour cream

How to deliberately put out pork meat with gravy like in a kindergarten?

This dish is nothing more than Befstroganov. Initially, the dish was invented by the cook of the old owner Stroganov. He had no teeth, so he could not chew meat. Then the cook screamed pork and prepared a very tender gravy.


  • 500 g pork
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
  • 2 bulbs
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Oil
  • A little flour


  • Pork is cut into very small pieces. The cooks recommend scrape frozen meat
  • Further, oil is poured into the pan and the meat is fried on it along with the onion
  • Когда продукты зарумянятся, необходимо всыпать ложку муки и еще немного обжарить
  • Pour the broth and languish on the fire for 30 minutes, enter tomato paste, salt and herbs, simmer another 5 minutes
Pork meat with gravy like in kindergarten
Pork meat with gravy like in kindergarten

How to deliberately put out pork meat with a top of the ketchup in a pan?

One of the options for Befstroganov. Cooking quickly and very simple. He will not take much time.


  • 50 ml of ketchup
  • 500 g of meat
  • 2 bulbs
  • 2 carrots
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Oil


  • Cut the pork in small pieces, it is necessary to make it convenient to put them in the mouth
  • Pour the oil into a frying pan and fry the meat with onions and carrots
  • When everything is browned and covered with a delicious crust, it is necessary to pour a little water
  • Cover with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes, enter the ketchup and put out a little more, enter spices and salt
Pork meat with a top of the ketchup on a pan
Pork meat with a top of the ketchup on a pan

How to deliberately put out pork meat with gravy and garlic?

Garlic gives the meat a very unusual taste and aroma. You can use both cloves and garlic feathers.


  • 400 g pork
  • 2 bulbs
  • 2 garlic and feathers
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Oil


  • Pour the oil into the container and drop the pork, fry until ruddy crust
  • Enter the onion and hold a little more on fire
  • Pour the broth, cover with a lid and languish on the fire for 30 minutes
  • After that, enter garlic, salt, spices and chopped garlic feathers
  • Cover with a lid for 2 minutes and turn off the heating
Pork meat with gravy and garlic
Pork meat with gravy and garlic

How to deliberately put out pork meat with gravy in a slow cooker in large pieces?

Multicar is a great device for making a huge number of dishes. Thanks to a huge variety of modes, you can cook both baked meat and extinguish it.


  • 500 g of meat
  • 2 bulbs
  • Cheese
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • Mayonnaise
  • 50 ml of sour cream
  • 50 ml of milk


  • Cut the meat into thin pieces and rub them with spices and salt
  • Apply a thin layer of mayonnaise to each piece and fry in the "Frying" mode
  • After that, pour the onion and fry a little more, pour the broth and cook in the “Extinguishing” mode for 20 minutes
  • Enter sour cream diluted in milk, salt and simmer for 5 minutes
Pork meat with gravy in a slow cooker
Pork meat with gravy in a slow cooker

Which side dish is suitable for pork stewed with gravy: List

Pork with gravy is an excellent meat dish that is combined with almost all the side dish.

List of side dishes:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Baked vegetables
  • Pasta
  • Paste
  • Rice
  • Boiled buckwheat
  • Porridge
Garnish for pork
Garnish for pork

Stewed pork is a great dish that any side dish will complement. Tender gravy will make the food juicy and fragrant.

Video: stewed pork

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