What is the difference between Jews and Jews? Jew and Jew: Is this one and the same, are these synonyms? Are all Jews of Jews? Is it possible to become a Jew without being a Jew?

What is the difference between Jews and Jews? Jew and Jew: Is this one and the same, are these synonyms? Are all Jews of Jews? Is it possible to become a Jew without being a Jew?

The concepts of Jews and Jews.

We know little about the Jews and their faith. Very often you can hear a Jew and it is believed that we are talking about a Jew. Indeed, in many countries they think so, but still there are a number of differences. In the article we will try to figure out the differences between these concepts.

Jews and Jews: Who are they, this is the same?

According to the interpretation of the Russian language, a Jew is a nation that can live in different countries of the world. Jew is a person who is a follower of the religion of Judaism. Accordingly, not any Jew is a Jew, he can be a Christian.


What is the difference between Jews and Jews?

Now there is a lot of disputes regarding the concept of a Jew. Now it is believed that a Jew is the one who was born of a Jewish mother. Also, a Jew is considered the one who has a mother not a Jewish, but he accepted Judaism. That is, a person can accept Judaism, any race that will undergo the Hiyur procedure. The adoption of Judaism in men is accompanied by circumcision, and in women dipping in a microsa.

What is the blood group of Jews and Jews?

Only by a blood group cannot be attributed to a person to Jews or some other nationality. Although this topic is quite controversial. In our country, the most representatives of 3 and 2 blood groups are most. This is due to the influence of the Mongols and Tatars. It was they who were originally carriers of 3 groups. Many believe that the 4th group is Jewish and gypsy. But you can’t say unequivocally. In fact, among Jews there are people of all blood groups.

Jews near the wall of crying
Jews near the wall of crying

What does the Bible say about Jews and Jews?

The Bible says that Jews are an elected people who were supposed to become the beginning of faith in one true creator. For the first time, the Lord appeared to Abraham, whose son Isaac was born, and he has a son Jacob. It was Jacob who was born 12 sons, who became the basis of the multimillion -dollar Jewish people. But one of the 12 sons - Joseph, achieved great success and became the pride of his father. Therefore, the rest of the sons decided to kill his brother. But Judas (one of the 12 sons) invited the brothers to sell Yosif into slavery. Later, God helped Joseph and he was transported to Egypt, where he achieved fame among the pharaoh. He took all his brothers, who were expelled and for about 500 years, the Jewish people lived in Egypt and flourished.

But later, a pharaoh appeared in Egypt, who expelled Jews from his land. This people wandered for a while. God sent the people to the people to direct the true path to the path, the last punishment was the 40-year wandering in the desert. Later, God allowed the king at the request of the Jews to make the Lord easier to rule. But among the kings was Solomon, who worshiped not a single God, but was a pagan. After the death of Solomon, the Jewish people were divided. Ten tribes became the inhabitants of Israel, and the Jews (the heirs of Judas) and the Benjamin tribe created a Jew - the Southern Jewish state.

Later, the southern and northern kingdom of the Jews was erased from the face of the earth by Assyria and Babylon. The Jews themselves were captivated and transported to Babylon. Only after 70 years they were allowed to return to the historical homeland and revive their temple. Then the revival of the Jewish people came.

Jews near the wall of crying
Jews near the wall of crying

Why did Jews become Jews, they call them Jews?

In fact, after the conquest of Judea Babylon, and Israel by Assyria, the Babylonians began to call Jews Jews, by the name of the terrain. After the capture of the Jews, almost all the people began to be called Jews. This happened for the reason that almost all the descendants of the remaining 11 sons of Jacob died and the heirs of Judas got into Babylon. Therefore, Jews began to identify with the Jews.

Are all Jews of Jews?

Not all Jews are Jews. Jews are those who preach Judaism. A Jew is a man born of a Jewish mother. Moreover, he does not have to accept Judaism. There are many cases when a Jew is a Christian and even a Muslim.

Jews and Jews
Jews and Jews

Is it possible and how to become a Jew without being a Jew?

Of course, you can accept Judaism by going through the hype procedure. Men are circumcised, and a woman is dipped in a microsa. But not everything is so simple, initially wanting to accept Judaism must submit a petition to the rabbi court. After that, judges confer and consider the candidacy. At the same time, it is decided whether the candidate is ready to be the bearer of faith. Indeed, in Judaism there are much more commandments that should be followed. Only after the permission of the judges, is the procedure of giyur.

Jews and Jews
Jews and Jews

As you can see, despite the misconception of many, Jews and Jews are not always the same thing.

Video: Difference of Jews and Jews

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  1. Your comment is waiting for verification.

    How cryptoevreies are erased by non -Jewish children.
    They adopt and begin to kill from infancy.
    1. Artificial feeding.
    2. Teenagers are almost not fed, dressed so that you will not go out into the street.
    3. They rent to groups of the extended day - for a week in concentration camps called "nursery", "gardens" and "boarding schools" - fascism - Jewish.
    4. Without the consent of the child, they are recorded in programmatic circles.
    5. In high school - in construction teams.
    6. “Inadvertently” will injure themselves or come to visit relatives.
    7. will grow up, slipped into the spouses of cryptoevreyev.
    8. They will die, they will leave neither a dime nor a roof over their heads.
    Killing day. From the inside - in the family and outside - the state.
    Secret adoption:
    The real "dysfunctional" parents are selected.
    Replaced in maternity hospitals. Or they just take them as if a baby who died during childbirth.
    There is no Jewish fascism.
    There was no Holocaust - there was no fat. They killed 70 thousand. It is not known who. It would take 15 years to the Holocaust. The numbers jump like a Jew. From 10 million - up to 70 thousand.
    It is possible to confuse 10 million from 100 thousand? The Nazis themselves are burry Jews. Crypts are secret.
    July 13, 2016 (updated on March 30, 2020): "Why were many children killed when eviccing Jews from Egypt?" - Ebiptyans are also Jews. Egypt is popularly called Ebipt. Stop lying.
    "Why are Jews forever driven?" -They are not driven, but they move their crypto-evens somewhere with money in their pockets-in agasfer. What would they drive me like that. For example, in Hawaii. Jews with their reputation would simply not be allowed anywhere. “Persecution ...”-someday, bitches, learn to lie? !! Morons !!! "Miss the world ...".
    Example of morons: "Why did Hitler want to exterminate all the Jews?" - And yourself? Jump into the stove? Hitler is a Jew, an corporal, a small crook. Washed away in lat. America.

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