Body drying for girls and women at home: food, diet, drugs, exercises. Drying the bodies of girls and women - result: photo before and after

Body drying for girls and women at home: food, diet, drugs, exercises. Drying the bodies of girls and women - result: photo before and after

Body drying is an ideal combination of food diet and physical exercises that will help to bring the body into an ideal state.

Giving body relief more not prerogative bodybuilders today this is tre nD women and men, far from hypertrophied desires improve own body colossal loads.

What the same such newlyomed drying bodies, how achieve student results in form fit bodies and what danger carries in yourself this process answers on the all questions about drying bodies in home conditions represented in this article.

How do drying bodies for girls and why?

Sam on yourself expression «drying bodies« migrated from lexikon bodybuilders. And though many consider, what under this term lies deliverance from superfluous water in body, on the myself business this theory very far away from truth, after all drying implies process deliverse from subcutaneous fat fiber.

Drying allows you to get rid of subcutaneous fat

Carried out drying for togo, to give body more relief, tightened, get rid from superfluous fat in enough short term. How rule, drying bodies for girls suggests two directions:

  • introduction strict bezogolovaya or low carbohydrate diets
  • complex exercises, directed on the maintaining tone muscles
An important component of drying is physical exercises
  • The essence drying bodies consists in sharp decrease volume carbohydrates, which they act in organism. Fromper this to him it is necessary test colossal stress and rebuild on the «mining« carbohydrates from fat, which at this split.
  • Necessary to be finished to that, what process with withears take it not pair days, a, quicker total, several months, but thanks to this method can fast get rid from significant volumes subcutaneous fat.
  • Important also understand, what sharp decrease in the diet carbohydrates maybe to be dangerous for organism. So how carbohydrates this is quick source energy, then they extremely need for work brain and nervous systems, a flaw carbohydrates in necessary volume maybe call lots of malaise, among which and dangerous for life states.
Carbohydrate -containing products for drying are strictly prohibited
  • Testing flaw glucose, organism start actively use glycogen, which the safe in peculiar depot.
  • His amount limited and after this it begins difficult and energy costume process mining carbohydrates from lipids.
  • If a deficit carbohydrates significant, then lipids can not before end split, inconsequence what in blood they get keton bodies, doing her acidic.

Important: if in time not stop this pros sS etcimom carbohydrates, then maybe develop ketoacidosis, which the maybe bring to coma and mortal the outcome.

Fast drying bodies for girls: the essence of the method

In order to achieve noticeable results from drying as quickly as possible, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates used and keep a quick metabolism.

And if you think that by refusing food, you completely reach a quick weight loss, then in fact everything is exactly the opposite - the hunger strike is the worst method of losing weight.

The basis of the diet for drying is protein food

A business in volume, what in time fasting all processes slow down for togo, to maximum save energy, a if food all the same acts in insignificant quantities, then all nourishing substances organism will be serve.

Fromper this exchange processes will be much slow down, what not will allow in short term reset a lot of superfluous fat.

Drying for girls allows you to tighten the figure and make it more embossed

If a the same vice versa, amount carbohydrates limit, but eat fractional and fully (mostly proteins and insignificant quantity slow carbohydrates), then speed burning subcutaneous fat will be on the order above how at hunger strike.

Products at drying bodies for girls and women, menu diets on the month

FROM one parties, drying this is diet, at which can eat and even enough often. But with another exists limited list products, which can use, in then time how practically from all products, containing carbohydrate, have to refuse, even from fruits.

Most protein in meat, cottage cheese, eggs

What concerns proteins how vegetable, so and animals, then they they make up basic diets at drying bodies. Saturated fat and carbohydrates they become under the strictest prohibition, in then time how to use allowed notsaturated fat.

At drying can use such products:

  • meat (with minimal quantity fat and skin, preferably chicken)
  • fish and seafood (not forbidden even fried fish, but prepare her on the oil it is forbidden)
  • dairy products (with low percentage fat content)
  • egg protein
  • porridge large choli
  • fruit: not more one apple in day, lemons (strictly forbidden use bananov)
  • vegetables: preferably green (use potatoes strictly forbidden)
During drying, it is permissible to eat 1 apple per day

Menu on the month calculated on the gradual refusal from carbohydrate food. Diet not must to be the only one event, directed on the deliverance from subcutaneous fat required to execution exercises.

1i a week

Start drying directed on the decrease volume carbohydrates, which they act in organism, but not full refusal from them. To diet was effective should news accurate count carbohydrates, will help in this table:

Carbohydrate content in products

FROM beginning first weeks drying forget about fruits, how about useful food and excellent snack. They are contraindicated how source carbohydrates, a receive necessary fiber can in form special powder or from cereal.

Wholegrain porridge though and have in your own composition carbohydrates, but these carbohydrates are complex, then there is such, which split longer, how simple and on the this is required defined amount energy.

Buckwheat - source of fiber
  • Basic diets must become squirrels. it maybe to be fish, meat (especially chicken breast), cottage cheese.
  • Necessarily this is all must to be non -fat, a permissible norm consumed fat on the this week not more 2 art. l. vegetable oils in day.
  • Under ban also gets salt, amount which necessary with each during the day reduce. Allowed amount carbohydrates2 g on the 1 kg weight.

2i a week

On the second week necessary reduce volume consumption before permitted «correct« carbohydrates in form cereal and some fruits (apple), vegetables.

Menu it becomes consisting practically fully from proteins, food must to be fully notsalt. Allowed amount carbohydrates1 g on the 1 kg weight.

In the second week of drying, salt is prohibited

3i a week

Allowed amount carbohydrates0,5 g on the 1 kg weight. Practically complete absence carbohydrates maybe call dizziness and deterioration general states.

If a You start feel smell acetone izo mouth, then Your organism located in critical condition and necessary to accept though small amount fast carbohydrates in form sweet juice.

The smell of acetone from the mouth during drying is an alarming sign of ketoacidosis

4i a week

Last a week drying maybe pass on two options, which suggest right exit from diets:

  1. Hold menu third weeks, when allowed to use 0,5 g carbohydrates on the 1 kg masses bodies before beforesteaming desired result drying.
    2. Gradual exit from diets with help transition to the diet second weeks, a then first.

Soup, kefir chicken, carbon fiber salad, julienne, fish cakes, stuffed squid, cottage cheese omelet, cottage cheese: recipes for drying the body of girls and women

Any diet is stress for the body And to resist the temptations is extremely difficult. If you make delicious dishes from the products permitted by the diet, then the process of losing weight will be both pleasant and tasty.

Drying is no exception, because this is one of the few diets that does not prohibit eating And it does not force to sit hungry, and the permitted proteins and some complex carbohydrates will allow you to be well -fed and satisfied.


Bezogolovaya soup
  • The broth for the soup can be cooked from meat, fish or vegetables.
  • It is necessary to completely abandon the root crops that contain carbohydrates in large quantities, but the grains are whole, such as buckwheat or wheat - Allowed.
  • I want to add white cabbage, broccoli, greens, celery to the soup.

Chicken in kefir

Chicken fillet for drying for girls
  • Clean the chicken fillet, rinse well and grate well with spices.
  • It can be salt, pepper, turmeric or others.
  • Dilute kefir with water in the ratio 3:1 and pour the chicken, then put in the refrigerator at night.
  • The marinated fillet can be frying in a pan without oil or baked in foil.

The salad is harmless

Protein salad

Boil chicken breast (Add bay leaf and several peas of pepper, salt to the chicken broth), squid meat and egg.

Cut everything with cubes And season with kefir or broth in which the chicken was cooked. If desired, you can add to the salad greens.


Yogurt julienne with chicken and mushrooms
  • Boil chicken fillet Until readiness, and then cut it with small cubes.
  • Together with the bow, fry them in a pan.
  • Put in a form or pot layers of chicken with onions, mushrooms.
  • Pour everything with low -fat yogurt or a mixture of yogurt and cottage cheese on top.
  • Bake in the oven until brown brown.


  • Boil the sea fish fillet, grind in a meat grinderAnd then add the onion and break the egg.
  • To taste, you can add to the minced meat (if allowed), pepper, other spices, dill.
  • Further, form small ties and fry in a pan without oil
  • Put the fried cwers in a pan and pour a small amount of fish broth, bake in the oven within 10-15 minutes

Stuffed squid

Calmar with egg filling
  • Dice two or three squids in boiling water for several minutes, and after cooling add the filling inside.
  • It can be cottage cheese with dill, egg, or slightly fried mushrooms.
  • Stuffed squid you can fryin a pan, a grill without butter or bake in the oven, a small amount of soy sauce.

Curd omelet

Dietal omelet
  • Take it a few eggs And separate the yolks from the proteins.
  • Beat the proteins well with cottage cheese, adding spices, salt, greens.
  • Mass bake in the oven before the formation of brown crust.

Jelly from cottage cheese

Curd-chocolate jelly
  • Sange of gelatin pour a glass of water And boil over low heat until you swell.
  • Add to cooled gelatin 150-200 g of cottage cheese, vanillin or cocoa.
  • Mix the mass thoroughly and, filling in the bowl for desserts, put in the refrigerator until thickened.

Body drying drugs for girls

We all know or guess that bodybuilders to give the body of relief are not limited to physical activity and a special diet, as well as take various drugs.

Indeed, various chemical compounds really exist to improve the effect, but:

  • they have a huge list side effectsthat can affect the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the condition of the skin and hair
  • an overdose of such drugs can lead to death or disability
  • taking drugs is not a magical disposal of subcutaneous fat, that is, they can act only in combination with diet and loads
Bodybuilders take various drugs during drying, but this is fraught with consequences

Drying itself will give a great result without different dangerous drugs, if you strictly comply with its rules.

Assistants will perform in this safe supplements in the diet:

  1. Vitamin complex (Due to limited consumption of products, the body may experience a deficiency of vitamins, which must be reflected in the appearance and state of organs)
    2. L-carnitine - a substance that contributes to the rapid delivery of fats to burning places and is excellent with calories deficiency
    3. Protein
    4. Amino acids (as part of complexes) - take part in the synthesis of protein and contribute to the preservation of muscle mass
L-carnitine when drying

Training program in the drying room for girls

As already mentioned, the diet has an effect at intensive physical exertion. If you have the opportunity to visit the gym, then the implementation of the training program described below will help to quickly achieve an excellent result from drying the body.

The training in the gym should include:

  1. Swing of the press (5 approaches by the maximum number of times with a break of no more than 1 minute)
    2. Squats with a barbell in the hands (4-5 approaches 10 times, break-1 minute)
    3. Block traction in an upright position (5 approaches 10 times, rest - 30 seconds)
    4. Dear lying (5 approaches 15 times, rest - 1 minute)
    5. Pulling the bar to the chin (5 approaches 10 times, rest 30 seconds)
Sports Hall with a pool.0002D233_268242
Classes in the gym for drying for girls

During these exercises, they use several muscle groups at oncewhich predetermines their effectiveness. If you have a certain experience of sports achievements, then the load should be increased.

Exercises on drying the body of the house for girls

If you visit the gym, then you can perfectly perform drying and doing the exercises at home.

It is only important not to be lazy and fulfill the entire prescribed program, because it is the key to a beautiful figure, devoid of fat deposits.

Drying exercises at home

Home training should include:

  • morning run, a bicycle walk or swimming (at least 15-20 minutes a day)
  • push ups (5 approaches by the maximum number of times with a respite 1-2 minutes)
  • squats and attacks (5-6 approaches 10 times, respite-1 minute)
  • twins (6 approaches 10-15 times, rest-no more than 1 minute)
  • swing of the press (5 approaches, making a maximum number of times, rest from 30 seconds to 1 minute)

What can not be eaten by girls on drying the body?

During drying, all simple all simple carbohydrates and fats. If we talk not about substances, but about specific products, then you will have to abandon many harmful and even healthy goodies.

The main ban on drying is sweets

It is forbidden to use when drying:

  • sweets, any confectionery
  • flour products, such as bread, buns, pasta (in fact, everything that contains flour in its composition)
  • almost all fruits (except lemons and limes)
  • semi -finished products
  • sausages and sausages (their composition contains a large number of hidden carbohydrates)
  • canned food
  • alcohol

Forbidden products at different stages of drying They will be different, since it is carried out according to a special scheme for reducing carbohydrates, and not a complete rejection of them.

Drying of the body of girls: result, photo before and after

So that the result of drying pleases with the beauty of the body and the relief of the muscles must be remembered that muscle It breaks down much easier than fat. Therefore, to get rid of fat, and not from muscles, it is necessary before starting drying, pump them up.

In general, drying results look very impressive:

Drying effect: before and after
Lifting overweight due to drying the body
Getting rid of subcutaneous fat thanks to drying
Drying result for girls
Modeling ideal body contours with drying
Drying of the body for a month

How to carry out drying girls correctly: tips and reviews

If the purpose of dried the body is lose weight, then there are a large number of simpler and less dangerous diets for health.

Drying is carried out if the volume of adipose tissue does not exceed 25%. For those who are still seriously configured to do drying some recommendations, which will facilitate the process and help to achieve good results:

  • exclude dairy products from the diet if their fat content exceeds 15%
  • 85% daily diet must be used up to 18 hours in decreasing
  • the power should be fractional, at least 5 times a day
  • the last snack should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime
  • the volume of fluid drunk per day should be at least 2.5-3 liters
  • during training, it is also necessary drink water
The right drying of the body will help to bring it into an ideal form

The success of drying directly depends on the efforts and the manifestation of willpower. After all, if you really want to have a beautiful, toned body, then it is unlikely that any carbohydrate yummy will be able to stop you on the way to a dream.

Video: Drying Body for Girls

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Comments K. article

  1. As a coach I can say that the most important thing with drying the body is, because there is very little forces due to a shortage of calories, and you need to train .... The Sama recently began to try natural energy (I have a sport expert Energy) -in and endurance noticeably They added, now I don’t want to die in training ... So I advise everyone to think about it)

  2. I look, it has become fashionable to sit on drying and limit myself in all ... And this is sad, for an ordinary girl (not athletes), this is a direct path to food breakdowns and a murdered exchange. It’s losing weight on an ordinary diet, the soul periodically wishes sweet. With turboschem, neurologically, it became psychologically easier + the need for delicious ones disappeared.

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