How many main organs of feelings in humans and what are their main functions and meaning? The senses and brain organs, nervous system: how are they interconnected? Hygiene rules of the main senses

How many main organs of feelings in humans and what are their main functions and meaning? The senses and brain organs, nervous system: how are they interconnected? Hygiene rules of the main senses

Human senses: the main organs, for which they are responsible, how are associated with the brain. Hygiene rules.

Thanks to the presence of sensory organs, we can adapt without difficulty in the world around us. What is given from birth and is present with us all our life is not much appreciated, and if suddenly for any accident, we lose one or more feelings, we lose a piece of ourselves. Unfortunately, we are not always told from childhood about how important this is, but if you read this article, then you, as we decided to take care of the most important thing in the world - about your body!

Let's think about our feelings for a second:

  • Close your eyes and imagine how people live who do not have such a natural gift;
  • Imagine that you do not hear by smelling food, the aroma of flowers and the delightful aromas of the family’s favorite members;
  • Think about if you could no longer feel the taste of your favorite dish, drink;
  • Imagine that you are immersing your hand in water, it begins to become covered with blisters, but you do not understand why.

And this is only a small list of what restrictions people experience who work poorly or do not work at all.

What are human senses?

Human senses are the very organs with the help of which a person interacts with the outside world. With the help of the senses, a person can realize that he expects him at one time or another in contact with the outside world, to know him and receive pleasure from life.

How many main organs of senses does a person have and how many senses are of total?

Currently, six feelings of a person have been approved by scientists, but there is constantly debate that a person has much more feelings and this is only a concise concept.

The list of human senses includes:

  • Ears (thanks to the ears we hear sounds, as well as vibration);
  • Eyes (thanks to the eyes we see);
  • Language (thanks to this organ, we feel the taste and temperature of everything that we absorb);
  • Nose (the nose helps us to hear smells and aromas);
  • Skin (they provide tactile sensations, touch, a sense of pain and temperature of the world);
  • The vestibular apparatus (thanks to this sensory organ, we are aware of our place in space, maintain balance and feel weight, position).

5 of the main sensory organs - taste, vision, hearing, touch, smell: their main functions and meaning

In this section, I would like to pay attention to each of the senses separately and highlight their significance for human life.

Eyes. With the help of vision, we get an average of about 90% of the information. The pupils with which we see are laid in the embryo and continue to develop until birth directly related to the brain.

Vision, or rather visual analysis consists of several functions:

  • Eyeballs;
  • Optic nerves;
  • Subcortical centers;
  • Higher visual centers in the occipital zones.

Can you imagine what a long way the signal goes in an instant so that we see and process information in real time without delay? How quickly eyeballs, recognizing the signal, transmit it to the brain, and the brain instantly analyzes and gives a reaction from what it has seen.

In addition, the eyeballs are ideal and unique in its kind of an optical device. Thanks to this, we can see at various distances, and we also know how to see both the whole picture as a whole (for example, a room) and the smallest detail (for example, a scratch on furniture).

The principle of eye of the eyes is very simple and at the same time very complicated: the light passes through the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye, refracted and the refractive passes through the lens, where it is again refracted and strive for a vitreous body, where it converges in a focus on the retina. It sounds difficult, but it is necessary to know this in order to understand that visual acuity depends directly on the cornea and lens, or rather their possibilities in perfectly refractive light.

But that's not all! Eyes, thanks to the muscles located in them, know how to move in different directions, which significantly increases the speed of vision, and also relieves the load from the spine.

Taste organs. This organ is responsible for taste receptors, thanks to which a person can evaluate the food that he eats. This protects a person when taking spoiled products, allows you to enjoy new and well -known tastes, and also tells the brain to the most acceptable tastes, and therefore, later the brain signals what kind of food it wants to eat.


There is a misconception that the language is responsible for the taste, but for some reason they forget to tell that special nipples and bulbs are located not only in the tongue, but also in the sky, the dumbel, as well as on the upper part of the esophagus.

An interesting fact: the language is divided into several zones that determine this or another taste best. But even if the zone does not be responsible for this taste, this does not mean that it will not feel it, it’s simply not so bright. Example: the side arcs of the tongue are most vividly felt bitter, but this does not mean that the rest of the tongue, heaven and larynx will not feel pepper.

It is worth noting that the organs of taste are closely interconnected with the organs of charm. With colds and viral diseases, taste habits can change significantly and what caused pleasure can cause persistent disgust. After recovery, the situation will stabilize and return to the previous state.

Ears. It is believed that the most difficult thing is to adapt to the world to people who have difficulties with vision and auditory apparatus. Indeed, in our rapid world it is quite difficult to live without acute hearing and therefore it is important to carefully care about what nature has given us.

The ear consists of three interconnected parts: external, internal and middle. The external is a shell familiar to everyone, which is as individual for everyone as fingerprints. It is responsible for the localization of sound, and also clearly defines the source of sound.

In the outer passage, which goes from the outer ear to the inner organ, the sebaceous glands are located, which produce ear sulfur. It is she, constantly leaving outside, prevents the clogging of the inner ear. Behind it follows the eardrum that responds to sound vibrations. Next follows the drum cavity - the base of the middle ear. In this cavity there are a hammer of stirrup and an anvil connected into a single whole. After them there is a snail and semicircular channels that are responsible for balance.

So, the auditory waves are caught by the outer ear, move into the eardrum, from it to three auditory bones and then into the snail, from the snail there is irritation to the auditory nerve and the brain perceives what he heard.

The organs of touch. Most do not even realize what important role this function of the body plays. As far as it is important for us to understand, we are in contact with hot or cold, smooth, rough, soft or hard. It is tactile sensations that endorphins (hormones of joy) bring in contact with a loved one. Touching your beloved thing, the animal and even the outside world can tell us no less than vision! Please note that children who have not yet accumulated enough life experience touching everything and it is through touch that they study the world and gain the very experience.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the skin (it is they who act as the tactile organs) exclusively “catch” the signals and transmit them to the brain, and the brain has already analyzed, reports that our fingers felt.

Smell. In the nasal passages, olfactory cells occupy a small part. In the shape of the cell, they resemble many smallest hairs and when moving they capture the subtleties of all kinds of aromas and odors. As in the case of touching the sense of smell, the aromas catch and transmit the signal to the brain that already processes the information. Signals are transmitted in this way: olfactory cells capture the aroma and pass through the olphatorial threads and bulbs to the centers of the brain. The sense of smell can temporarily dull with virus-respiratory diseases and recover within a few days after recovery. Otherwise, the help of doctors is necessary.

Language - what is the senses?

The language, along with the larynx, sky and other parts of the oral cavity, refer to the organs of taste. We analyzed more about the organs of taste in the section above.

What are the senses of a person?

Many people have a question, what kind of senses are there in a person? For science fiction writers, this is just noble soil for creating superheroes or opposite villains. We have identified the most popular senses that a person is absent, but if they were, a person lived an order of magnitude more comfortable.

  • The ability to capture ultrasound is a unique gift of bats;
  • Clear vision in the dark - the possibilities of cats and not only amazing!
  • Electroreceptors of which are gifted with slopes and sharks;
  • The side line of fish is an ideal sensitivity in space that contributes to both survival and hunting;
  • The thermostat that gifted snakes.

This is only a small list of the capabilities of the surrounding world that nature did not give us or we have lost them in the process of evolution.

The senses and brain organs, nervous system: how are they interconnected?

Each sensory organ is directly connected by nerve endings with the brain and continuously gives signals. The brain, in turn, analyzes the signals and gives ready -made information. It is worth noting that the brain is extremely rarely transmitted to the signal of only one sensory organ and most often comprehensively. So, for example, the child enters the kitchen and sees food (vision), hears the voice of the mother “sit down”, feels the aroma of food, sitting down at the table contacts the table objects (the signal that food will come now), and by the time mom will come A child will put a plate on the table, most likely, knows what dish will taste.

How does the senses help a person navigate the world?

You saw a newborn kitten how it pokes in different directions, not yet understanding how to navigate in space. So a person without the organs of feelings would move in space without understanding where he is and how to get to the right place, what needs to be done not to get into trouble.

For example, a sense of balance helps a person understand where the earth is, and where the sky is even in a room without a single window. Also, a person is clearly oriented due to this feeling in space, moving into the desired direction without injuries.

Hearing organs help to hear not only conversations with the family, but also the sound of moving transport, a running animal, etc. Having analyzed this sound, a person can correctly navigate even if he does not yet see this object.

The vision in modern life is one of their key senses, because our society was created in such a way that 99% of the information we get visually. According to statistics, people with visual impairments are limited in the modern world most strongly.

Thanks to touch and charm, a person not only experiences the most vivid and pleasant emotions, but can also protect himself from the dangers of our world. For example, repulsive odors signal us that food is no longer suitable for consumption until it falls on the tongue. The smell of smoke, Gary often saves people from fires and allows you to quickly extinguish or leave the room at the fire stage.

Hygiene rules of the main senses

In order for the senses to serve us faithfully for many years, we must answer them with care and regular care. Below we give the basic hygiene rules for the organs responsible for feelings.

  • The touch organ: all our skin covers need daily cleaning (shower or bathtub), if necessary to moisturize and nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to the palms and feet, since it is on their cover that the maximum number of receptors transmitting the most important information to the brain is located;
  • The smell organ: as necessary, it is required to rallate and clean the nasal cavities from pollution and substances secreted by the body. In case of illness, treat the doctor’s recommendations;
  • Taste organs: the oral cavity needs daily cleansing of the teeth, if necessary, cleaning with dental threads, as well as rinsing the oral cavity in the morning and evening, as well as after each meal;
  • Hearing organs: if there are no problems in the ears, then the outer ear should be cleaned after washing with cotton swabs or special sticks. In other cases, as necessary, it is necessary to clean the sulfur, but exclusively at the entrance to the ear, deeper, like the ear traffic jams, should be cleaned exclusively by the doctor of ENT;
  • Eyes: Together with the skin, the eyes must be washed in the morning and evening, in the case of wearing contact lenses, clean them according to the instructions. As the tears, burning or other unpleasant sensations in the eyes occur, it is recommended to immediately see a doctor.

Video: What controls our senses: human anatomy?

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  1. And we also do not have evidence, sometimes spontaneously waking up like clairvoyance, clash and such as astral vision. I somehow got a sense of danger near me, covering my eyes, I saw in front of me in 3m for removal and 2.5m in height rotating against the clockwise yulu, black oily substance of negative energy in the place of the ancient cemetery in the city line of the electric networks of Semipalatinsk

  2. It’s not quite firm, but I’m sure that these qualities are weakened to the hining state due to the slowdown in the speed of our thinking, which limited the intake of the spectrum of subtle energies to our organisms, which previously increased the growth of the pituitary gland, which learned from space from which no one removed them ...

  3. Six senses existing, including the vestibulator organ, belong to the physical world of our planet. Only seven such worlds. The etheric world, manifested by macrocrystals of rocks, is not minerals!
    The astral world, manifested by microvo in the minerals of the physical world, the mental world, the abstract world, causal and absolute. Therefore, a person has the right to 42 senses.

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