Is it worth or not to leave tips in a taxi, cafe, restaurant, hotel, courier? How to give tips in cash and using a bank card: the amount of tips, the rules for leaving tips in Russia and abroad

Is it worth or not to leave tips in a taxi, cafe, restaurant, hotel, courier? How to give tips in cash and using a bank card: the amount of tips, the rules for leaving tips in Russia and abroad

Lefting tips is a procedure that often raises a lot of questions. We will try to answer them.

"Give tips or not?" - This question torments many of our fellow citizens. On the one hand, this action is not mandatory and waiters, maids or taxi drivers, and so get salary. On the other hand, sometimes you want to thank the polite staff. But how to do it correctly?

How to leave tips correctly: nuances, tips

So what you need to know before leaving tips:

  • First of all, you need to understand that The client is not obliged to leave tips if the service was bad. You can, of course, politely ask to rectify the situation. But if the service took place slowly, there was no hint of goodwill, and the quality of the service left much to be desired, it is better to leave additional money with you.

Important: you must also look at the check more carefully.

  • The fact is that sometimes the service of the waiter is registered there by default. This happens, for example, during a large number of guests, when the waiter has to work a lot. In this case, the amount of tips usually ranges from 15% to 18%. This means that a separate reward can not be left.
Tips are sometimes immediately prescribed in the check
Tips are sometimes immediately prescribed in the check
  • As a rule, tips leave cash. They are placed in the same place as the amount for the service. That is in an envelope or boxin which the waiter will bring a check. It is possible at the same time notify The waiter that the change should not be brought. Because conscientious employees will definitely look for change to a large bill.
  • Some cafes do not provide for the availability of waiters, that is, the client is offered self -service. However, at the same time, the work of the institution as a whole may like it. In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence the cash desk has a tip for tips. Tips left in it, then distributed between employees institutions.
  • It is more convenient for some people to pay bank card. However, it is difficult to single out tips. But real. It will be required in advance notify Personnel that there is a desire to leave money. In this case, you can Name the amount or percentage.

Important: you can sometimes read about the ability to leave tips with a bank card on the menu.

Sometimes tips can be left using a bank card
Sometimes tips can be left using a bank card

The amount of tips: how to calculate it in Russia?

Now let's talk about how you can calculate the amount of tips in our country:

  • Most often left 10% of the order amount. This indicator is convenient to calculate. Neither a calculator, nor paper with a pen will be required. You just need to look at The whole part amounts without cents. And from this amount Exclude the last digit. That is, for example, if lunch was ordered for 750 rubles, tips in the form of 10% of them will amount to 75 rubles.
  • If the visitor believes that the service was not just normal, but good, you can thank you 15% tips. To do this, first you need to calculate 10%. Further received the amount divide half, and then add to half the already calculated 10%. For example, 15% of 750 rubles is 112.5 rubles.
  • If there was a service Excellent, It is recommended to calculate 20% tips. First you need to calculate according to a familiar scheme 10%. And then the resulting figure Multiples by 2. That is, 20% of tips from 750 rubles is 150 rubles.

Important: if when calculating the amount was not round, it is better to round it up.

The size of the tip should depend on how satisfied the visitor is the service
The size of the tip should depend on how satisfied the visitor is the service
  • You can thank you not only a waiter. So, tips will definitely please sommelier. He is recommended to count 15% of the price per bottle of the chosen wine. With tips, if desired, you can thank chef or cleaner.
  • Exist applications for smartphones or websiteswhich will help calculate the amount of tips. All that is required of the user is to enter the price for the service and the desired percentage of tips into the right window.

Tips abroad: tips, recommendations

We figured out our realities. How to behave abroad? It turns out that there are a lot of nuances depending on the country that happened to visit:

  • USA - Tips here are not just desirable, but extremely need For staff. The fact is that they make up the lion's part of the earnings of the waiters. Therefore, thoughts away, otherwise the maintenance staff will simply remain without earnings. It must be taken into account that 10-15% is a minimum. In this country, in principle they love tips extremely. They are left to bartenders, taxi drivers, refueling employees, etc.
In America, it is impossible to present service without tips
In America, it is impossible to present service without tips
  • Canada - Absolutely the same picture as in America. At least 10-15% We'll have to count for the service anywhere.

Important: but in the borderline from the United States Mexico At 10% of tips, perhaps, will be offended. The minimum is 15%.

  • Far Australia - The same picture. Monetary "Thank you" here also love, and from 10% Do not refuse.
  • Chileans And they completely decided legalize loved by them 10%.
  • Jordan and Israel Pruditively prescribe a separate payment of services in the account. Therefore, you can calmly do not get it From the wallet the amount above that flaunts in the check.
  • Sweden - There is no acute need in tips. The service personnel pay a good salary. As, however, in most European countries. And this means that they relate to additional money not as necessity, but as pleasantly surprising bonus. Modest reward in 5% It is quite enough here.
  • Great Britain - Here, the level of employees' salaries are also quite satisfied. For the client, this means that tips can Do not leave.

Important: if you really want to reward the staff, the maximum should be given 12.5%.

It is not customary to leave many tips in European countries
It is not customary to leave many tips in European countries
  • France - The inhabitants of this country are not only romantic, but also practical. As a rule, here in the check You can find a line about payment for the service. Most often it is 10%-15%.
  • Greece -15-20%. There is a crisis. Do not refuse tips in the amount of 30-40%.
  • Cyprus -On average 5-15%. The hotel for cleaning can be left 1-2 euros.
  • Italy - Tips are also here prescribed initially. Looking into the check, the visitor will see points "Coperto" and "Servizio." The first item means payment of the seat, and the second - himself service. That is, there is no need to leave anything additional.
  • Serbia - Here everything is more or less standard within the framework 10%. True, the waiter is better to notify in advance The fact that delivery needs to be brought less or it is not needed at all.
  • Bulgaria - The Soviet past is still working. Tips are not so trepidated, but they do not refuse them. 5-10% is a good amount for Bulgarian maintenance personnel.
  • Germany - Pedantic Germans are used to taking everything into their own hands. Tips are no exception. The waiters are accustomed to round The amount from the check. But they will certainly politely warn about it.
  • In the Middle East Also in rewards especially dont need. Egypt and United Arab Emirates accustomed to include in the expense 5% to 10% For the service.
  • Thailand - real ones live here fans of tips. They are so loved that they are expected in any size. And all from waiters to taxi drivers.
Tips adore in Thailand
Tips adore in Thailand
  • Japan - And here the situation is fundamentally different. The waiter can take additional money only if if the client is already very persistent And he does not want to abandon material assurance in gratitude.

Important: the Japanese will regard the left money, no less than an insult.

  • China - This country is also no love for tips is distinguished. However, in restaurants specializing in on the maintenance of foreigners, for an attempt to reward the employee will look at loyal.
  • Vietnam - Until recently, it also here Tips were not particularly practiced. They could even return them to the client with a polite request not to no longer offer money in excess of the amount of the amount. However in recent years They began to relate to this kind of gratitude tolerant.

Of course, the question of whether to leave tips or not, everyone has the right to resolve for themselves. If you want to observe a good tone and please a person with an increase in the main salary, you should definitely follow your impulse. We hope that this article answered all the questions of interest on this topic.

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