Style 90 in clothes - as dressed, men and women looked: photo. How to dress in the style of the 90s at a party: recommendations of stylists, photos

Style 90 in clothes - as dressed, men and women looked: photo. How to dress in the style of the 90s at a party: recommendations of stylists, photos

Are you interested in the fashion of the last century? Then we offer you a selection of photos of clothing in the style of the 90s.

Style 90 in clothes is a kind of protest to classics and conservatism. At the very beginning of the 90s, people gained access to more diverse clothes, and this caused the appearance of a rather rebellious style. Fashionable bows have become more causing and attracting attention.

People who monitor fashion trends tried to stand out from the total mass, therefore they tried to attract attention in all possible ways-ultra-crop skirts, dresses with an open back, jackets and shirts with patch pockets, baggy clothes with the most raised shoulders. And, of course, clothes made of denim. She was wore with great pleasure both men and women.

Style 90 in clothes - how women dressed and looked: photo

As you probably already understood, style 90 in clothes was quite peculiar. Sometimes people combined such things in one bow that they looked funny. But this does not mean that women and men of that era did not know how to dress. It’s just that at that time there was a brightness, individuality and a certain chic in fashion.

Those who did not want to be a bright spot dressed in a minimalist style. But he, by modern standards, was quite bright. He assumed wearing plain clothes supplemented by a minimum of accessories. But at the same time, blouses, trousers, dresses and shirts could still have a bright, sometimes even acidic color.

Style 90 in clothes - how women dressed and looked:

Youth of the 90s

So the youth of the 90s looked. If you look at this photo, it seems that the goal of the girls was shocking. But in fact, in those days this was exactly what the most fashionable and advanced representatives of the fair sex looked. A denim jacket was generally a squeak of fashion, but not everyone could afford it. Therefore, they dressed this trending thing where they could - to work, to the store, to meet friends, and sometimes even for official events.

Youth in the style of the 90s

Another obligatory trend of clothing in the style of the 90s were mini-skirts and tight-fitting legs, trousers. At the same time, the clothes were so bright and attractive, complemented by large prints and acid shades.

Street style

The photo captures the so -called street style of youth. Girls of that time, as a rule, wore baggy sweaters in a sports style and combined them with bright leggings in tightening. All this brightness was complemented by massive jewelry, and the fashionable image was ready.

Festive onion

In such a dress, and with such a “combat coloring”, the girl could go not only to meet friends, a date, but also to a restaurant. And the most interesting thing is that such an image would not have shocked anyone.

Style 90 in clothes

This was what youth minimalism looked in the last century. The outfits seem to be plain, but they still cast a look. They sought such an effect with a huge cut, short length or open shoulders.

Stars of the 90s

The stars of that era looked even more extravagant. Leather, in a biker style, jackets were combined with caps, feminine dresses and classical shoes. The image was complemented by the most magnificent hairstyles.

Sporty style

Sports style was also bright and extravagant. The fair sex tried to emphasize the merits of their figure as much as possible, because they dressed, on the aerobics popular in those days, exclusively tight -fitting clothes. Everyone wanted to look like models on TV.

Girl in a tracksuit of the 90s
Girls in a tracksuit of the 90s

Another example of the sports style of the 90s. As you can see, tracksuits are quite bright. And of course, complemented by tight-fitting tops and fashionable bags-banks at that time. The most interesting thing is that some in this image could even go to work.

Bright image

The combination of jeans, a bright tight -fitting top and a transparent blouse was considered very fashionable. True, such a bow could afford very bold ladies with a good figure. If I wanted even more brightness, the outfit was supplemented with a massive buckle with a belt.


Another example of bright bows in the style of the 90s. Girls of that era boldly combined the most bright top and bottom, and complemented the image with bright jewelry.

Fashion of the nineties

Dark shades in the images tried to dilute with bright notes. For example, a black dress was worn with pure white sandals, and a dress was supplemented, it would seem, an inappropriate cap and a light cloak. T -shirts with large inscriptions and volumetric sweaters were also in fashion.

Grange photo in style 90

Grange style can also look feminine if you combine clothes correctly. If you want to diversify your wardrobe with such onions, then try to have no more than two accents in clothes. Well, if you have already dressed a bright causing thing, then give up massive jewelry.

Millennium style

This style in clothes was popular closer to 2000. They began to sew clothes from tissues of less acidic colors, but bright prints were still in fashion. Also, fashionistas did not refuse tight -fitting models.

Fashion of the 90s

A dress for an amateur? Yes, they, by the standards of modern fashionistas, are too bright. But in the 90s they were a squeak of fashion. It was possible to buy such an outfit only in large cities. And they also wore them in more developed cities. In small towns and towns, such images were considered too frank. But still, there were bold girls who have a similar bow in their wardrobe.

Fashion of the 90s in America

Style 90 in clothes could not be screaming. When selecting calmer shades, the images were softer and tender. As you can see, they have a little echoing modern fashion.

Jeans -style image

Another confirmation that jeans clothes are in demand at all times. You must admit that a modern fashionista would have dressed such an outfit with great pleasure.

Bright image

The combination of short, tight -fitting jeans shorts, a shortened top and baggy windbreaker looks very interesting. Unfortunately, not many modern beauties will agree to go to people in a similar outfit.

Bathers of the 90s

As for the swimwear of those years, they were almost the same as now. Yes, there were more open models of bright and acidic colors, but they were worn by units. Most people were still quite closed, because they tried to look more modest on the beach.

Fashion 90s-leather jackets

How do you like such a leather jacket? Too baggy? This tastes a modern person. In the 90s, many dreamed of such a thing, but only some had. Very often, fashionistas sewed such jackets on order, and cherished them the same way ladies cherish mink coats.

Style 90 in clothes - how men dressed and looked like: photo

The style of men's clothing in the 90s was not much different from the female. The same color explosion and riot of colors. Modern men would seem too bright and not entirely masculine. But in male fashion, brutality was still present. On sale you could find a calmer classic, though it was not entirely familiar.

For example, the usual business suits, had an extended shoulder line and fairly wide lapels. But perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the male fashion of the 90s was a raspberry jacket. He so fell in love with the representatives of the stronger sex that sometimes they wore him, as they say, without removing. To work - with classic trousers, for a walk - with jeans, and for a trip to the store they could supplement sports pants and sharp -nosed shoes.

Style 90 in clothes - how men dressed and looked:

Raspberry jacket

Let's start our photo selection with the aforementioned raspberry jacket. Initially, this model of the men's wardrobe was sewn by the Versace fashion house, and had a more strict fitted shape. The raspberry jacket really liked the men, but since it cost it very expensive, only some could afford it. Businessmen of the 90s also wanted to have a similar thing in their wardrobe, and therefore they began to seize it in underground workshops. After some time, raspberry jackets could be seen on the streets of all cities and villages.

Men's fashion

Another recognizable thing of that era is the Sweater Boyce. For representatives of the stronger sex, they were also a universal thing. They were worn and with trousers, and with jeans, and with sports pants.

The style of the 90s

A bright tracksuit was considered a real chic. It was used not only for sports, but also for everyday walks. In the 90s, sports style among men was very popular, because such comfortable clothes were in great demand.

The style of the 90s

If desired, young people could not dress very brightly, but at the same time remaining, as they say, in the trend. For fashionable onions, it was only necessary to find blue jeans, a dark color T -shirt and a shortened jacket.

Men's fashion

Leather jackets were always in fashion, and the 90s are no exception. Therefore, every man seeking to emphasize his brutality and status, tried to buy a similar wardrobe thing for himself. A leather jacket could have different lengths and style, an expanded shoulder line remained unchanged, which added to representatives of the stronger sex of masculinity.

Sports chic 90s

Above you have already seen the tracksuit of the 90s. But not all of them were like that. On sale, one could find more, as they say, a decent option. As a rule, businessmen and people close to the highest circles of society gave preference to such models. Such tracksuits were considered scarce, they could be obtained only by acquaintance.


Yes, classic models in the 90s also existed. And you must admit, they looked quite presentable. By modern standards, pants are, of course, wide, but men look attractive in them anyway.


Style 90 in clothes for men can cause cultural shock in modern fashionistas. In those days, the guy could freely combine a shirt in one bow, a classic jacket and trousers in a pajama style. Multi -layer was also fashionable. In view of this, very often men put on a T -shirt, a shirt, a denim jacket or a vest. Moreover, everything that could be unbuttoned was like that. Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex went to people at once in two jackets - denim and leather. It seems to us funny, but then such an image was considered fashionable.

Casual in the clothes of the 90s

This is what a convenient urban style looked like in those distant years. Everything is as simple, convenient and practical. For the Casual style, as a rule, they selected less catchy men's clothes, but at the same time tried to combine everything taking into account the fashion of that time.

Style 90 in men's clothes

And again, pants in a cell in a pajama style, classic jeans and fashionable knitted sweaters in the 90s. Well, what about without a fur hat! Such a headdress, in the cold season, complemented the image of most guys. It was believed that such an accessory adds status and importance.

How to dress in the style of the 90s at a party: recommendations of stylists, photos

If you think that the fashion of the last century has already gone into oblivion, then you are deeply mistaken. Now it is very fashionable to arrange thematic parties, and the theme of the 90s is very popular for a fun pastime. Some people, planning such an event, want to return to the rebellious time, while others want to at least plunge into the energy of the past era. Therefore, let's figure out how to dress in the style of the 90s at a party.

IMPORTANT: In this case, it is best to forget about your modesty and try to try on a new image. If in ordinary life you prefer the classics, then this is just the case when you can afford to look as bright as possible.

Recommendations of stylists:

Party in style 90
  • Clothing. As for clothing, preference should be given to mini-skirts, tight-fitting dresses, lush skirts like lambada, all kinds of products made of denim, leather jackets, for example, jackets, blouses and shirts with massive props, and bright T-shirts and tops with a variety of prints . The female image can be supplemented with bright leggings. In general, try that all the clothes you have chosen is juicy and acidic colors.
  • Jewelry for the reverseper. Do not try to wear gold and silver jewelry on an evening age in style 90. The maximum that you can afford is gilding. In those days, people did not live very prosperous, and therefore the accessories chose easier. There was a plastic jewelry in fashion, as pretentious and bright as clothes. Even glasses are best chosen in a plastic frame. It will be better if they have a not completely standard shape, for example, stars, hearts or rhombuses. Do not forget about massive gum for hair, rims in rhinestones and huge satin bows.
Fashionable hairstyle for a party
  • Hairstyleand. As for hairstyles, they must be as noticeable as possible. And this means that you will need maximum splendor and volume. If you have long hair, then you can comb them slightly, bend with varnish, and supplement the image with a massive hairpin. You can also collect your hair in a high tail, and slightly twist it into large curlers. If the hair is short, then we make the hard pile and fix everything with varnish. As a result, you should get a real fluffy cloud, as large as possible.
Bright makeup for a party
  • Makeup. As you probably already understood, the style of the 90s is a brightness in everything. Therefore, makeup for a party will also be like that. We paint the eyes with shadows with sparkles and bring them to the eyeliner. It can be not only black, but also gray, brown, lilac, or blue. The brighter the better. We make the cilia as long as possible, and the lips are noticeable. You can take lipstick red, coral or plum color. Also do not forget about blush.

And to make it more understandable to you, we bring to your attention several more thematic images in the style of the 90s for men and women:

This is how the girls dressed on the disco
Party in the style of the 90s
Modern images for the party
Dashing 90s
A fun company in the style of the 90s

Video: Party in the style of the 90s

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