Poems to the New Year's costume for presenting on a festive carnival

Poems to the New Year's costume for presenting on a festive carnival

A large collection of poems to the New Year's costume.

Poems to the New Year's costume for presenting on a festive carnival

Poems to the New Year's costume for presenting on a festive carnival
Poems to the New Year's costume for presenting on a festive carnival

Poems to the New Year's costume for presenting on the festive carnival:


Here I am, a crumb-junk,
Weightless, like a fluff,
And beautiful - like a picture!
You can't breathe on me.

I flew down - I -
Here I am a brave!
The fate was given to me -
Decorate the earth with snow.

I have a lot of girlfriends -
They swept the road
And from the very threshold
There is not a single path.

We are in dreams about the New Year
Everyone circled in a round dance
Well, people to the weather
They hurry home as soon as possible.

Do not rush, linger,
Stop on the porch
What kind of master, be surprised
He was able to create this miracle?!

We are all different, like children
You can’t meet two similar ones.
How many of us are in the world -
Never count!


Stars in the sky above us live.
How many of them and what are their name?
I, the smartest old man-star,
I know all the stars.

Often I don't sleep at all at night,
I look into my telescope continuously.
The stars are distant care need,
So that not one disappears of them.

Here I will find a bear in the sky,
Further - I see the polar star.
With her even in the most difficult path
You can find the north without a compass.

Cassiopeia - Like a Bukovka "M",
This is not difficult to notice at all.
Here Orion, he looks like a bow.
Nearby, if you want, you will find.

We need special control for planets.
There is no evidence that there is no life there!
So you need to follow more carefully -
Suddenly, who wishes to come into contact?!

I am very busy with my work,
I rarely visit friends ...
And today, at the holiday here,
I will not be long - because the stars are waiting!


I am a fox in a red fur coat,
The tail is fluffy, gold.
Come closer,
Admire, children, by me!

You read about the fox
That is insidious and cunning
That I don't sit in the hole,
I steal chickens from the yard

That I often pretended to
And what a bun ate,
It even changed with a rolling pin -
She deceived the old man.

That she kicked out a bunny
From the hut of Lubyana,
And my grandfather pulled out
All fish up to one ...

It was only in fairy tales,
And besides so long ago!
In my honest fox eyes
There is no deception anyway.

And I came to have fun
Not hoping for a catch.
Who is coming with me?
Come without extra words!


I'm a fluffy gray cat
I came to your Christmas tree.
We are flying a boy Kostya
I found under a bench.

I gave a beautiful bow,
Gave me a woolen rug
I tied a candy wrapper on a thread -
Funes with me.

Calls me a tishka,
Does not spare milk
And for a torn book
He is not angry yet.

So I live like in a fairy tale:
How I slept - I'm going for a walk,
I walked - we sing sausages,
And he ate - and sleep again.

Milk varnish in the morning
I asked myself a question:
But the Christmas tree - which one?
And what is he, Santa Claus?

And went to the holiday,
Dance near the Christmas tree.
I am a fluffy chopping cat,
Who is coming to play with me?


I'm under the Christmas tree of the New Year
The brightest and funny.
I will be with you today,
Well, in the circus - a day off.

I walked past the store -
Everyone recognized me instantly:
Multi -colored trousers,
Red clown wig.

Instead of a nose - a red ball,
And a smile to the ears.
There is a flashlight in that pocket,
This is a couple of mice.

Here is a fun fun
At the same hour it began!
All rolled from laughter
Holding on to the tummy.

I have such jokes
And tricks for the guys,
That you can laugh for a day
Even four in a row.

Let at our holidays on our
A cheerful laughter will sound!
Let's laugh and dance
I'm glad to try for everyone!


Somehow a sweet grandmother
Along the forest edge
I carried pancakes
Oil and cheesecakes.

In the new red cap
I went without fear
And returned to mommy
The heroine of the fairy tale.

I didn't listen to her
She went into the forest from the path,
Equipped strawberries
And drank dews.

About granny is a sore one
The wolf told
And an ambulance
She showed to the house.

Could a wolf
Us to the dump ...
Mom needs to obey
If you are not enough years old!

Dance your legs,
Drive round dance
But the forest path
Do not go with the wolf!


Here I am, a bunny in a white fur coat,
He jumped to your holiday.
I was late for a moment -
I was looking for a Christmas tree for a long time.

Folded in the forest paths,
And do not make out the ways.
My legs got lost -
How to run to the guys?!

Here my oblique eyes
They see that the wolf flashed in the distance.
And then me, as in a fairy tale,
It was exactly the wings!

The heart is still beating
The tail trembles finely ...
There is no fear left,
He always runs after me!

I will have fun with you
Start round dances,
And squint with one eye -
No matter how to please the mouth!

There is a nipple for a hare:
And the coward, and the scythe ...
And let's catch up!
Who will go to play with me?


Let frosty nights
The snow is snowing,
But spring is not far off -
The summer will do there.

We stood side by side today
And winter and summer suddenly.
After all, under the Christmas tree of the New Year
Not simple - a magic circle.

They made friends in a round dance
Shusty mice with a cat
The hare with the wolf spun around
And the fox is with a bun ...

So I came to the holiday.
Of course, everyone is glad for me.
Any prankster recognizes
Summer Red outfit.

You, of course, are waiting for me,
So as not to go to school?
You will go to the forest through the berries,
You will catch fish ...

But so that in the summer you guys
Rested without worries,
For one fives you need
Complete the school year!


That's what I am, brown bear.
Who does not recognize me?
They write about the bear in books:
The bees are afraid, loves honey.

In childhood, even an adult dad
I taught a poem about me
Like me, Bear clubfoot,
I went to the forest for cones.

Mom in the kindergarten read,
How far the way to the village is
And how Masha did not give
I sit on a stump.

Everyone knows - I walked in the forest
But Kolobok did not touch.
If there were less weighing -
I would not break the Teremka.

The bear has strong paws,
But men laugh:
Then the tops will be given from the turnip,
Then from the millet ...

And under the Christmas tree of the New Year
Everything is always honest.
So I came today
For gifts here!

Poems to the New Year's costume candy

Poems to the New Year's costume candy
Poems to the New Year's costume candy

Poems to the New Year's costume candy:

Have you learned? I am a candy,
Children love me very much.
I come in the dress bright
With every holiday gift!


I am a delicious candy!
And they know everything around
Children love sweets,
But know the measure, my friend!


I dance until they fall
In the candy wrapper,
And under a festive outfit
Yummy is hidden -
Pastille and marmalade,
Caramel and chocolate.
No sweeter, children,


I came to the holidays to the children,
Appetizing candy.
A bright candy wrapper is my outfit.
Oh, I'm afraid they will eat me!


Candy is simple and with a lipstick,
A little with sourness and suction,
In the wrapper brilliant and not very attractive,
Strawberry, raspberry and chocolate.
Both soft and hard, and even viscous,
There are walnuts in it a whole bunch.
And everyone who tried, understands:
She is never unnecessary!


Balls, crackers,
Lights on a branch!
And under it - girls
Girls - sweets.
Bright as a rose
Like raspberries in the garden
The best candy -
Girl (name)!


I am a sweet candy
And my honey lips,
Who does not like sweets,
Let him go by.
I am a cool candy
With a highlight inside.
Surprises if you love
Take me with you.

Poems to the New Year's costume of the prince

Poems to the New Year's costume of the prince
Poems to the New Year's costume of the prince

Poems to the New Year's costume of the prince:

Probably different about me
You hear the whole story.
Princes often help out
Cinderella, princesses for you.
We are strong and noble,
Obstacles are not terrible for us
We are hope and support
In the world of a fabulous country.
And for the New Year holiday
I came to you today.
So that the villains do not be naughty
Our holiday has passed peacefully.


I am a prince from the country of miracles,
Where is the fairy and a small dwarf,
Together protect the forest,
In which we all live!


The prince is the heir to the king,
He has a palace, earth ...
Arable land, forest and river ...
There is a fireplace and a stove,
There is also a carriage,
It's a pity - there are no princesses ...
I have to find her ...
I'll take a gun now
I'll get up early in the morning ...
No, I will hire security
And I'll take it ... a bouquet of flowers.
Where is the princess? I'm ready!


I flew to other planets
From dawn to dawn
And I came up with this fairy tale
Pilot, Saint Exupery.
Prince I am small, naive,
Very kind, sweet, marvelous.


On my shield emblem
And the motto: "Love and honor!"
I will definitely prove
That they are in the world.
I protect the innocent
I reject crimes -
Only for the truth should be fighting
Every noble prince.


I am a man without problems
Because the Prince-Men,
To any height,
Not afraid, I’ll always grow up!
Training your body,
I am boldly fighting the enemy.
Doctor of Combat Sciences
Super Spider-Man!
And the evil kid is afraid
My dexterous web,
Because the Prince-Men-
Fair, strong Cell!


The superhero is not at all angry at all
He wears a suit difficult
Faces under the mask cannot be seen,
And it’s hard for us to recognize him.

But he is a strong man and superman,
And well known to everyone;
Will help, help out in trouble
And you can wait for him everywhere.

He is ready to protect people
And on the path of the villain to stand up.
He is day and night, seven days a week -
Hope for your friends.

Now he is here - a moment - there.
And all alone, and all himself!
How to help him at least once?
Play without any leprosy!

Poems to the New Year's costume of the princess

Poems to the New Year's costume of the princess
Poems to the New Year's costume of the princess

Poems to the New Year's costume of the princess:

I am a princess, everyone knows
The beauty is unearthly,
I came to you for a holiday
Make friends with me.
Let them say that I
Carrix and stubborn
It’s so simple to be friends with me -
Praise only a little.


I am a princess, I'm from a book.
All girls and boys
Know: In fairy tales about princesses
Many joyful miracles.
I sit in the palace on the throne,
But today at dawn
To you on a Christmas tree miracle koni
They brought me in a carriage!


I am a beautiful princes
I live in a castle near the forest
I came to you in a carriage
I am more beautiful than everyone in the world.


I am a modest girl,
Smart, dear.
The dress is fashionable,
I am beautiful in it.
On the New Year's ball
I came to have fun:
Drive round dances
Sing songs, laugh.
I will be a princess
At this ball
And new friends
I will find for myself.


I live in a magic castle
On the edge of a large forest.
I try to help everyone
Because I am a princess.

Everyone should admire me!
Even if we are friends,
You can't laugh at me
And you can’t tease me!
If I give the order
They will throw you into the dungeon.
I am more noble than the princess
Duchess and Countess,
Baroness, Viscountess ...
I am the daughter of King Princess!


I am a princess, that means the first beauty,
And no one can be my sweetheart.
I really like to drive away daily
For the gates of all the kings in love.

Not one made me laugh like it was ordered
No one could solve the riddles.
And in vain the kingdom is divided in two -
There is still no one to give half the kingdom.


I won’t think about the pea - I will not think about it -
All sides are hurt from her!
And about the prince I will ask my star -
She knows, although very far away.

I have five hundred unreliable outfits,
And the chest is filled with gold-sister.
And from all in the world of the daughters spoiled
I am better than all dowry and face.


Yes, I, of course, the princess,
What doubts are there!
Well, in the morning and the queen
Already this opinion.

I was laid for 20 mattresses
And the same is the feast of fluff,
But could not even close the eye,
Like on the stones lay. What a flour!

All in bruises I got up in the morning.
Poor thing, how I suffered!
But it turned out to be so
One pea lay.

Yes, I, of course, the princess,
There is no doubt about this.
Moreover, the same real
There is no in the whole world!

Poems to the New Year's costume Zorro

Poems to the New Year's costume Zorro
Poems to the New Year's costume Zorro

Poems to the New Year's costume Zorro:

I am a super hero, I am calling
I have everything here for the first time -
I’m spinning in a round dance!
I am fighting evil,
Everything is easy for me there
And here is interesting and even funny!


Zorro, elusive friend,
All whom the enemy offended.
Brave and invincible,
Leaves a skew,
Having won in the battles of unequal
Top, brave cavalier,
Became for us the legend of the glorious -
Conspiracy example.


Bunes Nonouce! Buyna Sure!
Although the half-face is hidden,
There is no gallery bello
And more skillfully than a fighter.
Everywhere your own special sign
I'm cherishing for a reason!
This means: very soon
The villains of Zorro will win!


I am offended on New Year's Eve
I will not give you anyone!
I'll go out to defend
All girls and mothers!
I'm brave without a doubt
And never angry.
Good mood
I'll share with you.
And there will be no evil soon
And there will only be laughter.
So tells you zorro!
And Happy New Year!


I am in Spanish a cunning fox,
Do not spend me a villain!
And in English a clean sheet,
And I own the ancient ancient ...
Only sonorous, loud whistle,
And my horse rushes - you do not need a whip.
My face is behind a black mask
Unable to disrupt her,
And I can't give a publicity
Your love, your sadness.

Sorry! .. Ah! As already ridiculous
I express my soul
After all, a mask on the face with iron
My throat strangles my throat.
Come on, the sound of the words is empty,
I am close to the ringing of metal,
I am closely whistled swords, a simple whistle
And the clang of her steel sting,
And hot dagger
Cold with a cold hand.

Poems to the New Year's costume Christmas tree

Poems to the New Year's costume Christmas tree
Poems to the New Year's costume Christmas tree

Poems to the New Year's costume Christmas tree:

I dress a Christmas tree with my mother,
I decorate with lights!
Because it goes to us
Bright holiday New Year!


The Christmas tree dresses up -
The holiday is approaching.
New Year at the gate,
The Christmas tree is waiting for the kids.


Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And needles shine on it,
And on the twigs - snowball!


Everyone knows that the Christmas
Very sharp needles.
But on the New Year they,
As a surprise for the children, -
Soft, caress, kinder.
And on branches for children
There are toys and balls.
And under the Christmas tree - gifts.


Why is the snow go?
Why on the river ice?
This is winter to us -
I hut a lot of snow.
Why is we visiting
Christmas tree in bright lights?
Because it goes to us
Winter holiday - New Year!


It happens in the world
What only once a year
They light up on the Christmas tree
A beautiful star.
The star burns, does not melt
Bloves beautiful ice.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!


Fir -tree fluffy
I came to visit us.
The beads are golden
I braided into the branch.

Bright balls
The people are pleasing.
He will say with us:
"Hello, New Year!"


The rain of the gold is pouring
From the Christmas tree draining.
Admire her:
Here it is!

All sparkles and blooms
Bright balls.
Invites to a round dance
Have fun with us.

New Year is already on the way,
We meet him.
Bright, Christmas tree, shine!
One, two, three - turn on!


What is growing on the Christmas tree?
Cones and needles.
Multi -colored balls
Do not grow on the Christmas tree.
Do not grow on a Christmas tree
Gingerbread and flags,
Nuts are not growing
In gold paper.
These flags and balls
Grew up today
For funny children
On New Year's holiday.
In the cities of my country,
In villages and villages
So many lights have grown
On funny Christmas trees!


Beads shine on the Christmas tree,
Chubes and star.
We love our Christmas tree -
Yes Yes Yes!

Snegurochka in a white fur coat
He always comes to us.
We sing and dance with her -
Yes Yes Yes!

And Santa Claus is cheerful,
Gray beard,
Brings us gifts -
Yes Yes Yes!


Our Christmas tree is great
Our Christmas tree is high.
Above dad, above mom -
He takes out to the ceiling.

How to shine her outfit,
How flashlights are burning
Our Christmas tree Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!


Ate on the edge -
To heaven the top of the head -
They listen, they are silent
Look at the grandchildren.
And the grandchildren of the little ladies-
Thin needles
At the forest gate
Drive a round dance.


No leaflet, no blade of grass!
Our garden became quiet.
Both birches and aspen
Boring are worth it.

Only the Christmas tree is alone
Merry and green.
It is evident that her frost is not terrible,
Apparently, she is brave.


It sways quietly sways.
The old year ends.
Good in the forest in winter,
The forest is decorated with a fringe,
Ringeous snow sparkles,
I hoarus is silver.
It sways quietly sways.
The old year ends.
Laughter, fun, games, jokes,
Songs, joy, dances!
We all live well
In the New Year's fairy tale!


Near the Christmas tree in the New Year
We drive, we drive a round dance.
Children really like it.
Here it is -
Slender, big!
Cotton snow lies below.
At the top of the star shines.
And on the branches balls,
Colorful flashlights,
Birds, fish, flags
From colored paper.


For a green Christmas tree
The dress is white herself
She sewed it without a needle.
The white snow shake off
A Christmas tree with a bow
And it is more beautiful than everyone
In the dress green.
Her green color to her face
The Christmas tree knows this.
How is she under the New Year
Well dressed!


Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the splendor of radiant lights!
It seems that she is more beautiful,
All green and magnificent.
A fairy tale hides in greenery:
The white swan floats
The bunny slides on the sleds,
Squirrel nuts nibble.
Here it is, our Christmas tree,
In the splendor of radiant lights!
We all dance with joy
On New Year's Day, under it!


Well, a Christmas tree, just wondr
How smart, how beautiful.
The branches rustled weakly,
Bright beads shine
And toys are swinging -
Flags, stars, crackers.
Here the lights lit up on it,
How many tiny lights!
And, decorating the top,
It shines there, as always,
Very bright, big,
Five -winged star.

Poems to the New Year's costume hero

Poems to the New Year's costume hero
Poems to the New Year's costume hero

Poems to the New Year's costume hero:

I am a glorious hero, Russian,
And the hope of all of Russia!
Your costumes are narrow to me
And do not ask you to try on!


My sword is sharp, famous!
He is at the holiday with me.
I, sheltered chain mail
I will drive the enemy down!


In the clean field is straight and formidable
There is only one against all enemies
So many winters stood and spring
Russian miracle-ass.
I got a lot of scum
And tired of military affairs.
The dead dream of Great Russians
I defeated imperceptibly.
Alien rejoice
Nudding your grin:
“No, he will no longer wake up.
Everything, Ivan, our hour has come! "
But the candles are burning in the hope of ...
Time moves forward.
And pitch darkness is not eternal. -
The new day is already coming.
The sun will come out of the cloud,
Light flows in the whole width.
And from the trouble will wake up ... ours ...


I am a mighty hero
I grew up in height and in width;
I'm not boasting, I know children
There is no stronger than me in the world!


Oh, in the Paul Field
Enemy army.
Then - Great Zheryushko,
How to cope with her?
They go to the council soon
Wise princes:
- We must call heroes
We can’t do without them!
Here they sit on horses
Three heroes:
Then Dobrynya, Alexey,
Their eldest is Ilya.
And forward, on the enemy army
Rushing at full aging.
No, you can’t lose to them
Need to win!
Swords will go on instantly enemies
With its strength.
Shout here, or don't scream -
Army soon!


All of his heroic ardor
Put into battle;
Here are the enemies and the trace caught a cold
And it's time to go home.


The ringing of victory in the churches -
Rejoice, people!
Well, and three heroes
Glory and honor!

Poems to the New Year's costume fairy

Poems to the New Year's costume fairy
Poems to the New Year's costume fairy

Poems to the New Year's costume fairy:

Fairy of flowers
She is in the rays of dawn, early in the morning,
I inhaled the life and aroma into the flower
Under the sky with golden clouds,
Swearing every petal with sound.
Barely touching with light hands,
Tune of thin flute
Skillfully the fairy extracted a secret ...
And the secrets carried away the winds.
Washed flowers and herbs at dawn
Spring rain with silver dew.
Orange-in-event in the morning in color,
Shone with blush, dawn of beauty
The bud is painted with delicate watercolor.
The fragile life joined the sprout.
Elves rang on the pigs
And the news of the miracle was carried.


The fairy went down from the white cloud,
Little Tanya dreamed about
A thin fairy wand will wave
New Year will come for Tanya.


I am a kind fairy
I came to you from a fairy tale
I have a magic wand.
Today there are carnival masks around,
A sea of \u200b\u200benthusiasm, fun, fire!


Look at me,
Children and parents,
How I do miracles.
Would you like to see?

I'll wave my hand now
Twist the wand
And any desire
It will come true very soon.

One two Three,
Broke Gori!
Five, six, seven,
I wish everyone happiness!


The star fairy went down from heaven.
Joyfully met the beauty the forest.
Birds flew to the fairy to look.
The kind fairy set off.


Magic did how to eat in a pot
I said something, poured something
And with a smile, she sent tender people
Little Fairy, wonderful creation
Invite good luck to the date.

Let it touch with light wings
And with a warm smile in the heart will plunge
Everyone can meet a little fairy
But not everyone can not be a miracle
With pure soul and open heart
The fairy opens the door to people in happiness.


Snow Fairy

Fairy Snezhnaya flew,
The hollow of the sun touched,
Snow shot to heaven,
Silver showered the forest.

Her crown was wearing a frost
From magic white roses.
A fairy is traveling on a sleigh
In diamond lights.

Clouds, as if horses
The wind drives them across the sky.
Ice bells
Songs pour in all ends.

They are the way the blizzard creeps,
The hooves are elastic snow.
Manes snow wave,
The wind is trembling.

The fairy rolls past the windows:
A curl fell out of the hairstyle,
Blue magical look,
An outfit is sewn from the fog.

Waved a thin wand,
In the snowfall, she drowned
I signed on the windows
She smiled and rushed away

Poems to the New Year's costume of a bunny

Poems to the New Year's costume of a bunny
Poems to the New Year's costume of a bunny

Poems to the New Year's costume of the bunny:

For the New Year I will be a hare
Like the guys of the whole country,
I would like to be a captain
But they banned me, alas!
“Ah, these ears, this tail!
How much are you, son! ”
Well, how to tell me these adults,
That the bunny has already grown out of the deadline?!
At least they would give me a wolf
Or Dunno. finally,
So no! I play a dawn again!
And the ears are pulled like lead!

Under the Christmas tree with Santa Claus
I dance, I dance, as I can!
All this will end with a neurosis,
So, perhaps, I will run away!
Suddenly Santa Claus takes out a bag,
And in it the gifts cannot be counted,
He asks me to sing a bunny.
I sing. He praises. It is flattery?
According to the results of our songs
Gifts are given by a good grandfather.
“Well, bunny, you sang more wonderful,
Take a machine and sweets! ”
I am pleased to. Thank you say.
I laugh with joy. I scream.
My bunny is the best! I am pleased to!
Thank you, Zay, for your outfit!


I am a white and fluffy bunny,
I have fun under the Christmas tree,
And a fur coat of snow-silver,
I want to please everyone!


There was a bunny
Long ears
Frozen the bunny
Tail on the edge
Frozen the tail
Frozen the ears
And went to bask
To visit the children
There is warm and glorious
There is no wolf
And they give carrots for lunch.


I am a fluffy, small, white bunny.
Bunny- Jumping- they often write in books.
Short tail to quickly run away,
And the ears are long - who is nearby to know.
And the legs are strong to jump quickly.
And the paws in the drum to knock, so that it is more fun.
Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop! And from the wolf - the way!


Bunny, you bunny
Little bunny,
Long ears,
Fast legs.
Bunny, you bunny
Bunny rogue,
You are afraid of children
Bunny is a coward.


Pink bunny, long ears
You will be my favorite toy
Together with the walk, let's go home,
You will sleep with me today.


Lump of fluff,
Long ear,
Jumps deftly
He loves carrots.


Behind the ears of the hare, they carry to the drum,
The hare yells - I won’t drum!
No mood, no preparation,
And most importantly - I do not see carrots!


Bunny sits in a window -
He is in a gray coat made of Plush.
They made a gray hare
Too long ears.
In a gray coat of long
He sits, clinging to the frame.
Well, how to seem brave here
With such big ears?


Everyone knows - a long tail in circulation is not simple
You can’t hide with him behind the garden and do not eat carrots furtively
And so the hare has a short tail-catch up!


I managed to hide under the bush
Our coward from the fox.
He hid in the hole and waits
Who will bring carrots.

Poems to the New Year's Hedgehog costume

Poems to the New Year's Hedgehog costume
Poems to the New Year's Hedgehog costume

Poems to the New Year's costume of hedgehog:

A cunning hedgehog
I sewed a thorny jacket:
One hundred pins on the chest,
One hundred needles behind.
The hedgehog walks in the garden along the grass,
He stumbles on pins
A pear, plum - every fruit,
What will find under a tree
And with a gift to the rich returns to the hedgehogs.


Our hedgehog is terrible,
All needles are facing.
Only ours is not at all angry:
Our hedgehog is not at all angry at all.
You click - he goes to the call,
He drinks milk from the saucer.
Our hedgehog is not angry at all!


New Year's balls, candles and crackers -
The hedgehog decorated the Christmas tree on the forest edge.
Smiling slyly - this time again
Instead of the Christmas tree, they will not decorate the hedgehog.

* * *
New Year's Hedgehog? This is nonsense!
I have never seen a hedgehog like this!
Do you hear, under the snow, so quietly sniffs?
New Year's hedgehog in a warm mink sleeps.

* * *
Who woke up and does not sleep and sniffles with joy?
Who put on a hat and a scarf and runs to the street?
Snow is spinning, snow goes, around the Christmas tree round dance
Three human hedgehogs are driven - they celebrate the New Year.

* * *
In Moscow, on Red Square, on the newest year,
Competitions are coming - "The star ascended the ice!"
The hedgehog circled on the ice, the people squealed in delight!
Putin left the rostrum and shook his paw!

* * *
The hedgehog has accumulated money,
I bought pyrotechnics!
The gun shoots in the New Year!
In the serpentine, the whole edge!

* * *
Hedgehog dressed up with a pigit
And rolled onto the Christmas tree!
Why is this pig,
Boar grows on the back?

* * *
The hedgehog jumped to the stool:
- There is no better Christmas tree in the world!
I invite children,
Dress up soon!

* * *
Laughter, garlands, round dance ...
Sharp needles ...
This is a hedgehog in the New Year
Dressed up with a Christmas tree!

At the Christmas tree of the New Year in the round dance
The whole forest-revered people gathered together
The animals play fun in nature,
A hedgehog sings a cheerful song!

* * *

New Year to celebrate
The little one dreamed of a hedgehog,
But they should sleep in winter
And bears and hedgehogs ...

* * *

Hedgehog before the New Year
I decided to please the people:
He shaved all the needles in figs
And he blurted out near the Christmas tree.

* * *
On the moon is a cheerful hedgehog
Dressing a Christmas tree by night ...
The prints of his legs
The lunar face will be decorated very much ...


A hedgehog walks with the drum,
Boom Boom Boom!
Hedgehog plays all day,
Boom Boom Boom!
With a drum behind the shoulders,
Boom Boom Boom!
The hedgehog in the garden wandered away by chance,
Boom Boom Boom!
He loved the apples very much
Boom Boom Boom!
He forgot the drum in the garden,
Boom Boom Boom!
At night, apples broke,
Boom Boom Boom!
And the blows were heard
Boom Boom Boom!
Hares jerked great,
Boom Boom Boom!
The eye to Zorka did not close
Boom Boom Boom!


There are many animals in the world -
Varanov, lizards and snakes.
But there are no more mysterious than these
So -called hedgehogs.

In anger, the hedgehog is terrible,
He is among the native fields and arable land
How the tiger is scouring, growling,
Screaming and foot paws.

And, going to jambs,
Hedgehogs fly and melt in the sky,
Like a crane pack -
Free, eternal, high.

And there is no white world
Animals are more sincere than these.

Poems to the New Year's costume of a unicorn

Poems to the New Year's costume of a unicorn
Poems to the New Year's costume of a unicorn

Poems to the New Year's costume of a unicorn:

I have a tail and mane,
Like any horse
But then such a horn
There is no rhino!

I am invigorating them!
And I ride good -
He knows the track in the world of miracles
Fairy -tale unicorn


The unicorn is beautiful
He is from all ancient.
He knows - God chose him
Above all animals.

The unicorn is beautiful
Lives, observing himself,
Steep and narrow path
To the sky rising.


I am a playful horse
Vigorous hooves.
I offer all the guys
Ride together.
Let's stand with you in a round dance
And rush in a circle
On the winter holiday New Year
We will overtake the blizzard.


He is pink! He's white.
He is with black eyes.
He is with ears and wings,
And the first time he is with us.
There is a mane! Guessed?
There is a tail also a horn ...
Well, they already called:
"The costume is a unicorn!"


Beautiful, smart, he is proud and strict, -
They were not at all not light - -
The magic horse is a unicorn,
Comes only to kind children.
You will see him inadvertently, -
Talk with a unicorn.
Let it be only a dream
But how beautiful he is.

Poems to the suit of the squirrel for the New Year

Poems to the suit of the squirrel for the New Year
Poems to the suit of the squirrel for the New Year

Poems to the suit of the squirrel for the New Year:

I'm fluffy squirrel
And the fur coat is silver.
On the New Year's holiday
I invite everyone!
They will receive all gifts
And the holiday will be bright!
And let them sound today
Only songs, jokes, laughter.


I'm a mischievous protein
Lesnaya wizard,
When I sit on a tree,
Jewish nuts!


I'm a little squirrel, jump, yes jumping
I'm not used to being lazy
I am nuts and mushrooms
I will hide in a warm corner.


From a Christmas tree to a Christmas tree
I am fun!
The bump from the needle
I tell you instantly!
What will I do with the bump?
I'll hide the bump!
And again by twigs
Squirrel will jump.


Let's get acquainted, kids:
I love nuts, cones,
I wear them to my hollow,
There is dry and warm!
Squirrels are not terrible blizzards -
Let's hide in the hollow at the spruce!


The squirrel jumps on the branches,
From Christmas trees to the Christmas tree,
In a bright dress is dressed,
The tail sticks out with a panicle.
She has nuts with her -
Help yourself, children!
Together, of course, fun
We note the New Year!


I am forty - Beloboka
Brought this news:
That you have a fun holiday
And the gifts are not counted here.
I galloped, in a hurry
On trees and bushes.
And in his Lukoshka new
Brought the hotels to you.
Here are bumps and nuts,
And dried fruits,
Come, kids,
Enough here for all food.


Red my tail, cunning eyes,
But I'm not a fox at all!
More goodies in the world of all goodies
I love a hazelnut
And also - climb the spruce,
Throwing with cones to throw!
Here is such a mischief
Nimble little squirrel.


Not Christinka-girl-
In a bright dress - a squirrel!
With brushes ears,
Bunny - girlfriend!


I am from a branch to a branch
It’s not scary to ride
Mushrooms and nuts
Search all summer.
I am for the New Year
My glorious stock
I will take it to the Christmas tree,
Guys, for you!
Let each nut
Will bring you success
Let happiness and joy
Will come for everyone!


What a miracle? What kind of wild?
This protein is so beautiful:
Fluffy brushes on the ears stick out,
Cunning eyes burn with joy!

The dress put on a bright one, in peas.
Filin looked only and said only “Oh!”.
The whole forest people admired the squirrel,
And she celebrated this New Year!


Squirrel in a fur coat on fur,
Jump, and from a Christmas tree to alder,
Drinking trees jumps,
And in an oak, nuts are hiding.
Drips the squirrel on the branch
Mushroom for himself and mushroom to a neighbor.
And the neighbor is looking for bumps
For yourself and for your son.
And the girlfriend will give a nut -
Enough goodies for everyone!
Red little animal
Nuts on pine nuts
Fast as an arrow
Well, of course, protein.


Look, what a beast,
In a redhead coat,
The bumps wears a day-day
Own children!
Everyone is happy, the tail is a pipe
Get nuts ...
- I want another dinner:
Road and raw! -
Says a baby raincoat.
Mom-Belka again
For the branches prickly - skok,
To the hedgehog of the forest:
“Land to me, neighbor,
Moor for the son "...
Brought, and the son squeals:
- Better give a bump!

Poems to the New Year's costume pirate

Poems to the New Year's costume pirate
Poems to the New Year's costume pirate

Poems to the New Year's costume pirate:

1. I - Captain Jack Sparrow.
You heard about me, right?
Everyone says that I am a villain
And I have a bad character.
But what to do, I'm a pirate,
And I leave the shore soon.
I am very glad to see you all.
But do not fall into the sea!

2. Do not be scared of me -
I can't get angry
And let's, guys,
Better to have fun!
I'm a pirate only for sharks
And pure the storms.
Do not shout "guard",
If I meet you.

How much the seas proceeded,
How many ships met!
I took them for boarding.
Suddenly, I learned about your holiday!
I am now dear to me,
So I wanted to go to the Christmas tree!

3. I am a pirate with a sea soul
I have a big knife
I deftly fight
Come, do not work.

How much the seas proceeded,
How many ships met!
I took them for boarding ...
Suddenly, I learned about your holiday!
I am now dear to me,
So I wanted to go to the Christmas tree!
I was a robber, pirate,
But the New Year will come,
And to the festive parade,
I will be a thief of the bad weather.
New Year is coming
Children's holiday from adversity,
And I am glad to wear a suit -
Today I will be a pirate.
I'll play pirates:
I will surprise you on the New Year,
And without any machine guns
I will block all snowflakes.
Who is a snowflake, who is a fox
I am a pirate friends, I'm sorry,
In New Year's miracles
You will change my image.


I am a brave pirate,
I easily take ships for boarding
And now for the holiday
I came yours.
Santa Claus I know - I met him,
On the deer of the sonorous
My ship overtook my ship
But I had time for him - interesting to me
Where these gifts are presented to the children.
I'm a mischievous pirate
I'm not afraid of sea waves.
I sailed around the seas for a long time
To get to the holiday to you.
I am a girl - a pirate -
Almost real!
I hold a saber in my hands
Beautiful, shiny!
I'm a pirate from the Caribbean Sea
I love the noise of the surf
And a treasure of metals,
Sharp sword and sea corals.
Don't be scared of me -
I can't get angry
And let's, guys,
Better to have fun!
I'm a pirate only for sharks
And pure the storms.
Do not shout "guard",
If I meet you.
I am a brave pirate.
I don't know the barriers.
The storm is not afraid of me
The wave does not scare.
I will trample the ships
The treasure in the cave is storing.

To you for a Christmas tree here
I came not casual.
They say Santa Claus
I brought gifts to you.
I got on the road
Look at the gifts.
I'm a pirate with a sea soul
I have a big knife
I deftly fight
Come, do not work.
This is stupidity that the girl,
The frigate is not good.
I am a sea Amazon,
All I like - I take!
Saber, knife and two muskets -
At least now on boarding.
Hey friend, drive coins,
Otherwise, you will give life!
I have a shark grip
I am a cruel pirate!
No one is happy in the sea
Because I am a pirate!
I'm in this black suit,
I'm in the bandana, with a gun,
Always ready to capture
Many sea vessels!
How much the seas proceeded,
How many ships met!
I took them for boarding ...
Suddenly, I learned about your holiday!
I am now dear to me,
So I wanted to go to the Christmas tree!
Roger looks from a triangle.
Cheerful. But as always.
In a round dance near a Christmas tree
I, as in children's years.

My camisole in the elbows shabby
He served me for many years
But from a needle of culota,
There is a sword and a gun.


On my feet of my boots,
The left eye is hidden by a bandage.
I left the port yesterday
To dance now.

Kushak is reassembled,
I came to the masquerade
Bloodthirsty and dangerous
Wolf sea - a dashing pirate.
All father's inheritance:
Title, money, land, house
I lost in early childhood -
He became in a foreign land.
Despising the court wrong,
The Lord Himself handed me power,
On the seas to reproduce reprisals -
I will live the thieves to steal.
Nestodyaev is waiting for the reckoning -
Death from the honest hands of the pirate.
Through raging storms
I sailed on the ship.
I will drink my barrel of rum
And again - hello to the earth!
The battle is waiting for me in the sea -
The ringing and ringing of coins became.
I am an adventurer
It makes no sense for me to live without them!
Raised the black flag frigate!
Fear! A pirate is floating for you!
I am a dashing sea pirate
I myself have been a long time as my brother.
I am an enemy to anyone in the sea
I need a black flag.
My shelter in the sea distance,
There I rake ships.
And it happens that I drown
And I smoke the treasures.
The eye is like such a landscape:
Waves, fight, boarding.
I love robbing live
And make friends with sharks.
Here things will go about the way
If I get a treasure.
I have entered the excitement a lot,
I studied ancient cards,
But not in the far shores,
Not on wild islands
Not in the caves among the rocks
I did not find what I was looking for.
So again I am on the way
Here I hope to find a treasure.
They say that Santa Claus
He brought him to you in a bag.
I'm on the island
Many years ago
In the pit and deep
Buried a priceless treasure.
With him, my friends killed a couple.
Here he is a cross on the map of the old!
Traditions are ordered to me
To do so, because I am a pirate!
I am an experienced herring
I do not care all the storms!
Waiting for me in prison pads
And the rope with the executioner.
My life passes in fights,
Robberies and deeds.
I am a ghost-toe
With each oncoming knives.
I was born at the gun in the bath
I can break the mouth!
I myself am a damn sea is not a brother!
I am a thunderstorm of ships - a pirate!
We are poor, we are poor
We are poor pirates
We are very, very,
Very sorry
We rob both corvettes and frigates
And why? And therefore
That morality did not instill us.

Pirates do not need science
And this is clear why:
We have legs and hands
And we do not need a head.

Poems about the Russian folk costume for the New Year's carnival

Poems about the Russian folk costume for the New Year's carnival
Poems about the Russian folk costume for the New Year's carnival

Poems about the Russian folk costume for the New Year's carnival:

Carry the costume of a dean character,
He was free, strict, long for everyone.
Short clothes in Russia
They did not dare to wear ignorant.
Strains were cut out of the paintings
Long canvas shirts.
The gates and hem were decorated
Wild patterns embroidered.


On the patterns - herbs, horses, birds ...
The craftswomen were thinned.
The embroidery of people protected -
Office and illness drove off.


The costume of people will call to think
About everyday life, morals can tell.
We will not grow ignorant in ourselves,
We’ll go slowly at the exhibition,
Consider ancient Russian clothes:
Isn't it simple and good?
The outfits of the ancient Scythians served
Perhaps the prototype for her.
So what did women wear before?
All details have its name:
The caftan is worn over the shirt long,
An ornament decorated below.
On the head - Ubrus under the head of the Clean
Or the fighter - shade the beauty.
Well, the townspeople walked in the boots of new ones,
Peasant women often ran in bast shoes.
Causage and pneuma were worn -
I will explain the details to you in a nutshell.

Presentation of the costume of the Snow Queen for the New Year

Presentation of the costume of the Snow Queen for the New Year
Presentation of the costume of the Snow Queen for the New Year

Presentation of the costume of the Snow Queen for the New Year:

I am a snow queen
I flew to your holiday,
Kaya and Gerda invited,
And I did not forget the gifts!


I am the queen of ice and snow,
My dress is the color of the sky.
Cold, cold, blizzards -
These are my servants.
But I am tender in the soul.
The Queen is snowy.


On the Snow Queen is an exquisite dress,
Which great -grandmother tied from a snowstorm,
The Snow Queen has cold arms,
Clushed lips and faithful enemies.

The Snow Queen has a cold retinue
And a full house of unnecessary uninvited guests,
But an ice heart, like a mirror, is broken,
For a thousand fragments, for a thousand parts.

The Snow Queen has only storms in reserve,
Resentment and snowstorms, paintings on the glass,
But late or early again will destroy her again
An invented fairy tale about the Snow King.


At the Snow Queen
This is the trouble:
Everyone has a heart on the left
She has a piece of ice.

But today - not harsh
Snow Queen,
In the New Year, I am the word! -
The queen is tender!


Beautiful Queen Snow!
Face is insanely good!
But look into her soul ...
There is no soul ... there is cold
She lives in solitude
The whole castle is from crystal,
Dressed in the dress white, brocade ...
It is embroidered with diamonds,
Around the castle ice blocks,
Eternal snowdrifts lie,
Her carriage is elegant, chic,
The three white horses are harnessed,

It happens to people
He carries cold into their souls,
By the side they bypass it,
But, in fairy tales, she lives ...


At the Snow Queen
Clothes are so white
Diamonds in carats
They are strewn.
From the queen's fur coat -
Snowflakes, like fluff,
Fly and circle in dance -
Having breathtaking.
He sits and rules
Horses in the sleigh,
And horses of the white triple
The hoof is beaten in the snow.


At the Snow Queen
Breath is a thing,
Freezes indiscriminately -
There is no case, old Il young.

The queen does not care
In general, no one
The heart does not beat at all
Her cold.

Poems to the New Year's costume of a fairy -tale hero

Poems to the New Year's costume of a fairy -tale hero
Poems to the New Year's costume of a fairy -tale hero

Poems to the New Year's costume of a fairy -tale hero:

Brother did not obey me
And now it turned into a goat
When cinema water
He decided to get drunk on a sultry day.


I'll tie this bell to my brother,
So as not to get lost, if I don’t look at.
The boy is naughty, my playful, my
Why didn’t you stop, didn’t get home?
Well, not from the well and not from the river,
Did you drink water from the goat's hoof?
I'll tie this bell to my brother,
So as not to get lost, since I will not look ...

Baba Yaga
I fly in a mortar,
I notice traces.
Without miracles, an old woman
It is boring to live in a hut.


I am flying in a mortar and with a broom,
I'm chasing my longing,
"Concords", "TU" is ahead of
And I can't understand everything,
Why Grandmother Yaga
Are they afraid and do not respect?
Let it be born in a deaf forest
And with a wart on the nose -
All this, right, prejudice.
But my soul is bright
Strives good deeds
To make for you, my babies.


I settled on the edge of the edge
Fairytale forest
Very harmful old woman,
Witch, to be honest!
An unusual hut
At our old woman:
Kurya legs, chicken pipe,
He jumps and dances.
And lives in this hut
Harmful old woman
All year round, in winter and summer,
On your edge.
And no one to our old woman
It doesn't come to visit
Even "hello" will not tell her,
He will not ask anything.
That's why she is angry
That one all the time!
She is good deeds
Surrounding himself,
She is boring to be harmful!


How old I am, I do not know.
In a mortar, I fly with a broom.
My tower is so good
It looks like me in everything
In this tower, my
Bright the stove burns with fire.
Teremok on chicken legs!
A grandmother of a hedgehog awaits the guests in him.


I live in a forest hut
Very cute old woman.
Knock knocking my foot.
Everyone calls me Yaga.

No one, no one,
Ask the whole world
There is no nose thinner than mine,
There is no longer a nose!
I wear a long, long nose,
I'm not easy boy
An adventure postponed,
But in the end, he brought
For all his friends, he brought
I'm golden key!


What kind of boy is a long nose
- eyes - two half a tower?
Amazing question:
I am Pinocchio!
I have a gold key,
The alphabet under the arm.
Uncle with a black beard
Do not grab the boy!


I am a wooden boy
In a striped cap.
I was created to the joy of people
Happiness is the key in my hand.
The turtle gave
This key is magical to me.
And then I found myself
In a good fairy -tale country.

I am the glorious Bear Winnie the Pooh!
Anyone will understand me:
So that my spirit is cheerful and cheerful,
I really need honey.
A pot of honey is a dream
Which calls.
Friends, forward, follow me, on a campaign!
We will eat honey!

Gray brother in the grove dulls,
The teeth will seem to flash
And he is looking for pressing food,
And sometimes scares you.
Don't be scared, this evening
I will not touch anyone -
On the New Year and I am careless -
And I wish one:
Dance so that it becomes hot.
And I also want - gifts!

I'm flying mice and rats
Crocodiles, hares, foxes,
I bandage the wounds
African monkey.
And anyone will confirm you:
That I'm a doctor ... Aibolit.


Feel free, go:
I look very kind!
Well, show your teeth:
I'm Dr. Aibolit!

Here I am a monster
Three -headed, big,
I'm flying above the earth
With a hot flame puff.


In scales, brilliant new
I have arrived at you today -
Fashionable, stylish, three -headed,
The kidnapper of lovely ladies.
Hey, beauties-charovits!
Who wants to ride?
After all, good from all sides
Friviting festive dragon!


Above clouds and clouds
I fly in the sky,
But heavy chests
I don’t have enough glead!
I abduct the princesses
I take off for the dark forest -
There are already there ... a million!
I am a reserve dragon.


Where I want, I fly there,
What I like, grab it!
In scales I am like in armor,
Nothing scary to me!
Give money for good luck
You will become a hundred times richer!
Will turn a ruble into a million
For a year, a golden dragon!


It’s low while my growth is
And the fire is not frying,
But there are wings, there is a tail,
And in the bag - a gift.
On a cheerful carnival
I ran to you from a fairy tale
Good and good
Little Dracos!


I am not a handsome man, alas.
The tail is one, three heads.
The snake Gorynych flew
To you from a Russian fairy tale,
Because he wanted
Kindness and affection!


Knight! Raise the hare
And look at it:
Scales are stronger than metal,
Fry flame inside!
Come with me to fight,
Put your honor on Kon!
You are not afraid to eat you
Fire-breathing dragon!


I live in a large cave
I follow the treasure.
You may not believe me
I will not tell you the address!
From dawn to dusk
I will guard the piles of gold.
And I throw it out
All guests, because I am a dragon!


I'm beautiful, strong, powerful,
I'm more formidable than formidable clouds
And smarter than all, there are no words -
I have many goals.


I'm fabulous, flying,
Fireing, powerful
Three -headed formidable snake.
Name me soon!

Tiny girl,
I left the flower.
Life seemed marvelous
In red petals.
Only the soul is tender
Fixed into darkness.
The animals are angry, greedy,
What do you have to do with you?
I would be blue on the sky
At least once to look.
Say goodbye to the sun
And fall asleep forever.
I hear: in the sky ringing
Your song.
Swallow is darling!
You found me.


A girl appeared
In a cup of flower.
And there was that girl
A little more a nail.
In a walnut shell
The girl was asleep.
Here is such a girl
How dear she is!


The mole did not almost become a wife
And a mustachioed beetle!
Together with a swallow flyed
High under clouds.

Poor I am and a bastard
I got used to the ash.
It is very hard for me during the day
And I dream at night.
But I'm not crying, I don't cry
I smile and endure.
I believe in happiness and good luck
And I regret everyone and love.


The stepmother has two daughters
Let's go to the ball
And I would have at least an eye
Take a look at the carnival.
But only to look at
How everyone has fun
I need to clean the floor,
Puffers wash everything.
And two bags with crust
I have to sort
And grow a rose bush,
Only overnight. All alone!


I have never been to the ball
Cleaned, soap, cooked and spun.
When it happened to get to my ball,
Then the prince lost his head from love.
I lost my shoe at the same time.
Who am I? Who will tell you here?

Indian with onions behind him -
Hunter, tracker.
He floats dear, he is river,
The forest path is in a hurry:
“Here I dined the crocodile,
Here the goat passed,
And here, tired of the roads,
A wise yogi sat under a palm tree. "


I have feathers in my hairstyle
And my housing is Wigwam.
From American prairies
I arrived at the Christmas tree to you.
I am an Indian Chingachguk!
I am a reliable friend for you!

All girls and boys
They managed to love me.
I am a hero of a cheerful book
Behind my back is a propeller.
I take off over Stockholm
High, but not to Mars.
And the kid will recognize me.
Who am I? Sly ... Carlson!


That the noses hung
Smarted, kids?
I'll start a propeller
I will come to you right from the roof.
Where are the buns, jam, cake?
Carlson will be kept alive.
And then naughty, after me!
I am terribly clumsy!


I'm to the baby
I will fly to the window
I love buns
And a little by a little.

I'm baked from flour,
The window was cold.
He ran away from the grandfather with his grandfather,
And I became a fox ... dinner.

Cat Basilio
Maybe take you to me on the field of miracles?
Contact! With sister Alice
We will certainly take you to a fairy -tale forest
And we will play a performance for BIS to you.
Pretend to be blind, old Masha cane
And I am looking for a simplespin, I hurry them to deceive them.

Giants, beware!
Because it goes to you
In the boots, a brave cat.
What are you already afraid of me?
I hide the claws in soft paws,
I love kids
But always ready to hunt
If I see mice.


Smart, mustachioed,
Cunning, tail,
Boots on the paws,
On the top of the head - a hat.

I am rich, omnipotent,
Very slender, terribly angry,
But I'm not afraid of death
Guess how called?


I languished in the chains for a hundred years,
I haven't fun for a hundred years,
What kind of festival of Tutu are you?
Why on your Christmas tree
The lights burn in needles,
What is happening at this hour?
Children are driven by round dances
You will meet anyone here -
And animals of forests and birds!
Around the Christmas tree next to you
I would be glad to drive a round dance
In the environment of children.
Only you accept me
Do not scold, do not drive!

I am red in a hat,
Pies in a basket.
I'm walking to my grandmother
On the forest path.
If you meet a wolf,
I don't go
I am then hunters
I'll call loudly.


From an early age, everyone knows children about me,
I have been living in a fabulous country for a long time.
Through the forest I went to my grandmother,
I met a wolf on the path, I am a forest.
He deceived me toothy, overtook me,
He ran a short short.
And I would have not had to be easy with my grandmother,
Yes, hunters are very close
Turned out to be. They were able to save us.
It’s better not to meet with a wolf on the way!


I came to you for a holiday
From your favorite fairy tale
And the gun stored
The wolf is for the ostrand.
Here he is! And you are gifts.
Sweet, in bright wraps
From the girl-lapochka

Everyone recognizes me, right:
Sineglaza and Kudryava.
There is one feature:
I am in love with Pinocchio.
Only he is an unbearable small.
Arithmetic is tired
I teach Pinocchio.
Tell me, what should I do?


Doctor of Puppet Sciences
I caused us a lot of torment.
We ran away from him:
Me and the dog, my faithful friend.
Karabas sent in pursuit,
How afraid they would catch up!
But friends helped us
From trouble we were saved by all:
Both Pierrot and Pinocchio.
Have you guessed? I - ... Malvina

Poems to the New Year's costume Snowflake, Metelitsa

Poems to the New Year's costume Snowflake, Metelitsa
Poems to the New Year's costume Snowflake, Metelitsa

Poems to the New Year's costume Snowflake, Metelitsa:

From a fabulous basket
Panzer Winter
Shakes, snowflakes
To sleepy houses.
On the braids of old willow
And on the branches of white,
Forty talkative
It hit the wing.
And maybe one day
Forgetting about your flight,
Snowflake with a facet of each
He will come to my cheek -
It will warm up a little
And then - straight
Transparent path
The collar is dragging.


From the fogs of snow -white
Needlewoman Winter
A million snowflakes are gentle
I froze myself
So that they fluttered everywhere
In villages and cities,
So that passers -by sighed:
"That's so beautiful! Oh!"
To the snowflake on the palm of the hand
You caught - and there is water! -
I would be surprised a little
And he said: "This is yes!"


Winter evening snowflakes
Swallowed by mixing
And during snowfall
They laughed until the fall.
Turned all girlfriends
In cheerful laughter,
Even the wind was laughed -
In the rhythm of the waltz, they were spinning.
Winter morning only children
These sounds heard these -
We went to school and to the garden
All to the sounds of the "laughter".


I am a blizzard, the queen of snow,
I notice everything around
I mix the earth with the sky,
I'll start my game.
I am cold winds
I will freeze the city,
I will cool with a blizzard, a drill,
Water will be covered with ice!
But look, on the Christmas tree
The lights are burning!
Ice green needles
They don’t want to cover themselves!
I am strong - it is stronger.
Apparently, a Christmas tree in the New Year
He has a great magic,
The joy of every house carries!


Metelitsa, Metelitsa,
And dizzy and creeps,
And sings the song,
And the thoughts evokes ...


In a lace elegant shawl,
In a short fur coat, fur
I came from the snowy Dali
Reputing the roof house!
Hey snowflakes! Do not lie down
And take off and circle!
Wow! Crosses
Madam Metelitsa!


Drings and laughs
A snowstorm for the New Year.
The snow wants to sink,
And the wind does not give.
And fun trees,
And each bush,
Snowflakes, like mixers,
They dance on the fly.

Beautiful snowflakes
They go down from heaven.
And the forest, as in the picture,
Full of miracles.
Through the forest New Year,
Hiding his nose behind the gate
Lucky gifts sweet
Grandfather Frost to me!

Poems to the New Year's costume of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden

Poems to the New Year's costume of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden
Poems to the New Year's costume of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden

Poems to the New Year's costume of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden:

He is annually with a cold and frost
He comes to visit, where everyone is waiting for him.
He rewards with a red-red nose,
When he is close, everyone is in a hurry, run.
He necessarily gives gifts,
He is circling in round dances ...
He is the New Year. And everyone is a little sorry,
That the holiday will run very quickly.


I came to the city from the forest.
How beautiful, how wonderful
In the snow -white hats of the Christmas tree!
How needles shine at them ...
And he looks high from heaven
Angel is lonely.
Gold voice
Suddenly he called me: “Wait,
Get ready little by little
Go on the road-road.
New Year's Eve is close,
Candles lit up everywhere
Everyone is old and young,
New Year is happy to celebrate everything. ”
I replied: “Oh, child,
I just gathered on the road.
I'm going to the city soon
To please children,
Do not worry, my angel,
My bag is always with me
And in the bag gifts,
Tasty and bright ... "
The angel quietly answered:
"Children will be happy today."


I guys old grandfather,
For me, guys, for many years!
In January and February
I walk on the ground.

I'll just get out of bed -
Blows rise.
How I shake my sleeve -
Everything will be covered with a snowball ...

But now I'm very kind
And I am friends with the guys,
I will not freeze anyone
I will not stand by anyone.


In the snowdrifts after the winds
Troika-Vyuga rushes.
I arrived for a holiday to you
Right from Ustyug!
Well, together-one! Two! Three! -
Say: "Herringbone is Gori!"
And now - WHO gifts!
I'm the main Santa Claus!


I am frost, red nose,
With a white beard.
I pinch - so to tears!
Do not joke with me.
Why, why
Should I be angry?
I came to you, friends,
To have fun!
New Year, New Year
I meet with you
Happy New Year to all of you
I congratulate.


She is in white boots
And in a blue fur coat
A bouquet of ripe snowflakes
Brings us with you.
White-white to the waist
Luxurious braid
And warm-fraudulent
Righty eyes.
In transparent ice floes, mittens
And the cap is on her.
You give us light and joy, you
The favorite of children.


Santa Claus for the New Year
Everything you want will bring.
Make a desire you -
And dreams will come true.
I did not just make it -
I drew on the sheets,
Put them under the Christmas tree,
I carefully covered with cotton,
Dad with mom did not say
What I wished for myself.
So it happened. Father Frost,
All that I wanted was brought.
Sorry, only once a year
He takes care of us.


All animals know me
The Snow Maiden is called.
They play with me
And the songs sing.
And the bears of the top
And bunnies - panties
My friends,
I love them very much.


In appearance, the girl is simple.
But put at the fire:
Five minutes - and I will melt
Five minutes - and not me.
That's why it will be brief
Congratulatory speech:
In the cold - I'm fine
In the room - I can flow.
And tell me the mercy
Is it for me to seek
From our northern latitudes
To you here for the New Year? ..
Oh, it seems to me that I melt -
Not a second for a second!
Happy New Year,
And - to the street. Hello!


My grandfather is Santa Claus,
And I live in Russian fairy tales.
Grandpa brought me
To you on a Christmas tree on the sleds.
The cold is completely unknown to me
I am made of ice.
I am the Snow Maiden! My grandfather and I are
They came to you here
And gifts three bags
Brought from afar!


I live with my grandfather, grandfather Moroz
The face is rosy and cheeks like roses.
White blizzards I braided me,
I painted beautiful patterns at the fur coat.
Aunt Metelitsa tied the mittens
I am a girl of a Snow Maiden, the winters of the winter.


White braids to the heels,
On the cheeks is blush.
Following snowflakes fly to me
And dance dance.
In the fur coat of white and white
Anyone recognizes me
And the whole street shouts:
"There is a Snow Maiden!"

Video: New Year's verses for the smallest. We teach poetry to Santa Claus!

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