Poems for raising the mood - positive, beautiful, funny, cool, short, pleasant: the best selection

Poems for raising the mood - positive, beautiful, funny, cool, short, pleasant: the best selection

A large selection of pleasant, funny poems for raising the mood to relatives and relatives.

Poems to uplift the mood - the best selection

Poems to uplift the mood - the best selection

Poems to raise mood - the best selection:

Everything will be: smiles and flowers,
And always everyone will come true,
And our life, as in a fairy tale will blossom,
The soul in the chest, as in childhood, will sing.
And old friends will support us
And the new ones will be in a good hour.
Fate, smiling at us, will win around
I will send good luck immediately to us.

Smile! Life is damn good!
Even if there is not a penny behind the soul,
In the sky, the chervonets of the sun is golden
Before the arrival of the evening, yours-yours!

Smile! Positive to be vaccinated
From collapse boredom, a runny nose of resentment.
And from the sherry of fun is not sober!
Let your heart beggarly knock your heart,

Optimism constant in the body current
Does not allow you to let things go by itself
And rushes through the problems ahead
Life is not a zebra, but a raspberry elephant!

So that stress does not bother,
Irritation did not touch
Fart honored the attention
Be in a good mood.
Happiness you turn on louder
Release talent on the stage,
Laughter sounds your luxurious
Joy of the mood of the antenna.

If in the morning the mood is below the plinth again,
Outside the window is fog and slush and I don't want to get up,
You are good signs in every business, notice
And, of course, only cross the threshold from the right!

On the way to work, the rain found us - it does not matter:
You can swim in a puddle if water ends.
If in the morning for no reason the chief in us is a metal zipper,
So, there will be a calm day - because he is tired of a scream.

Crisis, traffic jams, hail, a cold, you will turn into good luck,
And then suddenly you will meet a bird of happiness in the way.
Everything that is sent by fate, how a gift accept
And meet every new day with a good mood!

So that everything is easy to give,
You need to know one secret -
Smile! Do a little
For the sake of future victories.
With a good mood
Get up in the morning, giving warmth.
If the day with a smile is held,
So, he is not in vain.

Let the mood be wonderful
As if after the prize is big,
As on a holiday or just Sunday Day,
And as if in a moment, a date with a dream,
Let your eyes shine with enthusiasm
You will be blurred in a smile
And happiness is an amazing pattern
Will decorate all the sheets in the book of life!

Cool poems to uplift the mood

Cool poems to uplift the mood

Cool poems to uplift the mood:

Life, it is like a caramel
With different filling!
Some have so clean honey,
Others have a bitterness.
Well, it doesn't go
It happens - it does not work.
Or to the wall will rush -
After all, it happens to each.
Anyway she loves her
And appreciate the moment!
I wish you
Super addiction.

Who hung his nose?
Who is without mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!
Well, let me, what is the bear
I drove through my ears
I don't strive today
To loud success!

I want a close friend
I just smiled
To finally, finally
Returned joyful!
Let the spleen come to you
Who doesn’t happen to?
I know for sure that her
The song is dispersed!

If you suddenly be lucky
I stumbled on hello -
This is temporary, and soon
Everything will change, believe me!
Joy and success will come
Luck open the door!
Smile, shoulders wider
Strier than a step, always forward!
Waiting for you with luck
And happiness cycle!

This world is on the shoulder with you
We will achieve everything we wanted
Will be in our life: Paris,
And Miami and coffee in bed.
There will be princes on white horses
Our peace is outraged with you,
There will be our enemies from anger
And squeak with envy.

Look how beautiful life is beautiful,
There is no time to be sad, believe me!
I will hug, I will fuck jokingly -
Has the mood rose now?
No need to enjoy sadness,
Resentment and annoyance away!
You better try to smile -
At joy, you will quickly take a loan!

Smile and don't be sad,
You have to be sad to be sad
I'll try today
To cheer you up!
I'm ready to dance
Sing ditties until the morning,
If only in the mood
Your soul has always been!

If you smile
All things will go in the way!
The main thing is positive,
So that there are no barriers.
Agree that with a smile
It's easier and more pleasant to live!
Let's drive away all the sorrows
We will just love life

You are sad again in the morning
You are not in the mood
I'm afraid to come to you
Without a poem!
You will hear warm lines -
You immediately laugh,
Your mood
You can find!
Help him soon
Get to you
After all, then I will start
Smile too!

I wish you such a mood
To make it sweeter than strawberry jam,
So that it is brighter than the sun,
I still wish you a lot of positive.
To deal with all the wings,
Problems flew away with dust!
With joy in the chest, the heart sang,
And to the beat to be happy with the body!

May everyone come true today
Desires and dreams
To calmly and easy
You could smile
So that your soul blooms
Spiritual beauty,
And joy with optimism
Have always been to you!

Beautiful verse for upbringing

Beautiful verse for upbringing

Beautiful verse for upbringing:

If you suddenly got numb -
Look as soon as possible!
Nothing bad will happen -
The main thing is that you smile!
It doesn't matter what is happening -
Is it rain, dark or haze ...
Let the mood soar like a bird!
And in the shower so that the rainbow will rise

May joy and luck fly to you in the morning
And let the super -adhere to a gift as a gift,
Let the energy come with the morning yawn,
And it will cover optimism with a light wave.

May your aspirations be not in vain,
And the results from labor are only beautiful,
So that there is always time for the holiday,
So that your life was - joy, not a burden.

So that in your soul it sounds a bell of happiness,
I dispersed sadness and sadness, a cold and bad weather,
May the dream of a new one calls you,
Well, you are funny and healthy.

Let your mood today
How the bird will soak into heaven.
Throw away all the hardships, doubts,
Let the miracles will be reproached.
Let peace and joy
As the scarlet orchids bloom.
Let you not disturb you fatigue,
And only happiness, tenderness and comfort.

Let your day begin perfectly:
From a smile, from the mood of the good.
Don't think about problems every time -
Ugly to live with their hard burden.
And if suddenly in an ugly fate
Everything will notice the annoying powder,
I am sincerely, persistently for you
I wish the mood of the good!

Let your mood today
Flies away, circling in heaven,
Happiness will become a reflection
In your delicate, beautiful eyes.

May the whole world smile for you,
People will become a little kinder
Let the inspiration wake up in you
And dreams will come true soon.

The most fabulous leisurely
Let the moments go
I wish you to be happy
At this hour, on this day and always!

Let the mood be good
Let there be endless positive
From happiness let your soul laugh
And a joyful motive hums!
You know, to get up your mood
All funds are absolutely good!
I wish you, dear Sun,
Smile more often from the heart!

Want to give happiness?
I will measure as much as necessary.
I distribute him with handfuls,
I am glad to pour you happiness!
Take more, in reserve.
It will not be too much.
Let it protect from grief of you
And the sun shines on your road.
And you will share with relatives
Remove everything - to the very crumb!
And bypassing the whole ball of the earth,
It will return to your hands!

Damn it, what a charm!
Get up in the morning, wash your face!
And, hoping for the best
On a new day it is easy to step!
To drink coffee! Get dressed!
Makeup is a little to apply!
And do not whine! And do not be angry!
Only from joy to bloom!
Without playing hide and seek with someone
Without loud, without melting ...
To tell everyone that everything is in order!
Everything is fine with me !!!

If it became for some reason
Suddenly very sad for someone
And you don't know what to do
To cheer him up, -
You take a glass of mixes
Loud laughter from baskets,
A spoon of a spoon
And a little giggling.
Stir them with rainbow,
Roll into thin humor,
Roll everything in the jokes,
Bake in hot jokes.
Who will try a piece
Will certainly laugh!

Funny poems to uplift the mood

Funny poems to uplift the mood

Funny poems to uplift the mood:

Why are your ears given to us?
To listen to the silence
Only silently, slowly,
To deal with the soul.
But assertive and noisy
Lapsha falls with a shaft.
On the ears, like jewelry
Imperceptibly, slowly,
Sticks on the ears of noodles -
Hair falls out, the voice disappears,
From the ears from under the noodles-
The mind crashes.
No voids are created -
What remains.
So in our unrighteous century
A new man is getting stronger

If in the gas tank car
Drain the chicken egg -
The owner of that car
There will be a sour face.
If there is another car in the tank
Substrate sugar three pieces -
That motor, snort, will stall.
Give your soul, go longing!

At least one car is smaller -
It is easier to breathe in the city.
Less traffic jams, more space,
And the bride is more rosim.
The verse, of course, is hooligan,
But the subtext is quite civilian.
It is sinful, and so is worthless,
But ecology is more expensive!

The impressionability of nature
I got a young man
I am depressed
For any reason.
And without reason I fall
- From bad weather,
From newspaper news,
Because the years ...

Years - yes, they run,
And it is terrible.
Depression again - from fear
That they run in vain.
So that from a sort of misfortune
Yes, do not fall into despondency sin,
I look at everything with a smile
Through a relaxed laughter.

What, damn, I'm still awkward:
The mobile phone excavated!
I rode through the puddles - I gone -
And dropped right on the concrete:
I'm standing. Axiety is growing in the brains,
You need to run rather to the store !!!
After all, there is a SIM card - but there is nowhere to insert it:
And I begin to understand men!

Looking at the "rich" from the movie,
Suddenly wanted our mother as a gift
"Trifle", with a pedal, to press a leg,
And up to a hundred arrow instantly disperse!
I did not save on my spouse in my life,
I will give the last underpants for her!
And, a family, collecting all the money that is in the house,
We bought her ... floor scales.

Whether you already remember without a smile
Years of my bliss,
When all members were flexible,
With the exception of one.
Alas, those years flew by
And now a long time ago
All my members were opened
With the exception of one.

What are you walking, do not come in,
And you come in, you don't sit down,
And you sit down, you don't go to bed
And you go to bed, do you give?
And give, get up, leave ...
What are you walking, do not come in?

Once a respectable old woman
I ate a soft toy
Eathed radio and blanket
Yes, a life jacket
And went to the yard
Wooden to bite the fence
The conclusion is made itself -
Beware of hungry ladies!

Good afternoon everyone! More precisely shitty!
On the air of the news report!
It’s shitty, it's dead!
And there is generally a subside!
Today I got somewhere,
It fell, exploded, burns!
Covered, strangled, ate,
It was blown up and disrupted.
When will the freaks end?
Why is this horror given to us?
Ugh, thank God, the weather block ...
Heat, flood, and hurricane!

Good poems to uplift the mood

Good poems to uplift the mood

Good poems to uplift the mood:

Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice
Sky and clouds!
Rejoice the sunny sun,
Rushing, in the field, bread.

Every birch and ash,
That there are along the road
And, under a foggy session,
In the morning they shine with dew!

Flying clusters
Sweet, tastes grapes.
And, the advancing autumn,
The garden coloring in gold.

Every morning and evening,
Birds singing in the forest ...
And gratitude to the heart
Accept the world for what I live!

Let joy, like a ray of sun,
He always lives in your soul!
The whole world will be filled with smiles,
Let everyone be lucky everywhere and everywhere!

May your life be beautiful,
All dreams will come true!
And let him be happiness with you
You deserve it!

Everything will be fine! - Only three words.
But someone united them ..., found ...
What happened? .. A strong foundation!
She says: "Everything will be fine!"

When in the soul there are some doubts
Perhaps came up to despair
Say three words, emphasize
There are only three: "Everything will be fine!"

When someone in this life is bad,
And he is stunned with his pain,
Please do not blind and do not stall,
Tell him: "Everything will be fine!"

And I will say three of these words now
Those who have not come to our house today.
They, I know, are not entirely healthy.
Do you hear friends? Everything will be fine!

Positive poems to uplift the mood

Positive poems to uplift the mood

Positive poems to uplift the mood:

With the first rays I wish you
Only a good, good day!
And without a smile, I can't imagine
Your day, and at all and me at all!
Let the case go along, let it be successful,
Let your soul only strive for good luck!
Should be rich all day on your laughter,
And it should not be nothing more!

The belly kettle is famous
In any season,
Especially when standing
The weather is unimportant.
Puff-puff, hot delicious tea
Will disperse boredom and sadness.
He is with honey, he is with jam,
With a wonderful mood!
Have a good day!

The new day comes again
Somewhere the nightingales are singing again
And do not stand still
Breathe and live in full chest,
Do not shimmer beautiful days
Start to live, fate is not cursing,
Well, I, my dear,
I wish you a good day.

I wish to wake up with a smile
Forget about yesterday's mistakes,
On the wings of a good day,
Start all matters slowly.

And this day will be lucky.
Luck will scatter all the clouds.
Try to be the best in everything.
You will see everything will be the way.

Let the day be successful,
Let sadness and laziness disappear.
And let it be lucky in business
And everywhere luck is waiting.
You don't get a good luck,
And calmly take care.
Everyone needs a good day
So that there are no problems.

Good luck is waiting for you today
She does not hide her gift -
It brings you success and joy
And drives away all the fatigue.
Let this day be good
The previous one is not like.
And let the strip begin
Good days, love, good!

I wish you a successful day
In all the success is unequivocal.
Let the fire shine in the eyes
And bitterness disappears, fear,
Briefs, other worries.
Let from Saturday to Saturday
Everyone will be full of fun days
Like the sea of \u200b\u200ba windy wave.

A man without a smile:
This is a kitchen without tiles
This is a sea without a seagull
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
This is a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And a good day!

Let the sun shine like a spotlight
In your washed window
And let it be like a cloth-samobrack,
All your plot will give you,
And your house will become a complete bowl
To universal joy - and ours!

In the morning the sun woke up,
Sweetly, it stretched,
Smiled and again
It turned out to be a walk around the sky!
Have a good day!
Good smiles!
Kiss you!

Mix the barrel of health with love!
And add fun to the same potion!
Seve a success! Pepper good!
Good luck add more! Boil ...
Cooking a handful boil a little!
And pour happiness a huge spoon!
Mix the armful of smiles in the solution!
And treat your loved ones heartily!
Have a good day!

Short poems to uplift the mood

Short poems to uplift the mood

Short poems to uplift the mood:

I love ordinary people. I myself am this.
I cry sometimes, but I smile more often!
Sensitive super, vulnerable I am ...
I believe in miracles, but rarely trust!

In the morning, the blizzard is absurd weather ...
A broom in the corner is a broom ...
I drink coffee, and I am hunting,
Throwing all the things to hell!

Let the impossible become - possible.
Let everything that is far away get closer.
And let everything that seems so difficult,
It is decided beautifully and easy ...

I will set a compass for the spring,
And I will open my heart for her.
I will shake off unnecessary sadness
With the soul of an invisible hand.

Someone loses, someone finds ...
Someone is born, someone leaves ...
Joy replaces the sadness of the moment.
Our whole life is a series of repetitions ...

I wonder if you know how to get bored?
In general, do you know how to get bored?
This is when you are numb from longing
When you want, but you cannot scream.

Let's appreciate every day
And live it with dignity,
Let's sing, joke, love
And let's drink life drunk.

Rub the hands soon
For everything, excuses for each other
And life will seem brighter,
I wish you a successful day!

Let luck help in everything
And let you so steam in your thoughts,
Be sure to have enough money
On the Maldives, on Cyprus, to Paris!

Let this day be beautiful
And all dreams come true.
Let the sun shine everywhere
And the flowers smile.

Smile when the clouds are in the sky.
Smile when in the soul of bad weather.
Smile, and it will immediately become better ...
Smile, because you are someone's happiness ...

How did I get it ...
Maybe I'm just tired ...
Maybe get a broom?
Remove the rakes in the closet ...
Put the wings again
And fawn ... and we’re wearing !!

Forget the years in which you are not lucky,
Let the hardships be covered with smoke.
Love and laugh - all hell with evil ...
More life - this is the law of nature!

How difficult it was to let go.
How difficult it was to refuse.
Get sick, forgive, forget.
Become stronger, and not break.

Funny poems to uplift the mood

Funny poems to uplift the mood

Funny poems to uplift the mood:

Kohl is sad, turn on the music soon
And in the apartment in the dance!
And dance to the magic sounds
You will save you from the spleen, longing and boredom!

With a dirty spoon in a pocket,
With bald cactus in the hand,
I'm going to battle with a woman
That lives in the attic
I will set it with a spoon
And make a cactus to eat,
I'm a little fool
I have a certificate!

Who hung his nose?
Who is without mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!
Well, let me, what is the bear
I drove through my ears
I don't strive today
To loud success!

I want a close friend
I just smiled
To finally, finally
Returned joyful!
Let the spleen come to you
Who doesn’t happen to?
I know for sure that her
The song is dispersed!

To be sad and live without positive - a mistake,
The face decorates only a smile!
Let them pass by trouble
They don’t find a way for you,
Joy will burst into your soul,
Success will bring a smile and sweetness.
And let the mood soar and flies,
Obstacles life on the way does not meet!

There are such moments
What violate our peace
Inhuman experiments
Spends life with us sometimes!
You firmly understand this,
Faster for positive tune in,
And smile proudly life!
Live calmly, open joy!

From jokes, fresh jokes, sharp phrases
I will weld a tart cheerful jam
It is for pancakes from humor just
Try a little-the mood will return!
And we will not let go anywhere again -
Let it guard from longing and boredom.
A smile and love will pull up to him,
Yes, and I will take luck on bail!

I remember the diet
In bed, in the bathroom, in the toilet,
Spinning at the mirror, on the beach,
Before webcameri, even
The therapist at the reception,
Stuck again in the doorway,
In the gym, in the sauna, in the pool,
Removing a fur coat, on a warm day, spring
Yes, yes, always, everywhere and everywhere ...
I ate myself, I eat - and I will ...

In my poems in the morning
Wandered one dragon
Said: “It's time!” -
And swallowed the balcony.
I slept for half a day, yawned
And he announced: "Lunch."
He stood up and broke a chair,
Buffet and office.
I don't know what the dragon
Eats at the end of the day ...
What if he is for dinner
Will it include me in the menu?
Impose your taste
I will not dragon
And I'm afraid to say
That I am a bad dish.
Of course, maybe he
What wants to eat for dinner
But I have such a dragon
In my poems is not needed.

Let him carry happiness after him,
Rays of care, tenderness giving.
Let the arms of sweet peace
They will warm you, my dear.
Let the eyes and lips smile,
Delicate, like flowers of forget -me -nots.
Let the mood be jumping
The day is happy and very lucky.

Pleasant poems to cheer up

Pleasant poems to cheer up

Pleasant poems to uplift the mood:

Four o'clock. Sunday.
On the street - bird singing.
Well, hello, my mood,
Raspberry jam!
The kitchen is light, comfortable
And it smells of vanilla vaguely.
On the teapot is permanent
The sequins seem to sparkle.
And I want conversations
Without burning unnecessary disputes.
Ah, happiness! Longing fences
Not visible because of the flowers.

I just want to be happy ...
It is rare to meet trouble!
I just want to be loved ...
Do not stay alone ...
I just want to not pour tears ...
From the sorrows of heavy losses ...
I just want to keep roses ...
And feel their aroma!

When you inevitably collide
With the fact that life no longer pleases you,
Look at the rising sun
And remind yourself that it does not fall
Only that which lies without movement
And he is not trying to shine anyone.
So the mood is your mood!
(By the way, the sun smiles at you.)

Want to improve your mood?
Forget about anxiety, resentment, tears ...
The answer if yes, prepare the jam,
The recipe was advised by the old monk!

I will send problems with an armful to the pan,
Submissions in them, trying to grieve.
And stirring with a spoon, we’ll boil a little,
Remove from heat, leave it for the night ...

And in the morning we woke up - the jam is ready!
We smear it with a thick layer on bread.
We call the whole family, serve the treats,
The warmth is warm, although the wind is ferocious ...

Here sugar is the love that is in the heart,
When you give it, you live more fun.
And if with more than a life poured pepper,
Then you come to normal much faster!

What to do when there is bitterness in jam?
Try to boil again in sugar.
Melt in love without a trace of grief:
The recipe is very simple, learn to love!

I do not keep anything ... in reserve ...
Except for ... a cozy childhood ...
I run away there ... every time ...
When I want to ... just warm up ...

Swim in a transparent river ...
Brave ... corn ... pigtails ...
Live a day ... without worries ... lightly ...
Forget ... that there are quotes ...

Not afraid ... into the pool ... upside down ...
Knowing for sure ... there is a starry sky ...
And staying .. with one bag ...
Know ... what is enough ... of pressing bread ...

I do not keep anything ... in reserve ...
Except for ... a cozy childhood ...
Except ... a warm house ... for us ...
Where ... together ... we ... will be able to warm up ...

Poems to raise the spirit and mood

Poems to raise the spirit and mood

Poems to raise the spirit and mood:

Sometimes it happens so lousy
That even tea does not climb into the throat.
And only beer climbs into the throat,
Which you drink vodka.

Our mother cries loudly,
That everyone is pig in the apartment.
Hush, mommy, not crying.
Others have the same srach!

Internet, Internet,
Let the toilet!
I’ve been sitting for an hour already
I keep my legs with a cross!
The husband came from work evil.
He kicked the cat in the ass of his leg.
Parrot of a coquetle
He slammed the door in the cage.
Son: - Drive here, son!
Show me a diary!
Daughter! Take off your rush!
Nevertheless, you can see, e-mine!
Mother -in -law: - Mom, they were encouraged!
In Mukhosransk they would roll their own!
He barked at his wife: - Eat!
Disrupted, your mother!
He splashed his poison on everyone
And calmly lay down in bed.
Everyone went on tiptoe,
In the morning everyone forgave him.
Cat Vasily did not forgive -
“Puttered a bunch” put it in slippers.

If you take colored paper.
Pen, scissors and glue
And a little more courage-
You can make one hundred rubles.

If you got into shit,
Smile anyway.
If you are torn from above,
Shout loudly:
- Don't hit!

Do not be sad, do not be sad, -
The mood is on the way!
Rushes, not sparing the legs,
To please you!
On Kamaz, on a moped,
On a deer, on a bear,
Pretends to be a pilot
Getting by plane,
It will not reduce its agility,
It will make you laugh,
Sing, dance and smile,
To enjoy life!

Has the mood fell? Unable to raise?
Easier - pay less attention to him!
If it becomes bad, send away,
When it becomes good - to accept it back ...
Mood! Native! It's time to understand:
"Our faces should shine with a smile!"

Forget about all unrest
And shake yourself without delay,
Smile! Everything will be cool!
You just need to believe in a miracle!

And then you are in response
The world will give happiness light,
And luck without trouble
Slutters will instead of obstacles!

And let all the changes
Improve mood,
So that the gleam in the eyes plays
And the fuse was present!

Poems to a girl beloved to cheer up

Poems to a girl beloved to cheer up

Poems to a girl beloved to cheer up:

What happened, baby, why are you sad,
Gd he is your smile? I do not see her!
Sweet, dear, my gentle baby -
Share with me, I will not offend!

Back a little, raise your eyes
Look at the sky - birds fly in it!
You will throw away sorrow far back
May joy blossom in your heart!

You do not be sad, life outside the window is beautiful.
You are young, you are good.
Everything happens to us not in vain,
And we are alive while the soul sings!

You smile, because there is no advice in sadness,
How to fulfill all dreams.
Happiness has no particular secret
To love and believe is what it means to live!

Smile, my dear.
After all, today is a wonderful day.
Waiting for you, I know for sure
Happiness is a new step.

The sky I'm ready and the sea
Do below for you.
Good luck is waiting for you soon.
Hello hello to you!

I will raise the mood
Ready with pleasure.
Come to my arms!
For you, the world of flowers!

At least I love you even sad
Do not try to be sad,
After all, with a smile on the face of a beautiful
It's easier in the world and more pleasant to live.

Drive away from yourself sadness
And I don't need to give in to me
You need to proudly walk through life,
And in response to smile all the troubles.

Bad mood?
Does nothing fun?
I will be with you nearby
And love will win everything!

Do not be sad that the day is not very -
Tomorrow will be more fun!
I am with you - day and night!
Smile me soon!
Great morning
Have a nice day
Wake up soon
My baby!

Not sad about anything,
And never be upset
I'll be with you
Do not despair))

If my dear
Suddenly something upset something-
I will conjure a miracle to her
And surround it!

Everyone has failures
Where without them well, how else
Do not pay attention
Everything gonna be alright
Come on, don't be bored!

Verse to cheer up a guy beloved

Verse to cheer up a guy beloved

Verse to cheer up a guy beloved:

The hand of a reliable man
And a voice with a note of metal,
Then sadness, then joy for no reason ...
I was so missing!

I only learned with you
I feel beautiful.
And whatever happens in life,
I know: were not in vain

Words of recognition under the moon,
Bouquets of field daisies.
I became a foreigner with you
And everything “mine” suddenly became “ours”.
I am looking for you in the crowd, not realizing,
That I compare faces only with you.
I want to share what I live,
So that you make up your comment.
How glad I am that I met you -
You have one friendship and love in you!
You were destined for me by fate
Thank her for this again!

I never get bored
While you are nearby.
How the heart can be, I don't know
So fully kindness?
And you do not occupy courage,
Riding all the fears away
You forgive all my pranks
Thank you, dear, for love!

Good, good, beloved,
And like behind a strong wall,
I'm behind you, my dear
Be forever with me!
The spirit of determination is complete,
Brave to obstacles is ready,
Fill the heart with love,
After all, you are my best of dreams.

How did all this happen? Don't know.
How did you lure me? I do not understand.
And I can't tell you
What do you love, do you understand? I love!
I try to forget my dear voice
Passing, do not look at you.
But more and more often I repeat
That I love you stronger!

More expensive than all in the world
I have become, beloved, only you.
Your eyes, this smile, -
And there is no more emptiness.
I love you more than life
And I will never let go.
You are impeccable for me
I don't be sad with you anymore.

I love you, my ray of light!
Heat hearts lit fate ...
There are no smarter than you in the world
Find it is more reliable - I can’t.
You are the best and love
I can only repay
I want to be with you forever,
My kindest ... and love.

When you're around,
I am the happiest, believe me!
I catch your gaze with a look
When you're around.
I forget about everything
And as if I get into a fairy tale.
With your unearthly smile
I forgive you everything
Only nearby be with me!

Poems to cheer up your friend, friend

Poems to cheer up your friend, friend

Poems to cheer up a friend, friend:

Why do you, my friend, are sad?
You look around quickly around!
Nothing bad will happen -
The main thing is to smile with your heart!
And it doesn’t matter what is happening around -
Is it snow, the sun, or maybe a haze ...
Let the mood soar like a bird!
And in the shower so that the rainbow will rise!

Let all desires and dreams come true!
Always stay yourself:
And the most beautiful on the one hand ...
And the happiest with another!

You know what style is
You do everything beautiful.
I want your every day to be
Successful and happy!
There are no better girls than you,
Kinder, more fun!
Let all desires and dreams
Come on soon!

You are the glorious friend in the world,
You are persistent, like steel armor.
And every man let him die from fright,
That in his life will not achieve you!
You are a cool girl,
Fun with you.
The most beautiful,
There is no second one!
Let everything work out
What do you want.
Every day they come true
All your dreams!

Let the smile brighter than the sun
Shines on your face
Let the day be today
Only pleasantly surprising
Thoughts are only positive
To a degreemood
He rose, adding
Joy and inspiration!

Let it cover with the head
A lot of positive,
And pass the side
All problems by.
And pursues luck
In the morning,
Good mood
Will never leave!

Smile is the key to success,
It is accepted so.
I wish you every day
This rule is observed.
Do not forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck
Everything will turn out everywhere.
Have a good mood!

Let the mood be cool
Eyes burn your eyes,
I wish to swim all day
In success, joy, love.
I wish to be positive
Joke, laugh, smile
Gloomy thoughts and despondency
In any way, do not give up.

Poems to cheer up a woman, wife

Poems to cheer up a woman, wife

Poems to cheer up a woman, wife:

My wife is charm!
Lord, thanks for the wife!
She is a heavenly creation
As they said in the old days.
She is kind, gentle, beautiful -
Everything is decisively going to her.
Try to say otherwise
She will turn my head!

Dear, there is no sense in sorrow,
After all in life in various matters
It helps us hardly.
Let the smile shine on the lips!

Try to part with sadness,
After all, you are going to be funny
We will seek victories together,
And success will certainly come!

With you infinitely bewitched,
You are the meaning of life, an angel in the flesh,
The one is constantly fascinated
And if something is wrong, please, I'm sorry!

You only inspire every day,
You are constantly needed next
And I will do everything that you dream about
Only if it were always mine!

I beg you, you smile
A smile decorates you
And as if the sun light up,
Let the whole world know about you!

I do not ask you, don't be sad,
After all, you are beautiful as never before
I ask you to stay like that
You are like a heavenly star!

I am fascinated by such a beauty
Better you, believe me, I can't find it,
And I am ready to go the same fate
To merge two life paths!

You are a princess, this is a fact
As if from a fairy tale
With you make contact me,
I don't want to affection!

So please accept me,
I will be your prince
And only firmly hug
We will fly like birds!

Love for all ages,
That's how everyone forever says
But you are just incomparable
Your gait, what look?!

You are just a true lady
And I am happy for me to tell you
And let him have been told:
But I want to give you!

You are a girl just a class
And the figure and the sparkle of the eyes,
Yes, do not try to be sad,
You can always be the best!

Poems to cheer up a man, husband

Poems to cheer up a man, husband

Poems to cheer up a man, husband:

My man are invaluable
Gifty, business,
And you are fearless, and faithful,
Always with a clear head.
You are worthy, good -natured
You are perky, groovy,
You are the best in the world
You are a gold man!

You are not a gloomy brow, my dear,
Do not be angry and do not be angry,
Fill the day with the mood,
As if on the threshold of May!
You are smart, you are beautiful
You grab everything on the fly
From the fact that it is nearby,
At least I don’t smell, but the color!

Man, you are from God,
Like a miracle of miracles
I'm so wretched nearby
You are an angel, and I am a demon.
Great, no doubt
Handsome, the best
Cool athlete, athlete,
In the middle of women is success.

There is no point in repeating beauty,
You know everything about her.
And what are the ladies in thoughts
That all dreams are about you,
I'll tell you a secret
And that you are smart and strong,
And that you are no kinder in the world ...
You will be clearly shocked.

Wow, man,
As an artist of the picture,
You look just "class"
Like a macho, you seem to be
It's nice to look at you
You are beautiful, neat,
Every day, so you,
An example of a female dream!

My hard worker is dear
I look forward to home!
You are the best with me
I am very bored without you.

I want it as soon as possible
Meet you at the door.
I'm waiting for from work, I cook borsch ...
I love you very much.

You are at work all the time
It is very important in an important thing.
The bathroom is waiting at home and dinner
The best husband in the world!

Are you at work. I miss.
I think the clock with minutes.
I cook delicious for you
I stroke your shirts.

I am very lonely at home
And you work all day.
But the parting is not long,
Soon I will press you to your chest!

Husband, don't waste yourself too much
For working moments ...
To get at home
Could compliments in bed!

Dear, you are at work
Do not try to look at others!
I'm waiting for you at the platoon
Meet a kiss on the lips!

You work from morning to evening
And I have nothing to do alone ...
I ask you, my beloved,
Rather, come home!

I can't not think about you,
While you and I are at a distance.
You need your optimism and humor,
To withstand parting.

Vulgar poems to uplift the mood

Vulgar poems to uplift the mood

Vulgar poems to uplift the mood:

Why love?
Why suffer?
After all, all paths lead to bed ...

Here the girl is beautiful
There is a naga in the bushes -
Another would raped
And I - just kicked my foot.

Baby son came to his father
And the baby said: -
"Now the grandmother would be good!"
"Yes, son, not bad."

Over the years, we are not so agile -
Radiculite, migraine, arthrosis.
Love for all ages,
But the choice of poses is limited.

Neither kefir nor sour cream
You won't get from Oksana
Will not give anything like that
This fat cow.

A young man asked the sage:
- Tell me, please, the sage,
Give me the answer to the answer to me clear,
What is better than a woman beautiful?
The sage figured in his head
And, slowly, he answered: "Two!"

The mind cannot understand Russia,
So far, 0.5 has not been drunk.
And when 0.5 is drunk,
The whole thing seems not cunning
And to understand deeper
Already smacks of a liter.

The girls drove on the ice
They caught a cold.
And without this nonsense
And neither Tuda nor Sudy ...

I recovered a little
Fifty kilograms.
Ahead of the harmonica hangs ahead.
Behind? It seems that they are not hanging.

A hedgehog came out of the fog
Drank vodka half a glass
I took out a knife, sausage
Good in the native forest
Quietly dragged on the song
He cried about unfulfilled
I looked into an empty glass
And again he went into the fog ...

If you laugh,
So not sick.
If vodka is drunk,
So you are alive.
If you are a hangover
You can survive
So there is hope
That you will live.

Poems to raise mood in the morning

Poems to raise mood in the morning

Poems to raise mood in the morning:

I carry good in my hands
Yes, so as not to splash.
I want him a little
Yes, give everyone.
Let the light light up in people,
Kindness will warm.
Let everyone be kind
With everyone and always.

Due to dark-dark clouds
A light ray leaked.
And even though darkness reigns around,
Ray will remind us of

That good and happiness are,
And that people are all here!
And good is stronger than evil -
Let them say about that business!

Light ray in the window of jumping -
Let him remind this verse
About warmth and benefits of the case,
If you are good and brave!

Forget about everythingunrest
And shake yourself without delay,
Smile! Everything will be cool!
You just need to believe in a miracle!
And then you are in response
The world will give happiness light,
And luck without trouble
Slutters will instead of obstacles!

Who hung his nose?
Who is without mood?
I'll start now
I want you to be faster
I just smiled
To finally, finally
Returned joyful!

I wish you good mood
And the glow of the magic in the eyes!
Let it be happy every moment
Let it be in miracles every day!

Let life be filled with smiles,
And positive, joy, warmth!
Let any desire come true
And it will surround happiness entirely!

You are sad again in the morning
You are not in the mood
I'm afraid to come to you
Without a poem!

You will hear warm lines -
You immediately laugh,
Your mood
You can find!

Help him soon
Get to you
After all, then I will start
Smile too!

A compliment to upgrade mood

A compliment to upgrade mood

Steel compliment to uplift the mood:

You are beautiful! You are elegant!
You are dear! You are so shocked!
You are more beautiful than dreams!
You are more beautiful than beauty!
You are the creation of the gods!
You are a mixture of heavenly dreams!
You are a plexus of miracles!
You are the magical light of heaven!
You are just lovely and star
And everyone knows this!
There is no mile in the world!
You are the most wonderful!

Bright eyes Magic White
With a light smoke will be handed over ...
I would go down to that fog
Dissolve the reflection!
You probably don't know
How you burn with a look.
Sorry, not to express in words,
What is created by the gods!
It remains to admire
Sprinkle in compliments.
Dear, I will notice
That yesterday I am the whole evening
I only admired you.
What are you doing with me.

I'm not a master compliments.
Not so easy to express in words
The way you, my dear, is beautiful!
No better, more beautiful in any worlds!

You surprise you captivate me
And you always take my peace.
You are completely filling in the meaning of the world.
I feel good only with you.

In your eyes I can see eternity
Your voice sounds very sweet.
Your cute carelessness is pleasant
You are beckoning me just like a magnet.

I know you love surprises
And for me I am ready to go for everything.
You are not like everyone else
You are a unique man
I chose you, now you are only mine.
I fell in love with all your habits
And she accepted the way you are.
You are the main thing in life, you are my man,
And I believe now that there is happiness!

I write poetry with love
I want to tell them
What is good for me with you
That you cannot be separated.

I want to admit to you
That everything is fine with us.
We dreamed of falling in love.
We fell in love, everyone in spite!

Not sorry for warm, tender words
I am for my beloved man.
I know: you are always ready
Hug me for no reason.

I look at the stars with you
And I will make a desire again.
I will repeat you again
What to be with you is my vocation.

I admit, just without grinding:
For me you are the sweetest!
For me you are the light in the night
I am happy with you, Apchi!

Work verse to uplift

Work verse to uplift

Work verse to uplift the mood:

Oh, director, you are powerful,
You are chasing flocks of clouds
You force on Saturday
Go to work.
Al, will you refuse me to answer?
Have you seen where in the world
Are you annual salaries?
I'm looking for her ...
- Wait, there is a mountain in the north,
She has a deep hole in her
In that hole on three ropes
The coffin sways from the gold.
In that coffin, your salary.

Monitor, table and paper,
Doused from you
And they already got me
This is not the first time I see you
All in sweat and drawings,
In black colors I see dreams
And work is endless
And the salaries are alone
Like me, you got everything,
Roll up, think laziness
After all, it comes today,
Friday, favorite day!

I lost my lipstick.
I go to work!
Such a loss is not happy.
It should already be on the way!

But I'm not looking for a cosmetic bag.
It’s time for me to fly!
I'll go, take it, better, matches,
And smoke until the morning!

Sorry, cigarettes will not go
Work instead of me.
There is no patience.
I want to quit!

I will quit - I will be free.
For a long time, freedom is needed.
And if I be hungry -
I will tell everyone that I am in love.

And what…. And it is worth falling in love!
In the one who is fed with money.
And where to find an oligarch,
Which trick will forgive?

I don't want to work.
I was completely confused ....
But where to find an idiot,
Which shakes, loving?

I want a sea of \u200b\u200bfinance
I really need money!
So that I could at least tomorrow,
Become the president of the country!

If your colleagues
Gave a large prize,
And they completely forgot about you
And they did not give any
Pour into the printer instead
Strawberry jam,
And about you ininstitution
They will never forget!

Asphalt fabric in red leaves
Coys in the rain.
To work with a small trot
I'm in a hurry to leave the house
Where is the cozy crib
Murlyka cat, warm blanket ...
I want, I want to go back
But there is no back.
Seductive, of course,
The smell of coffee and robe ...
Only us ordinary pawns,
Not laid back.

Video: Beautiful short poems for a good mood. Poems just for upbringing

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