Tatyana's holiday day, student day: the history of the holiday, when they celebrate, signs, proverbs, sayings, poems, cards and congratulations on Tatyana's Day, student day. The traditions of the holiday: what can and cannot be done on Tatyana's Day?

Tatyana's holiday day, student day: the history of the holiday, when they celebrate, signs, proverbs, sayings, poems, cards and congratulations on Tatyana's Day, student day. The traditions of the holiday: what can and cannot be done on Tatyana's Day?

January 25 - commemorative dateOn this day, two holidays Tatyana's day and day of the student are celebrated.

Find out in the article how Tatyana's Day has arisen, and why he is called a student day.

The Orthodox Church honors for the 20th centuries for the day of St. Tatyana. Saint Tatyana led a pious life, and then died for the Orthodox faith with a martyrdom. Many miracles occurred during her persecution.

Tatyana's day: when noted, the history of the origin of the holiday

Tatyana was born around 200 g. In Rome. She was the daughter of noble, rich people. Her parents were Christians, but hid their faith, because in those days Christians had a hard time. In pagan times, Christians were prone to persecution, often died with a martyrdom. This bitter fate of Tatyana did not go around.

Since childhood, pious parents taught little Tatyana to live a righteous life, they took their daughter for worship and talked about God. When Tatyana grew up, she began to help the poor, orphans, looked after sick people. In addition, Tatyana helped women prepare for the sacrament of baptism, served during the rite.

In these years, citizens of Rome made sacrifices to pagan gods. Tatyana ordered the victim to Apollo, to which she refused to do this and began to pray. A strange event happened - the statue of Apollo collapsed. But this sign did not stop the tormentors. Tatyana was thrown into prison, she was beaten, tortured. However, the girl did not renounce the Orthodox faith.

Along with this, something strange happened - the wounds on the girl’s body healed overnight, as if they were not at all. It was decided to send Tatyana to the circus arena and release a lion there. Many Christians died such a brutal death. Locals were going to look at this action, as if fun. But when the lion was released, he went to the girl and licked her legs. The audience began to be indignant and argue that the lion is manual. However, when a volunteer left the hall, Leo immediately attacked him.

Tatiana Day: History of the holiday

The government gave the order to burn the girl. However, the fire did not touch the body of the righteous, who diligently prayed to God and asked him to forgive tormentors and illuminate their hearts. Then it was decided to decapitate Tatyana. Father could not look at the torment of his daughter, and died together in her.

Important: Tatyana Roman was erected to the face of saints.
Memorial Day of St. Tatyana - January 25. The holiday is well -known, but not everyone knows about the life of the saint.

Video: St. Tatyana's Life

Why is Tatyana's day called a student day?

Tatyana's Day is a holiday for students. On this day, students of higher educational institutions, technical schools, and schools celebrate their “professional” holiday.

The date for the celebration of the student’s day is no coincidence. In the 18th century, namely, on January 25, 1755, a decree was adopted, according to which Moscow University was established.

Important: the patroness of the students began to count Saint Tatyana secretly. It is noteworthy that the word "Tatiana" translates as "organizer".

Students, applicants turn to the saint with requests to arrange their studies, pass the session, exams. The patroness is stored by many students, the saint always helps those who turn to her.

Student's day has always passed fun and noisy. Many have a vacation at this time, so students celebrate the holiday, as youth should be, noisy.

Tatyana Day, student day - holiday January 25

Tatyana's day: traditions that can and cannot be done on this day

The people formed certain traditions that are associated with everyday life, marriage, weather.

What is allowed to do on Tatyana's Day:

  • It is advisable to visit the church service, put a candle of St. Tatyana. The saint helps those who turn to her with requests for help.
  • Ask for the holy help and success in learning is worth students.
  • It is useful to give alms on this day or feed the poor

What can not be done on Tatyana's Day:

  • You can not arrange swearing, fights, scream.
  • You cannot refuse the poor and those who turned to you for help.
  • It is impossible not to be removed in the house.

Students also have comic traditions:

  1. Calling the balls is one of the most famous and popular traditions among students. In order to call the ball, complex actions are not needed. It is enough to go out onto the balcony, shock with a test book with shouts: “Shara, come!”. In the circles of students, it is believed that such a ritual contributes to an easy and quick surrender of the session.
  2. Another custom is not to read the notes on this day. Students say that the exams will be failed if the student is to teach notes on the student’s day.

Important: according to the holes of the born on January 25, girls are called Tatyana. Saint Tatyana becomes their guardian angel. These girls grow up good housewives and kind mothers.

Unmarried girls had their own traditions on this holiday. The people said that Tatyana loves order and cleanliness in the house, so the girls tried to demonstrate the skills of a good mistress. In the morning they went to the river to clean the rugs, paths, rugs. Then they hung them on the fence. According to the cleanliness of the rugs, they determined what kind of mistress the girl would be. In addition, they spread the rug at the threshold. The guy who first steps on the rug will often go to visit the girl.

Married women had their own customs. From the early morning, the hostess baked bread, which should be in the form of the sun. The sun should have driven out baptismal frosts and accelerate the parish of spring. As soon as the bread cool, the mother treated all her households. Thus, it was believed that everyone received strength, light and warmth from the sun.

Other traditions for Tatyana's day:

  1. In order for the desire to come true, it is worth climbing the highest point in nearby areas and make a desire. In this case, you need to look at the sun. The desire, made up with the soul and from the bottom of the heart, will be fulfilled.
  2. On this day, skeletons with yarn were wound especially tight and tight, so that there was a good crop of cabbage.
  3. Girls built small panicles from feathers and hid in the house or on the courtyard of the guy, whom they wanted to marry. But older women carefully watched if they did not want such a daughter -in -law in the family. If the panel managed to hide, they were sure that the couple would get married.
Signs and traditions on Tatyana's day

Tatyana's day: signs, proverbs and sayings

Important: numerous signs of this holiday are related to the weather.

Weather signs on Tatyana's day:

  1. Snowfall on Tatyana's Day meant that the summer would fall rainy, and the last month of winter - frosty.
  2. The bright sunny sunrise was a sign that spring would come early, birds would fly early, and the early spawning of the fish would begin.
  3. A frosty clear day portends a good harvest.
  4. The red call of the sun is to a strong wind.

With bread that women baked in the form of the sun, certain folk signs are also connected:

  • If the bread was in the center in the center, it is worthwhile to wait for good luck, the family’s affairs will go in the way.
  • If the bread is even, then the year will pass without worries, life will be calm.
  • If the bread was burned, the hostess or birthday was eaten by a burning crust, if this was present in the house.
  • If the bread cracked, this is a bad sign. The family is awaiting anxiety.

Proverbs for Tatyana's Day and student day:

Proverbs for Tatyana's Day

Some people believe in these signs, especially elderly people. On Tatyana’s day, they try to follow customs, watch the weather.

Tatyana's Day: congratulations, poems and postcards on Tatyana's Day, Happy Student Day

On Tatyana's Day, it is customary to congratulate all the friends of the Tatyan. If you have friends with this name, congratulate them with a postcard on social networks, messenger or SMS. We picked up postcards with wishes.

Congratulations on Tatyana's Day
Postcard Happy Tatyana Day
Poems with Tatyana's Day
Cards for Tatyana Day
Postcard on Tatyana's Day

Do not forget to congratulate students, they will be pleased.

Postcards and congratulations on the day of the student
Postcards and congratulations on the day of the student
Postcards and congratulations on the day of the student
Postcards and congratulations on the day of the student
Student Day

Tatyana's Day falls on January 25. Students also celebrate their holiday. Traditions, beliefs and signs related to the holiday exist from time immemorial. Many people are currently observing these traditions. About the life and events associated with St. Tatyana, it will be useful to find out in order to understand the essence of the holiday.

Video: congratulations on Tatyana's Day

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