The best congratulations on the wedding from the parents of the bride and groom: poems, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mother, father in verses and in his own words

The best congratulations on the wedding from the parents of the bride and groom: poems, prose. Beautiful, touching parting congratulations to the bride and groom from mother, father in verses and in his own words

Wedding congratulations are always clean, solemn and interesting for the newlyweds. In them, every loved one tries to express his love, his respect, devotion and love for the bride and groom.


Beautiful congratulations for the wedding of the bride and groom in their own words

  • The wedding is a special celebration. It is always filled with joy, tears of happiness, beautiful outfits, flowers and pleasant sincere words. A special place at the wedding is held by congratulations, because they are given a special place
  • Each guest separately is provided with a personal word. There are such moments when a huge number of thoughts in their heads do not find words and a person is in an uncomfortable situation. To avoid contemptuous views, condemnations from other guests and simple standing with a microphone in hands, you need to prepare in advance for a solemn speech
  • Congratulations for the wedding can be taken from the Internet, read from a postcard, write on a piece of paper, remember the poem
  • But the most sincere and eloquent are always congratulations in your own words, when everything that you want to say is the opportunity to voice and wish the newlyweds a happy future
Beautiful wishes for the wedding of newlyweds in their own words
beautiful wishes for the wedding of newlyweds in their own words

Wishes for the wedding in your own words:

  • Dear newlyweds! Remember this day. On this day, next to you, all your closest people: relatives, best friends, colleagues and good friends. We are all endlessly happy with your happiness! I wish you to be in love all your life, in love with each other. Only in this way the flame of delicate feelings will not fade away and you can dissolve daily not in everyday life, but in your happiness. Bitterly young!
  • Dear (names of the newlyweds)! I would like to congratulate you on this date, to note your incredibly beautiful wedding, careful preparation. I would like to wish you that your marital life be as colorful, festive and unforgettable. Live every day with ease, passion and sincerity in the heart. I wish you longevity to your marriage, fertility and only well -being! BITTERLY!
  • Dear bride and groom! Today is a special day, your wedding. Distract from guests, music, table and for a second remember this moment - a moment of happiness. Remember this moment as often as possible in your life and always value each other, as something valuable, expensive and unique. Your marriage is the most precious thing you have. I wish you understanding, prosperity and happy days! Bitterly!

Beautiful and touching congratulations from her daughter's mother in verses

Mom is always a special person in everyone’s life, she is of great importance for the child, even if he has grown and is ready to marry. The wish from the mother should be touching so that all maternal love, affection, care should be read in his words.

touching congratulation for a wedding from her daughter's mother

I have one treasure
I gave him in my hands in my son -in -law.
I want the happy myself
Your life was after the wedding.
I ask you to never swear
And always give in to each other.
In situations, rubbing to rub,
It will be better than not respect.
You carry your love in your heart
Through the longing, times and years,
And love each other, love!
May your love will always be!

Beautiful and sensual congratulations from her daughter's father for a wedding

Dad is the head of the family, protection, support and the one when children respect and love their whole lives. A solemn congratulation of the bride from his father will be very touching and important in the wedding celebration. Such words, spoken by a native person, always bring to tears happiness and are remembered for life.

beautiful and touching congratulations for a wedding from her daughter's father

Today we will put our point with mom,
We raised a charming daughter!
I want you to always be happy, daughter!
And we want you with a good husband
I told me that "I need you, dad, too" ...
Let it be cheerful tonight!
It will not pass for a long time, as in our hands with my mother
They will come, no beloved native grandchildren will come running ...

Touching parting congratulations for a wedding from mom son

For the wedding, the mother should wish her native son a lot of good in his further independent life, make the right parting words, praise his wife’s choice and wish the best. Such words are always of great importance and are valued “for the weight of gold”.

beautiful wedding wish from mother to son, groom

Son, dear, I want you to become a worthy husband,
Toget, try not to let us down ...
Value your wife, Lelia, love,
Sensity, good and happiness to your house bring your own ...
You know, our life is fleeting,
Flying like days of short years,
And you try your life so live
As soon as you can, you always be happy!
Dad and I wish you from the heart
Live the hundreds of the best in life!
You children are so good today,
Love to you and advice!

A fanned word from the father to his son for a wedding celebration, words to the groom

Only the father can say a truly parting, clear speech that will simultaneously serve as advice and congratulations for the groom. Father's words always serve as something special for the groom, because they say a respected and experienced person.

parting and congratulatory words from the father to the son at the wedding

I want to leave congratulations
Son, remember all the moments!
Your bride is a gift,
Keep love for her heart heat!
I, children, bless you,
I wish you peace and children
So that your house becomes cozy,
And happiness settled in him!
So that life is not boring,
The path often led to us,
So that there is no grief,
To go around your house discord!

Beautiful congratulations for the wedding of the bride and groom in verses

It is customary to congratulate the bride and groom not only in words, but also in advance prepared by beautiful and eloquent words.

congratulations of the bride and groom at the wedding with verses

Year run and fly quickly,
Children leave, forgetting the father’s house.
But we only congratulate you with this
For joyful glasses of wine ringing.
We so want you to be happy.
Smell sadness and tears from good eyes,
You are so wise and so beautiful now,
And today we are glad for you!
Go through the years together with worthy,
Now you are definitely a strong family.
Let your life be filled with love
Let the faithful friends be nearby.

Such a cheerful holiday, the holiday is not simple,
Rather, he is historical for us all.
We wish you to live to the golden wedding,
Return to the parental house as often as possible.
Appreciate and love each other
Love as you didn’t like it before,
Hold on your hands on the way in the life circle,
Learn to believe, wait and trust.
Let your house with a durable mistress
It would not be a wife, but eternal love.
May you never recognize a happy life, you are the wrong side,
And happiness is returning to you all the time again and again!

Beautiful wedding congratulation in poetry from her mother's mother

I want to congratulate you, my daughter,
Read your poems to you
Remember my every line
What will your mother wish you.
I want everything to work out for you
So that you do not find stones in the way,
So that she smiles more often than her life,
So that there is the best in front.
So that the husband is always your support,
So that he gives you only love,
So that you have never eaten quarrels,
So that it was fun again and again.
You will accept my words in your soul,
And if it is hard for you,
Love, believe and support
Each other, you are lucky!

wish in verses from my mother's mother

Wish in verses from the father of the daughter, a beautiful wish for the bride

As always, you are beautiful and incomparable
This dress and color definitely suits you.
I do not like to speak and get lost a bit,
Let your husband now lead you in life.
I will be lonely without you, daughter,
You are always like a child for me.
Everyone remember that I love you very much,
I want you to be joyful in life.
May the tree of happiness grow in your garden,
And its fruits will be the tasty of all.
Let your house go around the trouble, quarrels, bad weather,
Your husband is glorious, love and appreciate you him!

Wishes at the wedding from the father of the daughter in verses

Beautiful wishes at the wedding from mother in verses

Our beloved son, dear,
We are glad to see your holiday.
Today you have created a family
And you became her head.
Be patient, smart and kind,
Everything is the way we taught you.
Drive mutual resentment, quarrels,
Appreciate your wife to be appreciated.
We wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that you always live in love!

wish in poetry from mother for son for a wedding

Congratulations on the wedding from the father to the son in verses, congratulations to the groom

You grew up, son, found the bride,
Probably the most charming!
The venture is a violent you are sacred
I will tell you one thing, guys ...
Run in life from adversity!
Dive a whirlpool in your feelings,
Let it be full in your house
And others appreciate you!
Through the clock, let's go on the clock
Appreciate your wife, do not rule in your hearts.
Let the fate of children give you
And the time of your feelings does not steal!

wish from father to son in verses for a wedding

Congratulations for the wedding of the bride and groom in prose, beautiful wishes

Prose always turns out to be eloquent than verses because it does not require suitable rhyme. Prose congratulations can be spontaneous, and can be prepared in advance.

beautiful congratulations in prose for the bride and groom
  • Newlyweds! Be happy as children, perceive life problems as trifles, solve them together and be sure to appreciate each other. Smile the hardships of life, with joy and greed, look at the happy future, do not look back at perfect mistakes. Bitterly!
  • Favorite children! I wish you such strong love that the world has not yet seen. Let your every day fill your passion, heat, the fire of your feelings and awe of relations with each other. Notice each other's successes, support each other in difficult situations and like two swans, carry your faithful love through time until the end of your life!
  • Dear newlyweds! Of all the pleasant words that sounded today in your honor, I want to highlight that everyone in verbal form wanted to give you as much love as possible and this is not in vain. While you love each other, you are indestructible power, you are one, you are a whole world! I wish you a huge amount of time to implement everything that you planned in life in order to be able to enjoy it in order to give parents to the parents of the grandchildren in order to fulfill all dreams. Appreciate each other. Take care of each other!

Beautiful words for a wedding from a mother's mother in the form of prose

“My beloved daughter, today you are not just a bride. You became a wife for a loved one, found your personal family, appeared in the image of an adult wise woman. I am endlessly proud of you and I want you to be always happy. Be good and patient to my husband, be always calmer and remember that you are his inspiration. I am sure that you are a real mistress and can create coziness for your man, so I wish you well -being, financial prosperity and implementing your plans ”

“Daughter, look at yourself! You are so beautiful, you are so charming, you are just perfect. I am proud that I have grown such a well -mannered and economic girl ... No, a woman. Time flies and yesterday you were a loud baby, and today I put a wedding ring on my finger. My father and I wish you happiness, understanding, peace, Lada in the family and only well -being! ”

“Beloved daughter! I want to congratulate you on this holiday today and wish you to embody your dream - have a strong and big family, so that you have a strong tall house, a lot of happy kids, prosperity and good. Your husband is a wonderful person, keep your love and protect each other until the end of your life! Be happy!"

wishes in the prose for a wedding from her daughter's mother

Wishes in prosaic form from the father of the daughter for a wedding celebration

  • My daughter, my pride, my princess! It seems to me only yesterday I carried you in my arms from the maternity hospital, took you out of the kindergarten, escorted it to the prom and rejoiced for success at the university. Today I had the opportunity to congratulate you on the fact that you became a woman, wife, guardian of the hearth and mistress. Perhaps I have not yet fully understood how an adult has become and still every day I will wait for you in my house for an hour, for a couple of minutes. If God allows me to give me a lot of grandchildren so that I do not miss me! Happiness to you, my beloved daughter!
  • My girl, you know how much you mean for me. You are all my wealth, you are the most expensive that I have. You chose a worthy man so that he becomes your husband and I no doubt pass you into his hands. Be a good mistress, be a kind and faithful wife, and in the future - an affectionate and caring mother. I wish your house to be full of amenities and prosperity, comfort and heat. May you never get you sad and everything in life will turn out exactly as you want it!
  • My daughter, today you are a beautiful bride and a young wife. I wish you that happiness is haunting you all your marital life, so that joy grabs you and not let you go, so that comfort and warmth forever settle in your house. So that the grief bypassed your pair, and failure completely went astray. Be kind and patient to each other, love and goodbye.
wishes in the prose for a wedding from her daughter's father

Beautiful words from mother to son on a wedding in the form of prose

«Son, today in our eyes you have become an adult man. Dad and I are infinitely proud that we raised such a beautiful and educated son. May there be no problems in your marital life, there will always be prosperity, happiness and most importantly - love! Appreciate and love each other!

  • Son, you matured before our eyes. For us, you will always be the most beloved and the best in the world and therefore, we wish you only happiness and prosperity. Love, understanding and enormous success. Your wife is a real clever man, protect her and lead her with you into a happy future!
  • Our dear son, today we want to congratulate you on the fact that you have become a real man, defenders of your family and husband. Appreciate your marriage, pamper and protect your wife, raise children and bring prosperity to the house. We will always help you in your endeavors and always support. Be yourself, be loved, let the world and luck be with you!
congratulations in prose for son from mother for a wedding

Instruction and congratulations of the groom at the wedding, wishes from the father to his son

«Today, son, I want to wish you only good, only prosperity, peace and happiness. I wish to be always on top in business, I wish you a dream, I wish you a large family with many children. And you have the rest: love, beauty wife, loving parents. "

“Son, you have gained great happiness - a beloved woman who has become your wife today. Keep it like a zenitsa of an eye, protect it from problems and evil, love and kiss and then happiness will put you up with you until the end of days. I wish you to be continued and give parents to the grandchildren of beautiful and kind. I wish you to be forever in love and happy! "

“Dear son, I did not notice how quickly you became a man, but today I want to congratulate you on this event and ask you to be the best husband for this charming woman. Be wise and kind, self -sufficient and fair. Let your family take root, strengthen in the soil and gives beautiful fruits. We love you!"

wishes in prose from father to son for a wedding

Congratulations to the newlyweds at a wedding from parents when presenting a gift

Congratulations are mischievous
You accept, young!
We will congratulate you in words
And rhymed verses!
You were chosen a gift
We are probably a hundred years,
But believe me, dear
This thing is better not!
After all, a gift, to be honest,
The necessary should be interesting,
It should be of course important
And unique even!
We tried, it means
We give money to spend!

giving gifts for a wedding in verses

Congratulations to the young and presenting them with gifts for a wedding in verses

So that your happiness is nearby
And gently warmed up in the hands
We were told that for luck
Bathe "young" in money!
Wealth, good luck, good luck,
Let everyone come true.
And here is the milking in addition
The groom, accept him from us!

Everyone in this hall knows
That there is no much money!
Groom, we hand you to you
This is a thick envelope!
We really believe, our gift
Welfare will give.
You spend it very boldly,
After all, money is a profit!
congratulations for newlyweds and presenting them with gifts in verses

Wishes for young in their own words and presenting them with gifts

“Dear newlyweds, accept this not a modest gift from us! We thought for a long time what to give you and decided that the best gift “of course honey”, as the famous Winnie Pooh said. Allow yourself endless spending, fulfilling some dream or just buying tickets for beautiful hot islands, the main thing is to do it together! ”

“Young, we decided to give you this gift because we are very appreciated by home well -being and comfort. We wish you the same, let it be full in your house, beautifully and in abundance. Remember us as often as possible, appreciate your loved ones and each other! ”

“Dear newlyweds, let it not bother you that we give you this amount of money. So it is customary - to give bills. We want this gift to serve as the basis of your budget so that you can afford a variety of pleasures and things necessary for your home. After a year, you will remember where they came from and you will be pleased that your relatives love and appreciate you! Peace and love to you! "

congratulations to the newlyweds in their own words and presenting them to gifts

Wishes, congratulations to the newlyweds in prose and presenting them with gifts

«Young, our gift is a contribution to your family wealth, to your first joint budget, to your ticket to a "happy prosperous future." Appreciate every moment spent nearby. Do not deny yourself pleasures and while there is time - live for yourself. Give love to others and relatives. Happy wedding!"

“Dear newlyweds, we are endlessly glad that you invited us today for this holiday! We thank you both for the magnificent table and for the fun and for remembering us. Our gift is this amount of money, I really want it to serve you good and you spend it on what is your dream. So we will assume that at least a part of it was carried out! Be happy! ALWAYS!"

“Our beloved, groom and groom! How fun and beautifully your marriage ceremony passed. How tasty and joyfully you met your guests. We have been happy to spend time at your wedding and wish you to live such a life further, but in order not to deny yourself anything - we give this envelope. No, it is not the keys to the car, not the keys to the house and not even diamonds, in it what you yourself want ... Be happy all your life, be as smiling and satisfied as always today! We love you!"

congratulations to the newlyweds on the holiday and presenting them with gifts in prose

Video: " Best congratulations for the wedding from parents "

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  1. Love is always evil, if you really want or need - you will love a goat.

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