Stellanin PEG: composition, pharmacological action, indications, contraindications, instructions for use, efficiency, price, reviews. How does Stellanin PEG interact with other drugs?

Stellanin PEG: composition, pharmacological action, indications, contraindications, instructions for use, efficiency, price, reviews. How does Stellanin PEG interact with other drugs?

Small wounds on the skin can become a source of inflammation and infectious lesions of skin tissues, muscle fibers. Lress of Stellanin Pag will help to cope with such problems.

Stellanin PEG is a dosage form in the form of an ointment that exerts antimicrobial, antibacterial, wound healing, anti -inflammatory effects on the skin of the skin. The ointment is used for the treatment of suppuration on the epidermis and soft tissues, the treatment of thermal burns, and trophic ulcers. The tools are eliminated by faults, they are treated with wounds, abrasions, postoperative seams and other skin damage, muscle layer.

Stellanin PAG: Composition, how does the drug work?

Each one hundred grams of ointment has three grams of the main active component: 1.3-dietilbenzimidazol of the Triidide. Even in the product there are such components as povidon, polyethylenexide, dimexide.

Stellanin Peg
Stellanin Peg

The ointment manifests its effect thanks to 1.3-dietilbenzimidazoly Triiodid:

  • This substance is able to activate the enzyme protein of microorganisms, as well as the component affects the walls of harmful bacteria, thereby destroying them in affected skin cells.
  • The ointment has the ability to dry purulent wounds, due to the ability to stretch the liquid.
  • The tool accelerates the physiological regeneration of the cells of the skin. After the studies, scientists found that Stellanin PaG increases the quantitative composition of fibroplasts by almost seven times.

Using the ointment of Stellanin PEG, you can prevent infection of the affected surfaces of the skin, thanks to this there will be no inflammation. Therefore, the wound will tighten quickly and the process of recovery of the affected area will accelerate. With deep cuts, scar fabric will not form.

Stellanin PEG does not have a systemic effect on the patient’s body, or rather the active substance is not able to penetrate the blood. Even when the product is smeared with open wounds. But the dosage form has a good therapeutic effect for a long time.

Stellanin ointment - when to use the drug: indications for use

There are a number of pathological conditions of the skin when the drug is effective, namely:

  • Suppuration due to lesions of the skin, muscle fibers.Many patients have already checked the effective effect of ointment in the treatment of phlegmon, abscess, hydradenitis, boils, carbunks and other similar cosmetic ailments of the epidermis.
  • Complications in the form of suppuration as a result of surgery. The remedy can be prescribed by specialists with other effective drugs for complex therapy after episiotomy, excision of the skin, coagulation and for healing seams, etc.
  • With the manifestation of pressure sores. The wounds that occur as a result of a long immobilization of a lying patient. Using this tool, you can even get rid of advanced lesions of tissue with infections.
  • Trophilic ulcers are treated with ointment. If such a pathology struck the limb, then the use of Stellanine PEG in combination with other substances will help save the patient from the disease.
  • With scratches, cracks, cuts, the ointment will be effective. It will take a short course of treatment to forget about problems.  
  • With thermal burns of the first or third degree.The healing process with this tool occurs much faster.
How to use the ointment of Stellanin PAG?
How to use the ointment of Stellanin PAG?

The drug is used for the treatment of inflammatory manifestations on skin tissues. The tool is effective for eliminating redness, swelling on the epidermis after insect bites. If you apply the ointment immediately after receiving a burn, then the formation of blisters on the skin can be eliminated.

Stellanin PAG ointment: contraindications

The tool in their composition has universal ingredients, therefore, experts and prescribe various diseases, damage to skin tissues for therapy. Like any dosage form, this panacea also has its own contraindications, it cannot be used:

  • Patients up to eighteen years.
  • Pregnant, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Patients with thyrotoxicosis, thyroid diseases, adenoma.
  • Patients with kidney pathologies.
  • In case of tendencies to allergic manifestations on the components of the ointment.
  • If a person takes drugs with radioactive iodine.

If necessary, this tool is prescribed by a specialist during pregnancy only in the second or third trimester. Also, the ointment is used during the GV period and in chronic manifestations of renal failure, again, as prescribed by the doctor.

As a result of studies of the drug, there were no cases of an overdose of ointment with external use.

Side effects of the product
Side effects of the product

IMPORTANT: It is forbidden to use the substance inside, vomiting, nausea, pain in the abdominal part can manifest. If the ointment nevertheless caused such an effect, then it should urgently rinse the stomach, continue therapy in the hospital, where the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment.

How does Stellanin PEG interact with other drugs?

Stellanin PAG is not particularly desirable to use comprehensively with other antiseptics. You can not use ointment with medicines that contain mercury, you should also not apply it to the body with oxidizing agents, alkalis, and cationic surface-active components. The acid, alkaline medium, suppuration, excess fat weaken the antiseptic effect of the product.

The side effects of the composition are reduced to all kinds of allergenic reactions of the patient's body. Skin rashes, itching, hyperemia of the skin are possible. With all these manifestations, the use of the product should be urgently stopped.

How to get rid of inflammation on the skin?
How to get rid of inflammation on the skin?

Important: the composition in no case should be applied to the mucous membranes of the body. If the product enters the eyeball, then it is necessary to immediately rinse the mucous membrane with barely warm water.

The storage period of the ointment is about two years. Keep a consistency in a room with dry air at a temperature regime from 5 to 25 degrees.

Stellanin PaG ointment - how to use: Instructions for use

As mentioned earlier, the ointment of Stellanin PEG is not recommended to be used with other antiseptic drugs. And it is impossible to use a dosage form with substances, which include mercury compounds, alkaline substances, acids. To get the desired effect of the drug on wound surfaces, the affected area must be washed with clean water. After the consistency is applied directly to the wound with a layer of about two to three millimeters. How many times to apply the drug per day, the attending specialist can best be determined. The success of the healing of wounds, abrasions, etc. will depend on the correct treatment.

Important: it is not recommended to exceed the daily dosage norms. It is enough to use it a day no more than ten grams of the drug. As dressing material, sterile bandages, patch are most often used.

Recommendations of a dermatologist
Recommendations of a dermatologist

Still, before you start using the product, it is necessary to test the allergenic reactions of the body. For this, the ointment is applied to the elbow bend. After 30 minutes, if no reactions arose, you can use. If on the epidermis small scratches, abrasions, That the ointment is applied no more than twice a day.

Duration of therapy about seven days. But, again, the period of application can be established only by the attending doctor. Depending on the severity of the damage to the epidermis and soft fibers, the etiology of the disease.

Methods of applying ointment Stellanin PEG

  • The composition is applied with a thin layer on the entire surface of the wound, the treatment area should capture a little more space than the affected tissues and fibers themselves. A sterile swab and a bandage are applied on top of the ointment.
  • Furification processing is carried out by gauze rounds. The ointment should completely fill all the cavities of purulent inflammations and fistulous passages.
  • If the wounds, abrasions are in an uncomfortable place for dressing, then use an adhesive bandage or adhesive plastry. Change the bandages once or twice a day.

Stellanin ointment: price, reviews

Despite such a wide range of action of the drug, its price is not so high, about 370 rubles. Much in the formation of the value of the product depends on the brand of the manufacturer. Stellanin PEG is very popular with patients. Users reviews are mostly positive, further in more detail.

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How to get rid of scars?

Alla, 29 years old:

In my situation, the tool could not cope with its purpose. I bought a Stellanin PAG on the advice of a pharmacist for the treatment of boils. Unfortunately, the composition did not help me at all. As a result, I went to the doctor, he advised me another drug that completely coped with my problem.

Love, 43 years:

He treated the burn with this ointment. I always keep her in the first -aid kit. When you get an injury, you need to immediately treat it with ointment. Then there will be no redness, not blisters. Another advantage of the drug in its price. Stellanin PEG is inexpensive compared to other means from burns and wounds.

Vasily, 38 years old:

Previously, he used other more expensive drugs to treat acne. This ointment was advised by a colleague. Its price is an order of magnitude lower than that of other funds with the same action. There is another drawback - it is difficult to find in the pharmacies of our city. But when there is an opportunity to buy, I buy two tubes at once to stock up on the future.

Video: Treatment of complex wounds with stellanine peg

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