What is the left and right cheek in the girl, women: folk signs on the days of the week. Why is the left and right cheek itching in the morning and in the evening, both cheeks itch?

What is the left and right cheek in the girl, women: folk signs on the days of the week. Why is the left and right cheek itching in the morning and in the evening, both cheeks itch?

In this article, we will analyze in detail for what reason people are scratching cheeks on different days of the week and the time of the day.

How not to twist, but folk beliefs, traditions and signs are one way or another part of our lives. Someone believes in the presence of mysticism in our life more, someone less, someone denies this fact in general. However, not to believe, does not always mean not to be interested, which is why everything unknown and unusual always attracts the interest of people. Today we will talk about how folk signs explain such a phenomenon such as scratching cheeks.

What is the left and right cheek in the girl, women: folk signs

There are many options for explaining why cheeks are itching and what, in fact, is thus reported to a person. In accordance with one popular believe, it is generally accepted that the itching of the cheeks warns a person about any changes in his personal life.

To begin with, consider what can mean a scaching left cheek:

  • The left side of the face, including the cheek, is associated with romance, adventures and love affairs. It is generally accepted that a girl who has a partner has an itch of her left cheek signals mutual feelings with him. That is, scratching the left cheek does not promise anything bad on this belief, moreover, it predicts success in love affairs and personal life. If at this stage of your life your personal affairs is not a priority, then the combed cheek on the left side of the face promises you an unexpected change of mood.
  • Also, itching of the left cheek can predict you soon news that will be very surprised at you. It is impossible to accurately assume and find out what kind of news this will be, whether you will be pleasantly surprised, but surprise will be very strong.
  • The itching on the left side of the face is considered a slightly selfish part of the body, so it can signal that you will expect a very interesting conversation from which you can get your benefit. We hasten you to reassure you, conversations of a similar nature on this day are held in a peaceful environment, without noise, screams and disputes.
Sign: The cheek itches
Sign: The cheek itches

Now let's see what the itching of the right cheek prophesies:

  • It has long been so starting to believe that the right side of the human body concentrates a positive energy and the right cheek is no exception. But do not forget that even a good energy that you have in abundance can do a lot of troubles, so it needs to give a “exit”. Therefore, if you really scratch your right cheek, and you have a conversation with relatives or friends ahead, then you need to control yourself and your emotions, otherwise you may turn out to be a noble scandal.
  • Are you sick and constantly scratching your right cheek? Be sure that you are recovering, because being released, positive energy has the ability to heal, and this is exactly what you need the most now.
  • If you are a fan of Buddhism or you are simply close to the dogma of this teaching, then it will probably be interesting for you to know what the combed right cheek promises in accordance with this religion. So, if you scratch your right cheek, wait for the trip. Most often, the journey promises distant, by sea or by air.

It is also important to understand that sometimes cheeks can itch for very logical, so to speak “mundane” reasons, for example, with diathesis, hormonal failure, so you need to not only associate this with signs from above, but also with real reasons, which, by the way, need to be investigated And treat with specialists.

Why are both cheeks itch?

They figured out the left and right cheek, but there are lucky ones who have both cheeks at once. What do beliefs say about this? Let's see.

  • Most often the itching of both cheeks at the same time does not portend anything good and positive
  • It is generally accepted that if both the left and right cheek scratches at once, then the woman has to wipe her tears
  • What will these tears be from, the cheeks, of course, do not indicate, so we advise you to tune in to the positive and think about the good, and what if you cry with happiness?
  • If you still tend to believe that such itching promises you trouble, then protect yourself as much as possible from it. This, according to people's experts, can be done with the help of holy water and prayer "Our Father"

Why is the left and right cheek or both cheeks itch in the morning and evening?

In addition to the fact that when explaining this phenomenon, the sex of the person, who actually itch cheeks actually, also take into account the time of the day in which this happens.

According to one of the beliefs, the greater value in this case is not attached to what cheek itches, burns, but to what time of day this happens. Based on this, we get the following result:

  • Cheeks scratch in the morning - a man thinks or speaks of you, guy
  • Noticed such a phenomenon during the day, which means that a friend, a friend thinks about you
The cheek itches in the morning and in the evening
The cheek itches in the morning and in the evening
  • Evening itching promises that talking about you is conducted by one of the people who go to your house, maybe these are close relatives or friends
  • If the cheeks were combed at night, then most likely what you thought badly about someone or made bad someone will return to you. If you don’t remember this, you can sleep peacefully

What is the left and right cheek or both cheeks of the girl, women on Monday?

Since Monday is the first day of the new week, it promises to scratch the cheeks on this day mainly something new and unknown.

  • If a woman has a left cheek on a given day, then you should expect a new acquaintance
  • Most likely, new connections and new people will be useful to you and will definitely benefit, so do not miss your chance
  • However, at the same time, you should not be too self -confident and with the whole appearance to show your confidence in a unambiguously positive result, this can play a cruel joke with you
  • Did you feel itching the right cheek on Monday? Well, wait for an unexpected, but pleasant surprise. The present can be presented not only by the spouse and lover, but also to the new acquaintance, a friend. Experts advise not to give up the presentation, it is better to just accept it and thank the person for your attention to you
  • In rare cases, itching of the cheek on the right side of the face may mean some kind of fatal meeting, so be extremely careful on this day and do not make hasty conclusions
  • Do both cheeks itch? Perhaps one of your acquaintances hid you offense, remember who you could offend and if there are-apologize

Why is the left and right cheeks or both cheeks of the girl, women on Tuesday?

  • Suddenly the left cheek was combed on this day of the week? Folk experts recommend very deliberately to conduct dialogues with relatives and acquaintances, because this phenomenon on Tuesday promises a serious quarrel with people close to you. Moreover, such a quarrel can even lead to the cessation of communication, or even at all to assault.
  • If you already have a meeting on this day, and you can’t cancel it, try to conduct it in a neutral environment, and transfer the solution to important issues and problems the next day.
The cheek is scratching on the days of the week
The cheek is scratching on the days of the week
  • The right cheek that combed a woman on this day of the week portends her incredible luck and joy. It is recommended to make important purchases on such a day and solve serious matters. Need to talk with the authorities about the long -awaited vacation or ask for an increase in salary? Then today is exactly the day on which you are most likely lucky.
  • There is another advice, if you still decide on any changes or conversations, then it is better to hold them in the morning or after dinner, so the percentage of the fact that they will be successful is much higher.
  • Both cheeks that scratch on this day most often signal that you are not indifferent to someone.

What is the left and right cheek or both cheeks from a girl, women on Wednesday?

Itching cheeks on Wednesday also promises a woman as good news and not very much. Let's figure it out.

  • If you have an itching of cheeks on the left side of the face, then wait for improvements in the financial sector and your financial situation. Perhaps you will receive an increase at work or the chef will give you a bonus. It may also be that you will win in some lottery or get an inheritance.
  • If the right cheek was combed, this is not good. Perhaps someone from your environment will bring you the bad news about your chosen one, but you should not unconditionally believe all the said words. To get started, calm down, think about everything and talk to your partner, and after draw conclusions and make decisions. It is possible that such conversations will be aimed at picking you up with your loved one.
  • Well, and the scratches both cheeks on Wednesday promise a woman a very important meeting. Maybe you will meet an old acquaintance or friend, or maybe you will see a distant relative.

What is the left and right cheek or both cheeks of a girl, a woman on Thursday itching?

  • If your left cheek combed on Thursday, wait for the most pleasant news that will very surprise you. Despite the fact that the news will be completely unexpected, they will be extremely positive and joyful.
  • Feel itching the right cheek on this day of the week? You may be warned that this day is not the best for new undertakings and any important things. More likely, the day may not get better in the morning. If you have the opportunity, stay on Thursday at home, just arrange for yourself an unscheduled weekend, let yourself relax and recharge your right energy.
  • Both cheeks combed-this means that some incident awaits you. This may be due to both your soul mate and your friends.

What is the left and right cheek or both cheeks of the girl, women on Friday?

  • The left cheek on a given day is itching for a woman to meet with relatives. Perhaps you are waiting for a meeting with distant friends. Or you will receive any news from relatives. However, to say for sure whether they will be good or not it is simply impossible, so tune in to a positive way and then everything will be fine.
  • If you felt itching the right cheek on Friday, then you should be extremely neat in your statements. Perhaps you involuntarily offend one of your relatives or friends, or maybe with your “sharp” word you will drive yourself enemies and enemies. If on this day you did not agree with someone, it is better to refrain from loud words and polemic.
  • When both cheeks are itching on this day, it promises you some jealousy and uncertainty in your partner or vice versa. It is better to refuse scandals and clarifications of relations.

What is the left and right cheek or both cheeks of the girl, women on Saturday?

Saturday is the first day of the weekend, so one of the beliefs is based on this fact.

  • On Saturday, itching of the left cheek promises the girl nothing more than a pleasant pastime. Maybe you will have to rest in the circle of friends, or maybe you will spend this day with your family. Whatever the vacation option you choose, you know, you will spend time wonderful.
  • The combed right cheek on this day of the week, as it were, reminds you that sometimes you need to devote time to your beloved. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, postpone all things and meetings and pamper yourself with what you love the most.
The cheek is scratching on the weekend
The cheek is scratching on the weekend
  • Both cheeks that itch on Saturday can say that someone speaks badly about you. Not only evil and envious friends can gossip, and meanness can also be expected from closer people.

What is the left and right cheek or both cheeks from a girl, a woman on Sunday?

  • Itching the left cheek, then tune in to changes in your personal life. Sometimes they are very unpleasant, however, a lot depends on your mood, so think only about the good.
  • When the right cheek combed on Sunday, this may mean that you need rest and better if you spend this day alone with you.
  • Itching both cheeks on this day of the week can promise you unexpected recognition and praise. Perhaps your loved ones or relatives will see in you something that you have not noticed before, or maybe your boss will see a valuable employee in you.

As you can see, the scratching cheeks can portend both good and not very news. We advise you not only to pay attention to signs and beliefs, but also to think logically and sensibly. Not always a scratching cheek means something, sometimes it itchs just like that, because we are all living people, and sometimes itching can be a manifestation of the disease, in which case you will need to consult a doctor.

Video: Folk signs: what is itching for?

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