Why does the head itch after dyeing hair? Safe dyeing for hair

Why does the head itch after dyeing hair? Safe dyeing for hair

From the article you will find out why the head is itching after dyeing and how to deal with this problem.

A modern woman often changes her image. She buys new fashion outfits, elegant shoes, makes memorable makeup well, and, of course, dyes her hair. Many girls believe that it is the color of the hair that help to make the image perfect.

But in order to always look perfect, they have to paint their hair often quite often. And, as a rule, due to frequent staining, the fair sex begins problems with the scalp.

Why does the head itch after staining?

Most often, itching provoke ammonia and peroxide.

Very often, after staining in women, dry scalp and simply unbearable itching appear. In some representatives of the fair sex, dermatological covers is annoyed to such an extent that wounds appear on the epidermis. Agree, the situation from the unpleasant. After all, if dandruff does not cause much discomfort, then severe itching can at least be in an awkward position.

Dandruff can also be the cause of itching.

Most often, such problems appear if a woman decides to save on paint and bought the cheapest product. But there are times when the same symptoms appear after salon staining with high -quality dyes. Why this happens we will figure it out below.

Causes of itching after staining:

• Dandruff. Very often, after incorrectly conducted staining on the scalp, dandruff appears. If you notice her appearance, then do not expect that she will disappear by itself. Better go to the pharmacy, buy a therapeutic shampoo and start eliminating the problem

• Allergy to paint components. In order to exclude this reason, you just need to choose products well familiar to you. If it turned out that you bought a completely new paint, then be sure to test it. Apply part of the coloring substances to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and if there are no pathological changes in the epidermis, you can safely dye your hair

• The paint overdried dermatological covers. If ammonia and peroxide are present in the product you have chosen, then they will definitely make the skin dry. If you do not have the opportunity to buy non -abomic paint, give preference to tinting shampoos or henna

• Incorrect use of paint. Before starting to change the image, be sure to study the instructions. If it is written that coloring substances can be on the hair for 30 minutes, then it is so there that they leave them there. After all, even if you hold them for an hour, it will not become better. With such actions you will only harm both hair and scalp

Is it possible to get a scalp burn after dyeing hair

Unsuccessful homemade coloring can lead to a burn of the scalp.

If you use not quite high -quality paint or just keep it on the head for a long time, it is likely that you will get a chemical skin of the skin. Dermatological covers will be damaged due to the fact that alkaline substances will affect them for a long time. The skin is first blushing, covered with blisters, and in the most severe case, suppuration and swelling may appear.

Therefore, if after applying the paint you felt a strong burning sensation, then in no case do not wait, but immediately remove the coloring substances. If the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear after removal, then it is better to consult a trichologist and go through the treatment course.

Always observe the exposure time on the hair on your hair.

Coloring rules that will help to avoid a burn of the scalp:
• In no case do not mix the components of the paint in a metal dish. Coloring substances react with metal and this leads to the formation of harmful compounds
• Cook paint just a couple of minutes before changing the image. If it will stand for a long time, it will begin to interact with oxygen and oxidize, and this process will certainly negatively affect the quality of the paint
• Apply the paint correctly. Be sure to stain according to all the rules. First, carefully process the root, and then start dyeing your hair yourself. Try to get as little paint as possible to get on a dermatological cover

Pharmacy products for scalp for scalp

You should know that the choice of a means of burns will greatly depend on the area, degree and depth of skin lesions.

If, after staining, the skin blushed slightly, then it is not necessary to treat them particularly. Just wash your hair in time and, at least for some time, do not use a hair dryer, iron and tongs. But if a burning sensation does not pass for a long time and blisters appeared on the epidermis, then it is necessary to use pharmacy products against a burn.

If you know how you can treat this problem, then just go to the pharmacy, buy the right drug and treat it with the affected areas. If you are not entirely sure that you can choose the right tool, it is better to contact a specialist. He will be able to more accurately determine the degree of damage and offer you adequate treatment.

Panthenol hair spray.

Medicines that help treat chemical burn:

• Panthenol. Has painkillers, and also contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin
• Olazl. As well as the previous remedy perfectly anesthetize, relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect
• Solcoseryl. It is used if wounds appeared due to a chemical burn. Disinfects well, heals damage and promotes rapid cell updating
• FURPAPLAST. It has antiseptic and healing properties. But it cannot be used if there is suppuration and swelling. After application on the wound, there will be a film that will not let the skin breathe normally

How to choose safe hair dye?

If you want the gray hair to paint perfectly, then choose a shade close to your natural color.

Today you will not surprise anyone with dyed hair. Some women paint them so often that they can’t even remember what color of the hair they once had. And in order for the frequent change of image does not spoil the appearance of the hair, it is necessary to very carefully fit the process of choosing coloring substances. After all, if they are not good enough quality, then there is a probability that a woman will begin to have hair problems. They will become dry, brittle and begin to fall out.

Recommendations for choosing safe paint:
• If you only need to tint your hair, buy first level paints (do not contain peroxide and ammonia). They will return their hair a bright color and will not have a negative effect on them
• Give preference only to trusted manufacturers. If you saw cheap paint on the shelf in the store, from a previously unknown manufacturer, then do not rush to buy it. Remember, high -quality paint will never cost a penny, because quite expensive components are used for its manufacture
• Also do not forget to check the expiration date. Refuse to buy if it ends in the coming days. Expensible paint can overdry hair and burn the scalp
• In no case do not buy paint on rinks. After all, if you have any problems, then you will not have someone to file a complaint. In specialized stores, you can always check the quality certificate for goods

What hair dye is the safest?

Safe hair dye should gently affect the hair.

Absolutely all women know that completely harmless colors do not exist. But there are those that cause minimal harm to the hair. Most often, they, in general, do not contain ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide is present in them in the most minimal doses. And in order for such paint to have a useful effect in its composition include vitamin complexes and various nutrient oils. The main sign that there are useful components in the paint is the softness of the hair after changing the image. They remain smooth, shiny and silky.

Another safe tool is considered tint shampoos. They gently affect the structure of the hair, so they cannot be painted over gray hair or change the color radically. Usually they are washed off for a month. You can also dye your hair with henna. This natural dye changes the color quite well, but when it is washed off, the hair acquires a slightly greenish tint. But the main disadvantage of this method is the complete incompatibility of henna and purchased colors.

List of hypoallergenic hair colors

Hypoallergenic hair dye is produced for those who have a tendency to allergies.

Usually we choose hair dye relying not only on our opinion. We read reviews on the Internet, slow down on TV and simply consult with our loved ones. But in addition to the opinions of the people around us, there is an opinion of specialists. Most often, it is based on the general characteristics of the components of which the product consists of. Making a rating of the best hypoallergenic hair dyes, they take into account the coloring properties of substances, color resistance, uniformity of staining, and, of course, demand.

The most popular hypoallergenic hair dyes:

• Wella Color. It does not contain ammonia therefore does not cause irritation of the skin. In addition, it contains nutrients that help maintain hair structure
• AVON Advance. This cosmetic product is well painted over gray hair. Also, the colors of this series are quite safely brightened up by hair
• Garnier Color Naturals. It gives a persistent color that is not washed off for two months. And due to the fact that its composition contains avocado and punishment, after dyeing the hair does not lose their lively shine
• Londa Londacolor. The paint has a rich natural palette, which for a long time does not wash off and does not fade. It has a rather pleasant smell and is easily applied
• SYOSS Professional. It stains the hair well enough, does not overdry the skin and does not damage the hair

What hypoallergenic paints for gray hair exist?

Hypoallergenic paints for gray hair many people like their sparing effect on the skin.

Every woman tries to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. But unfortunately, when she crosses the forty -year -old milestone on her head, gray hairs begin to appear. So that the rest of the people do not see the first signs of aging, the woman has to paint her gray hair.

But not all coloring products do equally well with the task. High -quality paint should not only eliminate the defect, but also contain components that will restore hair structure and restrain its aging.

The best paints for coloring gray hair:
• Estel
• Igora
• Garnier - Color Naturals
• Schwarzkopf Professional

How to treat the scalp after painting?

Homemade masks will help to quickly put the scalp in order.

Of course, all women try to dye their hair with the highest quality substances. But no matter what expensive paint it is certain for the hair, it does everything exactly. Therefore, for some time after the change of image of the hair remains more dry and brittle. Cares may well reduce such negative manifestations. They must be regularly applied to the hair for 2-3 weeks after staining. Usually, after this time, natural shine and elasticity are returning to the hairstyle.

Means that will help cure the skin of the head after dyeing:

• Oil masks. In any pharmacy you will find natural oils with anti -inflammatory and nutritional properties. Buy your favorite product and apply it to your hair in its pure form. Literally after a couple of procedures, dryness will begin to decrease and the hair will become silky

• Herbal decoction. For the treatment of hair, you can use nettles, chamomile, oregano and yarrow. Each time you wash your hair, do not forget to rinse your hair with a freshly prepared herbal decoction. It will help relieve the irritation of the skin and strengthen the hair itself

• Professional care funds. Many manufacturers, along with paint, produce special care products. They include herbal extracts, nutrient oils and proteins. They quickly put their hairstyle in order and normalize the state of the epidermis

How to prevent itching of the head after dyeing hair: tips and reviews

Itching after staining the phenomenon is quite common. Therefore, if he appeared and you do not need to be upset. There are methods that will help get rid of this problem quite quickly. The main thing is not to be lazy and carry out the procedures regularly.

Tips that will help remove itching after staining:
• For some time after changing the image, wash the hairstyle with a pH-capable shampoo. Also, the means prepared on the basis of natural apple or raspberry vinegar are well removed well
• Make a therapeutic massage several times using olive or almond oil. Rub it in the scalp with light massage movements and leave it there for 20 minutes. Then wash your head with warm water with shampoo
• Before staining, in no case do not use styling products. This can provoke a sufficiently strong allergic reaction

Lillian: I always dye my hair exclusively in a beauty salon. I have my favorite master who knows all the features of my hairstyle, so usually no problems arise. After staining, I use purchased balms and masks for some time. Usually in a week, hair becomes normal.

Sofia: I have a gray hair very early, so I often have to tint a hairstyle. This, of course, has a negative effect on the hair. They became dry and began to fall out. I began to make nutritious masks, but I do not see the desired effects.

Video: SOS SOS !!! Or how to escape in 1 hour from itching, dandruff and dryness on the head !!

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Comments K. article

  1. Ammonia has nothing to do with it. Allergies occur to the components of paint. All indicated "hypoallergenic colors" cause a strong allergy. I tested on myself.

  2. You can try a shampoo against itching and peeling Flacky, an excellent remedy. It helped me a week later.

  3. After dyeing hair, I have dry scalp, on the contrary. The shampoo sebopirox Twins TEK helps me. He exfoliates and gently cleanses. Restores natural balance.

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