List of prohibitions for the child. What can children do and what is impossible? What can not be done to a little child?

List of prohibitions for the child. What can children do and what is impossible? What can not be done to a little child?

A little “impossible” that will help you avoid many problems for you and your child.

To avoid random troubles and misfortunes on the path of the child’s life, it is necessary to use certain prohibitions in a timely manner and correctly.

Consider the main aspects of these requirements.

What can not be done to a child up to a year?

In the first years of the baby’s life, it is very important to help him in proper physical and psychological development.
Turning to the tiny in the first twelve months of life:


  • Handle
  • Uplift
  • Keep vertically, put on the legs, plant, until it is physically over

It is forbidden to include in the diet:

  • Citrus
  • Seafood
  • Fat meat
  • Chocolate, cake, sweets
  • Animal milk
  • Products with increased gas formation in the stomach: pears, melon, onion, garlic
  • Cocoa containing invigorating substances. Which I can cause insomnia
  • Frying dishes
  • Strong meat and fish broths
  • Canned puree with vinegar and spices
  • Products containing food supplements
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Sausages

For the purpose of the correct emotional and psychological mood, it is impossible:

  • Ignore the cry of the child
  • Do not react to the desires of the crumbs
  • Do not answer his babble
  • Do not accustom to self -service and hygiene rules
  • It is not enough to communicate and pay attention to the child
  • Shout and shake the child

What can not be done on the street for children?

  • Go for a walk
  • Play late
  • Go to big dogs
  • Climb high on fences and trees
  • Take hotels or gifts from strangers
  • Walk alone or with a stranger to remote deserted places
  • Enter the elevator with a stranger
  • Be in a strange car without parents

What can not be done at home for children?

“My house is my fortress,” the child should understand that even in such a reliable fortress he can also be in wait for danger. To avoid these problems cannot be avoided:

  • Drive with matches and lighters. This is the main causes of fires
  • Touching household chemistry: washing powders, soda, chlorine, dishwashing products. You can get poisoning
  • Try medicines. It may turn out to be poison
  • Insert no objects into the outlet. Life threatening
  • Touching with your wet hands electrical appliances and wires. Can be strongly shocked
  • Take electric wires in the mouth
  • Sit on the windowsill with an open window. You can accidentally fall out the window and break
  • Open the door to strangers
  • Bonfire
  • Open a gas stove

What can not be seen for children?

  • How parents quarrel
  • How animals beat
  • How adults fight
  • Any negative episodes
  • There is a popular belief - you can not see the child up to a year in the mirror

What can not be done on the road to children?

  • Run on the road.
  • Play on the roadway and on the sidewalk
  • Cross the road not by pedestrian crossing
  • Cross the street to red light

What can not be done with pneumonia in a child?

  • Run, jump
  • Get out of bed at temperature
  • Take a shower, bath, walk if the temperature holds
  • Eat sugar, sweets
  • Eat cold drinks
  • There are fried and spicy dishes, smoked meats, pickled products, animal fats

What can not be done at a temperature of a child?

  • Panic
  • Use alcohol wipes
  • Wrap
  • Use aspirin
  • Apply cold items to the body of the baby. This is dangerous, since the temperature of the skin decreases, the temperature of the internal organs increases

What can not be done to children in the New Year?

  • Drink alcoholic drinks
  • There are many sweet and citrus fruits
  • Use pyrotechnics, independently without adults
  • Remove Bengal lights. Light them at home
  • Touch and include garlands
  • Play with glass Christmas tree decorations
  • Light a fake near the Christmas tree

What can not be done in winter for children?

Winter is a dangerous period of hypothermia in a child. A child can frostbite his hands, cheeks, nose.

In winter, parents need to be even more vigilant and tell the child in advance, which cannot be:

  • Gnaw icicles, there is snow
  • Touch metal with bare hands and tongue
  • Ride from slides located next to the road
  • Pushing on the hill
  • Build long tunnels that can collapse
  • Standing for a sled
  • Run along the icy sidewalk. You need to walk carefully, step on the whole sole
  • Walk under the roof of the house. Snow or icicle may fall
  • Go into the fenced zones
  • Skating not on the rink
  • Go out the street without a hat, mittens and warm clothes
  • Sledding with steep slides

What cannot be shown to children?

The TV negatively affects the visual system of the child. Due to strong contrast, vision is tired. The baby's eyes turn red, cut, watery. Excessive fascination with TV is harmful to vision.

It is dangerous to show children from a psychological point:

  • Cruel cartoons
  • Frank scenes
  • Vulgar films
  • Bezformation cartoons
  • Films and cartoons with scenes of violence

What pictures can not be done for children?

You can’t play on the road.

You can not give the kids electric wires.

You can’t fight.

Children under three years old are forbidden to watch TV.

Roller rollers need to be in specially designated places.

You can not pick yourself in the nose. This is not appropriate.

You can’t watch the TV lying. The distance to the screen should be no closer than three meters.

You can’t offend girls.

You can not sit on the windowsill with an open window.

You need to cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.
You can’t be in the open sun for a long time.

You cannot offend young children.

You can’t argue with the elders.

You can’t push your fingers into the outlet.



You can not bite your nails. This is not hygienic.

You can not pick up in the ears by extraneous objects. It is dangerous and not beautiful.

You can’t bite. It hurts.

You can’t turn on electricity with wet hands.

You can’t do this either.

You can not break the branches of trees.


You can not draw on the walls. There are albums for this.

You can not open the door to strangers.

You can not show the language. It is rude and indecent.

You can’t scream for children. Famous Soviet teacher a. With. Makarenko believes that the discipline is needed ...

You can’t play on the road.

You can not cling to buses and trolleybuses. This is dangerous.

The child does not understand the word cannot be do?

How to explain to a child that you can’t do?

Most often, psychological and physical injuries in children occur through the fault of adults. This can be warned by education.

Raising the child with safe behavior, the parents themselves must observe them.

Video: Rules for the safe behavior of children in the city


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