List of houses for girls for every day: Children's checklist

List of houses for girls for every day: Children's checklist

Education of a girl: lists of affairs for girls for different ages.

Children are given to us for a while, and most importantly in education - to improve the natural inclinations of the child and prepare for an independent life, and not to fit their own ideas under the template. We bring to your attention a list of houses for girls for every day for different age groups.

List of houses for girls for every day: Purpose of compiling children's checklists

For a very long time, child labor was as in demand as an adult, but over the last century everything has changed. Each parent wants to give his child exclusively the best, and at the same time not to overload the child without creating emotional and physical exhaustion.

For every day, careful teachers came up with a list of home -made cases for girls so that parents could teach children home duties and household tricks in accordance with age. For example, in the list of cases for 9 years, the item is very relevant to take out the garbage, but for the age group 3+ they are not at all suitable for obvious reasons.

Help around the house is always fun!
Help around the house is always fun!

Such lists are good in that they accustom girls to self -service, as well as to conduct a housekeeping in a playful way, and in adulthood, the girl will quickly and efficiently do homework, know how to conduct a household, and not suffer from unexpectedly “dumped” household chores.

And for fans of criticism and phrases - “raise a slave”, teachers and children's psychologists also assure - there is no reason to worry. The royal dynasties have always been trained comprehensively. And in addition to several languages, humanitarian and mathematical sciences, they taught a cooked business, cleaning clothes, sewing, embroidery, cleaning, and also worked at the stable, in the garden, etc. The children took to study and duties up to 10 hours a day, and for walking and rest only 1-2 hours. This system worked when educating great rulers, and not at all “slaves”.

But it is also important to understand the characteristics of your child and not overload him with household chores, at all costs, performing a full check of the sheet. For example, in school time, a child may have only 1 business per day from a sheet check, and on the weekend 5-6. But in the summer holidays, it is increased to 9-10, depending on the load and volume of tasks.

List of houses for girls for every day: a checklist for age 2-4 years

Yes, what can the lists have a two -year -old girl - the average mother will be outraged. Indeed, this is an age at which only an addiction occurs to the presence of responsibilities, as well as the systematic work of the house. The list of households for girls for each day consists of two parts - self -service, plus helping mom and dad in households as part of acquaintance.

So, the first and main thing at this age is control of your toys. Together with the mother, they must be cleaned daily in place. At the same time, it is important for parents not to make a toy accumulation, and in accordance with the recommendation of specialists of 5-7 toys of different types. Several dolls, designer, stroller, etc. How tired - change to others. At the same time, it is easy to remove 5-7 toys to the child-something on the shelf, something in boxes or baskets and the process itself will take no more than 3-4 minutes in a playful way.

Also, for the age of 2-4 years in a checklist of household chores:

  • Wipe dust on the surfaces to which it can reach;
  • Sweep the floors and collect large garbage;
  • Independently put on things, taking them out of their shelves so as not to “turn over” the rest of the things (maintaining order is no less important than creating order);
  • Take dirty clothes in washing, and put cleanly on a chair or a floor hanger;
  • Put slippers in pairs, bring shoes to the older generation of the family;
  • Hang small washing, as well as independently learn to wash socks and panties, if it is so accepted in the family of the older generation;
  • Fold linen in a washing machine under the supervision of the elders;
  • Perform a feasible light cleaning in your children's room or area.

When the baby masters these skills, to proceed to the following:

  • Lay out books on shelves, albums and pencils in boxes for places;
  • Choose your own from the common stack of things and put in your drawers, which is required - for hangers;
  • Help to set on the table (for this age it is appropriate to put cups, lay out cutlery, napkins);
  • Help remove from the table, raking the remnants of food in garbage;
  • Wipe off the table, as well as to sweep around the table if necessary;
  • Serve a remote control, glasses, a newspaper or a book to grandparents;
  • Teach routes from the store, garden, hospitals home and show adults (for example, grandparents who came to visit);
  • If the family is customary to divide sweets or other treats, divide into each family member.
Cooking is one of the favorite things for babies
Cooking is one of the favorite things for babies

And children who are closer to the 4th can add such responsibilities (see by the readiness of your child):

  • Wash the dishes and put it for drying;
  • Choose dishes with a towel before the mother hides in the cabinets;
  • Cover the bed in the morning;
  • “Tear” greens on the salad, wash vegetables, and if parents trust, cut soft vegetables under supervision;
  • Under the supervision of the elders, prepare simple desserts, apply soft ice cream in creamy, etc.;
  • Help in a supermarket with purchases, folding bread, fruits, etc.;
  • Learn to prepare simple breakfasts: pour cereal milk, fold a sandwich, use a microwave;
  • Hang and collect small things from washing;
  • At the request of parents to play on their own at home, while parents are busy with household chores or work;
  • Follow yourself, and prompt adults, observe the silence when someone is resting.

List of houses for girls for every day: a checklist for age 5-6 years (preschoolers)

Children aged 5-6 years are more independent, the motor skills of the hands are developed, and the logical chains work quite well to complete household chores. At the same time, house assistance will continue to be in a playful way, but the list of cases is gradually expanding. Do not forget that if a child goes to kindergarten, then his vacation and home help should be distributed in a ratio of 50/50. If the child is at home education-house assistance is no more than 30-40 minutes, in the total time, and no more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Thus, the child continues to play helping, and without losing interest.

Time control is one of the most important tasks for the girls of schoolgirls
Time control is one of the most important tasks for the girls of schoolgirls


List of houses for girls for every day-a checklist for the age of 5-6 years (preschoolers):

  • To get acquainted with the small repair of clothes, help adults put the thread into the needle (developing fine motor skills of the hands), wind the threads on the coils, etc.;
  • Pour cold drinks into glasses from bottles and jugs;
  • Receive money for pocket expenses and learn to distribute it, allocating part for expenses, and part for accumulations;
  • Disassemble the linen before washing on dark, light, white;
  • Lay the dishes after washing in the lower boxes;
  • Take things in washing and gently hang clean things in the closet;
  • Monitor the cleanliness of clothing and shoes and, if necessary, dry drying/washing to adults;
  • Control the nutrition and the presence of water in a pet;
  • As necessary to remove at a pet;
  • Sort small things, sort out berries and fruits, wash and put in a fruit;
  • As soon as the child learns the numbers and denominations of coins - to lay out coins by denominations and, counting them to sort round sums;
  • As soon as he learns to put up your things, to help add small things of family members;
  • When the guests arrive, calculate everyone and help set the table, help plant guests at the table;
  • Watering flowers and wipe the sheets in large -leaf plants;
  • Take out the garbage yourself if near the house;
  • Collect the leaves in the garden, tear out weeds on the flower beds;
  • Cook eggs, make sandwiches, simple salads;
  • Collect a backpack for classes, to school or garden, for mugs.

List of houses for girls for every day: a checklist for age 7-9 years

So, your assistant has grown to school age and has become more independent.

House cleaning - teaching the child to clean and self -service
House cleaning - teaching the child to clean and self -service

And she, of course, should have a list of responsibilities. So, in the list of houses for girls for every day they are added to the previous ones:

  • Report the time at the request of adults, as well as control the time of breakfast, lunch, dinner or other daily cases at the discretion of parents;
  • Tie laces to yourself and younger brothers/sisters;
  • Choose outfits yourself, taking into account weather conditions;
  • Clean vegetables, wash, grate;
  • Control the presence of clean towels in the bathroom and in the kitchen, attribute dirty towels in washing;
  • Check the cleanliness of the pots of pets and, if necessary, remove;
  • Leave a clean kitchen, bathroom and toilet behind;
  • Bathe or clean pets;
  • Walk the dog if any;
  • Control the cleanliness of their electronic devices, while cleaning the memory and delete unnecessary applications;
  • To grandparents help grandparents to install applications;
  • Change batteries in home devices, tell parents about the need to purchase the desired size of batteries;
  • Go to the store for small purchases;
  • Sew buttons and sew small holes;
  • Fill the bathroom;
  • Independently make a daily routine and adhere to it;
  • To kindle bonfires and help to fry barbecue, barbecue;
  • After the parents brought packages of food - put everything in place;
  • Learn to stroke small things yourself or steam on a hanger;
  • Keep your wardrobe and table in order and cleanliness;
  • Look after the younger members of the family;
  • Learn to cook simple dishes;
  • Participate at family meetings at the time of discussion of the family budget;
  • Fulfill the small instructions of adults.

These checks can decrease or increase depending on the way of life of the family, the availability of technology and opportunities. For example, in villages, children are given more work in the yard and in personal plots. And in the cities there are more small assignments.

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