The composition and proportions of the herbs of monastery tea with hypertension, psoriasis, allergies, thrush, diabetes, prostatitis, from sweating, acne, from the stomach, heart? How to prepare and accept monastic tea - instructions for use

The composition and proportions of the herbs of monastery tea with hypertension, psoriasis, allergies, thrush, diabetes, prostatitis, from sweating, acne, from the stomach, heart? How to prepare and accept monastic tea - instructions for use

Monastic tea is a unique collection of healing herbs and plants. This drink is able to have a powerful antibacterial, anti -inflammatory and restoring effect on a weakened and sick organism.

The secret of tea is that each healing grass in its composition actively interacts with other components and gives health, as well as good health.

Is it possible to drink monastic tea?

Monastic tea has not only very popularity, but also the old history of its occurrence. As the name is already clear, it is invariably connected with monks and clergymen.

The emergence of monastic tea occurred thanks to the father of George and the Solovetsky monastery. The purpose of the invention was the desire to help the weak and weak people, sick with different ailments, weak and elderly.

Monastery tea consists only of natural components: healing herbs and plants collected in environmentally friendly territories. He helps a person get rid of many ailments and acts in a row with ordinary medicines.

It is not only possible to drink monastery tea, but it is also necessary for both preventive and medicinal purposes. It consists of many healing herbs, which in themselves already have several unique properties.

Acting united, each component of tea has a powerful effect on all groups of internal organs, on the state of the blood and nerve endings.

It is worth noting that like any means of traditional medicine, monastery tea is a vegetable medicine that can have its negative consequences on the basis of individual intolerance. For this reason, monastery tea should be used either on the recommendation of a doctor, or carefully observing your well -being.

monastery tea in packaging

Useful properties and contraindications of monastery tea

The healing characteristics of the monastery tea are really unique. They are aimed at curing and improving the work of almost every internal organ.

Monastic tea is that healing drink that has been tested not just for years, but even for centuries and millions of people. It is unlikely that you can see an advertisement for this tea, because it does not require a special demonstration, people love it for their strong qualities and real help.

The long -term practice of the use of monastic tea has shown that it has a lot of beneficial properties for humans:

  • able to influence the work of each internal organ in the human body
  • its unique properties have a positive effect on the normalization of blood pressure, reducing the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis or pressure surgery
  • the herbs that are part of the tea positively affect the immunity, strengthening it and making it more resistant to many diseases
  • tea accelerates and normalize all metabolic processes in the human body
  • tea has a positive effect on the work of the urine organs, normalizing the outflow of urine and reducing the swelling of the body
  • tea is able to have a cleansing effect on the body, removing toxins, slags, cholesterol and other substances from it
  • tea qualitatively cleanses blood and makes pure lymph
  • monastic tea is able to positively affect the work of the kidneys and gall bladder and remove sand from it, as well as stones, to prevent renal tumors

It is also a unique quality of tea - to positively influence the work of the human nervous system: to reduce stress and make experiences less tangible, normalize sleep, eliminate insomnia and breakdowns.

Some contraindications of monastic tea:

  • Tea has no special contraindications. The only recommendation for its use is to abandon the drink during pregnancy to women, as well as during breastfeeding
  • Another warning is individual intolerance to the product. A person can have an acute allergic reaction to some one component of tea and thereby harm himself: swelling, headaches, itching and deterioration of overall well-being
  • If you have the opportunity, consult your doctor about the safety of regular use of monastery tea for the purpose of prevention and treatment. Drink on a cup of a day in the first week of the course and only then, if you do not observe negative reactions, increase the dose of drink consumption
monastic tea: possible contraindications and unique beneficial qualities of the drink

The composition of the monastery tea, the proportions of herbs

It is interesting that monastic tea has several fees that differ slightly in composition. Depending on what problems a person concerned, such fees can be distinguished as:

  • Heart rate -collection aimed at normalizing the work of the heart and cardiovascular system
  • Hepatic collection -the collection aimed at normalizing the liver operation, cleansing it of toxins and restoring damaged cells
  • Collection from osteochondrosis -tea directed strengthening of the bone tissue of a person and cartilage helps get rid of joint pain and back
  • Type of diabetes sugar -Collection aimed at improving the state and health of a person suffering from diabetes
  • Collection from the problems of the urine system-aimed at combating infectious and colds of the internal genital organs
  • Ground collection -improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the production of gastric juice, normalizes the chair, eliminates constipation and diarrhea
  • Detox collection -aimed at cleansing a person from toxins obtained as a result of food or alcohol poisoning, improves the general condition and eliminates the migraine
  • Collection for vision -collection aims at improving visual acuity

The unchanging components of the monastery tea of \u200b\u200bany gathering are such medicinal herbs as:

  • rose hip
  • yarrow
  • linden
  • nettle
  • thyme
  • a series
  • sage
  • sukhotzet
  • motherwort
  • immortelle
  • sagebrush
  • chamomile
  • birch buds
  • buckthorn
  • yarrow
  • tolknyanka
the composition of therapeutic monastery tea from many diseases

Reception of monastic tea. How to drink monastic tea?

Monastic tea promises to help a suffering person get rid of many diseases, but subject to only his proper use. Proper brewing of tea, its timely use and observance of proportions will help to get maximum health benefits.

Before the use of monastic tea with the aim of treatment, you should know about some subtleties:

  • Tea should always be taken only as the doctor recommended for you. Self -medication - does not always lead to a good result
  • Follow the prescribed mode of consumption of monastic tea, only so after a while you can see a positive result of its action
  • Using tea for treatment, you should not expect instant results, because this is not a “quick action” tablet. Relief comes gradually and only over time
  • If required, do not limit your treatment with just one course, but go through two or three until complete recovery so that your disease retreats completely
  • During treatment with monastic tea, it is recommended to adhere to a special diet, which will enhance the effect of each component of tea and make this drink as useful as possible
  • Believe by healing and take tea only with positive thoughts

How to brew monastic tea:

  • Monastic tea can be brewed in absolutely any dishes, as comfortable as possible - an ordinary cup
  • Before brewing tea, rinse the cup with boiling water to sterilize it and a small heating
  • Pour one teaspoon of the collection into a cup
  • Boil the kettle and boiling water at 80-90 degrees pour your collection
  • The amount of boiling water per teaspoon of grass is two hundred milliliters
  • Cover the cup with a plate or a saucer for brewing
  • Cut the time: tea should infuse exactly fifteen minutes
  • After the set time, calmly drink tea

Treatment with monastic tea involves its daily use in the amount of three to four cups per day. The taste of the drink, if desired, can be brightened up with sugar or natural honey and a slice of lemon.

rules for brewing and using monastery tea

There is also an interesting rule of drinking tea in relation to food. Here we are talking about which part of the body your disease concerns. If above the waist - drink tea after food or during food, if below the waist - tea must be drunk half an hour before eating.

Monastic tea at pressure

Pressure surges: its increase and decrease is a frequent phenomenon in the modern world. A person is subject to many stresses, every day lives in adverse environmental conditions and from a young age has a lot of diseases. Monastic tea is a soft remedy and a medicine against hypertension.

You can use monastic tea for the treatment of hypertension both a chronic patient and people who do not regularly experience pressure surges. It is noted that if a person has a first or second degree of disease, then this drink can also completely save him from the disease. In the third and fourth - to improve well -being and general condition.

It is strongly recommended that you consult your attending physician for the use of monastery tea for the treatment of hypertension and only then start the course.

In the presence of hypertension, monastery tea helps:

  • normalize human pressure
  • exclude the possibility of the appearance of an unforeseen hypertension crisis
  • exclude the possibility of the appearance of an unexpected stroke
  • eliminate not frequent or regular headaches that appear due to pressure surges
  • reduce to the level of normal blood cholesterol
  • make vascular walls more elastic
  • eliminate frequent or rare tingling in the heart
  • eliminate periodic numbness of the arms and legs in humans
  • saturate the body with the necessary trace elements for the work of the heart
  • improve the metabolic processes of the body
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system and normalize sleep and rest mode
monastic tea helps to fight problems of high pressure

Monastic tea from psoriasis

Psoriasis is far from an infectious disease, which manifests itself on the skin of a person, as a result of impaired work of internal organs, in particular - liver and kidneys.

Monastic tea is able to help a person cope with this unpleasant disease, having established the metabolic processes of the body and saturate it with the necessary trace elements and vitamins.

Many are sure that it is simply impossible to cure psoriasis - quarterly, depending on the state of a person, his lifestyle and even season years, it manifests itself again and gives discomfort.

Monastic tea, which carries out several important stages of action, will help to improve the condition of a person suffering from psoriasis:

  • effectively eliminates unpleasant itching, calming it
  • relieves any inflammatory process in any area of \u200b\u200bthe skin
  • able to positively affect blood circulation in the human body
  • has a powerful antibacterial effect
  • reduces an allergic reaction

Treatment of psoriasis with monastic tea involves its combination with other drugs for greater effectiveness. The secret of the monastery tea is that it has a powerful restorative effect, thanks to the good collection of medicinal herbs and plants.

monastic tea in the treatment of psoriasis and skin inflammatory diseases

Monastic tea from allergies

Monastic tea also serves as an excellent and very effective medicine to combat all kinds of allergies. Its task is not to mask the symptoms only temporarily by improving the state of a person, but to fight them purposefully. The unique composition of tea allows all plants and herbs of the drink to actively interact with each other and eliminate unpleasant allergic symptoms.

Monastic tea is a completely environmentally friendly product that can be treated for allergies even to women in position and young children, but with caution.

How does monastic tea help a person suffering from allergies:

  • reduces swelling of the nasal sinuses, allowing mucus to pass freely
  • reduces itching and irritation in the larynx and oral cavity
  • reduces itching in the nose and in the eyes, reduces tearfulness
  • makes the body allergic more resistant to irritant

Drinking monastic tea for the treatment of allergies should be done and it is advisable to do this during the period of exacerbation of symptoms: during the flowering period of plants in spring and summer.

Brew tea for the treatment of allergies in the usual familiar way. If you are not pleasant to the natural taste of the drink - add honey to it (if you do not have allergies to natural honey), sugar is not recommended because it is able to neutralize and reduce the effect of tea components several times.

monastic tea helps a person to fight allergies and its symptoms very effectively

Monastic tea from thrush

Monastic tea is a medicine of traditional medicine, recognized even by real professional doctors. He was also recognized as an effective remedy for the treatment of thrush (or as it is scientifically called "candidiasis"), the occurrence of which is provoked by the fungus "candidate".

The collection of monastic tea is really unique. It contains many herbs capable of giving the weakened organism a charge of the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Treatment of thrush with tea involves its usual brewing: two teaspoons of gathering for half a liter of boiling water. This tea should stand under a cover from ten to fifteen minutes and only then it should be drunk. Such tea effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of thrush, both in women and men.

The main rule of such treatment is to properly observe the proportions of tea brewing and withstand the entire course of treatment, regularly drinking the drink three times a day.

Monastic tea against thrush will help get rid of such unpleasant symptoms:

  • eliminate the pain of any nature in the internal genital organs: ovaries, uterus, as well as in the vagina
  • minimizes the chance of an exacerbation of the disease
  • will improve the woman’s immune system, allowing her to make her resistant infections
  • will reduce the inflammatory process
  • will have a powerful restorative property on the body
  • will have an antibacterial property, destroy the fungus and a number of bacteria that serve as pathogens of this disease
monastic tea is a true remedy for the treatment of thrush in both women and men

Monastic tea from diabetes

Monastic tea helps, suffering from diabetes, cope with their serious illness. This drink is able to have a positive therapeutic effect on a person:

  • tea helps to normalize the blood sugar level in the blood
  • the drink helps to improve carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which leads to sugar jumps
  • tea contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body
  • tea positively affects the functioning of the pancreas, which is responsible for sufficient production of substances in the human body - insulin
  • tea eliminates the risks of possible complications during the period of exacerbation of the disease
  • tea favorably affects the process of losing weight and effectively helps to lose weight, which is good for people suffering from diabetes mellitus

Take properly brewed monastery tea for diabetes in half an hour before each meal. The course of treatment is every two months in two months.

monastic tea is an effective tool for improving your condition during diabetes mellitus

Monastic tea from sweating

Hyperhidrosis is a disease that is characterized by an increased predisposition of a person to sweating in any situation. Often this unpleasant disease causes not only discomfort during everyday life and reduces the social activity of a person, but also increases the risk of fungal various diseases on the skin.

Monastic tea is a soft action that can cope with problems of this nature very effective. The secret of tea is that in his collection there are several maximum useful plants for humans that are capable of:

  • improve the work of human internal organs
  • normalize water-salt balance in the body
  • have a powerful anti -inflammatory and restoration effect
  • strengthens immunity
  • regulates the work of sebaceous and sweat glands
  • improves overall well -being
monastic tea helps to eliminate the problem of increased sweating

Monastery tea for acne

Monastic tea can become a powerful tool in the fight against acne. Not every person is known about this, but nevertheless, this medicine acts softly and effectively. The secret of using this tea in this case lies in its external and internally use.

A charge of beneficial vitamins and microelements of tea when consumed are capable of:

  • normalize the metabolic processes of the body than to improve the condition of the blood and skin, the work of the sebaceous glands
  • improve the work of internal organs, including the liver, which is responsible for processing toxins
  • improve the hormonal background of a person, which in most cases is the reason for the appearance of acne

Tip: After you drink tea, do not rush to pour tea leaves - it will serve you for washing. Pour the brewing with boiling water in smaller quantities than for tea (third of the cup). Leave the collection to infuse to cool completely. Wash clean skin without cosmetics with a decoction before bedtime.

monastic tea helps to fight acne

Monastic tea from prostatitis

A unique collection of tea helps to boldly call this medicine an anti -inflammatory agent. To do this, tea should be consumed every time before eating in half an hour, brewing it in the usual way. Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate - the male gland.

Monastic tea allows you to reduce the process of inflammation, eliminate unpleasant pain during urination, strengthen the man’s immunity, helping him easily cope with the disease.

For the treatment of prostatitis, it is recommended to drink monastery tea at least three to four times a day. The course of treatment should last three months. If the disease goes slowly (which happens very often), it is recommended to extend the course of treatment for a few more months until complete recovery.

monastic tea helps men cope with prostatitis

The gastric tea is monastery

Improper nutrition, harmful work, stress and lack of treatment leads to disorders of the digestive tract and intestinal problems, as well as the stomach. A modern person has many unpleasant diseases: gastritis, ulcers. Gastric monastic tea will help to help cope with them and improve their condition.

Such a drink will help:

  • normalize juice in the stomach
  • normalize the process of digestion of food
  • improve the development of the necessary enzymes
  • reduce gastric pains
  • eliminate and reduce ulcerative bleeding
  • help and heal ulcer wounds on the walls of the stomach
monastic tea helps to fight the problems of the gastrointestinal tract

Heart monastery tea

In the presence of heart disease, monastery tea helps:

  • normalize human pressure
  • exclude the possibility of the appearance of unforeseen heart attack
  • reduce to the level of normal blood cholesterol
  • make the vascular walls and walls of the heart organ more elastic
  • eliminate frequent or rare tingling in the heart
  • eliminate periodic numbness of the hands
  • saturate the body with the necessary trace elements for the work of the heart
  • improve the metabolic processes of the body
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system and normalize sleep and rest mode
monastic tea helps to fight heart diseases

How to cook monastery tea at home?

Proper preparation of monastic tea allows you to get maximum benefits and effectively get rid of many unpleasant diseases. The preparation of such tea is not very different from the welding of the usual.

Video: "How to cook monastic tea?"

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Comments K. article

  1. Where are the proportions of the herbs?

  2. Monastery tea helps me very well to get rid of sweating, tides, so to speak, during menopause. Together with him, of course, I take Cyclim Alanin and try to eat more or less right ... I think all this together has so positively affects the body. Symptoms practically do not bother)

  3. Such teas are very useful. But psoriasis requires comprehensive treatment. From ointments, Naftaderm is very effective due to the unique composition - it contains Naphthalan oil.

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