Dream Interpretation - to see a roof in a dream: the meaning of sleep. Why dream of repairing, punching a roof, sleeping, sitting, climbing, finding a treasure, hiding on the roof, jumping from the roof of the house, buildings, skyscraper: interpretation of sleep

Dream Interpretation - to see a roof in a dream: the meaning of sleep. Why dream of repairing, punching a roof, sleeping, sitting, climbing, finding a treasure, hiding on the roof, jumping from the roof of the house, buildings, skyscraper: interpretation of sleep

The roof of the house in a dream prophesies fast changes. What they will depend on the content of this dream and the current state of affairs in the life of the dreamer.

The appearance of the roof in a dream is very symbolic. The person who she dreamed can expect the onset of changes, but what they can find out, carefully recalling all the details of the dream and correctly interpreting them.

The roof often dreams of those people in whose life serious changes will soon come.
The roof often dreams of those people in whose life serious changes will soon come.

Why is the roof dreaming?

Well, if the dreaming roof was flat - Significant changes in life will not occur, the beginning of new things will bring minor success. Rolling the roof warns of existing risk. Now the dreamer should be held with the signing of business papers and concluding contracts.

  • sleep on the roof - A favorable dream, promising calm life, good health and good health
  • look at the roof of a high residential building or other building from the bottom up - Staying in the world of illusions prevents the dreamer from seeing reality
  • determining the correct course in life means a dream in which the dreamer pierced the roof from the bottom up
  • a whole roof on a destroyed house In a dream gives hope to restore past good relations with an important person for the dreamer, recovery, meeting with an old friend
  • find a treasure on the roof - The goal is close, to get the desired one remains to attach a little strength
  • hide in the attic cloudy - attempts to escape from reality, memories, regrets about the past, long ago
  • moss coated -Someone has long been "breeding gossip" behind the dreamer
  • big white birds flew to the roof - To good news, crows or magpies - to bad news or gossip
  • the roof of the skyscraper - brilliant ideas, plans that need to be implemented as soon as possible in life
  • rain on the roof in a dream - To easily overcome obstacles.
Minor problems, obstacles await the one who saw in a dream, how drops of rain beat on the roof.
Minor problems, obstacles await the one who saw in a dream, how drops of rain beat on the roof.

The dream book of Lewis promises to gain long -awaited patronage, protecting the one who had long been in need of them and saw a solid roof in a dream.

Why is the roof of the house dreaming?

Roof of the house In a dream is usually a positive sign that portends success in economic and love affairs. The one who in a dream saw a whole beautiful roof of a large house or building can safely take up the upcoming project, nothing will prevent it from implementing it.

The exception is dreams in which I happened to see a broken or leaked roof. If a a married woman in a dream saw that the roof of her house was leaked, needs to be repaired, flowed or collapsed “She should pay attention to the words and actions of her companion.” He is probably ready for a serious unpleasant conversation, but does not dare to start it first.

Medei's dream book prophesies the roof of a high house to see new secret knowledge, the appearance of a prophetic gift, a tendency to clairvoyance.

Repair, build a roof in a dream - to favorable changes.
Repair, build a roof in a dream - to favorable changes.

Why is the flowing roof dreaming?

Flowing roof In a dream, he speaks of the emotional vulnerability of the dreamer in reality, which can lead to depression. This is a sign of a crisis of family relations, perhaps someone is very mistaken in solving important issues.

Water from the ceiling, leaking through holes in the roof, calls on to immediately look for a way out of the current situation, delay can only aggravate it. If a wormy water seeps through the dilapidated coating - You need to take care of health.

Why dream of sitting, standing, walking, climbing, building, falling, jumping from the roof?

I had a chance to sit on the roof in a dream and look around with a sense of satisfaction - it would be possible to achieve certain heights in life, and the intended goals will be achieved. In the same time fixed seat on the roof He speaks of indecision and fear of getting down to business. The dreamer constantly finds reasons that do not allow to carry out the plan. You need to understand yourself and find the cause of your fears and fears.

A motionless sitting on the roof in a dream speaks of the indecision of the dreamer in reality.
A motionless sitting on the roof in a dream speaks of the indecision of the dreamer in reality.
  • A dream in which Stand on the roof, often see people with a wide horizons, who have received recognition in life and have achieved success. Sleep symbolizes mental satisfaction.
  • Stand on a roof skate- Success will be achieved, but not without risk.
  • If in a dream I had to stand on the roof together with a person of the opposite sex - Success in heart affairs is in reality.
  • Go on the roof - Thanks to knowledge, flexible mind and erudition, certain heights in life will be conquered.
  • Walk on the roof, but at the same time fear means that self -doubt and indecision are on the path to recognition and success.
  • A dream in which climb the roof He speaks of love for adventures and adventures in reality. Nevertheless, you do not need to take on dubious projects, no matter how attractive they would seem. If fear was experienced at the same time, danger awaits in reality. Do not draw ambulance and make rash decisions.
  • Roof construction in a dream- To violent success, and its repair - To the restructuring of the worldview, which will bring in both cases new goals in life and luck. A dream can also express a desire to protect themselves from troubles if people who need protection see it.
  • Repair the roof in a dream for a girl or woman - To the need to learn to settle conflicts with a quick -tempered partner.
  • The meaning of the dream in which fall from the roof Depends on the emotions tested in the fall. If it was accompanied by fright, courage and faith in their strengths will help to achieve what they want. Passive fall - To material losses, albeit replenished. Not all people in the immediate environment of the dreamer are what they are trying to show themselves.
  • I had to observe a friend's fall from the roof - It is necessary to take part in solving his problems. The fall from the roof in a dream is associated with the unheated success that was achieved, the fear of losing high status, position, public recognition. Do not forget that if you relax, defeat will follow success.
  • Sleep about jump from the roof It is a consequence of dissatisfaction, fatigue from routine. A person ceases to appreciate everything that has in life, he needs rest and changes. However jump from the roof and successfully land - A favorable dream, promising luck and prosperous outcome of risky affairs.
  • Decide on a jump standing on a high roof - to events entailing a change in the internal state.
  • If the dreamer tries to jump with roofs of your own home - The reason lies in family life, any other - In the professional or social sphere.
  • See how Someone jumps from the roof- The dreamer’s help is necessary for another person, but it will not be possible to provide her. A jump from a roof in a dream warns against a rash act in reality.
  • Fall into the building, standing on its roof - Panic condition, strong fear.
The jump from the roof in a dream speaks of dissatisfaction with life and fatigue.
The jump from the roof in a dream speaks of dissatisfaction with life and fatigue.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st century claims that a person, who often falls or jumps from high roofs in his dreams, in reality too proud and selfish. It would not hurt him to change the lifestyle and manner of communication with others, otherwise it is likely that he will soon be left alone - friends and acquaintances will turn away from him, and relatives will try to avoid communication.

Why is the burning roof dreaming?

The dream, as a rule, does not have a positive meaning, you should be careful, do not make hasty decisions. It is advisable, with a deterioration in well -being, consult a doctor, as a dream can warn about the onset of a serious disease.

  • Strongly frighten the appearance of a burning roof in a dream - The plan can be successfully realized, realized, but caution and fear of mistakes will even prevent the project.
  • Burning roof of your own house in a dream - To a serious shock, quarrel.
  • For a sick person to see a burning roof in a dream - A bad dream warning of the deterioration of his condition.
A burning roof in a dream can warn about a change in the state of health in the direction of deterioration.
A burning roof in a dream can warn about a change in the state of health in the direction of deterioration.

Why dream of a fallen, destroyed roof?

If you dreamed the fallen roof, you need to think about rest or even a change in the kind of professional activity, which will bring emotional unloading. Sleep is a consequence of chronic overwork, which can lead to depression and illness. It is necessary to relieve voltage.

Tired of family troubles and disagreements with household women, after a dream of a destroyed roof, it is strongly recommended to devote time to yourself, go for shopping or meet friends.

Dream Interpretation of a wanderer also indicates depression, depression and heaviness on the soul of the one who saw in a dream the fallen roof.

If a the roof in a dream collapsed right before our eyes - Not far off the hour when the collapse of hopes and plans is to experience, to observe how everything that has been created for years disappears and collapses.

The destroyed roof of the old house in a dream symbolizes the fatigue or dreamer's disease.
The destroyed roof of the old house in a dream symbolizes the fatigue or dreamer's disease.

Why is a house without a roof dreaming?

House without a roof In a dream, as a rule, calls to be careful, control its own words and deeds. Lack of roof  the dreamer's house Indicates his irresponsible lifestyle.

The Slavic dream book promises a move, a change in the place of residence to the one who in a dream removed the roof from his own house.

The image of the roof in a dream reflects the spiritual state and internal potential of the dreamer. As a rule, such dreams indicate a sense of security, a person’s desire for heights, gaining a situation in society, they push the dreamer to action or urge to be careful.

Video: Why is the roof dreaming?

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