Sleep in the hand - what is the dream for?

Sleep in the hand - what is the dream for?

From our article you will find out why a person can regularly dream of the future. Detailed information in the article.

Our dreams are not just the pictures that we see in a dream. Most often, with their help, the highest forces try to reach out to our subconscious, so that we can avoid unpleasant situations. But, as practice shows, most people do not attach much importance to them, considering night visions a reaction to emotional swings that haunt a person every day. Although, if you care about what we see when we fall asleep, you can make life more calm and predictable. Therefore, let's figure out in more detail why a man or woman can dream of a future.

Why dream the future - sleep in the hand

Why dream the future - sleep in the hand
Why dream the future - sleep in the hand

It is important to understand that our dreams are very closely related to our emotions, so if a person on the eve is a lot of nervous, worried, angry, then his night vision can be just a reflection of nervous tension, and nothing to mean. If you spent a completely calm day, but at the same time, in a night vision, you clearly saw what would happen in the near future, then you need to think about which actions are better to take further in order to avoid problems.

Why dream the future is a dream in the hand:

  • Such a dream may indicate that in your life there may be problems that you will have to quickly cope with. Yes, and be sure to try to remember how you felt at the time of sleep . You were discouraged and confused - Problems will appear in your life unexpectedly, at the moment when you think that you are completely controlling your life. You were not particularly scared and were calm “You will be morally ready for the appearance of negativity in your life, and you will clearly understand what needs to be done so that life will improve again.”
  • If in your night vision you saw the real people who surround you at home, at work, are your friends or relatives, then they will influence your near future. They must be especially careful for them, because such a dream shows you that it is better to take a closer look at your environment, so that in difficult times it is clear who you can rely on and call for help if necessary.
  • If you dreamed of your future on the night of Thursday to Friday - Be prepared for hard trials that fate will present you. But do not be particularly discouraged due to such a dream, just be prepared for the fact that your life can change dramatically. And what it will be in the end, will depend on the decisions you adopted. Therefore, try to maintain sobriety of the mind, and act as carefully and balanced as possible, and then you will be fine.
  • Also, such a dream may indicate that only you yourself affect your fate, and it is you who create your future. In this way, the Universe, as it were, urges you to be a more initiative person, and not try to hide from difficulties. If you act in this way, then in the end for your life, and the future, other people will be responsible, and this is not very good.

Why dream the unborn child, daughter, son?

Why dream the unborn child, daughter, son:

  • A child in a dream is a harbinger of trouble - good or bad. In reality, you may be asked for help, and you will have to spend your energy and time on another person. As a rule, the boy dreams of problematic troubles, and the girl is a harbinger of pleasant trouble. If the child laughed in a dream, then something good will happen in your life that will give you a lot of positive. If the baby cried, and turned strongly in your hands, wait for troubles that will completely change the usual stable of your life.
  • If you held the child in his arms, and he wrote on you - This is a bad sign. It is likely that they will try to lick you, and will do it a close, or maybe even a blood person. Your environment will believe him, and you will be very condemned. Try to remember a big spot on your clothes. If so - then you will have to prove your case for a long time. If the spot will be small Almost invisible - you can prove to your environment that you are a good and honest person, and do it very quickly.
  • If a similar dream was a young girl, this is a favorable sign. He worships the care of her close people. They will give her time with great pleasure, and at the same time they will not demand anything in return. If in a night vision the girl saw how someone gave the child a toy-in reality she would be pleased with a pleasant surprise she had been waiting for a long time. If you walked with your child along the street, get ready for a trip that you have long dreamed of. Soon you will go on a trip that will very much affect your life.
  • The child had a man - such a dream could have different interpretations. A smiling baby pulls his hands to a man - he has to decide on what he was afraid for so long. But the choice will be made correct, and a man will receive dividends for his actions. If in a dream a man saw how a baby, or baby, tried to break out of his hands and covered his face - such a night vision suggests that a person is waiting for a period of turbulence, the cause of which will be the behavior of a person who would want to take everything that the man achieved by cunning hard work.

Why dream the future husband, boy?

Why dream the future husband, boy?
Why dream the future husband, boy?

If you are a young beautiful girl, but have not yet found a couple, then the dream in which you met the guy of your dreams can be just the fruit of your imagination. It is likely that you really want to meet your second rug, and you think about it all the time. For this reason, many of your dreams can be associated precisely with the future guy or husband, but at the same time they will have no influence on your future

Why dream the future husband, guy:

  • In a dream, you saw a real prince on a white horse, who simply fascinated you with his appearance and charisma - Very soon, fate will give you a chance to meet a man of your dreams. But in this case, there are nuances. If, waking up in the morning, you will clearly remember his facial features, then in reality you can quickly understand that your fate is before you, and your life roads will not be dispersed. If, after waking up, you cannot remember what the representative of the stronger sex looked like - there is a chance that your life paths will not intersect in the near future, and you will have to wait for fate to give you a second chance.
  • A young girl saw a beautiful guy in a dream, to whom she quickly ran - You very quickly approach a man who can become your husband in real life. You have chosen the right path, and now you are taking actions that will help you not to miss the man who is destined for you with fate. When interpreting such a dream, it is very important to consider how a man looked in a night vision. EUl and he was elegant and very beautifully dressed - Such a dream promises an early happiness, which literally falls on your head. The guy in a dream was tired, a little exhausted - There may be problems in communication with the opposite sex. It is likely that you will meet your soul mate, but in your own words and actions you will push it away from yourself.
  • If you already have a boyfriend or husband, but in your dream he did not look like in reality - You do not know very well the person who was chosen as the second half. He is masked, and tries to seem better in your eyes, has secrets from you that will not please you very much. Take a look at the person until he hurts you.

Why dream the future wife, girl?

Such a night vision can be a banal reflection of the feelings that remained in a person. If a man cannot fully come to terms with parting with a loved one, then this is what can cause such dreams. They can not be interpreted at all, since they are associated with rather complex emotions that excite the nervous system of the stronger sex. As soon as a man accepts the fact of parting, such dreams may stop appearing in night visions.

Why dream the future wife, girl:

  • A dream in which you saw a wife or girl with whom the relations at the moment are associated It means that you are on the verge of cardinal, changes. And they will happen regardless of whether you want it or not. They will not necessarily be negative, but still will very much affect your life. You will no longer live as before - you will have to change very much yourself, and change your environment. It can be very difficult for you, but with the help of a loved one you will be able to survive everything easily.
  • I dreamed of a wife or a girl with whom you had broken up for a long time - Be prepared for the stream of negative news from the past. Soon, the information that you tried to hide will pop up, and your immediate environment will begin to condemn you, and for some time distance from you. If in a dream the former lover tried to tell you something - Wait for unexpected news, which will also influence your words and actions. In general, such dreams are a warning that you need to gather and be prepared for surprises from fate.
  • I dreamed of a girl, wife, but you cannot admit that you know this person in reality -In your life, something will happen that even you will very much surprise you. You will be surprised, discouraged, will not understand how to respond to changes in your life. Try to be as assembled and attentive in this period of your existence. If you do not make gross mistakes, your life will remain the same as before, and nothing will radically change.

Why dream of predicting the future?

Why dream of predicting the future?
Why dream of predicting the future?

As a rule, having seen such a dream in a night vision, a person inspires and begins to believe that the Universe sent him a sign, which means it is time to act. In fact, this is not at all the case. It is likely that a person has appeared in your life who is trying to manipulate your opinion, and inspires the idea that you can calmly decide on a risky business. Be careful - there is a chance that you will be very disappointed if you decide to act without considering everything as well as possible.

Why dream of predicting the future:

  • They predicted the future, and you were as calm as possible - a good sign. Your life will not change much if you continue to live the way you live before. Do not make sudden movements, take all the decisions carefully, and everything will be fine with you. But do not relax too much so as not to make mistakes that may harm you.
  • In a dream you were predicted by fate, and you were very scared - In reality, you will find shocks that will influence your existence for a long time. You already assume what negative changes await you in the near future, but trying not to notice the impending changes. It is better if you really perceive everything that happens around you, then you will have a chance to more easily go through the turbulence period.
  • In a night vision, you carefully listened to the prediction of the fortuneteller, but at the same time they could not understand anything - In reality, it will be difficult for you to cope with the tasks that you will set before you. You will make plans for how to solve them, and everything seems to be good, but at the last moment everything will fly to Tartarara, and you will have to start all over again. Be strong so that the difficulties do not break you completely.

Why is the future mother -in -law dreaming?

The mother -in -law in a dream is a symbol of the fact that a person will soon appear in your life who will very much affect your life, and you definitely will not like it. It is likely that you will enter in such a period of your life when someone will try to decide absolutely everything for you, and this will not please you. And this means that periodically you will be forced to sort things out and prove your case.

Why dream the future mother -in -law:

  • The future mother -in -law in your night vision carefully looked at you “You will have to prove that you are a person who has the right to your personal opinion.” All this will be very difficult for you, but with the right mood you can achieve respect from your environment. If a In a dream, the mother -in -law frowned the eyebrows - then in your environment there will be a person who will always be dissatisfied with your actions, no matter how you try, he will find reasons to find fault with you.
  • The future mother -in -law appeared unexpectedly and began to knock on the door - Expect unexpected guests who will surprise you with their appearance. If in a night vision The mother -in -law very intensively knocked on the door - The guests will be from afar, and stay with you for a long period. It is likely that distant relatives will come to you. If my mother -in -law pounded more calmly - People who live with you in the same territory will be replaced, you just have not seen them for a long time. You will spend a pleasant evening with them and they will go home.
  • The future mother -in -law looked at you point blank and at the same time was silent -Someone is very unhappy with you. Think, maybe somewhere you shake off too much, or crossed the road to a colleague. If this is true, then recognize your wrong, and try to solve the problem. Having taken the right steps, you can get rid of the negativity that may appear in your life.

A future wedding is dreaming - why?

A future wedding is dreaming - why?
A future wedding is dreaming - why?

If we talk about the general interpretation, then the wedding is a symbol of social changes that, to one degree or another, will also hurt the dreamer. But at the same time it is important to consider other nuances. We will talk about them further.

There is a future wedding - why:

  • You were a guest at a cheerful wedding - Changes will come to your life, but they will bring you more positive changes. But this does not mean that there will be no negativity at all. He will be, but you can cope with him without any problems, and very quickly.
  • In the night vision, you danced cheerfully with the newlyweds -In reality, someone will need your help, and you will have to forget about your affairs, and completely immerse yourself in the problems of the one who requires help. But you can get together and take the necessary actions, and go out the winner, to whom everyone will be grateful.
  • In a dream, you saw the wedding of your loved one - Get ready for the blow of fate. And although sleep does not mean that the problems will be in relations with your loved one, they can influence your union. A bad person may affect your loved one, and he will believe him. And this means that you will have to show your feminine wisdom to save a fire of love.
  • You saw yourself a bride at a wedding - In reality, other people will be evaluated. You will have to make efforts to prove to them that you are worth something . A wedding dress for you was very beautiful, it was perfect for you - People will be able to make out a personality in you who can make decisions with them on a par. If the wedding dress was simple, and not in the best way emphasized your virtues - Get ready for a difficult struggle. You will have to prove your viability and competence, and do this for a long period.
  • In a dream, you saw the wedding of the newlyweds - You can change your life to the best string with a great desire. But for this you will need to enlist the support of the people you trust. On the way to victory, you should be surrounded by people who are ready for you for a lot, even to abandon their ambitions.

What is the dream of future work?

Work in a dream is a symbol of the desire for prosperity. If in a night vision you see yourself working, and geting great pleasure from this, you do everything right, and soon you can get a reward for your labors. You can easily and without much effort - you are in the right place, and at the right time. Fate for you is as favorable as possible, and you are an authority for your environment.

What is the dream of future work:

  • In the night vision, you saw that your boss is not particularly satisfied with you - At work, you have an envious person who is not very happy about your success. He began to take actions that would help you overthrow you from Olympus. Partially, he succeeded, and your leadership has a doubt about your competence. You will have to prove again that you are the best of the best.
  • You dreamed of a job that you categorically do notlike - This is a warning sign. At the moment, your life is related to activities that do not bring you much pleasure. And this is what prevents you from building a prosperous life. If you want your existence on planet Earth to be perfect, it's time to decide on a cardinal change. Just be more initiative, and well -being will not be long in coming.
  • In a dream you were looking for worksu - it’s quite likely that you could not find your place in the sun, and all this time you live not as you wanted. The dream is a sign indicating that it is time to take everything into your own hands, and not be afraid to do risky acts. Try to change your life in the coming period, and luck will smile quickly for you.
  • In the night vision, you have lost your work not through your fault “Someone from your environment is trying to take your achievements to himself, and does everything to appropriate your merits.” If you do not determine this person in the shortest possible time, then he will be able to very much harm your reputation, and you will have to restore its long term, and very difficult efforts.

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