The salty fat turned out hard, what can be done to make it soft and juicy?

The salty fat turned out hard, what can be done to make it soft and juicy?

Fat contains vitamins and useful trace elements. Our body can not do without these substances. Therefore, regular consumption of fat in moderate quantities, or rather 33 grams per day, will enhance immunity and general health. It is a pity that it is not always soft, juicy. But this can be fixed at home. We will find out what can be done if salty lard is tough, how to rectify the situation?

Salt fat-hard is most often due to the fact that it was incorrectly processed during primary processing. The usual salting does not affect the stiffness of the product. More precisely, it is impossible to spoil the lard, either it is initially poor quality, or that part of the pig that you bought is not suitable for food. But even hard fat can be made softer if you boil it or bake it. Read further recipes for making a product, as a result of which fat will gain a second life.

Why is the salty lard hard?

Salo is a useful product that is that the shelf life is large. And its calorie content is high, you can take with you for snacks when you are on a trip. However, unfortunately, sometimes you can buy a hard salty lard on the market. Naturally, such a product is not suitable for consumption. But everything can be fixed. To do this, it is enough to boil it or make a delicious snack from the fat.

Lard with brine
Lard with brine

How to choose a soft lard correctly?

  • It is advisable to choose a pig fat, not a boar. The first product always has a delicate texture, it does not have specific aromas. And you can find it out by the skin. Usually, the fat from the pig goes with a thin skin, well removed from the flesh of the fat. There is no noticeable bristles.
  • If you buy lard, then choose pieces from the side of the back, sides. There is a delicate texture and a thin skin. Pieces of fat from cheeks, neck and such part as the head are tougher, the skin there is thick. And parts of the fat from the thickens of the pig have meat layers with delicate skin, but there is not such a delicate texture. Strong areas may occur.
  • When the fat has a pinkish-white color or white, it is a good product. Red shades of fat are a bad signal, which means that the animal was not stabbed right away, therefore it is better not to take it. And do not choose lard with yellowish, grayish zones, this is already an old lard, spoiled.
  • Before buying fat, do not be lazy to breathe in its aroma. A fresh piece of lard smells of smoke and a little milk. Usually the skin of the animal is depressed and doused with smoke. Do not take a piece that smells of urea, such a fragrance makes only a boot product. There will be no lard then.
  • Choose only a clean thin skin on the fat. Do not take the bristles better with the bristles, the flesh of the fat of such a product is tougher.
  • If you see the seller’s solid with a dry skin and without oily shine, then give up the product. So the product is not entirely fresh and blurred.

Many sellers, in order to sell the stained lard, begin to pickle it in spices, herbs. Therefore, such a product is also undesirable to take in the market or in the store.

How hard salty lard make it soft: recipes for cooking hot

In the distant past, not poor people chose the best pieces of meat from pork, and the poor used the fat. Thanks to this, workers had health, energy. And they could also be hardy, and worked much physically. Another lard was taken with them as a snack when soldiers went on campaigns or sailed on ships. They say that eating one fish was unbearable on ships. In those days, they could already salt lard in various ways. But then we will talk not about history, but we will find out why salty lard is hard, how to make it soft?

Black bread
Black bread
  • The product comes out hard, not because it was somehow salted incorrectly. Salting is difficult to spoil the lard. Basically, the reason for the error is that you choose low -quality lard. There is no difference in fat is salted just with salt or in a special brine - a good product will not become hard from this.
  • So, you can make fat softer by boiling it in a special brine with aromatic spices and bay leaf, or bake in the oven, a slow cooker in foil. In this way, adding all kinds of fragrant vegetables and spices, you will get not only soft pieces of pork fat, but also improve its taste, aroma.
  • If you want to get a smoked piece of bacon, then add prunes, onion husk. The recipe is not expensive and simple, but you will receive pleasure from the meal at full strength. In addition, it is better than taking such a purchased lard; for smoking, manufacturers often use non -natural products. This is harmful to health.

IMPORTANT: Thanks to the handful of the husk from onions, the fat will be painted in a beautiful color, and spices and prunes will do their job. Real smoked fat without any impurities at home will conquer your stomach. And temperature treatment will make it soft.

You can fix the problem as follows, if specifically, then salty salo make a recipe that below with onion husk:


  • Salt fat - 0.995 g
  • Lavka leaf-2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 6 pcs.
  • Bunny - 6 pcs.
  • Shell from onions - 45 g
  • Salt - 65 g
  • Sugar - 24 g
  • Black pepper - 85 g
  • Paprika - 45 g
  • Water - 1 l.
Lard with husk
Lard with husk


  1. In an enameled container, prepare a solution of water, husks, salt, sugar, pepper, prunes, bay leaf. Put the pan on the fire, boil water.
  2. Place the salty lard cut into pieces of 7 by 7 centimeters in a container. Make a small fire, let the hard fat boil for 23 minutes.
  3. When the time expires, then cover the lard with a lid, let it cool. And then send the container to the cold place for the whole night.
  4. After twelve hours, take out the product from the brine, wipe it with paper wipes.
  5. Prepare spices: crush the garlic into the gruel, add pepper to the mixture. Dip the fat in the mixture, then roll in paprika. It remains to wrap in the film, put in the cold for four hours.
  6. Thanks to this, fat will become soft and suitable for use. It can be eaten separately or supplement it with the first, second dishes.
  7. It can be stored for about two weeks in a cold place, in the freezer it will remain for a year.

IMPORTANT: In order for the lard with salting well softer well, it should be laid close to each other, so the result will be much better. The brine should cover the product 1.5-2 centimeters above the pieces of fat. According to the same recipe, you can also make a fowdered roll, the only difference is that it can be stuffed with garlic with spices and tightly tied with ropes.

How to cook the lard in a bag so that it becomes softer?

Everyone will like this dish and it will go under a salty cucumber, and under vodka. The recipe was popular in the last century, even when there were no mobile phones. The hostesses cooked so fat, and then cut it into the “brake” (mining lunch at work) with bread. In addition, he was eaten with borscht, garlic, etc. In our case, in this way, you can correct the rigidity of salted fat, which cannot be eaten. The meat layer after heat treatment will become softer.


  • Hard salty lard - 1.1 kg
  • Salt - how much will enter
  • Red, black pepper
  • Garlic - 6 pcs.
  • Water - 975 ml.
  • Sleeve
Salo in the sleeve
Salo in the sleeve


  1. The fat should be divided into the same pieces (rectangular or square). If necessary, then weave in salt, or you can in the same spices. Add grated garlic.
  2. Take the sleeve, put these pieces there, if there is not one sleeve, take one more.
  3. Throw water, then place the sleeve with fat in a container with water. Close the lid, cover the container with something.
  4. Let the fat stand for about seven hours.
  5. Then it can be removed in a cold place.
  6. You can enjoy the taste of soft fat already after 24 hours, or even earlier.

They store such a product, both in the freezer and simply in the refrigerator. And it can be served to the table with a cucumber, black bread, cut into thin slices.

If the salty lard is hard, how can you cook it in a slow cooker, the oven - make it soft?

Salt fat can be made soft if you cook it in the oven or in a slow cooker. The taste of the dish will enjoy even the most fastidious connoisseurs. It will be baked, soft, delicate, slightly similar to fried. In order not to lose juice from the product, you will need a foil. The recipe for preparing this product is suitable for both a multicooker and an oven or microwave with a convection mode. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you do not have a multicooker or oven, etc.


  • Salty lard - 0.45 kg
  • Garlic-3-4 pcs.
  • Black pepper, red - 1 g
  • Fresh bunch of greens - 1 pc.
  • Salt.
Lard in foil
Lard in foil

How to make fat softer in baking mode:

  1. Take salty lard and rub spices into it, you can add your favorite.
  2. Then make incisions with a knife and place the toothpicks in half in the pits.
  3. Take the foil and wrap the product ready in it. Give the sala "relax." Let the aroma gain.
  4. Now lubricate the bottom of the tank with vegetable oil.
  5. Lower the lard in foil there. For a slow cooker, turn on the baking mode for 25–35 minutes. For the oven, use this mode: temperature 180 degrees, baking time for 25-30 minutes.
  6. When the time is leaving, you can get the lard and, before you wait, let it cool. And then you can burn yourself. Serve with greens.

Salt fat hard, what to do, how to make a snack from it?

Not everyone loves boiled or baked lard. And what to do if the salty lard is hard, I don’t want to eat it in this form. Not everyone can immediately choose the right product, but negligent sellers use this and sell a poor -quality product to unknown customers. And if you are among such "lucky ones", then it remains only to correct the situation. This can be done as follows - prepare a snack.
  • Fat - 0.475 kg
  • Water - how much will enter
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Black pepper.


  1. Boil fat in water with bay leaf, salt, spices. Ten minutes enough.
  2. When the lard has cooled, it is passed through a meat grinder, garlic, pepper is added.
  3. It is important not to overcome the snack, so use less salt.

Move the finished dish to a jar with an iron lid and to a cold place for storage. You can eat with black bread, like a sandwich and greens to different dishes.

More on our portal, read articles on the subject of the sala:

  1. Does the lard be overlooked? How to fix the problem?
  2. How to cook the fat tasty?
  3. Fat with garlic through a meat grinder is a recipe.

Video: How to make hard salty lard soft and tasty?

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