Sleeping pills without recipes for strong sleep: a list of the best drugs with names, instructions for use, recommendations

Sleeping pills without recipes for strong sleep: a list of the best drugs with names, instructions for use, recommendations

A list of sleeping pills without recipes for a strong sleep.

Since 2017, the attitude to the sale of some drugs has become more strict. Now it will not be possible to purchase a large number of drugs without a prescription. In this article we will talk about the most popular, effective sleeping pills that are sold without a recipe. 

Sleeping pills without recipes for strong sleep: a list of preparations on herbs

It is worth considering that after 2017 it is impossible to buy drugs for insomnia without a prescription that contain narcotic and psychotropic components. These substances were recognized as dangerous enough and are not realized without a prescription. Therefore, only those drugs that mainly consist of herbs, or contain a very small amount of psychotropic and narcotic substances, were included in the list. 

Sleeping pills without recipes for strong sleep on herbs:

  • Valerian. You can use tablets or medicine in drops. It is used 1-2 tablet before bedtime. Tincture can be taken during the day, if there is constant stress and nervous overexcitation. The most interesting thing is that drops and pills can be drunk long enough, without interruptions. The drug does not cause addiction and has a minimum of side effects. That is, it can be taken by people who are sick with diabetes, suffer from increased pressure and other chronic ailments. 
  • Motherwort tincture. This is a well -known medicine that has been at the peak of popularity for several decades. Our mothers used it, and now we use. The drug is mainly sold in the form of tincture. It is necessary to take it in the amount of 10-30 drops at one time. If necessary, it is best to dilute with water and drink before bedtime. Also, the drug can be consumed during the day. The cost of the medicine is very low, as it is made on herbs, it is absolutely safe. 
  • Novopassit. This is a drug that is realized both in drops and tablets. But it is more familiar to take substance in drops for most people. At a time, it is necessary to take about 5 ml of the drug. In some cases, with excessive nervous excitability, a single dose in the amount of 10 ml is recommended. If you notice a very severe irritation, inhibition and worsening of attention during the day, you can reduce the amount of the drug 2.5 ml. The composition contains the extract of lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn and some other herbs. Please note that some drugs do not combine with hawthorn, so when prescribing doctors of some drugs, indicate that you take Novo-Passit. 
  • Persen. A well -known drug on herbs, which contains a huge amount of medicinal extracts, is quite effective. In its composition, it is very similar to Novopassit. It contains pepper, Melissa, as well as Valerian. However, there is no hawthorn in it, which makes it common due to a smaller number of side effects. Sold in tablets, at a time it is allowed to take about 2 tablets. In order to treat insomnia, it is used before bedtime in about 1 hour. Two tablets must be taken. It is impossible to get used to even with prolonged use. 
Sleeping pills for strong sleep
Sleeping pills for strong sleep

Sleeping pills without recipes - a list with instructions for use

These are quite strong substances that differ in a large number of contraindications.

Sleeping pills without recipes - list With instructions for use:

  • Melaksen. A very controversial drug, since it contains melatonin. This is the hormone of the same name, which the developers believe, helps to align the regime of falling asleep and rise, and will be the perfect option for owls. That is, for people who are used to waking up late, and go to bed late. In fact, there is no clinically proven effectiveness of the drug, but many buyers state the effect of the medicine. It is taken immediately before bedtime, in 40 minutes. Moreover, the amount that is worth taking is equal to one tablet. Often the drug is prescribed when changing time zones, and at flights. It is believed that it helps to establish a biological clock and quickly get involved in a new time zone. 

  • Barbil Contains phenobarbital, as well as validol. Effective substance for braking the nervous system. After taking the drug, all processes occurring in the nervous system are inhibited, reducing excitability. Thanks to this, a person becomes more calm and balanced. It is taken three times a day for 15-25 drops. Often used for insomnia. The drug is used before bedtime. Drink in the amount of 15-25 drops. With constant use, it can be addictive, so this medicine is not suitable for frequent use. 

  • Donormal. An effective medicine that is an antihistamine. It is recommended to be taken 20 minutes before falling asleep, in the amount of 1 tablet. It is worth noting that taking the drug should notmore, than 5-7 days in a row. The main advantage of this medicine is that it does not change the structure of sleep, improves falling asleep, making it faster. That is, a person does not toss in bed, but falls asleep right away. Inhibition of the nervous system is carried out, so that a person calms down. 


Significant sleeping pills without recipes: list, recommendations, instructions for use

The strongest sleeping pills are barbiturates and antihistamines. They have many contraindications and side effects.

Significant sleeping pills without recipes, List:

  • Glycine. This is a well -known sleeping pill, which has been used for a very long time, sometimes prescribed even children. The main advantage of this drug is that it is inexpensive and quite effective. At a time you need to take 1-2 tablets. This is usually done in 30-40 minutes before bedtime. The drug has a mild sedative effect, soothes nerves, relaxes. You can take patients with a huge number of chronic ailments, as well as old people. 
  • Gidazepam. The drug refers to tranquilizers, respectively, it should be sold according to the recipe. But since it is non -specific, it is quite possible to purchase at a pharmacy without a prescription. Accepted 30 minutes before bedtime. Allows you to fall asleep faster and sleep well. It is worth noting that the drug is addictive, so it is not recommended to take longer than 7-14 days. It is best to use the drug as prescribed by a doctor, as it has a large number of contraindications. This is very difficult for older people who have many chronic ailments. Among the contraindications, it is worth noting renal and liver failure. 
  • Sondox. A good drug that belongs to the most effective of all birch products. As part of the prexylamine is a succinate, therefore it is a tranquilizer. It is worth noting that the drug has a lot of contraindications, adverse reactions. This is a very strong antihistamine that is soothing on the nervous system. Accordingly, after admission, drowsiness is observed after about 30-60 minutes, so the fall of falling asleep decreases. Does not affect the structure and quality of sleep. After waking up, dizziness, general malaise can be observed. Therefore, the drug is not suitable if you work, or the profession is associated with concentration. It can cause addiction. 
Dangerous drug
Dangerous drug

Sleeping pills for children without a prescription: a list with instructions for use

Children are a very sensitive category of patients who are allowed to use not all drugs. That is why all groups of drugs that are prescribed for adults cannot be taken. The following categories of substances are usually used in sleeping pills: 

  • Brom -containing 
  • Antihistamines 
  • Barbiturates 

All these funds are not allowed to everyone, they have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, their children are not appointed. Accordingly, among drugs that can be prescribed for children, only safe, mainly created on the basis of herbs. Sometimes these are light sedatives that soothe and help fall asleep faster. After all, very often children's insomnia is associated with excessive overexcitation of the nervous system. 

The child is sleeping
The child is sleeping

Sleeping for children without a prescription, list:

  1. Pantogam. It is prescribed quite often, even to infants. But they are mainly used in order to calm the child, and facilitate falling asleep. It has a slight sedative effect. In different childhood, it is prescribed in different quantities, so the doctor’s recommendation is needed. There is no need to present the recipe in the pharmacy.
  2. Babushkino Lukoshko. This is a herbal collection that contains extracts of medicinal herbs. Therefore, it helps children to fall asleep faster. Usually give 10-15 drops before bedtime. 
  3. Phenibut. This is a drug that calms the effect of the nervous system. At the same time, the drug is allowed to children, as it is relatively safe. It is worth noting that neurologists, as well as psychotherapists, rarely prescribe sleeping pills for children, since their activities are associated with a change in modes, as well as classes. This is especially true for schoolchildren.
The child is sleeping
The child is sleeping

The fact is that in most cases when a child takes sleeping pills, dizziness, drowsiness and impaired coordination of movements can be observed in the morning. Which is very undesirable if the child is studying at school. This explains the unwillingness to write out such a tool to children. Most often, herbal collections are prescribed, tea, which consists of linden, lemon balm, as well as mint. It is allowed to prescribe drugs such as Persen, Novo-Passit. They are relatively safe, as they contain herbs extracts. They can be purchased in syrup and tablets. 

Video: D eshevo sleeping pills without recipes

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Comments K. article

  1. And I don’t understand at all why buy some heavy sleeping pills .... They are more harmful than good. For me, the best option for strong and full sleep is the Evalarovsky melatonin. I just accept 30 minutes before I go to bed. I remove all the gadgets, bright light .... I open my eyes and do not even notice how I fall asleep. I get enough sleep tightly and in a shorter time. The main thing is that it is completely harmless to the body.

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