SMS jokes - cool, short, in two lines, to raise the mood, just like that: the best selection

SMS jokes - cool, short, in two lines, to raise the mood, just like that: the best selection

A collection of cheerful SMS jokes for, which you can send to your family, friends and acquaintances.

Funny SMS jokes for a good mood

Funny SMS jokes for a good mood
Funny SMS jokes for a good mood

Funny SMS jokes for a good mood:

To bitter coffee, get chocolate,
By the bitter minute - a happy thought.
Just remember: everything will be in order.
Just remember that all this is life ...


Everyone has failures
Where without them well, how else
Do not pay attention
Everything gonna be alright
Come on, don't be bored!


Doctors caught up with us fear
Like salt and sugar are a white enemy!
They did not take vodka into this circle ...
It looks like vodka is a white friend!


Brewing gulls of fun,
Pour the mug complete
And with a candy positive
You drink this drink.
Let you add strength to you
This chapter tea,
Be in a good mood
Smile, don't be bored.


A passerby smiled at me yesterday.
Just. And I'm in response to him.
He touched my warmth of my soul,
Sending Sunny Hello!


And all day the violin sang so tenderly,
The world shimmered and burned!
Ah, passerby, you are your smile
My heart warmed me ...


Where was I at night?
Why did the head disgust?
Mom, I didn't conceive
I say - conceived ...


Do not be sad and don't miss
Do not lower your nose
I am in a hurry to please you
SHIS SKS-hut loving!


Sometimes it happens so lousy
That even tea does not climb into the throat.
And only beer climbs into the throat,
Which you drink vodka.


Do not be sad that the day is not very -
Tomorrow will be more fun!
I am with you - day and night!
Smile me soon!


I offered him coffee
And he looked at his chest secretly.
I immediately became clear to me -
He probably wants milk.


Mudra nature: not at all by chance,
As a key to the lock from your own door,
All of us coincide perfectly
The girth of the little finger and the diameter of the nostril.


When you look in a purse
Where instead of money is a bunch of dust,
Do not speak with longing: "No!",
But with gratitude: "There were!"


I don't have it,
I have no reason -
I have to work
To live somehow.


I do not fit into the dress
I experienced stress.
I bought a cake
A cake, a wretch, climbed.


My body is far from perfect,
And not a man of harmony of the earthly:
Eyes prefer female leg,
The stomach is exclusively pork!


I will go in the direction of dreams ...
Crawl ... and if you suddenly turn off the thrust,
I'll sit down to the side of that path ...
Will there be no strength to sit? In "there" I will lie down!


Bought a cure for diarrhea
Vasily and hurries home.
He runs and suddenly sneezes ...
And then it goes slowly.


Nature, - so the creator decided,
There is no bad weather and manner.
If there is a heater in winter,
Well, in the summer - air conditioning.


No matter how much I will drink
You are firmly drunk
You are no more yin to me
I'm not Yan to you!


And Adam, it happened
If you drank a lot,
Their former ribs
He called at night.


There are such moments
What violate our peace
Inhuman experiments
Spends life with us sometimes!


You firmly understand this,
Faster for positive tune in,
And smile proudly life!
Live calmly, open joy!


What are you walking, do not come in,
And you come in, you don't sit down,
And you sit down, you don't go to bed
And you go to bed, do you give?
And give, get up, leave ...

What are you walking, do not come in?
There is a simple axiom -
Do not sit at home at home.
For this we need the backbone
To twist tudes-sides.


Our Tanya laughs and jumps.
No, not our Tanya means:
Ours should roar.
This, apparently, is not her.


Do not come to me in a dream
You are all without clothes,
And come to me in reality
As long as another came.


I am a small SMS.
I cut it off and hungry.
Ran through air rails
And finally it came.
I was sent by the one who loves.
Now I'm as if for her.


Who hung his nose?
Who is without mood?
I'll start now


I want you to be faster
I just smiled
To finally, finally
Returned joyful!


When at the end of the road,
Arriving from afar,
You barely drag your legs -
Sit down, drink a beer.
And all your sorrows
They will forget, set sail
From the body and soul.


Cracking on the street Moroz,
White snowflakes fly.
Freezed ears, cheeks, nose,
And only one money is melting!


The girl's soul is light
And always prone to reproach -
Then there is no boy in life
That guy is, but there is no life.


If you want to have a bright one in sex,
So as not to sob in bed with boredom,
My advice - Marry milkmaids!
Doyaks have golden hands!


If they ask - what is more expensive?
Love, parents, friends?
You just move along the face silently -
You can't ask this!


Russian diet is this:
In attempts to “save” the waist,
We will be silent for the seventh dish,
To eat time up to six!


Take positive at night,
Grave joy in the morning ...
Send the negative to hell
And life will change then!


And now men are reluctant to ride for men
Ah, knights, damn you!
There is more care for the current knight,
Than before - behind their horses!


Come on, but put up!
And go to bed together ...
At least sideways, at least backwards,
But always together and nearby.


He was known in the village,
Like a woman's hunter ...
And now it is in the hospital -
Repairing the gun ...


Weigh me a kilogram of "faith"
And pour one hundred grams of “whip”.
Are there strong "nerves" on sale?
Calculate them there too.


Under the shine of smiles and rings,
Gazing the gaze of the shy chamois,
Cuties go down the aisle,
Bitchs come out of the crown ...


Turn on, man, logic and show ingenuity!
Do not let your wife get up “from the wrong foot”!
And remember if a woman squeezes a rolling pin in her hands -
Not yet proof that there will be pies!


I had to watch more than once
As a wife, a man flutters nerves ...
Well this is necessary to adore sex so,
To live with such a fool and bitch.


That's all. The platform was empty.
The heart in the song rhythm was beating:
I'm ready to kiss the car
On which you drove away.


Five years from a pension, fade a dog for us for a year,
But optimism, like the people, is invincible:
And we are with excitement, evil, into the distance - look -
What kind of pig will put pig?


Thanks to those who met once
And my life was decorated with kindness ...
And let me, of those, will hear me,
Who suddenly left, taking the shit with him.


The country is good Russia!
Here the horse grazes in the coat.
Born here, lived and died
Famous Grandfather Pichto!


Our Tanya, loudly, crying.
I dropped, like, a ball.
There would be no double to her, Dure
It will not drown, after all, in kind.


I have a rat in my pocket!
I found her in the forest!
She is wet and bald!
I carry it to you!


They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear paw.
They knocked out all the teeth at once, hurt painfully in the eye.
They pulled out the intestines, bronchi. ... He became small and thin.
I won’t leave him anyway. Because it is good.


Today is a holiday for the guys,
There will be vodka today.
The glasses will call together,
They will eat everything with herring!


Spring came, birds sang
And the "tower" blows out of habit.
She carries her somewhere upward.
Well, ass, now hold on!


The lines are knitted into the rhyme,
The sea licks the land,
Children poop a pot,
And large - into the soul.


When a man blinked his eyes
And he lowered them modestly a little bit,
Do not think that he agrees with you ...
Most likely, he is staring at his chest.


All legs are mixed up
In the overturned crib.
That's what they sometimes lead to
In Kama-Sutra, typos.


I keep you in the shower
You scream, nice to listen.
Nerves cuts - like a current.
Yes, you don't like boiling water!


Something night behind the wall
Blaged very much:
This is a woman inflatable
Under the neighbor burst.


When you sometimes miss
And something worries you
You remember that there is a heart in the world,
Which loves you!


What is most useful in life,
What can not be resisted?
Smell to the TV,
Swell on the couch!


We are not so familiar so long
But I managed to recognize you
Your lips, eyes and smile
I can’t exchange anything!


Never crying, no sour
And do not think seriously.
Remember that sometimes thoughts
Only destroy the brain!


I seem to myself with a weightless
When I cling to your hands
My big boy and significant,
Almost one hundred and ten kilograms!


White Rose,
White bouquet,
Do you love me,
But I do not!


Your eyes in the sun are so similar
On a robbed by an expensive diamond.
Not on any familiar face
I have not seen such eyes!


The last ray of light went out.
The evening crawled like mucus.
One friend is a cigarette,
And she poisons life to me.


You will wake me up at dawn
You will certainly get on the teeth.
I will wean you from the habit
Wake up on Sunday at dawn!


Confused in the crib
Pens, legs, neck, heels ...
That's what they sometimes lead to
In Kamasutra typos!


Hedgehog runs and laughs,
Hedgehog pussy tickles the grass,
The grass has ended, the gravel has gone,
Hedgehog came home without pussy!


How many good girls
How many affectionate names.
And I got with a vile mug
And with an ugly name - Anton ...


I am writing an SMS letter, my hand is trembling ...
My love is running for you.
I am writing a letter and putting a point.
I love, kiss both cheeks!


I kiss you on the nose, on the cheek,
In the ear, in the shoulder and in the abdomen,
In the eye and in the leg ....
Oh, I hung up a little.


Our Tanya cries loudly:
"Here the stomach is swollen like a ball."
Hush, tanechka, do not cry!
There is no ball in the stomach at all ...


I breathe with you next to you
I am burning with you next to you
I live with you next to you
And without you I die ...


You fly like white snow,
You don't notice me
You melt in my palms.
We argue, you miss me!


Beloved, the whole world you illuminate with beauty,
In the smallest glare - your reflection,
Circle and merging light.
You are not more beautiful in the world!


If you want to go, go ...
If you want to forget - forget ...
Just know that at the end of the path
Nothing to return ...


The moon looks lonely out the window
It's dark without you in this life,
You are clear the sun in my life,
Write SMS and I will be warm.


I undress you with my eyes timidly
I want to see your tender body
Snuggle up with lips, you are the best in the world,
My dear potatoes are in the uniform!


A shadow flashed on her beloved's face.
And a look flashed, so usually meek.
The last thing I remember that day,
There was a black disc of a cast -iron frying pan.


You will wake me up at dawn
You will certainly get on the teeth.
I will wean you from the habit
Wake up on Sunday at dawn!


I came to you with greetings
Tell you
We live in the world
Without concepts, but in fashion.


Hares jump along the road
Well, what happens
So, when the conductor is strict
Put it from the tram.


I remember a wonderful moment
You appeared before me.
And it was a bright vision,
Your showy shines there.

SMS jokes to a woman

SMS jokes to a woman
SMS jokes to a woman

SMS jokes to a woman:

Everything in this life was ill ...
Oh, Babya is not easy!
But you need such a little -
With a man's screwdriver ...

* * * * *

Winter ... So snot, then neurosis,
Then stress cartilage (!), Like a club ...
Birch looks out my window ...
What a fool is staring?!

* * * * *

Frost grows stronger in the morning
The snow fell asleep.
A man wrinkled in the wind,
Fuyax - icicle in a felt boot ...

* * * * *

Do I love skiing? No problem!
But I will go to the porch -
Then shares overboard frost,
Then Nord-Mord-west in the face ...

* * * * *

Handra, understandable and hedgehog,
The nature of the fraud will bend.
In an absurd pose I'm sitting
And, like, I meditate ...

* * * * *

Consciousness will reject the vanity!
Shake my foot like a hare, I ...
But where is this kundalini?
Does it not wake up?

* * * * *

Influenza ... Nefteedollars ... everything is loaded!
Nothing pleases at all!
And therefore I lie in a jacuzzi
I am in Avokadova foam ...

* * * * *

Does not bore me with a verse
Winter is boundless ...
The other day I went to Hokhmodrome -

* * * * *

Most likely, spring will come,
And the sun will roll ...
In the meantime, all went on ...
And do not interfere with the vapor!

A simple recipe for women from longing -
Having taken two hundred grams, turn off the brains ...

* * * * * * * *

Recipe for getting rid of stress -
Turn on the muzon in the Mercedes salon ...

* * * * * * * *

Perhaps stupidity is not a vice,
When there are a couple of slender legs ...

* * * * * * * *

"What's in a name?"
You are a touch of your chest volume!

* * * * * * * *

In thought about diets and figure
I accidentally ate the fifth khachapuri ...

* * * * * * * *

Even a cop gives me in the spring
Suddenly, instead of a fine - a compliment ...

* * * * * * * *

You didn't read Murakami?!
What to sleep with you about?

* * * * * * * *

I often drink in companies,
So as not to crush on the brains.

 * * * * *

Without women, life passes indiscriminately ...

 * * * * *
Friend, give me the right of the first night for my beautiful eyes!

 * * * * *
I would like to know you and deeper ...

Everything, I agree, just get rid and stop!

 * * * * *
In the bed, in the bed, no preface ...

 * * * * *
And you, granny, do not have to shoot everything ...

 * * * * *
In darkness and grandmothers 40 years younger ...

 * * * * *
This groan is only in ecstasy ...

She gave up, but I no longer need ...

 * * * * *
I would not only a hat in front of you ...

 * * * * *
I sleep with a brush so that my hands do not miss ...

 * * * * *
Oh, how many women have changed me today ...

 * * * * *

Always listen to the man!
Just hope for him!
Since he told you - a snake!
You will drop the skin, and, to the store,
Go, change clothes!

 * * * * *

I introduced myself to Cinderella yesterday
I even felt it in myself ...
I was late, going around midnight ...
I got it very much on a pumpkin!

 * * * * *

White snow lay on the ground ...
Winter, snowdrifts - on the soul of Otrada!
In short, I blinded the man!
Yes, and inserted carrots where necessary.

 * * * * *

Do men really don't understand?
We are women! Peace is unknown to us!
And in an instant, when we cut our wings -
We take off on what will be at hand!

 * * * * *

Cleaning the sweet shoes,
I, smiling by chance,
Like Mona Lisa in the picture,
I take tea from a jacket ...

 * * * * *

Let's drink for men
And in the toast we move the bowls!
They are really good
When they are not ours!

 * * * * *

If your husband offended you
You don't start a scandal!
But when he does not see -
Spit him three times in tea!

 * * * * *

The second day the brain hurts,
Already not happy for myself!
Will anyone explain to me?
And x*Lee, in fact, do I need?

 * * * * *

On young girls, the male individual is fallen ...
And how is the man to arch the man?
You write about age boldly-a woman-berry!
Please take into account, not kuraga!

 * * * * *

Goes to the left - the song starts,
To the right - the fairy tale says ...
Do not think, do not cat ...
Married simply, this type!

 * * * * *

Girlfriends lost their feet, everyone is looking for an ideal.
And in anger they curse the male gender with annoyance.
Well the unpretentious God created me -
I will suit me and beautiful, and smart and rich.

 * * * * *

Having read the status from her husband,
Even a sip was dry ...
On all strength and on a grand scale
"Class" slapped a frying pan!

 * * * * *

I'm walking. Skirt to the knees. Gives me
Spring the weather at this weekend.
Coloring the new calendar,
I will go away. Let it be tear -off ...

SMS jokes to a man

SMS jokes to a man
SMS jokes to a man

SMS jokes to a man:

Not dresses, rings or rhinestones,
Not even a fashionable car.
Nothing pains a woman like that
Like exactly chosen man!
It is a sin to swear for no reason!
Every gentleman knows -
The longer the language of a man,
The shorter his cock.
Beautiful ladies indulge
Men think naively
That they keep the key key from paradise,
Not a grenade without a check.
When frosts are only strong -
It is not a sin to sweat men!
There are no cold women -
There is no one to warm!
The water leaks a lot,
You will not understand on the first attempt:
Men will overcome everything
But males are everywhere in abundance.
We want romance, flowers
And candlelight dinner - so that everything is beautiful ...
And they would have sex, there would be something to devour and beer.
Goosebumps run from female eyes
Especially when home
You will come with lipstick on a shirt
In addition, it is too late, and hop.
A man with a tight knot of the modern
But if the flame is bubbling in it -
Always gets from a woman
What a woman wants.
To the male heart, the path lies alone -
Through the stomach this path is laid.
The path to the heart of a woman is different in appearance -
Though he shot, but he should not lie.
A man must sew, knit, cook
And the transformers manually rewind,
But only under one condition,
When he does not know how to earn money.
Understand men in nature to
Do not need a medication diploma.
Imagine just a robot
With one capricious lever!
Today, men do not jump for men,
Ah knights, damn you!
There is more care for the current knight,
Than before their horses!
I went to sleep with the feminist
And only then it became clear to me:
What if the ladies are weaker sex
Then we, men - the floor is beautiful.
If you are easy and simple
Knocked out the doors with his head
So you are stupid and fat
And not strong and cool!
You, of course, are a brave man!
And I am pleased to look at you!
Only everyone can undress the lady!
Sorry, not everyone is able to wear ...
Two ladies lit up on a cigarette
They conducted a conversation who lives and how.
One: - My husband is the only one in the world.
Another: - My is the same idiot.
Our business is not to give birth:
He put it, took out - and run.
There is no sleep and peace in search of princes,
Why is the Creator mocking us?
We want to meet the beginning of the male
And only the end comes across!
Man, you were mistaken! I will not
Heed all expensive mascara with tears from longing.
I will prepare a dish, dear to you ....
Baked socks are on the grill!


And the dreams of men are easily filled:
Girls, TV, beer, bath ....
They are very far from intellect to all.
All intelligence melted on the couch.


First, do not scatter your socks!
Do not spray, around the room, their aroma!
And, secondly, you are saving the kidneys,
Which, from beer, like a grenade!
This man will be with me!
I will order it, I will leave it myself!
My way to be with my beloved? He is simple!
I will make a rush nearby!


In the bathhouse with a broom and steam,
Soap, gang and water
I came in, dirty old.
He became - cleaning young!


I ate garlic. Microbes died.
Now for them I am a common coffin.
And eats garlic, whether, God,
For which I am a microbe? ..


Greek, where are the crawls winter?
Where to get the cycuts, Socrates?
Where is your overcoat, akaki?
Cain, where is your brother?


Not studying the law of Archimedes,
In the bathroom you will displace so much water,
That you will flood the lower neighbor ...
Oh, do not bring to trouble!


Lev Nikolaevich Turgenev,
Thank you, because
What are you from our strong links,
And for Karenina Mu-mu!


Known in the world as a science fiction writer.
But - in the apartment of compressed areas -
I am famous and I am glorified!
And Lem is completely unknown here ...


The poet in Russia is more than a dreamer.
Kum of Venzov he and a friend of the steppes:
Editor - old horseradish, burdock - reader,
Ternik - critic, parodist - burdock.


Subper to America
I wanted to have time to light:
(I will not flanch the border guards?)
Do not get in the atla yet ...
Bul-Bul, Bul-Bul ...
Let it be a third of your edge -
In my weakness - my strength:
The woman is given a tail to twist them,
And turning to turn his tail - beautifully!

When the rotations of the universe
The apogee overtakes us -
Your shoulders on my leg
My shoulders are knee -deep ...

I'm afraid it's still contagious,
But I suddenly wanted, for sure -
Catch a poem on the tip of an orgasm
Or an orgasm on the tip of the poem ...

Drive me with cognac
To scratch me with a tongue -
I will comb your brain with my tongue
And I will go barefoot on him.

As a navigator who has lost the way,
Like a plane on a shaving flight, -
I'll kill you! I'll kill-someday
When you will not kill me the first ...)

If your name is fame, then it is in the leg to the right.

If your name is gene - is it really to the knee?

If the name is Andrey to you, undress as soon as possible.

If your name is Vlad, you are just a treasure in bed.

If the name is Edward - you are in bed Leopard.

If your name is Kostya, so we will merge, the bones will crunched.

If your name is Vitya, then “help” to screams.

If your name is Kolya, there is no alcohol here.

If your name is Vasya, you also need to accumulate.

If your name is Yura - little sex, smoke breaks.

If your name is Julius, then try on a chair.

If your name is Tolik, we will go to the table.

Your name Igor if, then try on the chair.

If the name is Ivan, there will be a classic, a sofa.

If your name is hera - we are a missionary in the pose.

If your name is Zhenya - certainly on the knees.

If your name is Borya, we will tear off at sea.

If your name Sasha is full of impressions.

If your name is Pasha, the pace is good, but Sasha is better.

If your name is Sergey, everything is okay, if only not to gay.

If your name is Stepa, then we add a little stack.

If your name Misha will also call Grisha.

If your name is Grisha, then look about the name Misha.

If your name is Lesha - we will be long, only lying.

If your name is Dima, do not forget that you need to.

If your name is Gogi, then you need your legs higher.

If the name is Kiryusha to you - what, in your ears means in your ears.

If the name is Vadim to you, then blowjob is needed.

If the name is Artem, we will start in your hands.

If your name is Anton, Gondol is required.

If your name is Maxim, it is also necessary.

If your name is Vova, there will be cool under the rostrum.

If the name is suddenly Arkash, you can even get to a bush.

If the name is Ilya for you, we will try everything, la-la-la.

If Valera meets, there would be a children's organ at the gentleman.

If the name is Oleg for you, our "race" will be hot.

If suddenly a vital you are - just give the flowers.

If your name is Roma, t *** Oh sit just at home.

If your name is Rafik - go, well, what for you!

SMS joke to a friend, friend

SMS joke to a friend, friend
SMS joke to a friend, friend

SMS joke to a friend, girlfriend:

Taste and color
I value reliability and tact,
I do not like red tape and macho!
But that many people love - a fact:
How can a womanizer become different?


The basis of the basics
How many good girls
How many affectionate names!
And this fact can be considered
The basis of the vigilance of wives.


The key to popularity
To be popular always and everywhere
Do not yearn, do not miss, not pain:
As you know, friends are known in trouble,
Simply, not at all the fact that you are in yours.


Our friendship helps me
I repeat again and again:
My friend is so cool that there are
Friendship and love in the world!

It’s hardest in the world to lose a friend!
Trendering and friendship nearby to stand

Thanks for the childhood happy years
What fate gave us,
After all, friendship is another miracle of nature,
I will do everything for you!
I know you are always with me
And, as one, always a mountain.
For honor and truth, stand!
I'm not at home, come.

I will recognize you by gait
My friend is funny by facial expressions
As well as on a bottle of vodka,
That you often carry with you!

Friends and girlfriends
Come on a circle
Let's go to the glass or something
While we are all together and at school.

Thank you for your friendship!
Thank you for being next to me!
For your support, I thank
On good days, in snowfalls and in heat!

You are my assistant, devoted, reliable,
We always divide with you equally:
All joys, sadness, but perhaps -
We need to quarrel sometimes!

For me you are just a guy
Cute and big
And I want to congratulate you
I'm with an open soul.
SMS flying,
Friendship is real.

I advise you as a friend
Expand the knowledge of the circle!
I'm waiting for you in the library
Immediately after the disco!
You are your favorite old woman!
We have known each other for many years.
An important status is to be a girlfriend,
I give me warmth and light!

You might not be a husband, but I must be a friend!

You are an amazing, wonderful person!
I want our friendship to last a century!

From a real friend, it is necessary that - to be next to the bottle of beer!

A friend can only be the best, otherwise it is a friend!

Friends, give the whole crowd
We will cut it on beer, we will put out
Today, brothers, a day off,
We dance at the disco.

We never pour us with water,
Because we can swim!
And we also know how to be friends,
Live with might and main, give up to fun!

Yes, I know, I have
Real friends,
That loan will always give
And they will bring to the house.
And today for friends
I pour more.

If the sea is knee -deep,
And the swamp to the navel,
A circle of rescue dress, I will
Friend, I will help you out!

Who will not abandon friends in trouble,
He asks for money to the payer,
Does it pour everyone to the edge?
Did not recognize? I know here.
This is he and you and me
Real friends.

I will send anyone to the knock,
Who offended my friend!
I just need a decisive round,
So that in fear the enemy escapes!

Well have friends
So in life more fun.
If there is a shoulder nearby
And sting hotly,
From an outstretched arm,
We are friends, we are men!

Among their comrades,
I want to highlight you
There are so few people like that,
We are faithful friends with you!

Friends, believe me, respect,
All are world boys.
They will not betray me, I know
There are no prices for such guys.

It’s so fun to be so fun with you!
You could decorate my life.
It's nice to talk to you
In the evenings martini kvatit

I love to plan with friends
And to sing a song under the guitar.
At least I don't play
But I howl, I howl.
Let's meet, sing
And Pratrenim about this.

SMS joke for an adult

SMS joke for an adult
SMS joke for an adult

SMS joke for an adult:

The hedgehog in the grass runs and laughs.
Hedgehog, grass tickles the ass.
The grass has ended, the gravel has gone,
Hedgehog came home without priests.
I'm sitting at a lecture,
I'm looking at the lecturer
Than it loads more,
The more I slow down.
They tore Mishka's paw,
So that the girls do not paw,
Because the bear is very
Sexually preoccupied.
The last ray of light went out.
The evening crawled like mucus.
One friend is a cigarette,
And she poisons life to me.
A shoe -bearing ax was heard in the forest,
The lumberjack homosexual drove through the forest.
Tired, out of breath, lay down, the lumberjack,
With a smile, homosexual climbed on him.
The girl sees mountain ash,
She wanted berries ...
A branch under it broke off
On you, fool, ate !!!
A shadow flashed on her beloved's face,
And the look flashed, so usually meek
The last thing I remember on this day,
There was a black disc of a cast -iron frying pan.
You will wake me up at dawn
You will certainly get on the teeth.
I will wean you from this habit
Wake up on Sunday at dawn!
Little Kostya loved to play hide and seek.
Only heels stuck out from under the pipe,
Princess Marie sobbed for a long time,
Now do not take her duty for a bet.
Poor dad took a double -barreled man
The apartment is rushing about
I thought my daughter - Komsomolskaya Pravda,
My Milenok is a villain -
Not came to me Today.
I am for this by the fence
I will pump it Tomorrow.
Congratulations, congratulations!
I wish you happiness!
Let luck and success,
They go with SMS for a century!


I remember a wonderful moment
At 12 in the morning you got up,
Then bread, cookies disappeared,
Eclairs, cupcakes, cakes.


When you argue with a dumbass
Stupid, stupid and stubborn,
At first it is worthwhile
That he is not busy with the same.


I'm not like a slice,
Stuck to wives and houses!
I am a free wolf! A rebel for life!
Yes mom?


Habe stockings, panties with a pile
And the lifchik of the Zarya factory ...
I was not preparing for debauchery
And in vain ...


The water shone in the moonlight,
The bear sat on the shore,
Opened like the candy wrappers
And ate ...


Transfer to the inheritance
For their children,
I can passwords
Only from social networks.


I know: the path is straight
Live broadcast, direct speech.
And I want straight arms.
From the shoulders.


Once in a student winter hole
The hunter fell, losing support.
“What,” grumbles, “sit here until spring?!”
- Yes, you are an optimist! - the bear answered.


The hosts have completed the repair
The cat also came true,
After all, he decided to forget about the past
And shit from scratch!


Deputies went to the people,
Only for great need.


The secret of peace in this life
In the worst of the ideas:
“Don't take it to heart
Sick people on the head of people! "


The little user caught good luck -
The network of a foreign bank broke.
The bourgeois could not understand for a long time,
Who transfers these rubles to them!


And now men are reluctant to ride for men
Ah, knights, damn you!
There is more care for the current knight,
Than before - behind their horses!


I got married by love, not in spite -
What did not regret even a day about.
As it turned out, I was magically lucky -
The morons were dismantled to me.


To solve the problem with the dough,
Your chef requires "to take it."
If you become "take it"
There will be everything: both the house and the cottage,
And a business class car ...
It's a pity not with you!


My pants fell into my wife.
You can convey "Hello" to the stash!
I don't like it when they climb into my trousers,
Especially when I am not in them.


You are created for luxury and laziness
I would have changed the outfit behind the outfit ...
But relatives, callous deer:
“Go work, horse!”- they say ...


In the burning huts - no, did not enter.
I honestly want to tell you about it.
But I slowed the horse for a gallop ...
Now I got sick of maintaining it!


Yesterday for a video with a balalaika,
Where my friend was jumping naked,
I got one hundred thousand likes.
And in Zhban ...


I am ready for everything in life and optimism - my line!
There is always a foreigner, a swimsuit, vodka and a veil with me.


Do not judge the lady blindly!
Like a stormy sea - rages charisma!
The ability to turn on in time “Turn on” -
That is the main sign for a woman of wisdom!


As you want, guys,
To score everything, to swear obscenities,
Hip, give to the neighbors by erysipelas ...
But I can’t, because I'm a lady!


If the husband went to buy pollock,
And he returned two days later ...
Maybe he did not sleep from prostitutes ...
Maybe ... just the turn is big!


April, drops, warmth and summer are close!
In the foliage of green suburb is drowned.
All this is Krasnodar. And I am in Novosibirsk.
I’ll go, sitting with my ass into a snowdrift.


I will not scandal for no reason,
And I’ll tell you the truth boldly!
I know: silence is golden ...
But obviously, not a female business!


To hell, let hundreds of plans fly!
Do not look for defects in us!
Women have no flaws at all !!!
Women have only special effects!


You look at my eyes ...
In the world there is no more beautiful than a miracle ...
I came to you from a good fairy tale ...
More precisely, they kicked out of there.

SMS jokes for every day, just like that

SMS jokes for every day, just like that
SMS jokes for every day, just like that

SMS jokes for every day, just like that:

Once a cold jam in the winter,
The horse with a rifle for the fence.
She was lying and kicked,
The horse left, and the pipis remained.


Like a frantic traffic jam
Mosquito flies into the premise,
Hit his hand over the ass,
And he will die from indignation.


Who is the bolder in the world,
All more beautiful and smarter?
Rhetorical question,
If the barrel looks in the nose!


How you tie a tie - take care of it.
He is from Versace. It stands wow.


In a terrible and dark more often forest
Dirty, ragged, evil, tired
Wandering overgrown with a thick beard,
A boy forgotten by a school tour.


Hits a hoof, the earth is digging,
Young sperm.


From chewing gum,
Five kilograms,
You can fly out shoes
For the last path.


Hedgehog runs and laughs,
The hedgehog tickles the grass,
The grass has ended, the gravel has gone,
Hedgehog came home without a pipisa!


The candles of the rod will burn out
Moon ... that night ...
I brought you as a gift
Immune deficiency.


What are you walking, do not come in?
And you come in, aren't you sitting down?
And you sit down, you don't go to bed
And you go to bed, do you give?
And give, get up, leave,
What are you walking, do not come in?


My light, mirror, tell me,
Yes, report the whole truth -
I am in the world sweeter than everyone,
All are blurry and whiter?
And my mirror in response:
"Sobered, damn it, I'm a tablet!"
Will become the art of the body
Buy a comrade enema,
You yourself will understand, comrade, personally,
The enema acts perfectly!
Today I have joy to someone disgusting!
I'm walking past the cemetery
I smoke silently,
I look at the mound with cautiously ...
Suddenly, a voice from the coffin: to take you?
So very quickly I quit smoking ... *
They lived were oh and ah,
It was all of them FSUs and nah.
My phone rang:
- Who says? - Elephant.
Then the geese called ...
When will he let me go?
How good it is to lie with you
Whisper words to your ear
Hug your hands gently,
My favorite pillow!
I'll get up early in the morning
I will drink a jar of mercury
And I'll go die
At this institute ...
One day with a cold jelly winter
The horse with a rifle for the fence.
She was lying and buckled
The horse left, but the piper remained.


Your eyes are so beautiful,
Like flowers in the spring meadow.
I still rape you
Because I really want!


Is the head buzzing? And in the body
Lomota and trembling come?
This is me - your hangover.
Good morning - beer is waiting!


Side effects
I bought canned food, vodka, buckwheat, matches, primus.
Loopal in the windows of the window and door.
But in a week I picked up a sofa
And something whines in the right hypochondrium ...


He called the doctors. And yearned for existence.
He saved the whole world from himself, but it got worse ...
The reason was covered in very frequent "disinfection",
What he spent inside himself, not outside.


It happens that you wake up like a bird
Winged spring on the platoon.
And I want to live and work,
But, to breakfast, it passes.


You came, at the door sat down,
Clips nervously tugging:
“Something I still wanted ...
Damn it ... oh yes! You!"


I have a rat in my pocket!
I found her in the forest!
She is wet and bald!
I carry it to you!


I love mustachioed women.
Although not suitable for sex,
But Chapaeva is similar
And there are no equal to them in battle!


Sustain traditions must be observed,
Let them answer you more than once,
Of course, the lady may not give,
But to offer, you always have to.


They tore Mishka's paw,
So that the girls do not paw,
Because the bear is very
Sexually preoccupied.


Throw you with flowers
Tire you with poems
Not hinting at anything
Invite tea to a cup
Treat with vanilla cake,
And then have sex.


Dropped the bear on the floor,
They tore Mishka's paw,
A broom is inserted in the ass, a broom,
Bear should have a lot of money.


I water them with water,
I cover a blanket
You are growing quickly,
My little Titi!


Lies in a snowdrift girl, laughs,
Her hysteria brings to ecstasy.
So, stupid, is not available?
Yes, she just got drunk, infection!


Like a frantic traffic jam
Mosquito flies into the premise,
Hit his hand over the ass,
And he will die from indignation.


Who is the bolder in the world,
All more beautiful and smarter?
Rhetorical question,
If the barrel looks in the nose!


How you tie a tie - take care of it.
He is from Versace. It stands wow.


In a terrible and dark more often forest
Dirty, ragged, evil, tired
Wandering overgrown with a thick beard,
A boy forgotten by a school tour.


Hits a hoof, the earth is digging,
Young sperm.


From chewing gum,
Five kilograms,
You can fly out shoes
For the last path.


A brick floats along the river,
Wooden like glass,
Well, let him swim for himself
We don't need plywood!


I drank a bottle of wine,
And he went out in the field ...
Pressed on the back of the head -
It was on football ...


Fish oil is more useful,
Drink without mines of tragic.
He will save from all diseases,
Except venereal.


Erysipelas in clay, in the priest branches -
I came from intelligence!


If you see a hatch in the wall,
Water flows from it.
Do not scare this glitch,
This happens sometimes.


Better to drink than not to drink,
Better to live than not live,
It is better to give and bald
Than not to give and regret.


From a piece of colored paper,
Having taken scissors and glue,
If you have enough courage
You can make one hundred rubles.


I'm waiting, but you don't come,
I'm waiting for you to drive me crazy
Hands, legs, body, body, go numb
I wanted to enter you so
But only the door of the dream is ahead
Oh elevator, when will you come?


Night, silence,
And where is your hand now?
And what kind of thoughts are in my head?
What do you want in the dark?
Do not hold him so tightly.
After all, this is your phone, baby!


Spring has come - the time of love
And somehow in a fierce ecstasy
He kissed her traces
On an unheated toilet.


Oh, young men, God created you,
And in the world there is no such creature!
You only miss the horns
So that you become completely goats!


Your eyes ruined me,
Your smile has linked
Your wonderful ass
I drove me completely crazy!


Nobody loves Me,
No one is waiting for me
No one will kiss
And the vodka does not pour!


So believe the people after that!
I surrendered to him at the moon.
And he took my girlish breasts,
And he tied up on his back!


Do not allow gas leaks,
Press the toilet tightly!


Sveta does not shine
Masha does not wave
Lyuba does not like
Katya does not roll.


There are women in Russian villages,
Their women are gently called:
The elephant on the run will be stopped,
And the trunk will be torn off.


My sky is clean and clear, and
And full of rainbow paintings ...
Not because the world is beautiful
But because I am a nerd.


Three military soldiers,
Looking for a girl for friendship.

Funny jokes - SMS jokes

Funny jokes - SMS jokes
Funny jokes - SMS jokes

Funny jokes - SMS jokes:

Together with the clothes, the question also starred.

When meditating in a group, try not to snore - wake everyone else.

Do not stop there. Get off!

Dad returned home to his two. Friends.

The more the state cares about the people, the more new worries appear.

The alien did not suspect that the writ of contact would be the only documentary confirmation of the contact.

Even if you were sent unknown to where, with our navigator, you will always go there along the shortest route.

An empty place in the closet is filled with lovers over time.

The circumstances formed in the cuckoo.

All the military go in shape from Yudashkin, and some even run from him.

From the boss, as from a song, you will not stretch an extra word.

The liver suddenly knocked on the rib.

The real poet is non -parting.

If aphorism is for a long time, it is not long and degenerate.

A little about yourself: a little out of yourself.

The little boy put the boiler
I cooked the potion, left for a second.
Green suddenly flashed in the room.
The boy is alive, but there is no room.


Draco was hungry, angry in earnest.
He asked to bring him a duck.
Pomfrey Madame did not understand everything.
The whole Rona family laughed with Draco.


Little Nikki molested everyone,
He met his uncle with an ax.
A long sonnet sang uncle at night.
That's why there is no unreleased.


The manager was teased: Filch is just a squib.
He is still not used to this!
In Hogwarts is quiet, the beds are empty.
Only filch, around the blood, pieces are alive.


Little Harry played with Dudley,
He tore his nose, gave him on his cheek.
He made his hair red.
With Dudley he played all fourteen years ...


Snape's mantle in Comorka Fred.
George burned an interesting pattern in it.
Walks along Hogwarts Snape with a naked booty,
Gryffindor laughs now quietly, then loudly.


Colin Krivi decided to do sports,
Pulls from the hall a large two weights.
It would be easier to climb the mountains.
Bach! - Mandragoro will not help now ...

Cool jokes SMS

Cool jokes SMS
Cool jokes SMS

Cool jokes SMS:

Piglets werehed in the trough
There were many of them and not count
One muddy "bathhouse"
He was gobbled up by naughty.


There was a horse between the legs is huge
Vasily asked everyone "Tse Shcho"?
And the horse only answered from behind
but only strange not a foot


Maroussia sang in karaoke
Saluyava the total microphone
And karaoke is endless
and saliva drips to the floor


A sledgehammer was knocked on the door
Oleg decided not to open
but only quietly shot himself
climbing silently under the sofa


At the construction site, the crane operator got drunk
And he turned the crane accidentally
and understood the barrel in the cellar
now will not close


The waiter grabbed a cold
I sneezed the visitor
And so you can’t sneeze in kind
To blow off the table


She put on her shoes-legs
Such with fingers outward
And on the dance floor I spoke
"You spoiled the pedicure to me"


Natasha opened sharply
And the fly found a house for herself
But the mouth slammed shut and means
There is no one to buzz now


Take me to visit me too
Oleg sobbed, spring legs
he is almost thirty
But how to ask I did not learn


Sat drink tea in the living room
We watched a fashionable sentence
Here the woman from the copra will be touched ...

The bus drove into a stop
and Cheburashka driving
And people strongly respected
for the fact that it finally arrived


The paratrooper pulled the check
but it was only a ring
It would also be desirable to jump
But so and so already the end.


There was a tenth room
A corpse crawled along the wagon
Here are places for the disabled
I would be shy to troll everyone.


Squirrel came to Aibolit
He treated her with a mixture
And then it came out that it was necessary
Just get out of binge.


I'm scared to jump with a parachute
Oleg told the instructor
all good Oleg don't be afraid
You will jump without him today
Kolobok rolled through the forest
He sang a song, closing his eyes
how to roll with open
When you roll your face
Playing halva is pretty simple
put on a bag on the head
And a wild cry I am a halva
Not all Lyudmila loves Igor
but only one of her fragments
however, he took married
All Lyudmila entirely
Let's meet more often ...
shouted in Ilya Square
And people walked without looking past
But everyone thought, but come on
Oleg boldly takes up everything
Everything turns into *
And if for *owl is taken
then just spends less strength
Ilya is trying soon
Evil the evil good
I saw guys beat the boy
Beautifully dancing nearby
I bought an iPhone and what to do with it
Where are the buttons to press
And how can I call Seryoga
And here he calls and what
Leave back Oleg rudely
Dressed in the flows of Nikolai
I'll go for bread anyway
We have a free country
She went Oksana's horse
Then Oleg went an elephant
Then came the grandmaster Kramsnik
asked not to swallow the figures
How can you live completely without bread
and with an income stove
Andrei asked and immediately died
at least for me
Ole Oleg was born at night
And so as not to wake doctors
He himself cut the umbilical cord
washed, boiled the kettle
I had a strange dream Oleg
as if he is so sitting
In the kitchen drinks cookies with tea
drank and washed the cup
I do not smoke, I said
And I don't take a drop in my mouth
And I am not fond of girls
Ivan said and sobbed.
I watch my family with my family
And suddenly there is sex
what a carpet we have is beautiful
How bright light bulbs burn.
Everyone says Andrey Skotin
And I think well done
Let me know him don't know
But his opinion said.
I'll call and drop a call
and turn off my phone
So that you do not forget that we are in a quarrel
And there is nothing to talk about.
I was called to God the other day
I'm getting ready to get it.
The defibrillator will hit.
And all ...

Glating me under an apricot
I will cry and ask
Don't burrow me
And then do not bury.

I turn on the film in reverse
And I try to consider everything
The moment where the vile cattle
Again it becomes you.


I go, swinging around the border
And it seems that I have come
on the pope a hole from a boot
I’ll just not go back.


I planned to make a pyramid
There will be a flag on the pyramid
Yes, only guests don't leave
To play the war in the war.


I shouted in the ear of the police officer
what should I go to cast
Why screamed when there was nearby
The dry closet misses.


Its end will sag again
and he shoves him in his underpants
Yes, only the beach is about him
Nudists are all, and he is in family.


If you go by car
That bicycle is easier
Because in the galoshes
I have to undress in the hallway.


The sandwich fell on the fork
Because I poked her
Having dropped bread with cheese from hands
Because I'm cultural.


The joke told everyone
called an idiot
Only I thought so myself
So that they do not laugh nafig.


I made a hole in a bun
with the fingers of the leg big
And then I look - holey
The whole is not a dummy sock.


And the mirror looked and sniff
Because the nose is potatoes
Well, what should I do now
If Bob grows.


Click on the street bald
He has a boot in his hands
He carries him like a rat
For the lace, and in the coat.


Vitya and Masha ate melon
melon seemed to them sweet
only Vitya ate in the country
And on Vitya Masha does not care.


Built a kindergarten in the district
And forgot about the foundation
The walls have forgotten the walls too
Go to *EP and the principle.


Cheburashka has a jam day
And Uncle Vasya drank too
He watched the cartoon all solemn
Then he went and just got enough sleep.


Keglban stuck in Kegelban
she was taken out all from there
put where she needs to be
And the ceiling collapsed inadvertently.


A man unshaven in a hairdresser
I wanted to be cut out of the nose
But the draft was blown with a draft
And the hairdresser is naive.


Sat all the seeds
and spit at the entrance
Stepanychev stepped on a dove
He is right under the fly in the morning.


Tamara Palna Geography
He led the penultimate lesson
The globe showed everyone with a finger
And the poinage cracked on the board.


He carried the bride from the registry office
Already the wife of a military pilot
but slipped and thoughtfully
He told her that the landing is tough.


Saved from mosquitoes
They told them that the screams are acting
but mosquitoes are deaf or something
Yes, they are not heard from screams

Short SMS jokes in two lines

Short SMS jokes in two lines
Short SMS jokes in two lines

Short SMS jokes in two lines:

No need to do it as best
Leave me how good

I did not want to offend you,
By chance, just lucky

Since there is little time,
I'll explain to obscenities

The head has turned off today,
not all, of course - I can eat

I try to follow the figure,
I’m a little distracted - she chews

Shaman for bad weather
Recently I got into a tambourine

Everything seems to be in chocolate
But if you sniff, then no

Everyone can offend Tanya,
Not everyone can run away

Looking for a decent job,
but so as not to be connected with difficulty

My intentions are beautiful

I'm worried about you -
Suddenly everything is fine with you

Hold this plantain -
I'll cut it right now, immediately put

I understand that you have nothing
But still try to understand

Oh, adventure smells,
I lower the ass from the leash

We would be an ideal couple,
Of course, if not for you

As they say, everything goes away
but it can get stuck

Whom I want to make it happy
there is no longer saving

Do you know how to cook?
- I cut sausage deliciously

Call more often - I'm pleased
Look at your "missed"

Why teach us how to work,
You will learn how to pay

My character is difficult,
All because the golden

So that the work of the master be afraid
He knows a lot of terrible words

Have you wanted to ruin my life?
Thank you, managed myself

She was shot down by the horse in the midst of the burning,
She was not Russian

When all the rats ran away
The ship stopped drowning

Things are going well so far
since I didn't start them

I work quite rarely,
And displeased every day

There was such a terrible fairy tale
that the children went out to smoke

When there is no money for plans,
They become a dream

Married twice unsuccessfully -
one left, the second - no

There is still a mind in the universe,
Once it does not come to contact

It seems like a leg at an end
but the skirt did not start

I would ask you to stay
But you will stay, I'm afraid

There is no such problem for women
which they would not create

Remember me cheerful
And tomorrow I will start repairs

Zevna, I will hide with the head,
I will lead the alarm clock

We call this life
And this is just a list of things


Everything that does not kill us,
Makes the doctors richer

And they lived happily and for a long time ...
He is long, happily she

I don't dull, but economically
I spend potential

The psychiatrist said to me: Sit down,
I'll calm down right now and start

Deputies went to the people
only for great need

The sergeant almost caught the bandit,
But he was higher than the title

You are magnificent in bed
All two minutes are just God

I hate power and money
When they are in the wrong hands

Oleg twisted the steering wheel all day,
Then he could not stand it and ate.


In the bed of coffee, it was before
I drank, left and nothing more.


At least with a sweet paradise and in a hut,
But it is better if a cute attache.


This is how always get drunk in the morning,
And then they write all sorts of Moore ...


Worldly sins, no one is alien to anyone,
Pop answered me, swearing without need.


Well, what, what's horns,
I led the opponent.


Do not know:
All goats, they are with horns,
Who did it with us


And we thought:
She was not sick of Petrosyan,
And from the fact that there will be a mother soon.


To death to poets:
Sometimes the essence is born from insanity.
And the path often ends from the Mus.


How difficult, do not raise.
And how it hangs, the mother is.


So caught up, fucked, let go.
Eight soldering behind the fence was


Report, way, salary, alignment,
Without a mat, neither forward nor in the ass.

Joke for April 1 - SMS joke

Joking on April 1 - SMS joke
Joke for April 1 - SMS joke

A joke for April 1 - SMS joke:

On this day, you can have a lot of cheerful ...
You can both in bed and in a car ...
You can just like that ...
Have fun! Well, what are you talking about?


I know that everyone will be today
Laugh and joke all day.
So let them remember this everywhere:
Healthy laughter helps to live!


Something is somehow not funny
This morning to me ...
Mom gave a book
"Poses of kamasutra" ...


Do not be sad, do not be sad
On this day is spring!
Better pass with us
Sip for mood!


Don't you like April 1?
So you do not know how to have fun.
So you urgently need
To learn jokes and mixes!


If the first of April
A courier of flowers carries you
Send, courier, nafig!
Today is a holiday of fools!

Well, if you believe everything,
That the beloved did not joke
Make sure what a bouquet
Still, he paid ...


I will not believe a single joke today!
Oh, what is it hanging on a fishing rod?
God! This is a wallet - a thick, beautiful!
It is necessary to pick up as soon as possible, so far no one sees!


If April 1, you call you a fool,
So you are a beauty! Follow the figure!


To smile in the morning and not a drop of sad
We must get rid of friends yourself soon!


Laughter gives us a lot of happiness!
Laughter will drive away all the bad weather!
Do not be angry with me
Smile quickly!
Happy April, 1!


How many April 1
There are jokes and fun!
Do not be offended by me,
After all, I, loving, played you!


I wish April 1
You only cry from laughter!
I wish you happiness certainly
And long -awaited success!


I will indicate the fun of the path, I will prepare carefully.
On the morning of April 1, you have to be careful!

The glue will come on the threshold, the first one who comes,
Slipping, well, maybe even painfully falls ...

And then he will swear (or without) ...
Well, who is to blame? Himself climbed into the glue!


I will not hide that I like to joke.
April 1st I will amuse everyone!
Well, come with me, invent, joke!
Two cheerful worlds today on the way!


I congratulate me without jokes
Happy April!
I wish you a lot of joy
Happiness and fun!


Let sometimes not laughing
But the smile will fix everything
And good luck and success,
And he will add strength to you!


Without jokes, life passes freshly,
Without laughter, the shower is more dull.
Joking on joy, interestingly,
All sadness, for the joy of skew.


Swell on the go, swallow
Find the time for Children.
Play, celebrate together
Day of laughter, fool success!


Fots, jokes, joy, laughter.
Everyone knows - this is a cheerful day.
Almost everyone is ready for a surprise
And the joke, of course, is new.


Today a joke without offense
Be happy, just have fun
Suddenly do not get into a trap,
Stay unflappable.


Let the day of laughter be funny for you,
With a cheerful comic fun and game,
In which the secret does not immediately become obvious,
After all, you want to play friends so sometimes!


I wish you joyful laughter, entertainment,
And a bright life without worries, worries, trouble.
After all, the holiday has a direct purpose -
He gives everyone the opportunity to relax.


I congratulate you,
The holiday is a prankster!
No one is tired of
Jokes of the first of April,
And rather - on the contrary:
I am glad to laugh!


You haven't forgotten yet -
Day of laughter is now or a fool?
Who is not a fool - laughs heartily.
The fool is angry in his own wilderness.


So let the membranes burst from laughter
And the mouths do not close until
The joker laughs loudly above us
On the day of laughter. Or a fool?


Laughter Day you, look, don't miss -
Friends and at home you can give so much!
It is quite possible for them to put something,
Color or tape.


Happy April Fool's Day! Be on guard, do not get involved
Joking - yes without smiles, stronger!
I wish you a day with dignity to plow:
Do not believe anyone and feel free to lie!


This is the first of April
We are not tired of jokes,
We really are today
Just came to taste!


Let the fun of the river be
There will be joy at the limit
We need to achieve the goal -
Life to nectar, let it flow!


Feast of laughter and smiles
Jokes and POTTKI,
For children, he and for adults,
For friends, for everyone!


Let it go for you today
Without big losses,
And for this, comrade,
Do not trust anyone!


I am not Petrosyan or Zadornov
And I don't think to joke with you.
I can't play it fervently
And I can only sincerely love.


The first of April is not for the evil
Humor and unpleasant feelings.
The first of April for this
What would have become a smile for the mouth.


April first -
This is a holiday of laughter!
We wish everyone happiness
Joy, success!


Jokes of the most cool
The most witty,
The most awesome
And sometimes crazy!


I also wish
Laugh heartily
If suddenly they deceive -
Then not upset!


Getting on deception
Do not be angry for a long time
Just try -
Do not get caught again!


The glorious holiday of laughter! Yet
Be extremely careful:
Do not believe anyone at all
Check out any door
Pencils can also
To be a trick from the heart!


This day of childhood
We will be all fooling around
How much can we
Think about serious!


Let's get back to childhood
At least for a day alone!
There is no better means for us
Troubles to win!


On the day of laughter, I wish you smiles and jokes,
Let life be enchanting and cool,
The streams murmur and bird trill.
Let them be funny everyday life!


The first of April! Fun, good luck!
Always smile. How else?
After all, humor for life is so important and significant.
Let the problems, tasks be funny.

Video: the funniest SMS jokes

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