Service novel: How is this happening? How to understand that the girl is ready for an official novel?

Service novel: How is this happening? How to understand that the girl is ready for an official novel?

The service novel at work may end at all not as you imagined it. Look for options for the development of events in the article.

People spend a third of life at work. Therefore, it is not surprising that service novels regularly arise in offices. Is it good or bad? Complex issue. On the one hand, flirting and fluids flying on the office, motivate people to achieve accomplishments, increase performance and perfectly brighten up gray workdays. On the other hand, scandals arise due to jealousy, and any relationship becomes a source of gossip and envy.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The most romantic confessions in love". You will learn how beautifully to say about your feelings.

Strong love makes people scattered, biased and they make many mistakes. What is the service novel leading to? Is it worth it to start it? How to understand that the girl is ready for a novel at work? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Is it worth it to start a service novel at work with a colleague, with a married man, boss: how does it end?

Service novel at work with a colleague
Service novel at work with a colleague

Deciding on informal relationships at work, you need to understand that this is a certain risk, because they can end with anything. Is it worth it to start a service novel at work with a colleague, with a married man, boss? How does it usually end? The development of events can be like this:

Option one:

  • As in the famous film about Mom Kalugin and Novoseltsev, sometimes official novels end with a wedding.
  • If you ask friends, then many of them will say that they met their soul mate at work.
  • But not everyone then manages to maintain good relations with each other, because the spouses pull working relations into the family. In addition, not everyone can stay together 24 hours a day.

Option Second:

  • Having entered into a short -term connection, people quickly realized that they were not suitable for each other.
  • In this case, working relationships may complicate or completely deteriorate, especially if one of them took everything seriously.

Option Third:

  • The novel was long and serious.
  • After a painful gap, these two are unlikely to work together, and one of them will have to change the work. This is the most sad and rather frequent alignment.

In stories with official novels, it matters with whom exactly he arose. Here are the options:

  • If the relationship flashed between the boss and the subordinate

The office ladies will quickly be divided into those who envy or condemn, those who will shout before the protrusion of the boss and those who do not care. The latter will be clearly smaller. And there will be those who themselves would like in her place. So the mistress or just the sympathy of the boss will walk all the time on the blade of the razor. Any of her defect or success, raising salaries or positions - all this will be attributed to the novel with the boss. Nobody will believe in the sincerity of her feelings. So this girl needs to have iron nerves and insensitivity to public opinion.

At the end of the novel by the boss, repression in the form of a decrease in salary, nit -picking and even dismissal, especially if the couple broke up on the initiative of the subordinate, may follow. By the way, both of them can lose their jobs if in the rules of the employer's corporate ethics a ban on non -working relations between different status employees is prescribed. There are many stories when a high-ranking official or top manager lost his career due to an affair at work (recall at least Bill Clinton).

  • Claiming with a married colleague, a woman will receive the whole bouquet of difficulties that accompany relationships with a non -free man

The novel will need to be hidden from everyone, but this cannot be done by working in one team. Sooner or later, the secret will become obvious, and the office kumushki will begin to slander, condemn and give advice in the spirit of "Do not contact him, he has a family." If a man does not have a very adequate wife, she can come to his work and arrange a scandal. This is not only unpleasant, but also fraught with loss of reputation for a couple in love. The authorities can fall into moralization, condemning an affair with a married man, and create a woman’s troubles. These relations are likely to end with a break, because the man is not free, and it will be necessary to somehow continue to work together.

  • When relations begin with an unmarried colleague equal to a woman in status, this is the most favorable option for both lovers

They will also have to build relationships under the giggling of colleagues, jealous of each other to the rest of the employees, to make lean physiognomy at meetings, as if nothing was happening between them. It will be difficult for them to focus on work, not love. However, as doctors like to say, in this case the forecast is more favorable. Although in the case of parting there will also be a lot of problems.

How to understand that the girl is ready for an official novel: how is this happening?

The girl is ready for an official novel
The girl is ready for an official novel

If you want to start a service novel, then there are certain signs by which you can understand that a lovely employee has sympathy for you. How to understand that the girl is ready for an official novel? How does this happen? Here's an explanation:

  • She often smiles at you and looks, holding her eyes on your face.
  • She tries to find herself more often next to you. Periodically invents some insignificant occasion to chat once again. Or pretends that she needs help for work. For example, take very heavy folders to a neighboring office, fasten the handle from the drawer of the table.
  • She likes to touch you. It comes closer when communicating, as if by chance touches your hand. And vice versa, if a girl tries to distance herself during communication and does not touch in any case, then this is a sign of the lack of sympathy.
  • She touches herself when she talks to you. For example, it touches the neck, hips, straightens the hair, holds the pen near the mouth.
  • You are talking about personal on her initiative. She knows about your preferences, problems and remembers the information that you tell her. For example, you reported that the car broke/fell ill, and the next day she already sympathetically asks how your BMW or beloved pugs were there.
  • She also listens carefully when you are talking about your family or the presence of your relationship. She wants to find out your marital status and understand her prospects in relations with you.
  • She is attentive to your appearance. Decided to grow a mustache? Carried away? A girl who always notices changes in your appearance and makes compliments, most likely, experiences sympathy.
  • She is jealous of you. If you have signs of attention to other employees, it becomes noticeable that it is unpleasant for her. She is angry and tries to prick the one with whom you are pleasing.
  • She is trying to make you be jealous. The girl periodically tells you how a crowd of fans chases her. Why should she? The answer is obvious - you are clearly hinting that you need to show activity, otherwise miss your chance.

Another sure feature is when your mutual interest was discovered by other employees. If colleagues begin to pour with hints that you can happen a novel or that a girl is interested in you, then this is not just that. No sympathy in the office remains unnoticed.

How to stop a service novel at work: Tips

Service novel at work
Service novel at work

Few people manage to leave the service novel without loss. No matter how hard it is, you can minimize complications. How to stop a service novel at work? Here are the tips:

  • First, you should talk in detail and correctly with a former partner. To say that the relationship was beautiful, but have exhausted yourself, and now you must go different roads.
  • If the conversation went smoothly, but there is a feeling of awkwardness in the presence of each other, then you can agree if possible not to participate in joint projects and generally intersect at work. For example, go for lunch at different times, work in different shifts. This is fine. It will take time for feelings to cool.
  • Agree that you will maintain only business relations and not quarrel at colleagues. In case of work claims, discuss everything alone.
  • Do not disclose the personal secrets that you learned during the noveleven if you are very angry with each other. After your parting, employees in the office will crave details. Who abandoned whom? For what reason? Is it true that one of you loves to wear pajamas in a Christmas tree, and someone is afraid to travel in the elevator? People rush and disperse about their business, and then you can work together then.
  • Try not to touch each other's feelings, not take revenge and not make you be jealous. You do not need to invite a secretary or flirt with the boss in front of the former guy for lunch.

It is worth knowing: If one of the partners does not want to part, then stopping the service novel will not be easy. He will assume that you just quarreled, and everything can start from the beginning.

It can follow troubles in the form of quarrels in public, small dirty tricks or real bullying. Then it is more reasonable to make him propose to leave. If this did not succeed, then you need to be patient in the hope that he will calm down. Or introduce him to someone else-suddenly will work. In extreme cases, change the work if the persecution of the former has become dangerous.

The service novel is a difficult and little predictable business. He often leads to serious consequences. Someone creates a family, someone, on the contrary, breaks up after a couple of corporate parties with a pretty colleague. Someone will accidentally give out corporate information, and someone will destroy their professional and personal reputation. So do not lose your head so as not to lose work and career. Good luck!

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  1. She cunningly caught her husband with her on treason. Married with her husband lived 13 years old. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... it turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up ... It turns out how it happens in life.

  2. Girls, I am sv0eg0 p0 umn0m p0imal with the 0 -figure passion of B0 not to change more than x0 accounts. The parishes home are night, some messages are also at night, the frequent business trips of which had not before been noticed after him and they began to live like the neighbors after 18 years of marriage, the relationship cooled extremely. Well, this whole story ended in that I learned how my faithful hubby had already lived for two families with a colleague of my former, and there were few children there, he could see little. She cried not for long things quickly collected and sent a freak to hell. It is necessary to remove pink glasses and drive such cretins from yourself, and live for yourself ... ..

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