The most romantic confessions in love. How beautiful to say about your feelings?

The most romantic confessions in love. How beautiful to say about your feelings?

You can talk about love a lot. But how to behave when a complete confusion is in my head? Several practical tips will help to look worthy in any situation that has arisen in the way of your feeling.

Love is passion, excitement, experience. She is so different, incomprehensible, burning and not predictable.

What is love? How and when to admit love? How to behave if you were confessed to love? There are many questions.

  • Do not panic
  • We read the article
  • Looking for an answer to the question
  • We make a decision

How are different signs of the zodiac recognized in love? Who should be the first to admit love?

Love from the point of view of psychology

This condition is designated as perfect harmony and is evaluated as great happiness (“one heart is one soul”) and, of course, by right ... for this is a true experience of the deity that has been captivating a person and absorbs everything individual in him ... The man and woman become tools of the ongoing life . K.G. Jung

Picture: brunette, woman, jewelry, suspension, pendant, man, girl, mood, couple, guy, ring, feelings

The largest skeptic of love, from the point of view of psychology, was the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. He considered only sexual, animal desire.

Modern psychologists are not so aggressive against humanity. Their reasoning is inclined to the idea that:

  • Love is when a person who loves gives a higher self -esteem of the one he loves
  • Turning a soul mate arises a feeling of harmony, self -sufficiency. All complexes, a sense of imperfection disappear. A person becomes natural. Hardly liberated. Additional opportunities and talents are opening
  • In the event of a feeling of love, people understand how mutual improvement occurs. Each of the two liked this transformation. He is satisfied, what place he occupies in this world
  • The longer the relationship lasts, the stronger the love becomes
  • Young love is plentiful, passionate, intoxicating, but not always durable

A good moment to recognize love: when to admit love

Recognition of love

There comes a moment when there is no strength to keep your emotions inside. I would like to announce my feelings to the whole world. And first of all, to talk about what overwhelms the soul and the heart wants its soul mate.

I love you. When to pronounce this cherished phrase to your chosen one or your chosen one?

  • If we feel that this is the only or the only one donated by fate. We do not listen to anyone. Do not hesitate. We say, we say and say. The most successful moment to recognize love tells the heart of a lover
  • If there are doubts about reciprocity, we are in no hurry. Even if it overflows a great desire to share this feeling with a lover, we think whether we are ready to see cold indifference in response
  • The spoken phrase “I love you” the adopted obligation that does not have a reverse move. Even if someone alone pronounces these words, there is no way back
  • We are not afraid. Love is risk, fearlessness. It makes no sense to avoid love and relationships of such actions
  • Choosing an emotionally comfortable environment
  • We must admit love. In fact, it is very simple. Your lover will not guess about your love yourself if you can’t tell him about it

Who is the first to admit love?

According to statistics, the male half of the population is the first to admit love. The reason is banal. To persuade a woman faster to regular sex.

Should a guy admit love first?

  • There is an opinion that a man should first admit love
  • Men and women do not want to get a refusal, so they are equally afraid of recognition of love
  • For women, this is a fear of staying lonely
  • For men a blow to pride
  • In the modern world, the myth that the girl is inherent in an impregnable and proud, to wait for her prince in the tower, outdated
  • Not everyone truly in love will achieve his chosen one. Men are very proud
  • If a feeling of love arises, we do not expect when the guy admits the first. We take the initiative in your own hands

How to admit love. Tips for psychologists. Video

Service novel, relationship at work

The service novel is different from the usual novel, in that the romantic relationship between a man and a woman arises between colleagues. We spend most of our lives at work. Therefore, not surprisingly a huge number of periodically flashing official novels.

This has its advantages:

  • The service novel makes it possible to save time on finding your second half. You are already familiar with a colleague. You know, his character traits, addictions
  • Beloved is always there. He is ready at any moment to come to your aid
  • There is no reason for jealousy. Everything is always under control
  • The working day ends at one time. We go on a date immediately after work
  • Having experienced a novel at work, there is an occasion to strive for service
  • Stay after work for you now pleasure
  • No need to wait for every new meeting. In the office you see every day
  • You and he always look at all "five"


  • You become an object of universal attention. All your actions or inaction are violently discussed behind you
  • Office flirting does not like management and colleagues. Some envy. It is embarrassed to be awesome
  • An unpleasant situation may arise if your lover (or you are in front of your lover) will appear in front of you on the carpet. The objective decision will be difficult to make. In the case of an unsuccessful novel, where will professionalism disappear?
  • Roman at work leads to a loss of respect. Wait for problems from envious colleagues-female women
  • The service novel very rarely develops into a serious relationship. Statistics between statistics by 60% occurs with a scandal and painfully
  • Unsuccessful office novel leads to a loss of career growth
  • In the worst a combination of circumstances, you can lose work. Of course, this can happen in the most unpleasant situation - close relations with the boss. Love itself is very unpredictable. If it is mixed with official relations, the result may be deplorable

What to do if she confessed love to the boss?

Common sense and experienced friends will tell you that recognition of love to the boss will not lead to anything good. Do not build illusions. The only thing that can add optimism to your mood is to think that your relationship will have a successful completion if:

  • The boss is free. Has no addiction to office novels
  • He agrees not to hide your relationship
  • Together you discussed all the negative aspects of the service novel. Agreed to mutually observe certain requirements at work
  • In the office, he does not distinguish you from the bulk of the workers. Tries to treat you impartially
  • The boss introduced you to relatives and close friends
  • Leaving the office, you immediately forget about subordination. Do not talk about work. You have many more significant topics for communication

A colleague confessed to love: Guide to action

True love can occur even at work. Who knows, what if, a colleague who confessed love, is your fate? Maybe you should take a closer look at him?

How to confess the girl in love in an original way?

The words of love are beautiful in themselves. But sometimes they can be arranged in something more - to prepare a surprise that will pleasantly surprise your soul mate:

We make a flash mob:

  • We call our friends and friends. For a more spectacular spectacle, there should be at least 25 people
  • Walking with a lover on the street, suddenly a group of people surrounds you, lined up in the shape of a heart
  • In the hands of people, flowers, poster or paper letters

We order an advertising shield:

  • We select a suitable topic for recognition with an advertising agency
  • We place an advertising shield, so that he would fall into the field of view of your loved one. For example, on the way to the office, opposite the windows of the house where your partner lives or works or works

We organize the recognition under the windows of the one to whom your feeling is directed:

  • We build our friends and friends in the form of a heart or a name of a lover
  • We take burning candles or balloons in rugs

And you can and like this:

Video: He surprised her, or the original recognition of love

Video: How to confess love to a girl? Ways to admit to the girl in love

How to make a guy admit love?

How to make a guy admit love when all the signs of love are already obvious:

  • We do not show perseverance. So you can only push a man
  • We are gaining patience. We are in no hurry your beloved

That he would relax and said three treasured words create a suitable atmosphere:

  • A man should be easy with you, but at the same time, he must be afraid to lose you
  • Invite him to watch a romantic film. Squeeze his hand at the most touching moment
  • Hint at a romantic dinner. When you are pleasantly time, say that it means a lot to you. If you receive silence in response, then it’s too early.
  • If you understand that the guy is experiencing real feelings for you and at the same time he lacks confidence in your devotion to admit your love. Surround him with reverent attention. Wait a little and show with your whole appearance how you value everything that he does for you

How to admit an older man in love?

  • Frankly, a very brave and decisive woman can decide in love for a man of older
  • If a man is older, then he has some experience of serious relationships. Perhaps there were love, disappointments, and suffering
  • A mature man cherishes his freedom tightly, so he treats relationships with a woman very carefully
  • To wake the deep feelings of an adult man, you need to make a lot of effort. It is very difficult to make it very difficult to believe in the sincerity of feelings

But probably:

  • We admit an older man in love with eyes, without words
  • We take care and protect it
  • We make pleasant surprises
  • We become indispensable for him
  • We do everything right, then the man will feel love. His heart will open. And only then do we pronounce the coveted three words
  • If a man is married, then it is better to avoid these connections
  • But sometimes love will come, long before you find out that he is married
  • In this case, recognition of love depends on how close you are
  • If you are lovers, boldly confess of love in any way acceptable to you
  • If the relationship is just being formed, do not rush to notify him of your love. A married man will not be delighted with your recognition. From you he needs only tenderness, attention, warmth and affection. Family problems he does not need

How to admit an older woman in love?

  • The modern emancipation of women has led to the fact that at present, in every third pair, the bride is older than her chosen one
  • Many unmarried ladies start relations with young men.
  • Such relationships cause universal silent censure
  • If you love your adult lady and does not scare you, the opinion of others, the form of recognition of love does not matter
  • Just do not be surprised if suddenly, after a woman of an older woman in love, she did not rush to your neck
  • She is an adult. He knows how to dispose of his own emotions. Does not like loud words

The psychology of the love of teenagers

  • The cleanest, delicate, bright, reverent love arises in adolescence. This feeling in adolescence is ready to work miracles.
  • The psychology of the love of teenagers is very fragile
  • For the first time experiencing new emotions to a young man or a girl, it is very difficult to cope with himself. The psychological trauma obtained from unrequited love is very deep
  • In adolescence, physiological and psychological development occurs. During the transitional age, the formation of a person is formed
  • The first love among boys is associated with non -controling, a surge in emotions. Physiological processes sometimes lead their feelings to various personalities of lust
  • For girls, first love has the effect of a hidden fairy tale. She is platonic in nature. This is a gentle touch of hands, languid looks, oh, sighs, poetry about love. This is continuous romance
  • Since, boys at this age develop more slowly than girls, young ladies prefer more adult guys
  • Teenage love are those feelings that are never repeated

How to confess love to a classmate

In order to confess love to a classmate, you do not need to look for ways to dating:

  • We decide on the question whether he is experiencing mutual sympathy
  • We unobtrusively offer to be friends
  • In the course of communication, we reveal whether you come to each other. Do you need this relationship?
  • Make sure the reciprocity of feelings. When communicating, this will become clear

Does school love have a future?

School love very rarely develops into the creation of a strong friendly family. Most often, only pleasant memories for many years remain from her.
The main reasons for the lack of school love:

  • Cruck complexity, constraint
  • An illusory perception of relationships. Love is perceived as a fairy tale
  • Maximum emotionality of lovers
  • Incompetence in many issues in adolescence
  • Misunderstanding of a feeling of love and love

Friendship or love? The best friend confessed to love


When a best friend confesses love, the most important thing is to understand that the previous relationship is not possible.


  • You can pretend that there was no conversation. Nothing happened. But this is not a solution to the issue
  • It may be worth interrupting the relationship. After all, very often friendship develops into a real fiery feeling
  • To clarify the circumstances, we are explained with a friend again. We decide in what relations we remain

How to admit love on the Internet?

The easiest way to admit love on the Internet through a social network:

  • We go to our page and send our beloved a love message to our beloved
  • We send an original gift available in the catalog of the social network, with recognition in our feelings

We make a record in the status on your page, about how you love your only and unique.

How various signs of the zodiac recognize in love

Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are very emotional and active people. Their recognition of love will not be traditional and boring:

  • Aries will win mutual love in a terrible battle with the object of their passion or with a competitor
  • Lions will not miss the opportunity to seduce the beloved with all kinds of compliments and gifts, against the background of a large audience
  • Romantic Sagittarius admits love when you are together on a romantic journey

The signs of the elements of the Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are stable and practical. They do not like to take risks. Express their feelings by acting:

  • Taurus admit love to physical work
  • Virgo, between business, will inform you of the seriousness of their relationship
  • Capricorns are not romantic, but they value the situation in society. Recognition will be in a chic, expensive environment

Representatives of the elements of air are twins, Libra, Aquarius love everything new. They are very active:

  • Gemini easily admit love. They can also easily abandon their words
  • The scales are romantic and are eternal doubt. To conquer the heart, all acceptable methods are used - from sweets, to diamonds

Aquarius is always busy with his ideas. He will speak abstractly about his feelings, without specifying the object of his sighing
Water signs of zodiac cancer, scorpion, fish are vulnerable and emotional:

  • Cancer easily admits its feelings if you are confident in reciprocity
  • Scorpions easily conquer love. Applying the entire romantic arsenal
  • The fish will begin recognition of love with hints. Then he expresses his feelings on paper

How are the peoples of the world recognized in love?

Each country has its own traditions and mentality. Depending on these qualities, the peoples of the world are recognized in love in different ways:

  • Italian men do not hide their intentions. They are trusting and open. Gifts and compliments are generous. If the Italian loves you, you will find out about his feelings at once
  • Mercantile French can take care of several women at once. Without spending a lot of money, French men look through beautifully and romantically. It will be possible to find out about the seriousness of his intentions at the last moment. Despite his mercantile, he will give his chosen one, he will give everything that has.
  • The Spaniards are jealous. They are prudent and pedantic, like the Germans. And those and other men are capable of passionate relations. But they enter into marriage strictly according to the calculation
  • In the northern countries, men prefer to get to know a woman better. A man and a woman from the Baltic states, Finland, Sweden, England have been living a full -fledged family for years. They arrange an official marriage when they decide to have children. Frankness is not peculiar to them. There will be no recognition of love
  • The Japanese are very serious about recognition of love. The girl and the guy first confess to each other in love, and then they can appear together. They are very conservative. If you start dating, then for life
  • All religions of China admit that sex is granted by God. Therefore, they have no need to admit love. These men are free and unpredictable. Women are always subordinate to them. There can be no question of recognition of love here

It doesn’t matter who in your relationship the first will take on the initiative and confess to love. The main thing is that your feelings be mutual, sincere and bring you happiness.

How can one confess love, video


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