Is it worth it to start a service novel - “For” and “Against”: Features. Why don't you start a romance in the service?

Is it worth it to start a service novel - “For” and “Against”: Features. Why don't you start a romance in the service?

There are situations when work colleagues fall in love with each other. But is it worth maintaining such relationships, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

Every day you are happy to run to work, as for a holiday? Maybe it's not that you love your work so much, but who is there? As statistics show, 38-56% of people get acquainted precisely at work. But is that romance good? What are the risks of relations in the walls of the office? Let's look at everything “for” and “against”.

The advantages of a service novel or why is it worth dating a colleague?

Love affair at work
Love affair at work

There are several advantages that really justify working novels and we will understand them.

  • You know each other very well

You are not inherent in great awkwardness and awe at first dates. Of course, you have already conducted many presentations, made work plans, were on business trips. Probably, you have already recognized each other well as yourself and you definitely cannot be bored together. Since you have one work, you solve problems together. It is at work that you can study a person well and learn about his character. And this can be considered a dignity.

  • You are almost always together

The studies have proved that constant staying nearby is a good advantage of a service novel. After all, it is very convenient when the second half with you does not need to part for a long time and spend only the weekend together. You can enjoy communication throughout the day. This is important, given that most of our time passes at work.

  • High efficiency
Relations at work
Relations at work

Oddly enough, but official novels are even for the benefit of the productivity of employees. They work better. A person in love, as a rule, is more energetic, he has a lot of ideas and he can curtail the mountains. By the way, some areas of activity even support this. For example, these are US special services. The leadership believes that couples are the best partners and they are always ready to help and support. And they overcome stresses better and work more efficiently.

The shortcomings of the official novel and why shouldn't it be borrowed?

Despite the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages of office novels:

  • You run the risk of being deceived

Despite the fact that courtship can be beautiful, dusty words and passion with might and main, but usually there are quite earthly causes behind this. Try to think about the situation without emotions. Maybe the colleague decided to “take a hachler” to advance in the service or even worse, sit in your place? Listen to your inner voice, be careful and carefully watch how the gentleman behaves. The sincerity of his feelings will necessarily be confirmed after time and we hope that everything is fine.

  • Relations in sight of everyone
Relations in sight
Relations in sight

You may think that you are perfectly hiding and no one knows anything, but in vain. As a rule, such leads are scattered quickly and most often even brand new employees who work with you without a year are already aware of what is happening.

The relations of colleagues are always something like a series. This is a kind of reality show. And the audience always with pleasure savor details. So if you still decide to start a relationship, then be prepared for the fact that you will be constantly discussing and gossiping you.

  • Risk of work or position loss

Not always relations at work can increase efficiency. It happens the other way around. All this can be a big threat to your career. Imagine if a man abandones you, how will you feel? Especially if the initiator is not you.

Or in general, you will be made by the boss and you will have to set your favorite tasks and count for disruption of the deadlines and another late. In connection with such situations, special agreements are often drawn up in companies abroad between a lover and the company itself. They stipulate behavior, time management, which cannot be constantly communicated and distracted from work, as well as the conditions for participation in joint projects.

So think before starting a novel at work. Will he be justified? What if you part?

Video: Is it worth starting a service romance?

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