Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the man for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS: words, text, scenes. Competitions and comic, funny, touching, original, interesting, short congratulations on the anniversary of a man, dad, husband, friend, brother, colleague 50 years old: words

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the man for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS: words, text, scenes. Competitions and comic, funny, touching, original, interesting, short congratulations on the anniversary of a man, dad, husband, friend, brother, colleague 50 years old: words

The article offers congratulations on the anniversary of the age of 50 for a man.

Beautiful, original congratulations on the anniversary of a man for a colleague for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS

The day of the fiftieth anniversary is very important for a person, especially for a man. This age is considered a kind of equator in life, dividing it into two halves. But at the same time, this is a joyful day, because a similar holiday occurs only once in a life, which means that it should be noted with a special triumph.

The anniversary of the age of 50 can be celebrated in different ways: rent a hall in a cafe, set a lush table at home and call guests, go with relatives on nature or with a loved one on a trip. In any case, you need to take care not only about treats, but also a good entertainment program. It is needed so that the guests are not boring, the guests actively participate in competitions and scenes, and emotions from the holiday could pursue it for a very long time.

Important: congratulations are of great importance for the hero of the day. It doesn’t matter what it will be: poems, prose, wishes in your own words, the main thing is to express all your feelings for the hero of the occasion.

Dear (name and patronymic)! For many years in a row we have been valid your work and We respect your efforts in our team (company, organization, institution, and so on). You are an indispensable specialist, but moreover, an indispensable friend and comrade. We wish you many more years of creativity, inspiration, positive emotions and positive results in work. Live with joy in your heart and let life give you pleasure!

Dear (name and patronymic)! Today is such an important day for you - an anniversary. Let The calendar is not a small figure and you are 50, you are not upset. You are young with your soul and body, you have such a charge of energy and positive that it can only be envied. We wish you endurance, interest in life, attention of loved ones, and most importantly - health that will make your life long, happy, easy!

(First and middle name)! Our company mentally and amicably wants to congratulate you on An important holiday that happens only once in a lifetime is a 50th anniversary. We wish you endless inspiration to delight us with excellent creative projects and ideas for many many years. Do not give the age of the opportunity to confuse or upset you. You are inimitable and you are beautiful!

You are a wonderful colleague
Diligent, very attentive,
We wish you prosperity
So that everyone is fulfilled.

We wish you many bright days
So that life seem more fun,
So that the work does not bother
And never offended!

The anniversary is very important for you,
And the smile only pleases the eye,
At 50 you are fresh and vigor
We wish good and love!

Take the wishes from your colleagues:
Family to give attention,
Friends, so as not to offend,
So that the children do not forget!

50 years behind your shoulders
Another 50 years before you,
Let the life be filled with miracles,
Fulfilled only by dreams.

Our good team wishes you
Do not lose heart in small trifles,
And 50 years to be a bright example,
So that life is magical, kind, bright!

May creativity not leave your soul,
Let only music caress your ears
The path of life in fifty dollars will be interesting,
And in the heart from all feelings you will be crowded!

We wish to live confidently
And do not know the sorrows
In your age do not know sorrows
And do not lose strength!

Five dozen years have passed
Time has changed
But you are lucky today
After all, happiness happened!

Today is a good anniversary
Knocks on your doors,
We wish you kind people
So that the animals do not meet!

Words and congratulations
Words and congratulations

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years from wife in verses and prose

A beloved woman should congratulate her husband with especially sensual and touching words in order to cheer up and show how much she loves him.

My dear! You are an incredible person. For decades for decades, I have not I cease to admire your courage, strength, courage. You are inspiring me every day more and more to conquer the mountains, to switch the sea and from happiness to fly into the sky. Live for a long, long time, be healthy and happy, do not be upset about trifles and know that I love you!

Favorite! Today you are 50 years old, but this does not mean that you should despair and be upset due to age. This is an extra reason to raise your head with pride up and look at the happy future. You are a wonderful person, a wonderful dad and a beloved husband.

My dear man! For so many years in a row you have been protecting me, Support and during this time became a best friend. Today is your anniversary day and I want to wish you that age does not stop you before making a dream, so that he does not become an obstacle and a problem for you, so as not to prevent you from reaching victories!

Beloved, this anniversary
Gathered your relatives, friends,
Everyone wants to congratulate you so
And leave the wishes.

Take beautiful words
Let the head go around
And how beautiful your sweet age is
You are my loved one!

In your years, in your anniversary,
I want to hug you tightly
Press to your chest stronger,
Listen only wind!

My husband and I were wondrous
I love him the most
My dear, these 50
They will give you grace!

In the anniversary I wish you
So that it is always lucky and everywhere,
So that you are not embarrassed by 50
Only for happiness you were inspired!

I don't believe that you are so many years old
You are so young, so cheerful, beautiful,
There is always only light in your heart,
You have a lot in your body!

My husband has an anniversary today.
But he is not old, he is full of strength and vigor,
And I wish you at 50 very sincerely
In the future, only health and only youth.

I want to congratulate you
With the fact that youth does not end,
At 50 you are in an anniversary,
Beautiful life begins!

I don't know how the years flew so,
We achieved what we wanted
We have children, a house and a lot of happiness,
Let life, beloved, be not in vain!

50 you lived on the ground of the beautiful,
And today we meet the anniversary together,
I wish life not in vain,
So that he lives with difficulties, without lingering!

Congratulations to the man
Congratulations to the man

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years old from his son in verses and prose

Congratulations from expensive and beloved children are always perceived in a special way, sensually and reverently for any parent.

Dear father! All my life I took an example from you and is now incredibly proud, For the fact that at the age of 50 you are still young and beautiful, you are strong, wise, self -sufficient. I can safely say that I was lucky with dad. I congratulate you, dear person, I wish you long years of health and inspiration!

Dad! You have not become older today, but only gained wisdom, greatness and perfection. Let this anniversary at the age of 50 become a reward for you, like a medal on his chest. Be proud of age and your merits, which you cannot count. Thank you for your work, care, life lessons and always a good mood!

My beloved dad! I'm sorry that I rarely confess to your father's love, little I call and do not often go to visit just to sit. In modern bustle, you forget how important it is to have a beloved dad. Today you are 50 years old and I want to congratulate you on all my heart on such a beautiful anniversary. Live for a long time and with joy in your heart!

I am the son of a beautiful fathers
Caring fellow
Beautiful man
That so I love a family!

I am the son of who is so proud of
He with a look drives away sadness,
I am a wonderful anniversary
Congratulations, let life be clear!

I want to congratulate my father
With an anniversary - 50!
You are your beloved, the best most
Live a hundred years in a row!

I love you, my dad
And I want to tell you
You are the most important thing for me in the world
In the world, it is better not to know a man!

Happy anniversary, my father,
You are well done in life
You are always ahead and first
You are the best, probably!

Good look and beard shaggy,
You are like from childhood I remember you,
In 50 I wish you a sweet life,
After all, I love you with all my heart!

I have been waiting for your anniversary for a long time
Today this day has come.
He gathered yours all friends
And love reigns at the table!

I am proud of you, my father,
After all, you are a real sage
Lived all 50 years for a row
The love of relatives is your reward!

You built a house
The tree has grown
Son of the noble
He gave birth to this world.

Congratulations, my dad
With an important anniversary,
You taught me to live
Feel free and brave!

Words from the son
Words from the son

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years old dad from daughter in verses and prose

Daughters are of great importance for fathers and therefore you should choose particularly sensual words in order to congratulate the dear father.

My beloved dad! I congratulate you on your birthday, on your significant and A beautiful anniversary - 50 years! You always took care of your and family and, finally, it was time for us to give you love, attention, respect. Live for a long time and let your every year be filled with many wonderful events!

Dear father! You live in this world 50 good years and I am sure that this world I love you very much! How can you not love such a smart, noble and positive person? Thank you for the care and the fact that I did not spare himself, trying to provide his family and give her a calm worthy life.

On the anniversary of you, dad! You meet excellent age - 50 years. Wish You find an inexhaustible source of energy and inspiration. Let your body dust with health, the head will be full of wonderful ideas, \\ and the body of strength and energy. I wish you to have many bright adventures in life!

His daddy
I love the most
Happy holiday, you are dear
I wish you a strong love!

You, father, a real hero,
Love gave me so many years,
You have always and everywhere with me,
And opened this world to me big!

I do not believe that you are exactly 50,
You are as young and beautiful, as if many years ago
Let great health
Satuns your blood!

Daddy's daddy
You are in my soul with me
And today at 50
You are, as before, young!

I consider you the happiness to meet
After all 50 beautiful years
They did not stop respecting you
And this is your grandeur!

Yes, you are a major birthday today
Your soul is fifty of your soul,
But this is not a reason to relax,
Live and continue to smile at everyone!

Your spark in your soul, no, will not fade,
Her greatness will only get stronger over the years
In your beautiful years, at your good age
Live calmly, wiping the happiness of the tears!

Today you met your years, there are 50 of them!
But only with joy, not from sadness, the eyes shine,
Let life, failure continues
May your happy century not be puzzled!

I wish you the Sea of \u200b\u200bEvents
Siberian to be health,
So that joy glitters in good eyes,
Doubt to go away and fear!

The anniversary is happiness, daddy,
I have appreciated for so many years and I love
50 is only the middle,
Let the power fill you with happiness!

Congratulations for dad
Congratulations for dad

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of the brother for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS

My dear brother! Today you are 50 years old and I can’t believe that you have reached this Age, because you are so young, vigorous, fresh, easy to climb, interesting and active! From an early age, I have been proud of you and put you as an example to others. I want to tell you today that I was incredibly lucky with my brother!

On the anniversary of you, my older brother! How lucky I was what exactly you helped Mother to raise me, taught me how to play with the ball and hide and seek, helped solve complex examples in mathematics. So many years have passed, but I wish you only you are getting younger. Live happily and happily!

Beloved brother! Thank you for the fact that in your 50 you are A wonderful example for children, other men, me. I am very lucky to be your brother and I will always go to you, even at this significant age. I wish you a strong “Siberian” health, great accomplishments in their lifetime and many more anniversaries that we will meet together!

50 - this is the beginning
And freedom from many problems,
There will still be not a few ahead
Bright holidays, changes!

You have many advantages
Many qualities and victories,
I wish you, brother
To see all the white light!

You are my pride forever
You are a wonderful person
My brother earned praise
A lot of happiness and a lot of love!

So time rushes and flies,
Landscapes are changing, people,
But the world values \u200b\u200bwith a to,
And we, our dear, love to you!

Today is the brightest day
My brother celebrates the anniversary
I am in a hurry to congratulate him,
You, my dear, I'm proud!

You won't find the best brother,
He is a sage and well done
He has such a glory:
He is a husband, grandfather, brother and father!

At 50, my kind brother,
Life begins only,
I want to wish you
So that you always go forward!

Make a dream of the treasured
Let it be realized
At 50 of your
She is destined to come true!

Brother is my pride,
Brother is my whole relative
I love you so much,
I congratulate you!

You know, 50 is so little,
There are still 50 years ahead,
Drive away your fatigue,
And forward the tops to conquer!

Poems to the anniversary for 50 years
Poems to the anniversary for 50 years

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of a friend for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS

Buddy! You are 50 today, but this is not the age when you can grow Beard, sit in a rocking chair and remember the past years. This is the age when you need to make amazing discoveries, get acquainted with new people and countries, take risks and do stupid actions, in other words, "try life."

Dear friend! You look wonderful, you feel great and You always charge others with the positive. I wish you to find your harmony and idyll at 50, which will allow you to live easily and interestingly. I wish that your family people do not forget to give you warmth and love.

Happy anniversary, my friend! I am glad to attend your holiday and share it with you. May my wishes for health, happiness and love become for you, and life will endlessly surprise and inspire. Do not be sad for trifles, do not be upset due to minor problems, win laziness and strive for the better!

It's hard to find a good friend
But you met my ways,
I wish you to grow further
In the profession, family life and love!

Like it or not, but 50 years have come
Your life is kind, calm,
Let everything swim in its own way
And leave all the problems for later!

You lived for 5 decades
But you shouldn't about this
Be upset, upset,
Lower your head.

Buddy, be invincible,
So sociable, beautiful,
Be kind and beloved small,
May your life be beautiful!

Happy anniversary, a wonderful person!
Live for many more fairy years,
May 50 not get old,
And only you will add charm and chic!

Words for the anniversary: \u200b\u200bcongratulations and wishes
Words for the anniversary: \u200b\u200bcongratulations and wishes

Comic, funny congratulations on the anniversary of the man for 50 years

I'm in a hurry to congratulate you
With your good old age,
Leave wishes
Live, my old man, more fun!

Whatever one may say, but you can’t return the age,
Alas, my friend, but you are not young people
Your age is 50, it only paints you,
He brings joy to the life of your relatives!

I wish to get younger in a fifty dollars,
I wish to know the love of strong,
I wish to dream and fall in love
And in a dance with a girl to spin!

Smile, old man, on this day,
Raise your glass with us,
In 50, life is more beautiful, brighter,
Life improves over the years!

Whatever one may say, but you are no longer a boy
Not a small fluffy bunny anymore,
But at 50 you are a good noble wolf,
Who knows the meaning and sense in life

Congratulations to the anniversary of a 50 -year -old man

Today is celebrated by Sergey
Fifty anniversary,
Gifts to the house are brought to him,
And the guests congratulate together!

And Victor is a holiday today,
In the morning he shaved not in vain,
Beautiful and young, fresh look
And not to say that 50!

Nikolai meets the date
He was young, fresh once,
And today 50,
Who is to blame for this?

Vladimir has an event,
Do you want to congratulate him?
Congratulate the vovka soon
After all, Vovin holiday is an anniversary!

Dmitry dressed up today,
Flower spirits pouted,
He is glad that the anniversary came
And put the guests at the table!

Smile boldly today
Have fun and dancing, Andrey,
We came, brought friends
To celebrate your big anniversary!

Alexander has an important date,
Gifts rustle paper,
Knocking glass and glasses ringing,
All guests want to give wishes!

Vadim has 50 years of courage,
The table was set by a magnificent kind spouse,
We will congratulate Vadim very together,
After all, you will not meet such faithful in the world of a friend!

Igor celebrates birth,
What was so long ago.
This holiday, no doubt
He will bring him good!

Konstantin has an anniversary
And he is sad a little
Let's be more fun
We will congratulate him together!

Name congratulations
Name congratulations

Scenario of Men's Congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years: contests and scenes

You can compose a festive scenario for the anniversary with the help of congratulations and beautiful verses that each guest present should read. It will not be superfluous to include various contests, scenes, tasks and competitions in the entertainment program, so that each present has pleasant memories of the festival.

Competitions for the script:

Competitions for the anniversary
Competitions for the anniversary
Entertainment for the anniversary
Entertainment for the anniversary
Tasks for guests for the anniversary
Tasks for guests for the anniversary
Scenes for the anniversary
Scenes for the anniversary
Competitions for the anniversary
Competitions for the anniversary

Video: "Slide show for an anniversary of a 50 -year -old man"

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