Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the woman for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS: words, text, scenes. Competitions and comic, funny, touching, original, interesting, short congratulations on the anniversary of a woman, mother, wife, girlfriend, sister, colleague 50 years old: words

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the woman for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS: words, text, scenes. Competitions and comic, funny, touching, original, interesting, short congratulations on the anniversary of a woman, mother, wife, girlfriend, sister, colleague 50 years old: words

The article offers you a choice of congratulations on the anniversary of a woman at 50.

Let the country not celebrate this day,
And many do not know about him,
Let many do not notice it,
But, the main thing is that we remember him.

50 years - not so much,
And you (name) do not be sad!
Go always a straight road,
Meeting joy on the way!

Beautiful, original congratulations on the anniversary of the woman colleague for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS

The fiftieth anniversary is important in the event in the life of every person. That is why people are trying to celebrate the anniversary of the age of 50 most vividly, festively, luxurious. The fiftieth anniversary is celebrated not only at home with friends, but also at work in the company of their colleagues.


Dear (name and patronymic of the hero of the occasion)! Passed 50 years, as one moment, They left many events and people behind them. Today we are glad to attend your holiday, because you are a wonderful person, a good friend, a beautiful woman. Let your life be perfect, may there be many pleasant surprises in it. We wish that creativity and inspiration would not leave your soul, so that at every step you meet peaceful happiness!

Dear (the name and patronymic of the anniversary)! Today we are going to To congratulate you on this bright and significant holiday - the anniversary! We wish you not to pay attention to age, but to value your years for experience and wisdom! Thank you for complementing our world around you with your beauty, creativity, achievements. Be always as caring and diligent, let people reach for you and appreciate your business. Live with love, live joyfully!

Today is the day, let it be cloudy,
But for you he is joyful
And your anniversary
Life will wrap the fabulous!

After all, 50 years of experienced
They passed and a loud clatter of them
Let not frighten your soul,
Give many bright days!

Today we came to congratulate you,
Words, parting words and wishes to leave,
After all, your age, let 50 - all these are numbers!
And old age, loneliness - all myths!

You are beautiful, smart and sweet,
You are wise, rebellious, dare,
Let not be afraid of the anniversary,
May he only inspire you in you!

Smile, you are 50!
So many more events in a row!
The joy of grandchildren and sunny days
At a bright age, you are brave!

Do not be sad if the years have passed,
They could leave a lot,
The children and grandchildren amuse you,
At 50 the earth blooms!

You have almost everything:
Children, grandchildren and husband and husband took place!
You do not cry, they will not return the year,
But you will always be happy!

We know you as a native person,
Let you be a colleague to us, not a mother and a sister,
But we wish you happiness for three long centuries,
So that you are always loved!

So that your age does not bother you, years,
So that the sun smiles in the morning,
And independently what is the weather in the soul
You were glad to return to work to us!

Life gains taste, it is wine in a glass,
You are a noble variety and your endurance
Inspires respect with you
Sadness is no terrible to us!

Words from colleagues
Words from colleagues

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years from her husband in verses and prose

The husband is the most expensive and close person for every woman. The man should choose the most beautiful and tender words to his beloved and dear wife that could inspire her, please and inspire life happily and easily, even if you are 50!

Darling! For 30 years in a row (you can insert any number of lived Years together) You please me with your care. Honestly, it doesn’t matter to me at all how old you are, you always look young, completely and great for me. Yes, today your anniversary with such a beautiful figure is 50, but this does not mean that you are old! You are wise, you know this life, you are a wonderful mother and a wonderful grandmother! I am happy that I have you. I wish you to live a long time to celebrate more than one anniversary together!

My dear! How quickly they fly in the worries of the year, today you are 50 years old! Not no Scare this figure, you are still fresh and beautiful. I love you with all my soul and wish you only one health. Health will support your beauty and strength of mind not many summer! May your life be carefree and easy, and I will try to delight you every day and will take care of, because you are the most expensive that I have!

Wipe the tears, beloved,
Today your holiday is funny,
Life has come beautiful,
A new stage has come in it!

I will smile at you joyful
We will meet your day without sadness
Let this fabulous anniversary,
Will be a medal on the heart!

Let not scare and scare the figure,
Well, what is 50 days lived?
They passed and their palette colors
She left the seal in your soul.

Look around, all around people,
All our children, grandchildren gathered,
After all, 50 to you, we will celebrate everything
And this holiday, like you, is our meaning of life!

Rhythms decreased active life,
Biorhythms changed inside the body,
We have not stopped loving you, we
Let 50 - a big figure in life!

You are our beloved, dear,
My beautiful fairy is unearthly,
I have not seen these years in the cute features,
You are just as young and so beautiful!

Someone will say: "Half a life has passed"
Do not be sad, because the words are all empty,
You know - you are lucky
There are grandchildren and children next to us.

Your age is only scared by the figure,
But relax, because the sun shines,
Only the joy becomes beckoning ahead,
Ahead is only a caress!

No, you are young and let you have a fifty dollars,
Does not spoil this age of your features,
And this is not the limit at all, not the life of the middle,
And not at the end of the tunnel is a bright light!

Let 50, so what? After all, life is beautiful!
Around the full events of gold!
And you, like the sun, shine in the sky clear,
And at 50 yours are features!

Lovely and kind congratulations from loved ones
Lovely and kind congratulations from loved ones

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years from her son in verses and prose

On her birthday, every woman is reverently waiting for pleasant words from her beloved children.

Dear mommy! I want to congratulate you on your big holiday, so A significant anniversary - 50 years! Thank you for your work, your care and tenderness. Know, this age is your merit, your “quality mark” and wisdom, invaluable experience and advantage over others! Live, beloved, calm and peacefully, rejoice at every day, smile and relax!

Beloved Mom! You gave me the world and opened it to me, you did for me Everything and you are madly grateful to you! Do not be sad, your figure is no longer 20, not 30 or even 40. Let the number become a talisman, protecting you from troubles, loneliness and tears. I will always be there. I always love you.

Mother! At the age of 50, man begins to seem that he had already lived his life. it Far from. Look at yourself: you are young, you are fresh, you are always active and always try to take only positive from life. Mom, you can take an example from you. Thank you for inspiring us for 50 years in a row! I wish you good health and mental strength that will help you live happily and happily next to us.

Mom taught me to live
Mom showed the world to me beautiful,
I will love her all my life
Strong, huge and terrible power!

Mom taught me everything
I appreciate her experience and wisdom,
On the day of the anniversary, I give her flowers,
Let them bring you youth!

You are 50 today and it's great, Mommy!
It seems to me that exactly so many years
I appreciate you
And I love!

You are 50 today, but don't be sad,
After all, this age
Only the numbers that sometimes fly
And tears leave in their eyes.

You are only 50,
And the big mountains are ahead
Seas, valleys, shores,
Beautiful earth, open spaces!

Let exactly 50 more
You have been pleasing to us by yourself,
Don't listen to what they say there
Live your head!

You are young in soul and body
Mudra, dare, love us.
Enter your age very boldly,
Go happy steps!

Your age is your status,
But you don't be sad
After all, light joy
On this way!

A lot of dashing events await you,
People in this life are good, bad,
Awards for actions, gifts and tears,
Falling to the ground with the desire of the stars.

Live, my mommy with a light soul,
After all, I will be next to you,
You will help my children to release it,
You will always give both kind and wise advice!

Words from the son
Words from the son

Beautiful and touching congratulations on the anniversary of 50 years from her daughter in verses and prose

Dear mommy! Today you are 50, but despite this big one, as it seems, The number, you remain for me the way I remembered you since childhood. Thank you for teaching me to be a real woman. Now I look at you and I know for sure that in my 50 I want to look like that. You are ideal and perfection for me!

Happy anniversary, beloved mommy! I want to wish you great happiness, long and Filled by love years. We have a happy family - and this is just your merit. Do not be sad that there are already 50 years behind me - this is worthy of respect. You lived them next to good people and now their turn is taken to take care of and delight you!

My mother is perfection
I gave me so many colorful days
Give me a happy childhood
And today her anniversary!

I will bring my mother a rose with an armful
50 red roses - your age,
I wish life to be sweet,
So that there is always happiness with you!

Happy anniversary, beloved mother,
You will not turn back the year
But you know, you have become more beautiful,
And you shine like a moon in the sky!

You are 50 happy years today,
But the hair shines, eyes burn,
And from the soul, as if the light is pouring,
And this is yours, mom, beauty!

Have you looked in the mirror for a long time, mom?
You have become more beautiful in these 50,
As if the years did not rush forward, but back
Your caressing good look.

You are sweet as honey and strong, like whiskey,
Your aging age is worthy of all awards,
You gathered only loved ones around you
So that we all drank for age - 50!

You are 50 today, and you have not lost charm,
You paint your lips and eyelashes for an hour
To please us with your beauty in the morning early,
So that your look pleases and inspire us all!

All relatives gathered on this day,
They are happy to be present here
Do not be sad that the young
Years are sweet, they can’t count them all!

50 You are now, dear!
And I'm glad. Congratulations to you!
I kiss, only wishing happiness
I say: "I don't know better mom!"

In 50, life is like a song
Melodic, sonorous, kind,
At 50, life will be interesting!
And your soul will be free!

Words and congratulations
Words and congratulations

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of the sister for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS

Dear sister! It seems that all your 50 years have you been a mentor for me and An example. Thank you that despite some disagreements and my whims, you did not stop love, always believed in me, always protecting me. I congratulate you, be also confident in yourself and strong in spirit, do not be upset because of your years, but only confidently keep your head higher and achieve your goals!

Beloved sister! I saw how you grew from the first day of your life! It was For me, a miracle - your appearance and a miracle remains so far. You are my best friend and my support. I love you with this soul and I want to assure you that at 50, your life will only begin to gain paints. Live with peace and peace in your heart, do not lower your head and always smile!

The sisters cannot be more spiritual,
She is my sun in the way
She is beautiful and sweet,
We collected us on this holiday!

Your sister is not 18,
But we will continue to smile
After all, 50 is a big date,
She is a medal in a battle for a soldier!

God gave me sister once,
She became very important to me
And here is her holiday today,
He brings me only joy!

Sister, your age makes you believe
That everything is not in vain, that all the losses,
Acquisitions and tears,
Inhaled life at your wise age!

At the age of 50, his sister,
I wish you happy days
So that anyone is and tender,
So that life is sweet, fresh!

Smile, you are my sister,
Look at your family
We came to your lush holiday,
We only breathe love for you!

Yes, well, let your 50th age,
Yes, and all the tears became loud,
Well, let it be, after all, not a little
You did not open events!

I'll raise the glass confidently
Before you, sister, there are many more
Not open doors, probably
And a happy road to the world!

Live for another 50 years,
And so they are happy
Everyone was and gave the way
To your beloved family!

My dear man, sister,
You are full of love, goodness,
Your age is just a road
But there are still many years ahead!

Words for a sister
Words for a sister

Beautiful and interesting congratulations on the anniversary of a friend for 50 years in verses, prose, SMS

My girlfriend! You are like a dear person to me. I always run to you for help, advice or word. Do not be sad, you are young! You have so many strength and vigor in you, you will live many more happy and carefree years next to children and grandchildren!

Dear friend! It seems to me that your 50 look like a bud of a beautiful rose. He has not yet opened and only over time you will begin to flow, giving everyone your bright colors, a sweet aroma and unsurpassed beauty. Stay yourself, do not stop believing in miracles!

How to congratulate you on your anniversary?
What do you wish at 50?
You have become more beautiful, wiser
You are a wonderful grandmother, mother!

Let your life bloom like roses,
Let it shine with a star in heaven,
50 very sweet tears in 50
And a smile on the good lips!

At 50, life only begins,
Everything around is floating with a calm turn
The birthday girl is smiling today
Everyone has gone the problem for later!

Pour the girl to the girl,
A fifty dollars tapped her today,
May she walk today
Already until the morning comes!

Raise the glass of sparkling
For happiness is big, clean,
For a female fifty dollars,
For youth, strength!

Woman at 50 years old
Like everyone in a row!
Like a redhead red
This lady is beautiful!

More recently it was 20,
You are every day and every hour
Did not stop smiling
A smile pleased us!

Time flew, that's 30
And the children quickly grew up,
Holidays and faces changed,
And now 40 in the way ...

Today the holiday is very important,
After all, 50 in the calendar,
Accept them fun, brave,
Live freely, lightly!

We congratulate you together
We wish you many more years
So that there is everything that is needed in life,
So that the sun gives its light!

Congratulations to the woman
Congratulations to the woman

Comic, funny congratulations on the anniversary of the woman for 50 years

Like it or not, but you are big
Already behind the carelessness,
But you are still young,
My dear friend.

Your years are your wealth
You have 50 of them,
But it is too early to part with life,
A couple live fun, guys!

I wish you adventures
So that 50 are good years,
I did not remember grief
And a warm light walked in the sun!

I wish to paint your nails brightly,
Heel and smile
And at 50 with my beloved husband
Only to open up!

I wish to flirt and believe
That all men are behind you
pass through the walls, break the doors,
Just be with the only one you!

Life at 50, as in 18,
You believe in miracles again
You continue to smile
And paint gray eyes!

Live to the fullest!
Do not be surprised at 50
They will not take you for the old woman
After all, you have a young look!

I want to congratulate you loudly:
You are fifty traine, cheers!
Life blooms just to
And the star lights up!

Love, create, appreciate, try,
Smile more often to people
Proud that 50 happy years
You see this white light!

Anniversary at 50
Anniversary at 50

Scenario of a woman’s congratulations for a 50th anniversary: \u200b\u200bscenes, competitions for a woman of 50 years old

Regardless of where you intend to celebrate the anniversary of the age of 50 (cafes, nature, house), you will always come in handy a festive scenario that will allow the holiday to be fun, entertain the guests and leave pleasant memories. Professional Tamada can lead the anniversary, but some native people still prefer to take this role for themselves.

Important: the entertainment program and the correct combination of parts of the event (beginning, main part, completing) will help to properly plan and organize the holiday.

What should the script consist of:

  • Introductory part.She includes the guests greeting and their invitation at the table (the table is a symbol of the celebration, he shares one event into all). The first toast should be said to the leader, since his task is to thank everyone present for the visit and the gifts brought.
  • Main part. This is the "backbone" of the whole holiday. As a rule, every guest present at the festival needs to give a word so that he will read his poems, give wishes and raise the glass by the anniversary. So that this is not boring, the leader should dilute each toast with some contests and scenes (with the participation of artists or guests themselves). The video mounted on the computer and includes the important moments of the life of the birthday of the celebration will not be superfluous.
  • The entertainment part. So that the holiday does not boil down only to the feast, the leading should be given after lunch (dinner), but before dessert, raise guests and invite them to dances, dance contests, songs.
  • Final part. It must necessarily include a festive cake and tea party. After that, the host thanks the guests for the presence and escorts them.

Important: active or intellectual competitions for the holiday should be selected, focusing on the age category of those present, so that no one is bored and not comfortable.

Video: "Anniversary of 50 years: script, holiday, words, contests"

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