How many steps do men and women need to walk on a day to lose weight, pregnant women? How many on average meters in 1 step of a person? How many walks are 1 calorie burned for?

How many steps do men and women need to walk on a day to lose weight, pregnant women? How many on average meters in 1 step of a person? How many walks are 1 calorie burned for?

We walk and lose weight: how much and how to walk to lose weight?

Walking is a universal sport that is available to absolutely everyone, and it can be engaged in their age and state of health. In this article we will consider the question, how many steps to take a day to lose weight?

How to walk to lose weight?

Excess weight is the plague of the 21st century. It is still complicated by the presence of many diseases that begin in childhood and adolescence. And it turns out a vicious circle - diseases are exposed as a result of excess weight and lack of physical activity. But at the same time, a person cannot start training, since he has excess weight and the presence of chronic diseases. And here the rescue comes to the rescue absolutely free and accessible to all the sport - walking.

Skeptical women will immediately say - but how! I'm on my feet from morning to night, and I still walk, I don’t fly! And excess weight does not go away, only adds.

How to walk to lose weight?
How to walk to lose weight?

And, it seems a very reasonable remark - but no. You can lose weight when walking only on condition that it will be fast, and continuous. With the right walk, you can lose weight up to 6 kg per month! But at the same time you have to walk actively, a lot and every day.

So, the correctness of the exercise:

  • Posture. The back is even, shoulders are straightened, the neck is flat. The number of calories consumed directly depends on posture, as well as muscle tightening;
  • Hips tense, pelvis is raised, the stomach is pulled and fixed by the muscles of the press;
  • We advance on the heel, and perform a rolling movement on the toe, and in particular on the thumb;
  • Small step. Large steps give a huge negative load on the joints. Nobody needs it. On the contrary, take a lot of small steps that will give a good load complete with the dynamics and the result will be a toned body and weight loss;
  • Small amplitude of hands with pressing to yourself. No need to go like pitching, breaking the hip joints, or swing your hands, preventing them from moving faster;
  • For lack of nothing, sidewalks, parks are suitable, but it is better to walk on sand, grass, etc. In this case, the load increases, and calories are burned faster;
  • Maintain a constant fast pace.But again, everything is good in moderation. If your weight exceeds 100 kg, and you have not been engaged in physical activity for years, start with posture and walking at the pace at which it is comfortable. Subsequently add speed;
  • Training time. Walking at an intensive pace you need from 30 to 60 minutes. It is better to reduce a little intensity than to take breaks between walking. You can also use this method: 15 minutes of intensive walk, 10 minutes of calm walk, and intense walking again. How many steps to take a day to lose weight with such a training? It is better to drive the time, and in this case you need to make at least 4 approaches.

How many steps do you need to take a day on foot to lose weight, pregnant women?

There is a theory of about 10,000 steps per day. It is this number of steps that must be taken at an intensive pace in order to stay in shape. But this formula is designed exclusively for healthy men and women, which does not apply to pregnant women, as well as people who have not been engaged in physical activity for a long time and have chronic diseases.

How many steps to take a day to lose weight to a pregnant woman? To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that a pregnant woman gains weight, and does not lose weight and this is a natural process. But if the weight set is seven -mile steps, the power is adjusted, and the pregnant woman does not overeat, and there are no contraindications from the doctor - walking in the fresh air is an ideal sport for a pregnant woman.

Fast walking - perfect sport for pregnant women
Fast walking - perfect sport for pregnant women

Since pregnancy proceeds individually in each, do not overload himself, and carefully listen to the body. If in the process of walking there is severe discomfort, pain or shortness of breath, you can continue such training only after consulting a doctor. But if you can walk, then about 5,000 steps per day are recommended.

In this case, the system should be changed in this way: 5 minutes of fast walking, not in a hurry for 5 minutes, and so up to 5,000 steps. If walking is easily given, in a week to increase the intervals with 10 minutes of fast walking, without a hurry for 5 minutes. For more than 10 minutes of intensive walking in a row, pregnant women are not recommended.

How many on average meters in 1 step of a person?

When calculating the kilometer of foot training, the question often arises, how many steps to take a day to lose weight and what is this distance in kilometers? If we take an average height of 170 cm as a basis, then the average step will be 0.6-0.8 m. The large, sweeping step will be 1 m. But at the same time it is worth remembering that the step depends on the growth of a person, the length of his legs and the habit of walking.

For example, a woman with 15 centimeter studs takes a step on average 20-25 cm. But a tall man can walk at a distance of 1 m, and his step will be average.

So, if the height is 160 cm, then the average step will be about 35-40 cm. With a height of 162, 164, 166 cm, the average step is also about 40 cm. With a height of 170, 172, 174 cm, the average step is about 60 cm , but if a high -height person is 176, 178, 180 cm reaches 0.8 cm.

We have brought the average table, which indicates how many kilometers you need to go if you want to make the norm in a certain number of steps.

The number of steps Men (km) Women (km) Amount of time
1 000 1.3 1.6 20-25 minutes
2 000 2.6 3.2 35-40 minutes
3 000 4 5 1 hour
4 000 5.5 6.5 1 hour 20-25 minutes
5 000 6.5 8 1 hour 40 minutes
10 000 13 16 2 hours

We summarize that with intensive walking per hour you can take about 3,000 steps, which will positively affect the fitness of the figure, burn calories, and also strengthen the cardiovascular system.

How many steps to take a day to lose weight to a man, woman: Calculation calculation

If a person wondered how many steps to take a day to lose weight, it is not surprising that first of all he will be interested in the number of calories burned. And since we do not love, count the formulas, we are always looking for ready -made answers. In this case, the table, how much steps need to be taken to burn the right number of calories.

In order to understand this issue, it is worth considering the formula:

E \u003d 0.002 * m * t * (P - PP), where

  • E - sophisticated kcal;
  • M - human weight;
  • T - intensive walking time in minutes;
  • P - pulse during intensive walking;
  • PP - pulse during a calm pastime.

So, for example, we have an average full person with a weight of 90 kg, he has a pulse at rest of 65 beats per minute, and when walking rises to 98 beats per minute. Walking lasted 15 minutes.

So, e \u003d 0.002 * 90 * 15 * (98-65) \u003d 98.1 kcal

From this formula it can be understood that on average 1 calorie we spend by taking 3-4 steps.

If you want to know the exact number of calories that you burned for training fast walking best to use the formula. But you can also see the average table below.

The number of steps with intensive walking The average number of burned calories
1 000 280
2 000 560
3 000 840
4 000 1 120
5 000 1 400
6 000 1 700
7 000 2 000
8 000 2 250
9 000 2 520
10 000 2 800
11 000 3 100
12 000 3 400
13 000 3 650
14 000 3 950
15 000 4 200
16 000 4 500
17 000 4 750
18 000 5 050
19 000 5 350
20 000 5 600

Is it possible to engage in fast walking at home?

People more than weight have many complexes, and caustic comments of neighbors and acquaintances that are found on the way during fast walking, they are only spurred. Therefore, with the question of how many steps to take a day to lose weight also the question arises - whether it is possible to deal with without leaving them at home. Or fast walking only for strong spirit?

Of course, you can engage in at home on a treadmill, or orbiting, putting an appropriate program. You can also deal with fast walking with Leslie Sanson, but do not forget that in all cases there should be a flow of fresh air.

Video: Fast walking with Leslie Sanson

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Comments K. article

  1. I began to walk a lot to lose weight. And this worked)) Perhaps the role was played by the fact that L-Karnitin drank before leaving, so the fat burns faster-I spied on the European champion Tanya Yeremina)) well, the diet should be appropriate so that there are no overeating

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