Declension of the name Daria in cases: ending

Declension of the name Daria in cases: ending

In this article, we will talk about how Daria is inclined to the cases.

The name Daria is not very common today, although girls with this name are very interesting personalities, which combine many rare advantages.

Name Daria - what does it mean?

What does the name Daria mean?
What does the name Daria mean?

The name Daria came to us their ancient Persia. His source was the holy martyr, who was also married to a martyr. According to giving, she was buried alive with her own husband simply because she refused to retreat from faith.

The very meaning of the name is very interesting. As we have already said, girls named Daria have an interesting character. These are slow, but at the same time sensual women who want to command everyone. They know how to adapt to conditions, and are very active. They do not like when they are criticized and this can even cause depression.

The main disadvantage is that girls rarely bring the matter to the end. But their character is emotionally stable.

How is the name Daria in case of case?

Depending on the cases, the end of the name changes and Daria will be inclined as follows:

The declension of the name Daria
The declension of the name Daria

Video: Learning cases

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