The declination of the name Anastasia in cases: rule. How correctly the female name Anastasia for cases is inclined: description, table. How is the name Anastasia in the genitive and dative case written and sounds?

The declination of the name Anastasia in cases: rule. How correctly the female name Anastasia for cases is inclined: description, table. How is the name Anastasia in the genitive and dative case written and sounds?

Nastya Nastya is known in Russia. And now this name is also often found in everyday life. Next, we will find out how the full name of Nastya is correctly inclined.

Now among female names very often the name Anastasia is often found. The origin of this name is ancient Greek. Translated from Greek, Anastasia means the resurrected, revived. Girls with such a name have such qualities as romance, assertiveness, dreaminess, diplomacy. But then we will not consider what character traits are still manifested in girls with that name. We will talk about how the noun is correctly inclined - Anastasia in cases.

Blowing the name Anastasia in cases: rule

In the Russian language there are male, female names. It is difficult to find the names of medium, general kind. They are inclined according to the same scheme as nouns. A special role is played by the end of words, it is at the end that they determine how to correctly bow a noun.

In each case, a certain noun will have a certain name that is different from the others. If someone has forgotten, then we recall that there are six cases in Russian grammar. Everyone answers certain questions. Thanks to these issues, it is easy to determine how to bow a word.

The name Anastasia, how to bow?
The name Anastasia, how to bow?

If you do not know what case of a certain name of the noun, then pose a question and you will easily learn this, for example:

  • The genitive case, the words in this case answer questions: whom? What? Who is absent? Anastasia

IMPORTANT: You also need to know that there are words that sound the same in all cases. They can be ranked to them - coffee, cocoa.

How correctly the female name Anastasia for cases is inclined: description, table

To make it easier to understand this issue, we will change the noun - Anastasia in the cases, and for comparison we scrap the still inanimate name a noun fate, in which the ending of the shock.

  • I.P. Who? - Anastasia. What? - Fate
  • R.P. Not enough who? - Anastasia. What is not? - Fate
  • D.P. Will I go to whom? - To Anastasia. I believe what? - Fate
  • V.P. I love whom? - Anastasia. I love what? - Fate
  • T.P. I will not admire by whom? - Anastasia. I am interested in what? - Fate
  • P.P telling about who? About Anastasia. We are talking about what? - About fate.
Homework - the declension of nouns
Homework - declining animated nouns
Cases Questions The words
them. Pad. Who? Anastasia
genus. Pad. Whom? Anastasia
dates. Pad. To whom? Anastasia
vIN. Pad. Whom? Anastasia
tV. Pad. By whom? Anastasia
before. Pad. About whom? Anastasia

IMPORTANT: The table above shows that in the noun in the prepositional, dative case, instead of the usual ending “E”, the letter “I” is written. This exception must be remembered and written in the future correctly.

How is the name Anastasia in the genitive and dative case written and sounds?

Girls named Anastasia have strong energy. But often reality confuses with a fairy tale because of its imagination. They are beautiful mothers and wives. The family is most important to them in life. They are also excellent housewives, sociable, love to meet guests. These are interesting facts about girls who have this name, and then we will continue the conversation about grammar.

Homework - the declension of nouns
Case declination - homework

All female names that have the endings of the “I” (which does not fall stress) and, before this ending, the letter “and”, and in the genitive case, and in the dative case, and even in the prepositions are written at the end with the letter “and”.

  • Examples: Lilia, Bia, Anastasia, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Leah, Stefania, etc.

According to the rules of the Russian language - if the noun has the endings: “I”, “Iya”, “AI”, then in the dative case it will have the end of “and”.

IMPORTANT: The main thing is to remember the end of the ends - if the word ends on “Iya”, then in the dative one it has an ending - “and”. And do not confuse with other nouns, which in the country end on "e". For example: Svetlan e, Tatyan e, Marin e.

Help, gratitude to whom, Anastasia or Anastasius: How is it right?

If you have to fill out an application or write an explanatory one on your own behalf, you must remember the rules that were considered above. Which say about how animated ones are used correctly ( Anastasia, Eugene, Maria), and inanimate nouns (conference, indulgence, confederation, station) of this kind in the dative case.

How to write Anastasia in a dative case?
How to write Anastasia in a dative case?

Such words are used the same in three cases:

  • R.P. Whom? - Anastas aI. What? - Corporate aI
  • D.P. To whom? - Anastas aI. What? - Corporate aI
  • P.P. About whom? - Anastas aI. About what? - Corporate aI

After a detailed explanation, you will understand how to write the name Anastasia in any case true. And when you have to draw up certificates, statements for different needs, then with the noun - Anastasia you will not have any problems. You write without errors the end in this word.

Video: declining nouns on cases

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