Syrup Pertussin: Instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, composition, reviews, analogues, contraindications, duration of admission. Syrup Pertussin - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

Syrup Pertussin: Instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, composition, reviews, analogues, contraindications, duration of admission. Syrup Pertussin - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

The article will tell you about the most effective and popular cough syrup - Pertussin.

What does syrup of Pertussin help?

Pertussin is a means tested by time and thousands of people, which effectively helps to cure a wet cough, eliminating excess sputum in the lungs, facilitating its discharge. This syrup has a characteristic brown color, it has a strong plant aroma and a very sweet taste. It is allowed for adults and children exactly in those proportions that are indicated in the instructions. Excessive use of the product can provoke poisoning and an allergic reaction. Take into account also that alcohols are included, which means that it cannot be consumed by those who have problems with alcohol.

Syrup Pertussin: composition, indications for use


  • Thyme extract -it has a powerful expectorant and helps to dilute sputum in the lungs. In addition, the extract also provides a disinfectant, can relieve pain and soften cramps.
  • Potassium bromide -it is effective in that it is able to affect the nerve cells (directly those located in the brain), relaxing the system and therefore the cough manifests itself much less often.

Important: sugar, as part of the product, facilitates the intake of the syrup and its taste.

Pertussin has a fairly wide range of application, it is used for most diseases that are accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the respiratory tract:

  • ARI (seasonal colds)
  • Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi)
  • Tracheitis (inflammation of the mucosa and bronchi)
  • Pertussis (frees bronchi from sputum)

Important: this medicine is an effective remedy only if there is a wet cough, with a dry cough (it is useless).

When is Pertussin effective?
When is Pertussin effective?

Syrup Pertussin - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

Pertussin is prescribed for children with wet coughing, which is also characterized by a “specific” state of respiratory system and the entire respiratory system. Pertussin will help to effectively remove sputum and get rid of the disease in a short period of time, normalize the condition.

Pertussin contains bromide, which means that syrup can not be drunk for children under 2 years old (so as not to develop bromism). In some cases, the doctor may prescribe treatment for babies up to 2 years old, but in minimal doses (about 0.5 tsp). Do not experiment and give the remedy to children up to 1 year old. But after 3 years, you can take Pertussin, but carefully (observing the reactions of the child). You can drink syrup.

Syrup Pertussin: Instructions for use and dosage for children up to a year and older than a year. Syrup Pertussin: Instructions for use and dosage for adults


  • Adults -1 tbsp. (2-3 times a day)
  • Children 3, 4, 5 and 6 years old -1 tsp (2-3 times a day, you can and 0.5 tsp).
  • Children 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old -1-2 tsp (2-3 times a day).
  • Children over 12 years old -1 D.L. (2-3 times a day)

Children aged 3-6 years can drink a syrup of 2.5-5 ml (0.5-1 teaspoon) 3 times a day. For children aged 6-12 years, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 5-10 ml (1-2 teaspoons) three times a day. Children over 12 years of age can be taken 10 ml (1 dessert spoon) three times a day.

How to drink pertussin?
How to drink pertussin?

Is it possible and how to drink pertussin syrup during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

There are no strict contraindications for the use of pertussin during pregnancy and feeding, but still, due to the content of ethanol and plant extracts in the medicine, it should be drunk with caution and only in extreme cases (if the disease is serious and acute).

How to take Pertussin syrup from cough to adults and children: before meals or after meals?

Syrup should be drunk before eating, it is advisable to do this in 15-20 minutes. You can drink syrup in a “pure” form, or drink it with water at room temperature in small quantities.

Syrup Pertussin: How many days should adults and children take?

The number of Pertussin techniques depends on the age, individual characteristics of the body of each person and how serious a disease. The course of treatment with pertussin should last from 3, but not more than 7 days.

How to drink cough syrup correctly?
How to drink cough syrup correctly?

How can you replace Pertussin syrup to a child: analogues

Pertussin is a unique tool with its composition and therefore it has no 100% analogues. There is a list of funds (analogues) with which you can replace Pertussin when it has it (they will have a similar therapeutic effect to you).

Analogs of Pertussin
Analogs of Pertussin

Syrup Pertussin: contraindications, side effects

Overdose by pertussin:

  • Weakness
  • Bromism
  • Conjutvit
  • Bradycardia
  • Skin rash
  • Ataxia
  • Rhinitis
  • Gastroenterocolite

Important: if you notice one of the symptoms of an overdose, the reception of Pertussin should be reduced or completely stopped.

Side effects:

  • If a person has increased sensitivity to the components of Pertussin, he may have an allergic reaction to the product. In particular, itching and redness on the skin.
  • If an allergic reaction is strong, anaphylaxia may also occur (complicates breathing and decreasing pressure).
  • A prolonged reception of pertussin can provoke the occurrence of bromism.

How bromism is manifested:

  • Raw on the skin
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Ataxia
  • Lick condition
  • Rhinitis and conjutolates
  • Stomachache
  • Bradycardia
  • Drowsiness
  • Weakness

Contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Invariation of bromides
  • Diabetes
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Hypertension
  • Anemia
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Kidney disease
  • Alcoholism
  • Children under 3 years old
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Duodenal ulcer
  • Impaired perception of carbohydrates

SIROP PERTUSININ: Reviews on use for children

Alyona:“Pertussin is the most effective syrup of all cough medicines. The plant component of the syrup perfectly dilutes sputum and removes excess moisture from the lungs. Pertussin treatment should not be carried out for long, because allergies may occur, for me 3 days (maximum 5) is enough. I drink it myself and carefully give my son (5 years). ”

Gregory:“Pertussin is not only an effective, but also a very affordable tool. The syrup is not expensive and it is always in the presence of pharmacies. From childhood, my mother treated me with Pertussin, and I continue to treat my children. Someone says that he should be taken very carefully, but I think that a clear persecution of the instructions in the package is needed-that’s all caution! ”

Marina:“My child is rarely sick, but no one canceled autumn colds, and therefore we always resort to the only right decision - the treatment of Pectussin. The first tricks, of course, scare away children, because the syrup smells quite sharply, but if you drink it with water, it is not difficult to take it. ”

Veronica:“Even Pertussin eliminates the most hated cough in a matter of days. Buying it is not problematic, because it is not expensive. I heard about this tool from my mother, but I believed in it only after modern medicines did not help me. I give a child very carefully (7 years old) - 0.5 tsp. 2 or 3 times a day. "

Nikita:“Yes, in Pertusine there is a percentage of ethanol (alcohol), but basically, the medicine consists of thyme extract - an effective plant agent. If you are allergic to the components of Pertussin, you will feel them after a few hours. In this case, cancel the drug and look for another syrup. ”

Video: "How Pertussin Anti -Brush produces"

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Comments K. article

  1. Bromide is good)) but not for children! In general, I exaggerate. When we buy a drug for coughing, we are not buying a sedative. She began to treat her elder to them, according to a doctor’s prescription, it was something with something! Drilling, lethargy, as if a glass of vodka poured a child. While I found a replacement, I was surprised, a lot of cough medicines with the content of this component. I stumbled upon Gedelix, there is no alcohol in it, it ended up without side effects. The only one I read about.

  2. The daughter loves pertusin, the pies from childhood tastes pectusin. Well, probably in their likeness they did. The neck heals softly and pleasant

  3. I usually accept Pertusin when I feel the problems with the throat at the initial stage. In all other cases (especially when I fly children) I prefer Gadelix - it acts both softer and faster.

  4. Yes, it is better for kids to be better to find. The only paul drug without chemistry of alcohol and sugar

  5. And we, as in childhood, began to take Gedelix, so for several years we have been using it. I really like the composition, better than many

  6. Pektusin from childhood reminded me with a mint taste, and he does not heal just as well, as a rule, Gedelix at home in droplets still hold, in case I have to accept something more powerful

  7. My daughter did not drink Pertusin, gave Gedelix to try which she bought for herself not only did she drink normal and the effect of him faster

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